Amazon RDS Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS works seamlessly with the Magento application. Automatically backup the database in 5 minute steps.

RDS allows to scale the compute resources or storage capacity associated with the relational database instance.

It has easy-to-use replication to enhance database availability and improve data durability. Scale beyond the capacity constraints of a single database instance for read-heavy Magento database workloads.

How it works

Amazon Relational Database Service is a managed web service that lets us configure and manage the databases in the cloud.

Amazon RDS Diagram Amazon RDS Diagram


Scalability Scalability


Scale the compute and memory resources powering Magento. It offers easy storage scaling and read replicas. Amazon Aurora engine grows the size of the database volume based on demand.

Reserved Instances Reserved Instances

Reserved Instances

Amazon RDS Reserved Instances allow us to reserve a DB instance for a one or three-year term. Receive a significant discount compared to the On-Demand Instance pricing for the DB instance.

Ease of Administration Ease of Administration

Ease of Administration

The AWS Management Console, the Amazon RDS CLI, or API calls allow access to the capabilities of RDS within minutes.

Encryption Encryption


Amazon RDS encrypts the databases using keys managed via AWS Key Management Service. The data stored is encrypted, as are the automated backups, read replicas, and snapshots. It supports Transparent Data Encryption in SQL Server and Oracle.

Network Isolation Network Isolation

Network Isolation

Run the database instances in Amazon VPC to isolate the database in a virtual network. Configure firewall settings and control network access to the database instances.

Resource-level Permissions Resource-level Permissions

Resource-level Permissions

Amazon RDS is integrated with AWS Identity and Access Management. Control the actions the users and groups take on specific Amazon RDS resources. It includes database instances, snapshots, and parameter groups.

Monitoring and Metrics Monitoring and Metrics

Monitoring and Metrics

Amazon RDS offers Amazon CloudWatch metrics for database instances at no additional charge. View the operational metrics, including compute capacity utilization and instance connections.

Event Notifications Event Notifications

Event Notifications

Get notified via email or SMS of database events through Amazon SNS. Use the AWS Management Console or APIs to subscribe to over 40 events associated with the database instances.

Configuration Governance Configuration Governance

Configuration Governance

Amazon RDS integrates with AWS Config to support compliance. It enhances security by recording and auditing changes to the configuration of the DB instances.

Pay Only For The Resources Used Pay Only For The Resources Used

Pay Only For The Resources Used

There are no up-front commitments with Amazon RDS. Pay a monthly charge for each database instance that is launched. Easily delete the database which is no longer required.

High Durability and Availability High Durability and Availability

High Durability and Availability

Amazon RDS enables point-in-time recovery for the database instance with automated backups. Multi-AZ deployments offer enhanced availability and durability for database instances.

Stop and Start Database Instances Stop and Start Database Instances

Stop and Start Database Instances

Amazon RDS lets us easily stop and start the database instances for up to 7 days. It is affordable to use databases for development and testing where the database is not required to run all the time.


A DB instance is a database environment in the cloud with the specified compute and storage resources.

We create and delete DB instances and define their infrastructure attributes. It includes control access and security via the AWS Management Console.

We run one or more DB instances, and each instance supports one or more databases or database schemas.

When the DB instance is available, retrieve its endpoint via the DB instance description. Use the AWS Management Console, API, or describe-db-instances command.

We set up the connection string required to connect directly with the DB instance.

Billing for a DB instance starts as soon as it is available. It continues until the DB instance terminates, which would occur on deletion or in the event of a failure.

Amazon RDS automatically creates a storage volume snapshot of the DB instance. It backs up the entire DB instance, not just individual databases.

This backup occurs during a daily user-configurable 30-minute period called the backup window.

Automated backups are kept for a configurable number of days, called the backup retention period. The automatic backup retention period is configured to up to thirty-five days.

Yes, Reserved Instances save you up to 69% over On-Demand rates. It requires no change in how we use Amazon RDS. The system automatically applies Reserved Instance rates first to minimize costs.

Yes, it is possible to attach multiple SGs to RDS. The security groups control the access that traffic has in and out of a DB instance. We specify rules in a security group that allows access from an IP address range, port, or security group.

The backup retention period is from 1 to 35 days. The maximum retention period for automated snapshots is 35 days.

When automated backups are turned on, Amazon RDS automatically performs a full data snapshot and captures transaction logs.

The automated backup feature enables point-in-time recovery of the DB instance. It offers a full snapshot of the data and captures updates with a 35-day retention period.

DB Snapshots are user-initiated (manual snapshots) and back up the DB instance as frequently as required. The DB instance is restored to the specific state at any time.

DB Snapshots are created with the AWS Management Console, API, or create-db-snapshot command. Only manually created snapshots are retained after the DB Instance is deleted.

Yes, we create CloudWatch alarms that send an Amazon SNS message when the alarm changes state. The alarm watches a single metric over a period that we specify.