How to Change Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2?

How to Change Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2?

Wondering how to change product salable quantity in Magento 2? Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2 refers to the number of items available for immediate sale. It represents the sum of items across all sources that can be sold to customers.

This tutorial will cover the steps to set up product salable quantity in Magento 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to change product salable quantity in Magento 2.

  • Explore the importance of product sales quantity in ecommerce.

  • Understand how to check current salable quality in Magento 2 through product settings.

  • Learn the steps to change product salability in the Magento 2 store.

  • Find out the troubleshooting tips for Magento product salable quantity.

What is the Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2?

Product salable quantity available in Magento 2

Product salable quantity in Magento 2 shows how much of a product is available for sale. It ensures that the system displays inventory for orders and fulfillment.

Magento 2 finds the salable quantity of a product using warehouse stock levels. It uses the Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) system. It is in Magento 2.3 and later Adobe Commerce versions. The quantity includes reservations from pending orders. Users update the quantity using Magento's inventory management APIs or custom scripts.

Why does changing Product Salable Quantity matter in Magento 2?

1. Inventory Management

Managing inventory to prevent overselling in Magento 2

  • Adjusting how many products can be sold in Magento 2 is important for managing inventory. It helps businesses keep track of their stock levels in real time. Inventory management ensures accurate availability of information on their online store.

  • It prevents situations where customers try to purchase items that are no longer in stock. It is known as overselling. Overselling avoids delays caused by out-of-stock items.

  • For instance, imagine running an online clothing store. Updating the product quantities helps the store owner. It lets them know how many items of each size and color are available in their warehouse.

  • Businesses display exact available quantities to help hurry order fulfillment. They can meet customer expectations. They can avoid problems with cancellations or backorders.

2. Order Fulfillment

  • Tracking stock per source in Magento 2 ensures enough items are in stock. They are in chosen locations to fill customer orders quickly. The proactive approach prevents delays and backorders, which can upset customers.

  • For example, if a customer orders a product available in multiple warehouses. Magento tracks the stock of each source. It does this to fulfill the order from the nearest or most suitable location with enough items.

  • The tracking lowers the risk of customers waiting too long for their items. It also cuts delays from low stock at specific places.

  • By managing quantities per source accurately, businesses can optimize their inventory distribution. It improves how orders are fulfilled.

  • It boosts customer satisfaction by ensuring products arrive on time. It stops unexpected delays or stock shortages.

3. Visibility and Sales

  • Accurate inventory levels in Magento 2 are important. It ensures that customers can buy products listed on the website. Showing real-time stock on the Magento 2 store makes shopping better for customers.

  • For example, if someone wants books, seeing stock levels helps them trust your store. It shows they can get what they want when they order. They can buy without worrying about items being out of stock.

  • Keeping accurate stock levels has a big impact on how much one has sold and earned. By making sure products are always available, sellers can sell more. Customers feel assured to get their products on time.

4. Analytics and Reporting

  • Accurate stock data in Magento 2 helps businesses. It lets them report on how well products are selling and manage inventory well. The information helps with smart restocking and adjusting products offered.

  • For example, when businesses have stock data, they can see which products are popular. The stock data is reliable. They can also see which ones might need more attention.

  • It helps them plan how much to keep in stock and ensures that customers can always find what they want. Analytics helps them grow sustainably and keep customers happy.

  • Businesses can use this data to guide their decisions. It can help them improve their inventory management.

5. Operational Efficiency

  • Managing the inventory well cuts down on mistakes and makes the business run better. It ensures that the right products are available at the right time. Automating these updates in Magento 2 makes it easier to keep track of everything.

  • It saves time and lets the owners focus on parts of the business, like marketing or helping customers. Managing the inventory reduces mistakes in processing orders and optimizes resources. It makes the fulfillment process smoother.

  • When businesses manage their inventory well, they avoid errors. They do not oversell or run out of stock. It means customers get their orders on time without delays.

  • It reduces costs by knowing what products are in stock. They can also know when to reorder. This allows them to utilize operations.

Calculating the Salable Quantity for a Product in Magento 2

How to calculate salable quantity in Magento 2

The salable quantity represents the total number of products available to be sold across all sources. The Salable Quantity is the stock minus the reserved quantity for pending orders.

The formula is:

Salable Quantity = Quantity in Stock - Quantity for Reservations (Pending Orders)

Here's an example of how salable quantity is calculated,

  1. Initial stock: 2 warehouses (France: 10, Italy: 5), total stock qty = 15, salable qty = 15.

  2. Order placed for 5 units: salable qty reduced to 10.

  3. 4 units returned before shipping: salable qty increases to 14.

  4. 2 units shipped: salable qty remains 14 while stock qty decreases to 14.

This shows how many items are available for new orders. Managing stock and reservations helps keep inventory accurate. It prevents overselling and ensures that customers see the right stock levels.

8 Steps to Change Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2

Step 1: Log in to the Magento Admin Panel

Access the Magento 2 backend by entering your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Catalog

Navigating to the catalog section in Magento 2 admin

Click on the Catalog option located in the main navigation menu.

Step 3: Locate the Product

  • Use the search bar or browse through the list to find the specific product you want to edit.

  • Find it either by SKU or Product ID.

Step 4: Edit Product Details

Steps to edit product details in Magento 2

Click on the product name or the edit icon of the product to access its detailed information.

Step 5: Access Advanced Inventory Settings

Advanced inventory settings in Magento 2

  • Scroll down or navigate to the Advanced Inventory section.

  • Find it on the product grid editing page.

Step 6: Adjust Salable Quantity

Adjusting the salable quantity for products in Magento 2

  • Locate the salable qty field under the Advanced Inventory settings.

  • Enter the new quantity you want to set for the product.

Step 7: Save Changes

After updating the quantity, click Save to apply the changes to the products.

Step 8: Verify Changes (Optional)

  • Revisit the product details page.

  • Ensure the salable quantity of the product has been updated as intended.

Troubleshooting Tips for Changing Product Salable Quantity in Magento 2

Troubleshooting Tips Details
Permissions Check It ensures that users or scripts changing product quantities have the right permissions. They need these permissions in Magento's admin panel or through API calls. It prevents access issues that could hinder quantity updates.
API and Database Testing Testing APIs and databases separately ensure they work as expected. This is when updating quantities. Thorough testing verifies data updates' accuracy. It finds issues before they impact production.
Magento Version Compatibility Verify if any custom scripts or extensions update quantities. Make sure they work with the version of Magento 2. Updating scripts or extensions ensures they work well with Magento. It prevents compatibility errors.
Cache and Index Management Clear Magento cache with bin/magento cache:clean. Then reindex data with bin/magento indexer:reindex. Do this after updating quantities. It will refresh the front end and ensure accurate stock visibility. Index and cache management prevents discrepancies between displayed and actual quantities.
Avoid Concurrent Updates Updates to a product's quantity from multiple sources can happen at the same time. It can lead to conflicts and data differences. Users prevent these issues by managing updates one at a time or using locks. It also maintains data integrity.
Inventory Configuration Review Double-checking inventory settings includes default sources, stock settings, and quantity per source configurations. It makes sure that Magento accurately tracks and manages stock levels. Proper configuration prevents issues like incorrect stock reporting or allocation.
Utilize Debugging Tools Magento provides debugging log tools. It has logs (var/log) to capture errors or exceptions. They happen during quantity updates. Analyzing these logs helps pinpoint issues quickly, facilitating timely resolutions and smoother operations.
Consult Documentation and Community Support Users can refer to Magento's documentation and forums for more tips. They cover common issues with managing product quantities. Magento community support offers insights and best practices shared by experienced users.


1. How do I update the salable quantity of products in Magento 2?

To update the salable quantity of a product in Magento 2, navigate to the product grid in the admin panel. Locate the product using the product ID and set the saleable quantity. Use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap; require. It reflects the changes.

2. What is the difference between quantity and salable quantity in Magento 2?

In Magento, quantity is the total count of items. It includes items from all sources. This count covers both available and reserved units. Salable quantity is the part of the total items that are available for instant purchase. It ensures accurate inventory and order fulfillment in Magento's multi-source inventory system.

3. How can I set the quantity of a product using its product ID?

Users can set the quantity of a product using its product ID. It allows for precise inventory management. This is for different products in Magento. They do this by writing a script manually placed in the Magento root directory.

4. Can I update the quantity and salable quantity per source in Magento 2?

In Magento 2, the MSI system allows you to update both the quantity and salable quantity per source. This ability ensures exact stock management at many locations. It lets businesses keep correct inventory levels. They can fill orders fast from the nearest or best warehouse.

5. What should I do to ensure an accurate record of a product after an order is shipped?

After an order is placed, Magento's REST API updates the salable quantity automatically. Check Magento's logs. Make sure the order placement script in the Magento root works well.

6. What is the easiest way to handle out-of-stock situations in Magento 2?

The easiest way to handle stockouts in Magento 2 is to add auto shipment plugins. This functionality reduces manual work. It makes sure the latest products ship promptly after orders.



Changing product salable quantity in Magento 2 involves navigating the admin panel to update quantities using product IDs. Magento's multi-source inventory system allows for precise management across different locations. The overview of its importance-

  • Inventory Management: Real-time tracking of stock levels to prevent overselling.

  • Order Fulfillment: Maintains sufficient stock across locations to reduce delays and backorders.

  • Visibility and Sales: Displays real-time stock levels to boost customer trust and satisfaction.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Provide accurate data for product performance and sustainable growth.

  • Operational Efficiency: Minimizes errors, saves time with updates, and improves resource utilization.

Explore Magento Server Hosting to manage product salable quantity in Magento 2 and optimize inventory in ecommerce.

Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar
Technical Writer

Nikita is a skilled content writer who simplifies complex ideas for the Magento audience. She excels at creating SEO-friendly articles and informative blog posts about Magento. She consistently delivers clear, engaging, and audience-focused content.

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