6 Steps to Upgrade Your Project with ECE-Tools Magento 2

6 Steps to Upgrade Your Project with ECE-Tools Magento 2

Want to streamline your Magento deployment process? The ECE-Tools Magento 2 package manages and deploys Adobe Commerce applications. It simplifies tasks like cron job handling and configuration checks. This tutorial covers steps for ECE-Tools upgrade and deployment commands.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn what the ECE-Tools package is and how it simplifies Adobe Commerce deployment.

  • Discover the step-by-step process to upgrade your Magento project using ECE-Tools.

  • Get a detailed look at essential ECE-Tools commands for build and deployment.

  • Find out how ECE-Tools integrates with Adobe Commerce and cloud infrastructure.

What is the Magento ECE-Tools Package?

Understanding Magento ECE-Tools Package

The ECE-Tools package is a set of scripts and tools. It manages and deploys Adobe Commerce applications.

ECE tools simplify tasks like handling Magento cron jobs and checking project configurations. It also applies patches and fixes. This package supports Adobe Commerce from version 2.1.4 onwards. It includes various commands that automate the build and deployment processes.

The ECE-Tools package integrates with Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure. It offers essential scripts and commands to streamline management. These tools help you deploy projects efficiently. They ensure a smooth operation on the cloud. This package is important for Magento developers optimizing Adobe Commerce deployment workflows.

6 Steps to Upgrade project to use ECE-Tools Code

1. Check for Deprecated Packages

Open the composer.lock file. Look for deprecated packages:

magento/magento-cloud-configuration and magento/ece-patches.

Remove these packages using Composer:

composer remove magento/magento-cloud-configuration

composer remove magento/ece-patches

2. Update the Metapackage

Determine the current Adobe Commerce version and the next patch version by following:

>=current_version <next_version

For example, to update to Adobe Commerce 2.4.7:

 "magento/magento-cloud-metapackage": ">=2.4.7 <2.4.8"

3. Update Composer

Run the following command to update the metapackage:

composer require "magento/magento-cloud-metapackage":">=2.4.7 <2.4.8" --no-update

Update the metapackage:

composer update magento/magento-cloud-metapackage

4. Modify Hook Commands

Update the hooks section in the .magento.app.yaml file. Add the following:

    build: |
        set -e
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/build/generate.xml
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/build/transfer.xml
    deploy: |
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/deploy.xml
    post_deploy: |
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/post-deploy.xml

5. Check & Remove Deprecated Packages and Update the ECE-Tools Package

To remove deprecated packages, run:

composer remove magento/magento-cloud-configuration
composer remove magento/ece-patches

Then, run the following command to update the ece-tools package:

composer update magento/ece-tools

6. Commit and Push Changes

Add and commit the changes to your codebase:

git add .magento.app.yaml 

Push the changes to the remote Magento server and merge with the Integration Branch to finalize the upgrade.

git push origin <branch-name>

ECE Tools Commands for Build and Deployment Stages

The ECE-Tools package provides commands for the build, deploy, and post-deploy stages. For example, php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools build starts the build process. These commands automate different stages of your project. They are important for managing the project lifecycle.

These ECE-Tools commands are in the hooks property of the .magento.app.yaml file. This setup ensures automated execution during build and deployment. By using these commands, Magento developers ensure consistent and efficient deployment. It reduces the risk of errors and downtime.

Build & Deployment Commands for Magento Commerce Cloud

Commands Explanations
build Builds the application. It compiles all necessary components. Ensures the application is ready for deployment.
db-dump Creates a Magento backup of the database. It is essential for data recovery. Ensures data integrity during updates.
deploy Deploys the application. Moves the application to the live environment. Makes it accessible to users.
help Displays help information for a command. Guides how to use commands. Useful for troubleshooting.
list Lists all available commands. Helps in identifying the right command to use. Simplifies navigation of ECE tools.
patch Applies custom Magento patches to the application. Fixes bugs and improves performance. Keeps the application up-to-date.
post-deploy Performs operations needed after deployment. Finalizes deployment tasks. Ensures the application runs smoothly post-deployment.
run Executes specified scenarios. Automates routine tasks. Ensures consistent operation across different scenarios.
backup:list Shows a list of Magento backup files. Helps in identifying available backups. Facilitates data restoration processes.
backup:restore Restores important configuration files from backups. Ensures critical settings are recovered. Prevents data loss during failures.
build:generate Generates all necessary files for the build stage. Prepares the application for compilation. Ensures all components are included.
build:transfer Transfers generated files into the init directory. Moves files to the correct location. Prepares the environment for building.
config:dump Dumps configuration for static content deployment. Outputs configuration settings. Useful for troubleshooting and audits.
cron:disable Disables all Magento cron processes and kills currently running processes. Prevents scheduled tasks from executing. Helps in maintenance and updates.
cron:enable Enables Magento cron processes. Reactivates scheduled tasks. Ensures automated tasks run as scheduled.
cron:kill Kills all currently running Magento cron processes. Stops active cron jobs. Useful during troubleshooting and maintenance.
cron:unlock Unlocks Magento cron jobs stuck in the "running" state. Frees up stalled processes. Ensures cron jobs can execute properly.
dev:git:update-composer Updates the composer for deployment from Git. Ensures dependencies are up-to-date. Facilitates smooth deployment from version control.
env:config:show Displays encoded cloud configuration environment variables. Provides insight into current settings. Useful for configuration management.
module:refresh Refreshes configuration to enable newly added modules. Activates new features. Ensures the application recognizes all installed modules.
wizard:ideal-state Verifies the ideal state of the configuration. Checks for optimal settings. Ensures the application is configured correctly.
wizard:master-slave Verifies the master-slave configuration. Ensures proper database replication setup. Helps maintain database integrity and performance.
wizard:scd-on-build Verifies static content deployment (SCD) on build configuration. Checks if SCD settings are correct. Ensures smooth deployment of static content.
wizard:scd-on-demand Verifies SCD on-demand configuration. Confirms that on-demand settings are correct. Ensures efficient Magento content deployment as needed.
wizard:scd-on-deploy Verifies SCD on deploy configuration. Ensures SCD settings are appropriate for deployment. Facilitates efficient content delivery.

Benefits of Using ECE-Tools: Simplifying Magento 2 Cloud Deployments

1. Automation of Build and Deployment Processes:

Automation of Build and Deployment Processes

  • Streamlined Workflows: ECE-Tools automates the build, deployment, and post-deployment stages. This significantly reduces manual intervention and potential errors.

  • Consistent Operations: Automated processes ensure that every deployment is consistent. This minimizes the risk of discrepancies between different environments.

2. Efficient Cron Job Management:

  • Simplified Cron Handling: ECE-Tools manages Magento cron jobs. It enables and disables them as needed, ensuring scheduled tasks run smoothly without conflicts.

  • Error Mitigation: Tools like cron:kill and cron:unlock help troubleshoot and resolve stuck or problematic cron jobs efficiently.

3. Enhanced Configuration Management:

  • Environment-Specific Settings: ECE-Tools allows for easy management of environment-specific configurations. This ensures that settings are correctly applied across development, staging, and production environments.

  • Configuration Checks: The package includes commands to verify and maintain the ideal state of the application’s configuration. This ensures optimal performance and Magento security.

4. Automated Patching and Fixes:

Automated Patching and Fixes

  • Seamless Patch Application: ECE-Tools can apply custom Magento patches automatically. This keeps the application up-to-date with the latest fixes and improvements.

  • Performance Improvements: Regular patching ensures that the application benefits from performance enhancements and bug fixes.

5. Comprehensive Deployment Commands:

  • Build Commands: Commands like php./vendor/bin/ece-tools build compile all necessary components. This prepares the application for deployment.

  • Deployment and Post-Deployment: Commands such as deploy and post-deploy automate the transfer of the application to the live environment. They perform essential post-deployment operations.

6. Integration with Cloud Infrastructure:

Integration with Cloud Infrastructure

  • Seamless Cloud Integration: ECE-Tools integrates with Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure. It provides essential scripts and commands to manage cloud-based projects efficiently.

  • Optimal Performance: The integration ensures that the application runs smoothly on the cloud. It leverages the scalability and flexibility of cloud services.

7. Backup and Restore Capabilities:

  • Data Integrity: Commands like db-dump and backup:restore help create and restore backups. This ensures data integrity and facilitates recovery during updates.

  • Data Management: Efficient backup and restore processes prevent data loss. They maintain critical settings.

8. Developer-Friendly Features:

Developer-Friendly Features

  • Git Integration: Commands like dev:git:update-composer ensure that dependencies are up-to-date. This facilitates smooth deployment from version control systems.

  • Community Contributions: Developers can contribute to the open-source ECE-Tools project on GitHub. They can improve scripts, fix bugs, and update documentation. Active contributions enhance the tools for everyone.

Comparison of ECE-Tools to Other Magento 2 Deployment Solutions

Solution Pros Cons
ECE-Tools - Automates build and deployment.
- Manages cron jobs.
- Ensures consistent configurations.
- Applies patches automatically.
- Integrates with cloud infrastructure.
- Requires learning new commands.
- Dependent on cloud infrastructure.
- Limited to Adobe Commerce Cloud.
Manual Deployments - Full control over the process.
- No need for additional tools.
- Time-consuming.
- Higher risk of errors.
- Inconsistent deployments.
DeployHQ - User-friendly interface.
- Automates deployments.
- Integrates with Magento version control.
- Expensive for small businesses.
- Limited customization.
Jenkins - Open source.
- Highly customizable.
- Supports continuous integration.
- Complex setup.
- Requires regular maintenance.
Bitbucket Pipelines - Integrated with Bitbucket.
- Easy configuration.
- Scalable solutions.
- Limited to Bitbucket repositories.
- Free tier has usage limits.
Capistrano - Ruby-based.
- Supports multi-stage deployments.
- Strong community support.
- Steep learning curve.
- Time-consuming setup and configuration.


1. What are the benefits of using the ECE-Tools package in a cloud project?

The ECE-Tools package is designed to manage and deploy Adobe Commerce applications. It simplifies tasks like cron job handling and project configuration checks. This package ensures efficient management of your cloud project.

2. How does the cloud docker environment help in developing Magento applications?

The cloud docker environment provides a consistent docker development environment for Magento. It facilitates testing and deployment, ensuring smooth operations across cloud environments. Developers can manage and deploy projects efficiently using Magento cloud tools.

3. What steps are involved in updating ece-tools versions in a cloud environment?

To update ece-tools versions in a cloud environment, remove deprecated packages. Then you need to update the metapackage, and modify hook commands. Run necessary scripts and tools designed to manage the deployment process. Commit and push changes to GitHub.

4. Is the ECE-Tools package compatible with the Magento Commerce Cloud project?

Yes, the ECE-Tools package is compatible with Magento Commerce Cloud projects. It includes commands for build and deployment processes, ensuring smooth operation. It, with dedicated Magento hosting helps to manage and deploy cloud projects efficiently.

5. How can developers contribute to the open-source ECE-Tools?

Developers can contribute to the open-source ECE tools by collaborating on GitHub. They can improve scripts, fix bugs, and update documentation. Active contributions enhance the tools for the cloud environment.



The ECE-Tools Magento 2 package simplifies and optimizes the deployment process. Key benefits of using this package are:

  • Automation: Streamlines the build and deployment stages.

  • Efficiency: Reduces manual intervention and potential errors.

  • Compatibility: Supports Adobe Commerce from version 2.1.4 onwards.

  • Integration: Works seamlessly with cloud infrastructure.

  • Comprehensive Management: Handles cron jobs, patches, and project configurations.

Consider managed Magento hosting to ensure smooth ECE-tools deployment.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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