Complete Guide to Installing Magento 2 on Windows 10 and 11

Complete Guide to Installing Magento 2 on Windows 10 and 11

Wondering how to set up Magento on your Windows machine?

Installing Magento 2 on Windows can boost your development flexibility. It offers a great local setup for testing.

This tutorial will cover everything from requirements to troubleshooting steps of Magento 2 Windows installation.

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Key Takeaways

  • Magento 2 on Windows enables flexible local development.

  • XAMPP and Composer create a stable Magento test environment.

  • PHP and MySQL configurations prevent installation issues.

  • Virtual host setup allows easy store access on localhost.

  • Troubleshooting tips resolve common Magento 2 installation errors.

Magento 2 Windows Installation System Requirements Checklist

System Requirements for Magento 2 Windows Installation

1. Hardware Requirements

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD processor

  • RAM: Minimum 4GB (8GB recommended for development)

  • Storage: 2GB+ for Magento installation, 10GB+ for data

2. Software Requirements

  • Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit)

  • PHP 8.1 or 8.2

  • MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.4

  • Apache 2.4 with mod_rewrite

  • Elasticsearch 7.17 or OpenSearch 2.x

  • Composer 2.x

Prerequisites to Magento 2 Windows Installation

Prerequisite Description
XAMPP Provides a web server that includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP essential for running Magento 2. Installing XAMPP creates a local environment for Magento.
Composer A dependency manager for PHP, essential for managing Magento 2 packages. Composer streamlines installation by automating library and component management.
Elasticsearch Required for Magento 2.4.6 and later versions. Elasticsearch is stores.
Magento Marketplace Keys To download Magento, you need access keys from Magento Marketplace. These keys authenticate your installation and allow Composer to retrieve Magento packages.
PHP Extensions Magento 2 requires specific PHP extensions such as intl , soap , and gd to function correctly. Enabling these ensures compatibility with Magento 2 software.

9-Step Guide to Installing Magento 2 on Windows Environment

Step 1: Download and Install XAMPP

  • Access Apache Friends to download XAMPP. It includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

  • Run the XAMPP installer and follow the setup wizard.

  • Ensure that Apache and MySQL are selected during setup.

  • Choose the installation directory (usually C:xampp).

  • Once installed, open the XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL services.

Step 2: Download and Install Composer

  • Go to Composer’s website and download the installer.

  • Complete the setup, selecting the option to add Composer to your PATH.

  • Open Command Prompt. Type composer --version to confirm Composer is installed.

Step 3: Set Up Elasticsearch

  • Access the official Elasticsearch download page.

  • Unzip it to C:xampphtdocs.

  • Navigate to C:xampphtdocselasticsearch-7.16.2bin. Right-click on elasticsearch.bat, and select “Run as Administrator.”

  • Open your browser and go to localhost:9200 to confirm that Elasticsearch is running. You should see JSON data confirming the server status.

Step 4: Configure PHP Settings

  • Open the php.ini file in your XAMPP installation directory.

  • Remove the semicolon ; in front of extensions to enable them.

Required extensions:

  • After saving changes, restart Apache from the XAMPP Control Panel.

Step 5: Create MySQL Database

  • Open phpMyAdmin in the XAMPP Control Panel. Click on "Admin" next to MySQL or visit localhost/phpmyadmin.

  • Create a Database on phpMyAdmin. Click "New" in the sidebar, name your database (e.g., magento2), and click "Create."

Step 6: Generate Magento Marketplace Access Keys

  • Create a Magento Account. Sign up at the Magento Marketplace.

  • Navigate to your profile, click on "Access Keys," and generate a new set. Label the keys for reference.

  • Keep the Public and Private keys. They’ll be needed during installation.

Step 7: Download Magento via Composer

  • Open Command Prompt and go to the desired installation directory.
cd C:xampphtdocs  
  • Create Magento Folder:
mkdir magento2  
cd magento2  
  • Run the Composer command using the access keys.
composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition .

Step 8: Set Up Virtual Host and Hosts File

  • Configure Virtual Host. Open C:xamppapacheconfextrahttpd-vhosts.conf.

Add the following configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>  
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/magento2/pub"  
    ServerName magento.local  
    ErrorLog "logs/magento.local-error.log"  
    CustomLog "logs/magento.local-access.log" common  
  • Edit Hosts File. Open C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts as Administrator.

Add the line: magento.local
  • Restart Apache to apply the new configuration.

Step 9: Install Magento

  • Open Command Prompt in the magento2 directory and execute:
php bin/magento setup:install   
  • If installation errors arise, verify configurations. Ensure services like MySQL and Elasticsearch are running.

  • After successful installation, visithttp://magento.local/ for the store and http://magento.local/admin for the admin dashboard.

Troubleshooting Common Magento 2 Windows Installation Errors

1. PHP Extension Missing

Solution Preventive Measures
Enable the extension in php.ini. Remove semicolons before extension lines. Restart Apache to apply changes. Regularly review PHP extensions. Use php -m to list installed extensions. Keep PHP updated to the latest stable version.

2. Memory Limit Exhausted

Solution Preventive Measures
Increase memory_limit in php.ini. Set memory_limit to at least 4G. Restart Apache after changes. Monitor server resource usage. Consider upgrading server resources if frequently exhausted. Use tools like New Relic for monitoring.

3. Database Connection Error

Solution Preventive Measures
Verify MySQL credentials in the setup wizard. Test connection using mysql -u [username] -p. Check MySQL service status; restart if needed. Double-check database credentials before starting installation. Ensure MySQL users have the necessary privileges with the GRANT ALL command. Regularly update MySQL and backup databases.

4. File Permission Issues

Solution Preventive Measures
Adjust permissions using chmod and chown. Set directories to 755 and files to 644. Ensure correct ownership with chown www-data:www-data. Conduct regular permission audits on directories and files. Use find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} for directories, chmod 644 {} for files. Document permission settings for future reference.

5. ElasticSearch Not Running

Solution Preventive Measures
Restart the ElasticSearch service using command prompt. Verify ElasticSearch is running at localhost:9200. Review logs for any startup errors or issues. Check configuration files for errors before starting service. Schedule regular service checks and updates for ElasticSearch. Use monitoring tools to track ElasticSearch performance and uptime.


1. How do I use Composer for Magento installation?

Composer automates Magento 2 installation by managing dependencies. First, install Composer from its official URL. During installation, add Composer to your PATH. To begin, navigate to your Magento directory. Then run the following command in your terminal: composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition . It downloads Magento and sets up the environment.

2. What’s the URL format for accessing Magento’s admin panel?

To access the admin panel, you need to set a virtual host URL. Typically, the URL structure is http://yourstore.local/admin. During installation, Magento prompts for the admin address. This address becomes the login URL to access the Magento admin panel on your Windows system.

3. What are the benefits of using Composer for Magento?

Composer offers robust dependency management for Magento installations. It keeps Magento components updated and compatible. Using Composer makes it possible to run multiple Magento instances smoothly. Composer automates updates and configurations, enhancing your web development process.

4. How do I set the php.ini for Magento 2.4 installation?

Open php.ini in your XAMPP directory. You need to set memory_limit=4G to avoid installation interruptions. Uncomment extensions like intl, soap, and gd for Magento 2.4.6. After updating, restart Apache or Nginx to apply changes. These steps make the system compatible for Magento 2 installation.

5. What’s the installation method for Magento 2 on Windows 11?

Installing Magento 2 on Windows 11 follows a step-by-step guide. First, download XAMPP and Composer. Next, download the Magento software via Composer. Configure the php.ini and set up a database for Magento. The installation process concludes by setting up a virtual host for localhost access.

6. What is the database for Magento used for?

The database for Magento stores configurations, product information, and user data. During installation, you need to set up MySQL. Create a database with phpMyAdmin or MySQL commands. This database structure is essential for your Magento 2 store using MySQL or MariaDB.

7. Can Magento 2 be installed using Nginx on Ubuntu?

Yes, you can install Magento 2 using Nginx on Ubuntu. Set up Nginx as your web server and install the required PHP extensions. Run Magento installation commands with Composer to download the Magento component. Configure Nginx and your file system owner to make the store accessible through a custom URL.



Installing Magento 2 on Windows involves setting up a local environment. It allows developers to build and test Magento on Windows. Here are the tutorial’s key highlights:

  1. System requirements demand specific versions of PHP and MySQL. Hardware specifications directly impact store performance.
  2. PHP configuration values determine installation success. Memory limits and execution times need precise adjustments.
  3. Elasticsearch setup requires careful configuration. Search functionality depends on proper Java environment setup.
  4. Virtual host settings affect store accessibility. Apache configuration needs exact document root specifications.
  5. Database user privileges affect multiple installation stages. Proper database setup prevents common installation errors.
  6. Post-installation commands optimize store performance. Cache management and indexing improve store functionality.

Managed magento hosting services include expert Magento installation support for Windows and other OS.

Sayan Chakraborty
Sayan Chakraborty
Technical Writer

Sayan is a seasoned technical writer with over 4 years of expertise in SDLCs and Magento. His proficiency lies in simplifying complex Magento hosting concepts in clear, concise words.

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