How to Run Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool

How to Run Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Want to ensure a smooth upgrade for your Adobe Commerce instance? The Magento upgrade compatibility tool helps you identify potential issues quickly. It compares code, database schemas, and GraphQL schemas to maintain functionality during upgrades. This tutorial covers the tool’s features, execution steps, best practices, and benefits.

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Key Takeaways

  • Learn to spot potential problems before upgrading your Adobe Commerce instance.

  • Understand how to use the tool to compare code, database schemas, and GraphQL schemas.

  • Discover how the tool automatically addresses certain deprecated issues.

  • Gain insights from comprehensive reports provided by the tool.

  • Learn effective best practices for using the Upgrade Compatibility Tool.

Features of Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Features of Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool

“The Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool ensures smooth upgrades by identifying potential issues in your Adobe Commerce instance. It compares code, database schemas, and GraphQL schemas. This way, UCT finds changes that might affect your upgrade.”

The Magento Upgrade Compatibility tool also offers automatic fixes for deprecated issues and provides detailed reports for analysis. It helps maintain compatibility and functionality during the upgrade process.

Features Explanations
Code Comparison The tool checks for core and custom code changes in your Adobe Commerce instance. It identifies modifications that might impact your upgrade.

It ensures customizations are compatible with the new version. It is essential for maintaining functionality.
Database Schema Comparison This feature compares database schemas between different Adobe Commerce versions. It highlights schema changes, helping you understand how database structures will be affected.

It ensures data integrity during the upgrade. Accurate schema comparison prevents issues.
GraphQL Schema Comparison The tool compares GraphQL schemas to identify breaking or dangerous changes. It ensures your GraphQL endpoints remain compatible.

It maintains functionality after the upgrade. Schema comparison is vital for API stability.
Automatic Fixes The refactor command provides automatic fixes for certain deprecated issues, such as function usage without arguments and the $this keyword in Magento templates.

It helps modernize and streamline your codebase. Automatic fixes save time and reduce errors.
Detailed Reporting The tool generates comprehensive reports detailing the issues found during compatibility checks. These reports help you analyze and address potential problems.

Detailed reports ensure a smoother upgrade process. They provide actionable insights.
Interactive Command-line The tool offers an interactive command-line interface. It makes it user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Interactive prompts guide users through the process. It enhances user experience and efficiency.

Steps to Use the Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a Command Line Interface

Step 1: Download the Tool

Download the Upgrade Compatibility Tool by running the command:

composer create-project magento/upgrade-compatibility-tool uct --repository

This command fetches the tool from the Adobe repository and installs it in your project directory.

Step 2: Make the Tool Executable

Grant executable permissions to the tool with the following command:

chmod +x ./uct/bin/uct

This step ensures that you can run the tool from the command line.

Executing 7 Commands of Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a Command-Line Interface

1. Use the upgrade : Check Command

  • The upgrade:check command is essential to identify core and custom code changes in your Adobe Commerce instance. Run it with:

bin/uct upgrade:check <dir>

Note: Here <dir> is the directory of your Adobe Commerce instance.

  • You can add options like --ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues to exclude issues from the current version.

  • You can also use --coming-version=<version> to specify a target version.

2. Use the dbschema : diff Command

This command compares the database schemas of two different Adobe Commerce Magento versions.

Execute it with:

bin/uct dbschema:diff <current-version> <target-version>

The current-version is the version you are currently using. The target-version is the version you want to compare against.

It helps in identifying schema changes between versions.

3. Use the core : code : changes Command

The core:code:changes command checks if the core code has been modified to implement customizations. Run it with:

bin/uct core:code:changes <dir> <vanilla dir>

Here, <dir> is your current Adobe Commerce installation directory. The <vanilla dir> is a clean installation directory of the same version. This command identifies any core code changes that may affect your customizations.

4. Use the refactor Command

The refactor command can automatically fix certain deprecated issues, such as the usage of functions without arguments or the $this keyword in Magento templates.

Execute it with:

bin/uct refactor <dir>

It helps streamline and modernize your codebase.

5. Use the graphql : compare Command

This command compares two GraphQL schemas to identify breaking and dangerous changes. Run it with:

bin/uct graphql:compare <schema1> <schema2>

Here, <schema1> is the endpoint URL for your existing installation, and <schema2> is the endpoint URL for a clean installation. It ensures compatibility of GraphQL endpoints across versions.

6. Use the list Command

To see all available commands within the Upgrade Compatibility Tool, use:

bin/uct list

It provides a comprehensive list of commands you can run, aiding in discovering and utilizing the tool's full capabilities.

7. Use the help Command

For general options and help with specific commands, run:

bin/uct --help

It returns a list of all help options available in the command-line interface. It will ensure you understand how to use each command and its parameters effectively.

Adobe Commerce Best Practices to Use UCT in a Command-Line Interface

Best Practices Explanations
Avoid Duplicate Module Names Ensure that no two modules have the same name. It prevents conflicts during upgrades. Unique module names help maintain system integrity.

Always check for existing module names before creating a new one. This practice avoids unnecessary errors.
Follow Adobe Commerce Coding Standards Adhere to the defined coding standards for Adobe Commerce. It ensures consistency and quality. Proper coding practices enhance maintainability.

They also improve readability and reduce errors. Following standards is important for long-term success.
Use the Upgrade Compatibility Tool (UCT) Run the Upgrade Compatibility Tool as part of your upgrade process. It helps identify potential issues.

Use it to ensure your custom code is compatible with the new Magento version. The tool provides detailed reports for analysis. It simplifies upgrades.
Run UCT from the Site-Wide Analysis Tool Use the Site-Wide Analysis Tool for cloud infrastructure projects. It provides a comprehensive overview.

Running UCT from this tool ensures all aspects are covered. It integrates well with cloud setups. This approach enhances upgrade efficiency.
Regularly Update and Test Regularly update your Adobe Commerce instance. Test thoroughly before and after upgrades. It ensures smooth transitions.

Regular updates keep your system secure. Testing identifies issues early, reducing downtime. This practice is essential for stability.

Benefits of Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a Command-Line Interface

Benefits Explanations
Improved Efficiency Using the Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a command-line interface speeds up the upgrade process. It allows for quick execution of commands.

This efficiency saves time and resources. It ensures a smoother workflow. The tool optimizes overall performance.
Customization Detection The tool identifies any customizations that might impact the upgrade. It highlights changes in custom code.

It ensures that customizations are compatible with the new version. It prevents potential conflicts.
Comprehensive Compatibility Checks The tool performs thorough compatibility checks. It analyzes various aspects of the Adobe Commerce instance.

These checks ensure that all components are compatible with the new version. Comprehensive checks minimize the risk of post-upgrade issues.
Scalability The tool can handle projects of different sizes. It works efficiently for both small and large-scale Adobe Commerce installations.

Scalability ensures that the tool remains useful as your business grows. It supports complex upgrade scenarios.
Enhanced Security Regularly using the tool helps maintain security. It ensures that all components are up-to-date and secure.

The tool identifies potential vulnerabilities early. Enhanced security protects your Adobe Commerce instance from threats.


1. What is the Upgrade Compatibility Tool for Adobe Commerce?

The Upgrade Compatibility Tool checks for potential issues in your Adobe Commerce customized instance. It helps ensure that custom code and core code are compatible with the latest version. This tool is essential for a smooth Adobe Commerce upgrade. It identifies changes that might affect your upgrade.

2. How does the tool benefit a customized instance of Adobe Commerce?

The tool analyzes the customized instance of Adobe Commerce for compatibility. It checks custom and core code changes to ensure they work with the latest version. It prevents conflicts during upgrades. It ensures the stability of your customizations.

3. Can the tool check for the latest version of Magento 2?

Yes, the tool checks compatibility with the latest version of Magento 2. It ensures that your Adobe Commerce customized instance is ready for the upgrade. It helps maintain functionality and performance. The tool provides detailed reports for analysis.

4. Why is it important to use the tool for Adobe Commerce upgrades?

Using the tool ensures your Adobe Commerce upgrade is smooth. It checks for issues in your customized instance. It helps prevent problems during the upgrade process. The tool makes sure your system is compatible with the latest version.

5. What versions of Adobe Commerce does the tool support?

The tool supports all recent versions of Adobe Commerce. It checks compatibility between different versions. It includes the latest version and previous versions. Dedicated Magento hosting helps ensure your Adobe Commerce customized instance remains functional.



The Magento upgrade compatibility tool maintains compatibility during upgrades. Key benefits include:

  • Improved Efficiency: Speeds up the upgrade process.

  • Customization Detection: Identifies custom code changes.

  • Comprehensive Compatibility Checks: Ensures all components are compatible.

  • Scalability: Supports projects of all sizes.

  • Enhanced Security: Maintains secure components.

Consider managed Magento hosting to use the Magento upgrade compatibility tool easily.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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