Magento Translate: Localize Products in Multiple Languages
Want to expand your Magento 2 store globally? Translate your Magento store's product descriptions into various languages. This tutorial will show you how to set up language packs, use translation extensions, and configure store views. Follow our step-by-step method to localize your online store.
Key Takeaways
Learn how to set up local language packs for Magento 2.
Discover step-by-step methods to translate product details, including descriptions and metadata.
Understand the process of installing and using Magento 2 translation extensions.
Explore tools and extensions for automating translations.
Gain insights on creating multilingual store views and implementing language switchers.
How To Set Up Local Language Packs in Magento 2?
Setting up language packs enables translating key text elements across your site into the local language, such as:
Category names in the top navigation menu. E.g., 'Women's Clothing' translated to 'Ropa de Mujer' in Spanish.
Calls-to-action on product pages. E.g., 'Add to Cart' button translated to 'In den Warenkorb' in German.
Footer links like 'Contact Us' are translated into 'Contattaci' in Italian. This ensures customers can easily navigate and use your localized site.
3 Steps To Set Up Local Language Packs in Magento 2
Step 1: Install the Language Pack
Choose a language pack from the official Magento Marketplace or a trustworthy source.
Install the language pack on Magento 2 using Component Manager or the command line.
Step 2: Create a Store View for the Language
Go to the Admin Panel > Stores > Settings > All Stores.
Click 'Create Store View', and make the necessary settings.
- When done, click on Save Store View.
Step 3. Change the Locale of the Store View
Go to the Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration > General > Locale Options.
Choose the desired language, clear the 'Use Website' checkbox, and click 'Save Config'.
This process allows you to translate text content on your Magento 2 website. Such includes navigation titles, labels, buttons, and links.
4-Step Guide to Magento 2 Product Translation
Step 1: Translate Product Attributes and Options
Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Attributes > Product and select the attribute to be translated.
Under the Manage Label section, set the translated attribute title.
Under Properties > Manage Options (Values of Your Attribute), translate the attribute options.
Save the attribute.
Step 2. Translate Product Descriptions
On the Admin Panel, go to Products > Inventory > Catalog.
Find the product that needs to be translated and open it in the edit mode.
Uncheck the Use Default Value checkbox on the right of the field.
Enter the translated text into the field.
- Ensure that all necessary text fields are translated, including image labels and Alt text, Search Engine Optimization fields, and any Custom Options information.
- Click Save to complete.
Step 3. Translate Product Metadata
- On the Admin Panel, go to Products > Inventory > Catalog.
Find the product that needs to be translated and open it in the edit mode.
Uncheck the Use Default Value checkbox on the right of the field.
Type the translated text.
Check the Create Permanent Redirect for the old URL checkbox.
Click on Save to complete.
Step 4. Translate Product Categories
- On the Admin Panel, go to Products > Inventory > Categories.
- In the upper left corner, select Store View for the translation display.
Find the category that needs to be translated in the category tree and open it in edit mode.
In the General Information section, translate the required fields as Name, Description, Page Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description.
Uncheck the Use Default Value checkbox on the right of the field.
Type the translated text.
Check the Create Permanent Redirect for the old URL checkbox.
Click Save Category to complete.
Remember to clear the cache of your website after translating the product information to make the changes effective.
2 Methods to Install A Magento 2 Translation Extension (APPJETTY EXTENSION)
Before you start installing the Magento 2 translation extension, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
Admin needs to add Google API Key: You need to have a Google API Key to run this extension.
Backup your database: It's essential to have a backup of your database before proceeding with mass translation.
Method 1: Manual Installation
1. Create the necessary folders
- For Windows OS, navigate to
<your Magento install dir>/app/code
and create the folders using the following hierarchy:
Biztech Translator
- For Linux OS, use the following commands:
cd <your Magento install dir>/app/code
mkdir p Biztech/Translator
2. Extract the files
After creating the folders, find the Download Zip and extract all files and folders in Biztech/Translator.
3. Run the command
Log into the admin panel and clear the Cache. Go to SYSTEM > Tools (section) > CACHE MANAGEMENT to clear the cache.
4. Verify the installation
After successful installation, you can see the 'AppJetty Language Translator' under APPJETTY EXTENSIONS tab inside STORES > CONFIGURATION.
Method 2: Installation via Composer
1. Create a new folder
Create a new folder on your preferred server path. Add the Extension zip archive into the created folder.
2. Connect to your server
Use your SSH details to connect to your server. After connecting to the SSH, change your working directory path with one of your Magento setup path using the following command:
3. Define the folder
Now you have to define the folder with the extension's archive as a repository for composer reference. For this, run the Composer command:
composer config repositories.biztech artifact /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_ZIP_Archive_FOLDER/
4. Install the module
Perform the following command for installation of the module:
composer require biztech/translator
5. Upgrade your setup
After successful installation using the above command, you can verify the module status using the following command:
php bin/magento module:status
6. Compile the modules
Now you can compile the modules using the following command:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
7. Update the extension
In case you have to update the extension from a composer, you can use the following command:
composer update biztech/translator
8. Run the upgrade command
After executing the above command, your module is updated, and now you just have to run the upgrade command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Best Practices For Automating Magento Translations
1. Install High-Performance Translation Extensions
Enhance your Magento store with translation extensions like Magefan Easy Localization. These modules support inline translation directly in the admin panel. You can click each text field, enter the translation, and save. No need to export files and keep track of strings. This simplifies the translation process for different language storefronts.
2. Use Google Translate Integration
Incorporate Google Translate to translate content automatically. It automates an initial layer of machine translation as a starting point, which you can then refine. This includes product descriptions and Magento themes. This feature is available through extensions such as MageComp Google Language Translator.
3. Manage Translation Dictionaries
Generate and maintain translation dictionaries within Magento using tools like LangShop. This ensures consistency across your online store translations. It helps localize the commerce frontend effectively.
4. Leverage Crowdin for Professional Quality
Integrate Crowdin to connect with professional translators. It ensures high-quality translations for your Magento products, modules, and themes. This service allows for collaborative translation projects. Crowdin also supports multiple languages through CSV file import/export.
5. Create MultiLanguage Store Views
Add new store views for each particular language you want to offer. Configure these views from the Magento admin panel to cater to different linguistic audiences.
6. Implement a Language Switcher
Allow customers to switch between languages on your Magento 2 store easily. This enhances user experience by displaying content in their preferred language.
1. How do I translate Magento products into different languages?
Use Magento's translation solution to localize your store. Generate a translation dictionary for consistency. Add translations using the Magento localization feature. Edit product descriptions and ensure all content is translated correctly wherever necessary.
2. Can I manually translate a Magento theme or template?
Yes, manual translation is possible. Use a text editor to edit product pages and blocks. Generate a translation dictionary to maintain language consistency. Customize your translations to fit the new theme or Magento module.
3. What tools are needed to add a new store view in Magento?
Magento allows adding new store views. Configure the language and customize your translations. Ensure each store view belongs to the correct locale. Add to compare different language packs for quality assurance.
4. Is it possible to translate Magento Open Source modules?
Yes, translate Magento Open Source modules. Generate dictionaries and deploy them in modules. This helps ensure that all dependencies are included and the entire application area is covered.
5. How do I ensure my translations are accurate across multiple modules?
Review introductory information and use dedicated translation tools. Ensure translations are deployed correctly across all modules and themes. Engage in a project that may include package creation and further support using open-source translation projects.
6. What steps are involved in creating a multi-language Magento store?
Add translations, go to each store view, and select the new language. Use the Magento localization feature to translate words and phrases. Customize your translations to ensure the storefront is available for translation into many languages. Contribute to translations for ongoing improvements.
Magento translate aids with easy product content translation using extensions in Magento 2. Here’s a brief rundown of the various ways:
1. Set Up Local Language Packs:
Install from trusted sources. Create language-specific store views. Adjust locale settings in the Admin Panel.
2. Translate Product Elements Step-by-Step:
Attributes and Options: Translate titles and options.
Product Descriptions: Override defaults and input translated text.
Product Metadata: Update URLs and add translations.
Product Categories: Translate names, descriptions, and meta details.
3. Installing Translation Extensions:
Manual Installation: Set up directories, and verify via Admin Panel.
Composer Installation: Use Composer for streamlined updates.
4. Automate Translations:
Use Extensions: Inline translations simplify updates.
Integrate Google Translate: Automate content translation.
Manage Dictionaries: Ensure consistency across translations.
Leverage Crowdin: Access professional translation quality.
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