Magento Setup Upgrade Using Command Line in 8 Steps

Magento Setup Upgrade Using Command Line in 8 Steps

Are you looking for an efficient way to upgrade your Magento store? A Magento Setup Upgrade is necessary for maintaining a secure and optimized online store. The command line simplifies this process. It allows you to execute the upgrade smoothly without manual interventions.

This tutorial will cover how to perform a Magento Setup Upgrade step-by-step. It also covers critical considerations to ensure a seamless upgrade for your Magento store.

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Key Takeaways

  • What is Magento Setup Upgrade?

  • Benefits of Upgrading Magento Setup

  • How to Upgrade Magento 2 via Command Line

  • Common Compatibility Challenges

  • Resolving Compatibility Issues in Magento Setup Upgrade

What is Magento Setup Upgrade?

Understanding Magento Setup Upgrade

Magento Setup Upgrade is an essential process for maintaining and enhancing Magento 2 e-commerce stores.

Magento Setup updates the database schema and data to align with the latest version of Magento or installed modules. Before upgrading your Magento 2 store, it's essential to:

  • Back up the current Magento installation and database.

  • Review the latest Magento version release notes.

  • Test the upgrade in a staging environment before you upgrade your Magento 2 store.

  • Ensure all installed modules are compatible with the new version.

Magento 2 upgrades can be complex, especially for stores with many custom extensions. After the upgrade, thorough testing is necessary to ensure all store features function correctly. It includes checking the front end, back end, and any custom modules or integrations.

Benefits of Upgrading Magento Setup

1. Enhanced Security

Magento regularly releases security patches to address vulnerabilities. For example, the SUPEE-11346 patch in 2021 fixed critical issues like remote code execution vulnerabilities. By applying these patches, stores protect against potential data breaches or malware injections. It is essential for maintaining customer trust. It also helps avoid costly security incidents.

2. Improved Performance

Improved Performance

Recent Magento versions have introduced features like asynchronous indexing and GraphQL support. Asynchronous indexing allows catalog updates without blocking front-end operations. It reduces downtime. GraphQL enables faster, more efficient API calls. It mainly benefits mobile apps and headless implementations. These improvements can lead to faster page load times and a smoother shopping experience. Consequently, they may increase conversion rates.

3. Access to New Features

Magento 2.4 introduced B2B capabilities like company accounts, requisition lists, and quote management. These features allow businesses to expand into B2B markets. They achieve this without requiring extensive custom development. Another example is the Page Builder introduced in Magento 2.3. This tool simplifies content creation for non-technical users.

4. Better Compatibility

Each Magento version supports specific PHP versions. For example, Magento 2.4.4 supports PHP 8.1. This version offers improved performance and new language features. Staying current ensures compatibility with the latest PHP versions. It allows stores to benefit from language-level improvements. It also provides access to security updates.

5. Enhanced User Experience

Enhanced User Experience

Recent updates have improved the admin panel's usability. For instance, Magento 2.4 introduced a new media gallery. This streamlined image management. On the front end, enhancements like improved checkout flows have been made. Native support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) has also been added. These improvements have significantly enhanced the customer experience in Adobe Commerce. It leads to higher conversion rates.

6. SEO Benefits

Magento updates often align with evolving SEO best practices. Recent versions have improved schema markup implementation. It helps search engines better understand and display product information in search results. They've also enhanced URL structure options and sitemap generation. These improvements contribute to better search engine visibility for your Magento 2 store.

How to Upgrade Magento 2 via Command Line

Step 1: Enable Maintenance Mode

  1. Log in to your Magento server as the Magento file system owner.

  2. Run the following command:

    php \<your Magento install dir\>/bin/magento maintenance:enable\

Step 2: Update Magento Core Files and Dependencies

  1. Navigate to your Magento installation directory:

    cd /var/www/html/magento2\

  2. Update Magento and its dependencies:

    composer require magento/product-community-edition \<new\_version\> \--no-update\ composer update\

    Replace <new_version> with your target Magento version (e.g., 2.4.5).

  3. Enter your authentication keys when prompted.

Step 3: Clear Cache and Generated Files

  1. Remove cached and generated files from the folder to ensure a clean upgrade.

    rm \-rf \<Magento install dir\>/var/cache/\* rm \-rf \<Magento install dir\>/var/page\_cache/\*\ rm \-rf \<Magento install dir\>/generated/code/\*\

  2. If using external cache storage (e.g., Redis), clear it manually.

Step 4: Update Database Schema and Data

Run the setup upgrade command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade\

Step 5: Compile Code and Deploy Static Content

  1. Compile the code:

    php bin/magento setup:di:compile\

  2. Deploy static content:

    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy\

Step 6: Disable Maintenance Mode

Turn off maintenance mode:

php bin/magento maintenance:disable\

Step 7: Refresh Cache

Clear and refresh the cache:

php bin/magento cache:clean php bin/magento cache:flush\

Step 8: Verify the Upgrade

  1. Check your Magento version:

    php bin/magento \--version\

  2. Log in to the admin panel and check for any error messages.

  3. Browse your storefront to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Common Compatibility Challenges

1. Extension Conflicts:

Compatibility Challenges: Extension Conflicts

Third-party extensions may use deprecated methods or hooks that are removed in newer Magento versions. For example, Magento 2.4.0 removed the \Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::closeConnection() method. Extensions relying on this method would break after upgrading your Magento 2 store.

Example: A popular product recommendation extension might use outdated catalog indexing methods. After upgrading, this could lead to incorrect product suggestions. It might even cause the extension to stop functioning entirely.

Impact: This can disrupt critical store functionalities. These include

Such disruptions can lead to lost sales. They may also result in poor user experience.

2. Custom Code Incompatibility:

Custom themes or modules often override core Magento classes or templates. When these core elements change in an upgrade, it can break the custom code.

Example: A store might have a custom checkout process. This process could override Magento's default \Magento\Checkout\Model\Session class. Magento might change this class's structure in an upgrade. If this happens, the custom checkout could malfunction. It could prevent customers from completing purchases.

Impact: This can lead to broken layouts. It can also cause non-functioning features. In some cases, it might even result in site-wide errors. These issues can severely impact the store's usability. Fixing these problems may require significant development work.

3. PHP Version Mismatch:

Compatibility Challenges: PHP Version Mismatch

Magento upgrades often require newer PHP versions to leverage improved language features and security updates.

Example: Magento 2.4.4 requires PHP 7.4 or higher, while a store might be running on PHP 7.2. This mismatch can cause fatal errors due to the use of PHP features that are not available in older versions.

Impact: This can prevent the Magento application from running at all. It may result in downtime until the server environment is updated. Updating the PHP version may also require updating other PHP extensions. All site functionalities would need to be tested for compatibility with the new PHP version.

4. Database Schema Changes:

Magento upgrades can introduce new tables and columns or change existing data structures.

Example: Magento 2.3 introduced a new table, ‘inventory_source_item.' It was part of the Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) feature. Upgrading to this version would require migrating existing inventory data. The data would need to be moved to the new structure.

Impact: These changes can lead to data integrity issues if not handled correctly. They can also cause performance problems. Custom reports might break after an upgrade. Third-party integrations that directly query the database could be affected. These might return incorrect data after the update.

Resolving Compatibility Issues in Magento Setup Upgrade

Step Description Key Actions Benefits Tools/Resources
Pre-Upgrade Assessment Evaluate current system compatibility • Review extension compatibility
• Check custom code
• Verify server environment
Identifies potential issues early • Magento System Requirements
• Extension compatibility charts
Create Staging Environment Set up a replica of the production store • Clone production database
• Copy all files
• Configure the staging environment
Allows safe testing without risking live site • Version control system (e.g., Git)
• Database management tools
Enable Developer Mode Switch Magento to developer mode • Use CLI command:
bin/magento deploy:mode: set developer
Provides detailed error messages for debugging • Magento CLI
SSH access to server
Update Extensions Ensure all extensions are compatible • Contact extension developers
• Update or replace extensions
• Remove incompatible ones
Maintains functionality and reduces conflicts Magento Marketplace
• Extension developers' documentation
Refactor Custom Code Align custom code with the new Magento version • Review customizations
• Update deprecated methods
• Use Upgrade Compatibility Tool
Ensures custom features work with the new version • Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool
• Magento DevDocs
Database Preparation Safeguard data and prepare for schema changes • Back up current database
• Test migrations in staging
• Verify data integrity
Protects against data loss and ensures a smooth transition • MySQL tools (e.g., mysqldump)
• Magento Data Migration Tool
Gradual Upgrade Process Upgrade in incremental steps for major version changes • Identify intermediate versions
• Upgrade sequentially
• Test at each step
Isolates issues and simplifies troubleshooting • Magento release notes
• Version upgrade paths


1. How do I upgrade Magento 2 to the latest version using the command line?

To upgrade Magento 2 to the latest version using the command line, follow these steps: First, create a backup of your magento2 store. Then, SSH into your server and navigate to the Magento 2 root directory. Update the composer.json file and run the command to update Magento Open Source: composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.x.x \--no-update\. Finally, execute the composer update\ and bin/magento setup:upgrade\ commands to complete the upgrade.

2. What steps should I take before running the command to upgrade Magento 2?

Before running the command to upgrade Magento 2, it's essential to create a complete backup of your Magento 2 store. This Magento backup should include both the database and files. Ensure that the current Magento 2 version is compatible with your hosting environment. Check if your installed extensions support the latest version. Verify that your themes are compatible with the new Magento version as well.

3. What is the purpose of the `bin/magento setup:upgrade` command?

The bin/magento setup: upgrade command is used to apply updates to the database schema and data. It is done after upgrading Magento 2 or installing new modules. This command ensures that any changes introduced by the upgrade are correctly integrated. It helps maintain the integrity of the Magento 2 system.

4. How do I handle module compatibility issues when upgrading Magento 2?

To handle module compatibility issues, you should first check with the module vendor if they have released an update that is compatible with the latest Magento 2 version. If a compatible update is available, you can install it before running the Magento 2 upgrade commands. It's also a good practice to test the upgrade in a staging environment to identify any compatibility issues before deploying to production.

5. Can I upgrade Magento Open Source from any version to the latest version directly?

While you can upgrade Magento Open Source directly to the latest version, a phased approach is recommended. It is especially true if your current installation is several versions behind. Upgrading through intermediate versions can help identify and resolve potential issues more efficiently.

6. How do I deploy the upgraded Magento 2 store to the production environment?

After successfully upgrading Magento 2 in your development or staging environment, you can deploy the upgrade to the production environment by following these steps: create a backup of your live store, synchronize the upgraded files and database from the staging environment to the production environment, run the bin/magento setup:upgrade\ and bin/magento setup:di:compile\ commands, and finally, clear the cache using bin/magento cache:flush.\

7. Where can I find more information or help if I encounter issues during the Magento 2 upgrade process?

For more information or help, you can refer to the official Magento documentation in the Magento community forums or seek assistance from professional developers with Magento expertise. These resources can provide valuable insights and solutions if you encounter issues during the upgrade process.



Magento Setup Upgrade using the command line upgrades Magento for several reasons. These include security, performance, and compatibility. The upgrade process ensures the store runs optimally. It also keeps the store secure. The use of the command line simplifies this process. Here's a quick recap of what this tutorial covered:

  • Magento Setup Upgrade is essential for aligning your store’s database with the latest version or modules. Always back up your store, review release notes, and ensure module compatibility before starting.

  • Benefits of Upgrading include enhanced security through patches. Improved performance with new features like asynchronous indexing. Enhanced user experience and SEO advantages.

  • Common Compatibility Challenges, such as extension conflicts with deprecated methods. PHP version mismatches.

  • Resolving Compatibility Issues like conducting a pre-upgrade assessment. Set up a staging environment for testing.

Explore managed Magento hosting to improve performance and security when upgrading setup.

Andrea Oriane
Andrea Oriane
Technical Writer

Andrea specializes in creating informative content for Magento. With extensive e-commerce knowledge and understanding of Magento functionalities, she crafts articles for a wide range of audience.

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