How to Setup Magento 2 Square Integration for SquareUp Payment?

How to Setup Magento 2 Square Integration for SquareUp Payment?

Looking for a secure way to accept payments on your e-store? The Magento 2 square Integration lets customers pay securely with credit or debit cards. It offers real-time payment processing and PCI DSS Level 1 compliance. This tutorial covers how to set up Magento Square Integration, its features, and its benefits.

Key Takeaways

What is Magento 2 Square Integration?

Magento 2 Square Integration lets customers pay with credit or debit cards in your store.

It uses the SquareUp platform for secure payment processing. Magento admins can choose between Authorize or Authorize and Capture payment modes. This flexibility ensures smooth transactions. The integration is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, providing security. It protects store owners and customers from fraud and data theft.

The integration does not store customer card details, adding extra security. Payments are processed in real time for a safe checkout experience. This secure gateway protects sensitive information. With compliance and security features, businesses can confidently handle payments. It's a reliable and trusted solution for online payments.

Features of Magento Square Integration

Feature Description
Payment with Credit/Debit Cards Customers can use credit or debit cards for payments. It adds flexibility and convenience at checkout. The payment process is secure and real-time.
Authorize and Capture Payments Supports Authorize and Authorize and Capture modes. Admins can capture payments manually or automatically. It gives more control over payment handling.
Refund Management Admins can quickly issue refunds through the gateway. It allows quick processing of returns. It ensures customer satisfaction and efficient management.
Testing and Production Modes Supports both testing and production modes. Admins can test the setup before going live. It ensures smooth operation in the live environment.
Webhook Creation Admins can create webhooks directly in the panel. Webhooks provide real-time updates on transactions. It helps with efficient payment tracking.
Square POS Compatibility Compatible with Square POS software and hardware. It manages online and in-person sales together. It supports payments, refunds, and reporting.
Multiple Payment Methods Customers can pay with Afterpay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. It offers more options at checkout, improving user experience.
Express Checkout Allows Express Checkout with Afterpay, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. Customers can complete orders quickly from the Product Page or Mini Cart.
PCI DSS Compliance The gateway is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant. It ensures secure payments with fraud prevention. Both customer data and transactions are protected.

How to Configure Magento Square Integration?

Step 1: Download the Module

  • Log in to your account.

  • Go to My Account > My Purchased Products.

  • Download and extract the module zip folder to your system.

Step 2: Upload the Module Folder

Module Folder in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Extract the zip file and navigate to src > app.

  • Copy the app folder to the Magento 2 root directory on your server.

Step 3: Run Commands

Use the command line to run these commands:

composer requires square/square

php bin/magento setup: upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di: compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content: deploy

php bin/magento indexer: reindex

php bin/magento cache: flush

Step 4: Translate the Module (Optional)

Translate Module using Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Go to src/app/code/SquareUp/i18n.

  • Edit the en_US.csv file to translate the module.

  • Save the translated file and upload it to the same i18n folder.

  • The module supports both RTL and LTR languages.

Step 5: Get SquareUp Credentials

  • Log in to the SquareUp Portal.

SquareUp Portal in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Go to the Applications section and create a new app.

Applications in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Choose Accept Payments.

Magento 2 Square Integration Accept Payment

Then set the audience type.

Audience Type in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Once done, you’ll get the Application ID and Access Token.

Application ID in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Navigate to the Locations section to get the Location ID.

Location ID in Magento 2 Square Integration

Step 6: Configure the Payment Gateway in Magento

Payment Gateway in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Square Up Payment Gateway.

  • Enable the payment gateway by selecting Yes.

  • Choose the Payment Mode: Authorize or Authorize and Capture.

  • Set the Title and choose Sandbox or Production as the environment.

  • Enter the Application ID, Access Token, and Location ID.

  • Select countries from which you want to accept payments.

  • Generate the Webhooks and save the settings.

Step 7: Customer Checkout – Authorize

  • Customers choose the SquareUp Payment Gateway at checkout.

Magento 2 Square Integration SquareUp Payment Setup

  • They enter their card details and ZIP code.

  • The payment is processed, and a success message appears after the order is placed.

Success message in Magento 2 Square Integration

Order History in Magento 2 Square Integration

Step 8: Admin Workflow – Authorize and Capture

  • If set to Authorize and Capture, the admin captures the payment manually.

Admin Workflow in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • After the payment is captured, an invoice is generated.

  • Magento admin can track the transaction details.

Transaction Details in Magento 2 Square Integration

Admin can also see the history of comments.

Comments History in Magento 2 Square Integration

Step 9: Refund Process

Refund Process in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • To issue a refund, the admin goes to the invoice and clicks on Credit Memo.

  • The admin taps the Refund button to return the payment to the customer.

  • A refund transaction is generated automatically.

Step 10: Automatic Capture – Authorize and Capture

Automatic Capture in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • If the mode is Authorize and Capture, the payment is captured automatically.

  • A Magento invoice is created immediately after the customer places an order.

Step 11: API Logs on SquareUp Dashboard

  • The admin can view API logs for payments and refunds in the SquareUp dashboard.

API Logs in Magento 2 Square Integration

  • Go to the Transactions section to check payments and refunds.

Transaction in Magento 2 Square Integration

Refunds in Magento 2 Square Integration

That covers everything for the Magento 2 SquareUp Payment Gateway setup.

Use Cases & Benefits of Magento 2 Square Integration

Use Case Benefit
Online Store Payments Customers can pay using credit/debit cards. It provides a fast and seamless checkout experience. Payments are processed in real time.
Flexible Payment Modes Admins can choose between Authorize or Authorize and Capture. It gives control over how payments are processed. Payments can be captured manually or automatically.
Refund Handling Admins can efficiently process refunds. Customers get refunds quickly and securely. It improves customer satisfaction.
In-Person Sales with Square POS Integrates with Square POS for physical sales. It uses Square hardware for in-person transactions. Manages online and in-store sales together.
Express Checkout for Faster Payments Supports Express Checkout with Afterpay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Customers can complete purchases quickly. It helps reduce cart abandonment.
Multi-Currency Support Supports multiple currencies and countries. Customers can pay in their preferred currency. It helps expand globally.
Secure Payment Processing The system is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant. It ensures secure payments and protects customer data.
Proactive Fraud Prevention Includes fraud prevention features. Helps prevent unauthorized payments. Reduces chargebacks and improves safety.
Comprehensive Reporting Provides detailed sales reports and Magento analytics. Tracks performance across locations and devices. Helps improve business decisions.

Troubleshooting Issues of Magento Square Integration

1. Payment Gateway Not Showing at Checkout

If the Square payment gateway is missing at checkout, check the configuration settings. Ensure the payment method is enabled under Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. Verify that the Application ID, Access Token, and Location ID are correct. Make sure the payment method is allowed for the selected countries. Clear the Magento cache to apply the changes.

2. Payments Failing During Checkout

Solving Payment Failing Issue in Magento 2 Square Integration

If payments fail at checkout, confirm the Square API credentials are correct. Check the network connection for any issues. Try testing the integration in Sandbox mode. Ensure the Square account has permission to accept payments. Review the API logs for detailed error messages.

3. Error While Capturing Payments

If an error occurs during payment capture, ensure Authorize and Capture are correctly set up. Double-check the Square credentials and permissions. Make sure the Square account has enough funds to complete the transaction. Review the Square API logs for more information. Contact Square support if the issue persists.

4. Refund Process Not Working

Refund Now Working Issue Solution in Magento 2 Square Integration

If you can’t process refunds, check the refund settings in the Square dashboard. Ensure the payment is captured before attempting a refund. Verify that the transaction is eligible for a refund. Look into the API logs for any refund-related errors. Make sure there are enough funds in your Square account to pay the refund.

5. Issues with Webhook Creation

If webhooks aren’t working, check if your server supports webhooks. Make sure the Webhook URL is correctly configured. Confirm that your server allows incoming webhook notifications from Square. Review the Square dashboard for configuration errors. Testing in Sandbox mode can help identify problems.

6. Square Integration Not Syncing Properly

If orders or payments aren’t syncing, verify the Square API keys. Ensure the Square POS settings are correct if using in-person sales. Check for issues with Magento cron jobs. Review the sync logs for specific errors. Make sure the connection between Magento and Square is active.

7. Currency Not Supported

If currency issues arise, check if Square supports the selected currency. Verify that your Magento currency settings match the Square-supported currencies. If the currency isn’t supported, switch to a compatible one. Review the list of Square-supported currencies in your region.

8. SSL Certificate Errors

SSL Error Solution via Magento 2 Square Integration

If there are SSL errors, ensure your SSL certificate is valid. Check that the SSL settings are correctly configured in Magento. Make sure the server uses HTTPS to make payments. Consult with your hosting provider if needed. Square requires a secure connection for all payments.

9. API Rate Limit Exceeded

If you hit the API rate limit, it means too many requests were made. Reduce the number of API calls your store is making. Review cron jobs and other processes that may be causing the issue. Contact Square support if you need help adjusting the rate limits.


1. What is the Magento 2 Square Payment Extension?

The Magento 2 Square Payment Extension allows businesses to accept payments through Square in their Magento 2 store. It offers secure transactions with real-time processing. The extension supports Authorize and Authorize and Capture modes. It ensures seamless integration between Magento 2 and Square.

2. Can the Square Payment Gateway Extension be used with Magento Open Source?

Yes, the Square Payment Gateway Extension is compatible with Magento Open Source. It integrates smoothly to provide secure payment options. Store owners can manage online and in-person sales together. It offers more flexibility for ecommerce businesses.

3. Is the Magento 2 Square Payment Extension suitable for Adobe Commerce?

Yes, the Magento 2 Square Payment Extension works with both Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. It provides secure, compliant payment processing. It supports multiple payment methods like Afterpay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. It ensures a flexible payment experience for ecommerce stores.

4. How does Square Integration with Magento 2 benefit businesses?

The Square and Magento 2 integration enables seamless payments for ecommerce stores. It supports various payment methods and ensures compliance with PCI DSS Level 1. Businesses can handle payments securely, preventing fraud and data theft. This integration with dedicated Magento hosting enhances the overall checkout experience.

5. Does the Square Payment Gateway Extension handle refunds?

Yes, the Square Payment Gateway Extension allows admins to issue refunds quickly from the Magento 2 store. Refunds are processed rapidly and securely. It helps improve customer satisfaction by managing returns efficiently. This feature is available for both Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source stores.



The Magento 2 Square Integration offers secure and flexible payment options. It ensures PCI compliance and easy payment handling. Key benefits are:

  • Secure Payments: Protects transactions with PCI DSS Level 1 compliance.

  • Flexible Payment Modes: Choose between Authorize or Authorize and Capture.

  • Simple Refunds: Admins can manage refunds easily.

  • Multiple Payment Methods: Supports Afterpay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more.

  • Real-Time Processing: Transactions are handled instantly.

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Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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