Magento 2 Order Grid Extension: Integration & Benefits

Magento 2 Order Grid Extension: Integration & Benefits

Do you need help managing orders in your online store efficiently? The Magento 2 order grid is a powerful tool for streamlining your order management.

In this tutorial, we will explore the integration options and benefits of Magento 2 order grid extensions.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how the order grid extension helps with product management.

  • Discover the benefits of adding more columns to your order grid.

  • Understand how to customize and filter your order grid for better efficiency.

  • Explore the features that make Magento 2 order grid extensions essential for your store.

  • Get tips on best practices for optimizing your order grid setup.

What is a Magento Order Grid?

A Magento order grid is the central interface in the admin panel. It is used for viewing and managing customer orders. It provides a tabular view of all the orders placed in the store. It displays information like the

  1. order ID
  2. purchase date
  3. customer name
  4. order status
  5. order total

Extensive Features of Magento 2 Order Grid Extension

1. Display More Order Details

Display feature for magento 2 order grid extension

  • Magento 2 order grid extensions allow you to see a lot more information about each order in the grid view. Instead of the default 20 columns, you can have up to 50 columns. These columns are divided and show details like:

    1. Customer info - name, email, group, phone, etc.
    2. Billing and shipping address details
    3. Payment and shipping method
    4. Product details - SKU, name, options, quantity, price
    5. Totals - subtotal, shipping, tax, total
    6. Custom order attributes
  • It saves you from having to open each order separately to view these details. All the key information is visible at a glance in the grid.

2. Customize Displayed Columns

  • You have full control over which order grid columns are shown. Extensions let you easily add or remove columns to display just the information you need.

  • You can also rearrange the column order and save different grid views. For example, you could have one view for processing, one for fulfillment, one for accounting, etc. Each shows different order details.

3. Enhanced Searching and Filtering

  • With many extra columns, extensions also increase the search and filtering capabilities. You can search and filter orders by any of the displayed attributes.

  • For example, you could search for all orders containing a specific product SKU. Or filter only to show orders over a certain total amount.

  • Some extensions even allow product filtering by multiple values for the same field. So you could view orders with status X, Y, and Z together.

4. Inline Order Editing

  • Inline editing is a game-changer for the management of order efficiency. For instance, if a customer calls to change their shipping address, an agent can make this change directly in the grid.

  • It can be done without navigating to a separate page. It not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors.

  • Certain extensions let you edit order information right from the grid without having to open the order view.

  • Simply click on a field to edit it inline. It is handy for quickly updating things like order status, payment, and shipping info, adding notes, etc.

5. Improved Order Actions

Improved order action feature of magento 2 order grid extension

Extensions often add new mass actions that can be performed on selected orders right from the grid. Common ones include:

  1. Print invoices/shipments/credit memos

  2. Send email notifications

  3. Export orders

  4. Update attributes

  5. Delete orders

Being able to process orders in bulk is more efficient than one-by-one.

6. Customizable Data Grids

  • Customizable data grids are powerful for businesses with unique workflows. For example, a company that deals with a high volume of returns could create a custom grid. It combines order data with RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information.

  • It could include the original order date, return reason, and refund status all in one view.

  • You can mix and match attributes to build the perfect dataset for your needs. Custom data grids give you the best flexibility.

Top 3 Magento Order Grid Extensions

Extension Name Features Price
Amasty Extended Order Grid - Add up to 50 custom columns to the Magento 2 order grid
- Inline order data editing for faster order processing
- Create custom grid templates for different admin roles
- Enhanced searching and filtering options for store admins
- Scheduled grid updates to sync with default Magento
- Mass order actions for bulk processing
- Order export functionality for data analysis
- Customizable dropdown filters for quick access to relevant order information
- Option to hide orders with 'canceled' status
- Detailed documentation and user guide available
MageWorx Extended Sales Orders Grid - Add 28 extra columns to order the grid better
- 20 additional bulk actions for efficient management
- Complete order deletion, including 'canceled' orders
- Color coding and icons for order statuses to improve user experience
- Customizable grid views for different admin needs
- Shipping details displayed in a particular column
- Order number search functionality
- Custom grid creation using UI component file
- Easily filter and sort orders using multiple criteria
Meetanshi Custom Order Grid - Add 50+ columns to the Magento admin order grid
- Mass order actions on unlimited orders for bulk processing
- Product thumbnail display in the grid for visual reference
- Hide orders by status, including 'canceled'
- Synchronize existing orders with new grid layout
- Create order functionality directly from the grid
- Add customer information columns for a comprehensive view
- Order export to CSV and Excel XML formats
- Config options to customize grid appearance
- Save time with quick edit features for order data

Steps to Configure the Magento Order Grid Extension

Step 1: Configuring General Settings

Configuring general settings in magento 2 order grid extension

  1. Log in to the Magento admin panel after installing the Magento 2 extension.

  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Order grid extension > General settings.

  3. Enable the extension and select the option to hide order statuses.

  4. Choose the product column model templates, labels, and display info.

  5. Enable the order status change options.

  6. Click on save config to save changes.

  7. View the changes by going to Sales > Orders.

Step 2: Reindex, Delete, and Add Products Attributes to the Grid

Reindex attributes in magento 2 order grid extension

  1. To reindex, head to Sales > Orders > Reindex Grid. Delete orders in magento 2 order grid extension

  2. To delete orders, go to Actions on the orders page and select Delete. Selecting attributes in magento 2 order grid extension

  3. Go to General Settings and select the product attributes like SKU, Thumbnail, and Name.

  4. Click on Save Config to save changes.

Step 3: Change Status and Color in Order Grid

Change status magento 2 order grid extension

  1. Go to Sales > Orders > Actions > Change Status. Choose the status from the menu.

  2. Navigate to Stores > Edit Order status.

  3. Choose the order status and color code to display on the Orders page.

  4. Click on Save Config to save changes.

Best Practices for Magento Order Grid Extensions

1. Keep it simple and focused

  • Try to add only a few new columns to your order grid. Focus on the most important information you need to see at a glance.
  • Too much clutter can make the grid harder to use. Pick the 5-10 most important pieces of data to display.

2. Use color coding wisely

  • The human brain processes color much faster than text. It allows for quick pattern recognition. A well-designed color scheme can reduce decision-making time and cognitive load for employees managing orders.

  • Instead of using solid colors, consider using color gradients or intensity to convey more information:

    1. Light red to dark red: Indicates increasing urgency of unfulfilled orders
    2. Light green to dark green: Shows the age of completed orders
    3. Yellow with different intensities: Represents various stages of order processing
  • Color theory in UX design suggests that subtle variations in color can convey complex information quickly. This approach allows users to understand order status and priority at a glance. Using too many colors can be confusing. Stick to 3-4 colors.

3. Create custom views for different needs

  • Set up different sales-orders grid views for various tasks. For example, have one view for processing new orders, another for managing returns, and another for financial reporting.

  • It lets you see just the relevant information for each task.

4. Take advantage of filtering and sorting

  • Make sure your extension allows for easy filtering and sorting of orders. It helps you find what you need quickly.

  • For instance, you should be able to filter orders by date range, status, or customer group.

5. Enable inline editing where possible

  • Being able to make quick changes directly in the grid without opening each order can save a lot of time. Download extensions that allow you to update order statuses or add notes right from the grid view.


1. How does the Order Grid Extension help with order management?

The Order Grid enhances the default Magento 2 order management by allowing store admins to add more columns to the grid. This extension helps save time and improve efficiency by displaying comprehensive order details. It includes customer information, payment method, and product details, all in one view.

2. What features make the Order Grid Extension better than the default order grid?

This grid extension for Magento 2 allows store admins to create custom grid views and add multiple columns to the grid. It offers enhanced searching and filtering options, inline order editing, and customizable data grids. These features enable better order grid management and help in handling orders with precision.

3. Can I customize the columns displayed in the Magento 2 Order Grid?

Yes, you can easily customize the columns in the Magento 2 Order Grid. The extension allows you to add, remove, and rearrange columns to the grid. You can create custom views for different admin roles. It makes it easier to manage orders based on specific requirements.

4. How do I install the Order Grid Extension on a test site?

To install the extension on a test site, you need to go to Stores > Configuration > Order Grid Extension > General Settings. Ensure to enable the extension and configure the settings as needed. Testing the extension on a separate environment allows you to verify its functionality.

5. What are the benefits of using Magento 2 Order Management Extensions?

Using Magento 2 Order Management Extensions provides several benefits, including the ability to manage orders more efficiently. These extensions also allow store admins to filter orders by certain statuses, such as ‘canceled.’ Admins can create a custom Magento order grid to suit their business needs.



The Magento order grid feature is an efficient way to organize orders according to different statuses and attributes. In this tutorial, we explained how to configure and customize the order grid extension. Here is a quick recap:

  • The Magento 2 Order Grid is a central tool for viewing and managing customer orders efficiently.
  • Extensions allow adding up to 50 columns, inline editing, and advanced filtering to the order grid.
  • Store admins can easily customize displayed columns, create different grid views, and tailor the grid to specific needs.
  • Extensions provide additional bulk actions and exceptional customer service from the grid.
  • Focus on essential data, use color coding wisely, and leverage custom views to optimize order management.

Choose managed Magento hosting options to scale performance using powerful features like order grids.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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