Magento 2 Form Validation: 4 Steps to Install

Magento 2 Form Validation: 4 Steps to Install

Are you tired of invalid data sneaking into your database store? Magento 2 Form Validation ensures accurate and reliable user data by forming inputs. It prevents incorrect data entry, resulting in fewer errors and cleaner data.

This tutorial guides you through setting up and optimizing form validation in Magento.

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Key Takeaways

  • Understand why form validation is important for Magento 2 ecommerce sites.

  • Learn about the essential files and modules for Magento 2 form validation.

  • Discover the steps to create and add custom form validation rules in Magento 2.

  • Explore the instructions to validate forms in Magento 2.

  • Get familiar with default Magento 2 form validation classes and rules.

  • Learn how to troubleshoot common form validation issues in Magento 2.

What is Magento 2 Form Validation?

Magento 2 form validation mechanism for accurate data

Magento 2 form validation is a mechanism that checks the data users enter into forms. It makes sure the information is in the right format.

Magento 2 form validation keeps the data clean and prevents errors. Form validation helps to:

  • Stop Magento spam and bad data from getting in.

  • Make sure the data entry is done correctly.

  • Give users a better experience.

  • Make data processing easier.

Magento 2 uses a combination of JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS to validate form inputs. Form validation provides real-time feedback and error messages to guide users. It ensures data accuracy and integrity by preventing incorrect data submissions. The process can occur both on the:

  • Clientside (in the user's browser): It happens in real time as the user fills out the form. Clientside provides immediate feedback and improves user experience by catching errors. Tech-savvy users can bypass it by disabling JavaScript.

  • Server side (after the form is submitted): It occurs after form submission. The server side is more secure because it can not be bypassed by disabling JavaScript. It requires a round trip to the server, which can be slower.

Why is Magento 2 Form Validation Important for Ecommerce?

1. Ensuring Data Accuracy and Completeness

Magento 2 form validation ensures data accuracy

  • Magento 2 form validation checks if all required fields are filled. The required-entry keyword is important here.

  • During the checkout process, users must provide accurate information to complete their purchase. Without validation, incomplete or incorrect data can cause issues.

  • For example, if a customer needs to remember to enter their address, the shipping process is delayed. It helps maintain smooth transactions and prevents errors.

2. Enhancing User Experience

Real-time feedback in Magento 2 form validation

  • Form validation improves the user experience by providing real-time feedback. When users fill out forms, they see instant error messages if something is wrong. This helps them correct mistakes quickly.

  • The data-mage-init attribute is used to initialize this in Magento 2 forms like my-form. Real-time feedback reduces user frustration.

  • For example, if an invalid order number is entered in a return form. It can instantly send a prompt message to the user to correct it.

3. Preventing Fraud and Errors

  • Validation in Magento 2 helps prevent fraud and errors. It ensures all data is correct, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions. For instance:

    1. Magento Credit card validation can check numbers using the Luhn algorithm. It ensures the number follows the correct pattern for credit cards. This helps in detecting incorrect card numbers immediately.

    2. Address validation can cross-reference entered addresses with postal databases. This ensures they exist and are formatted correctly. It helps in reducing errors in shipping and delivery.

    3. Email validation can check for disposable email addresses or known spam domains. This helps reduce the risk of fraudulent accounts. It ensures that the email addresses provided are legitimate and reliable.

  • The form validation checks if the data is in the correct format. The extra layer of Magento security protects both the business and its customers.

4. Customizing Validation Rules

  • Magento 2 allows users to create custom validation rules. Flexibility is important for unique business needs. For example, if a specific fieldname needs validation, the custom logic can handle it.

    1. A custom rule for validating product SKUs ensures they follow the business's specific format. It maintains consistency and accuracy in Magento inventory management.

    2. Validation for age restrictions ensures the entered birthdate meets legal requirements. It verifies that customers are of appropriate age to purchase restricted items.

    3. Custom rules for validating industry-specific identifiers, like:

      • ISBNs for books

      • VINs for automotive parts.

    It ensures these identifiers are correct. This maintains the integrity of product data.

5. Improving Checkout Process

Magento 2 form validation improves checkout process

  • The checkout process is important for Magento ecommerce. Any issues can lead to abandoned carts. By using form validation, users are properly formatted to complete their purchases instantly.

    1. Real-time validation of shipping addresses helps prevent failed deliveries and associated costs. It ensures that addresses are correct before shipping.

    2. Immediate feedback on payment information reduces the likelihood of declined transactions at the final step. It helps ensure smooth and successful payments.

    3. Validating inventory levels during form submission can prevent orders for out-of-stock items. It improves customer satisfaction by ensuring items are available.

  • For example, an online bookstore ensures correct addresses to avoid shipping errors. It maximizes Magento sales and satisfaction for the users.

6. Using URLs Effectively

  • Proper URL validation can prevent security issues like XSS attacks. It ensures that submitted Magento URLs are properly formatted. URL protects the site from potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Validating URLs is important for SEO services and purposes. It ensures that user-submitted links, such as product reviews or forum posts. They are valid and do not harm Magento’s search engine rankings.
  • For example, a business directory website requires valid URLs for listings. Proper URL validation maintains a professional and error-free online presence.

4 Steps to Create/Add Custom Magento Form Validation

Step 1: Mention Validation Mixin

  • Add a JavaScript mixin for the mage/validation module.

  • Update the requirejsconfig.js file to include a validation rule mixin.

  • File path: app/code/Vendor/Module/view/frontend/requirejsconfig.js

Step 2: Add a Validation Rule

  • Create a new JavaScript file to define the custom validation rule.

  • File path: app/code/Vendor/Module/view/frontend/web/js/validationmixin.js

Step 3: Add Validation Class to Input Field

  • Add the validation of the five-word class to the input field that needs this validation.

Step 4: Apply the Changes

  • Clear the static content cache and preprocessed view files to apply the changes.

  • Run the following commands: php bin/magento se:s:d f && php bin/magento c:f

Add More Validations

  • Add additional validation rules by expanding the validationmixin.js file.

  • For example, users can add rules to check for an exact number of email-protected domains.

  • File path: app/code/Vendor/Module/view/frontend/web/js/validationmixin.js

How to Validate Magento 2 Form Validation?

1. Initiate Validations

  • Add the datamageinit attribute to your form tag. It tells Magento to validate the form before submission.

<form id="myform" datamageinit='{"validation": {}}'> ... </form>

  • Use the text/xmagentoinit script tag to specify that the form should be validated. It tells Magento to validate the form before submission.

<script type="text/xmagentoinit"> { "#myform": { "validation": {} } } </script>

2. Define Validation Rules

  • Rule 1: Use Rule Name as an Attribute

<input required="true" name="field" type="text" />

  • Rule 2: Use Rule Name as a Class Name

<input class="inputtext required" name="field" type="text" />

  • Rule 3: Use data-validate Attribute

<input datavalidate='{"required":true}' name="field" type="text" />

  • Rule 4: Set Rule in data-mage-init Attribute of Form Tag

<form class="form my-form" action="" method="post" datamageinit='{ "validation":{ "rules": { "field-name": { "required":true } } } }'>

List of Validation Rules in Magento 2

List of validation rules in Magento 2

Magento 2 provides a set of standard validation rules to ensure data integrity. The list of the most commonly used validation rules:

1. Required Fields

  • Required-entry: Ensures that the field is not empty. It is used for mandatory fields.

2. Email Validation

  • Validate-email: Checks if the input is a valid email format.

  • Validate-emails: Validates multiple email addresses separated by commas.

3. Number Validation

  • Validate-number: Ensures the input is a valid number.

  • Validate-digits: Checks if the input contains only digits.

  • Validate-digits-range: Validates if the input is within a specified numeric range.

  • Validate-zero-or-greater: Ensures the number is zero or greater.

4. Length and Size Validation

  • Validate-length: Checks if the input length matches the specified length.

  • Validate-min-length: Ensures the input meets the minimum length requirement.

  • Validate-max-length: Validates that the input does not exceed the maximum length.

  • Validate-range-length: Ensures the input length is within a specified range.

  • Validate-file-size: Validates the file size is within the allowed limit.

5. URL Validation

  • Validate-url: Ensures the input is a valid URL.

6. Date and Time Validation

  • Validate-date: Checks if the input is a valid date.

  • Validate-date-range: Validates that the date falls within a specified range.

  • Validate-time: Ensures the input is in a valid time format.

7. Special Format Validation

  • Validate-alpha: Ensures the input contains only alphabetic characters.

  • Validate-alpha-num: Validates that the input contains only alphanumeric characters.

  • Validate-alpha-space: Checks if the input contains only alphabetic characters and spaces.

  • Validate-alpha-num-space: Validates that the input contains only alphanumeric characters and spaces.

  • Validate-currency-dollar: Ensures the input is a valid currency format.

8. Password Validation

  • Validate-password: Checks if the input meets password strength requirements.

  • Validate-admin-password: Validates the admin password according to security policies.

9. Custom Validation

  • Validate-custom: Allows for custom validation rules defined by the developer.

10. Credit Card Validation

  • Validate-cc-number: Ensures the input is a valid credit card number.

  • Validate-cc-type: Validates the credit card type.

11. Miscellaneous

  • Validate-phone: Ensures the input is a valid phone number.

  • Validate-zip: Validates the input as a zip code.

  • Validate-ssn: Ensures the input is a valid Social Security Number (SSN).

12. JavaScript Validation Attributes

  • Data-validate: Used to specify validation rules in JSON format within the HTML tag. For example, { "required": true, "validate-email": true }.

10 Troubleshooting Common Magento2 Form Validation Issues

Issue Description
Form Not Submitting The form is only submitted even when all fields are filled. Ensure all required fields have the `required-entry` class and check for JavaScript errors.
Numeric Validation Issues Numeric fields accept non-numeric input. Use `validate-number` or `validate-digits` classes to restrict input to numbers.
Validation Not Working Custom validation rules are not applied. Verify the custom rule is correctly added and referenced in `requirejs-config.js.`
Leading and Trailing Spaces User input contains unwanted leading and trailing spaces. Add a validation rule to trim spaces before form submission.
Special Character Issues Characters are not allowed in specific fields. Use classes like `validate-alpha` or add custom validation rules for specific characters.
Incorrect Email Validation Magento email addresses need to be validated correctly. Use the `validate-email` class and ensure the email regex is accurate.
Required Fields Not Highlighted Required fields do not show as required. Ensure the `required-entry` class is added and CSS is correctly applied.
Length Validation Not Applied Minimum or maximum length validation is not working. Use appropriate classes like `validate-min-length` and `validate-max-length.`
JavaScript Conflicts JavaScript validation conflicts with other scripts. Check conflicts with other libraries and ensure no duplicate jQuery versions are loaded.


1. How do you add validation to a form in Magento 2?

To add validation to a form, use the data-mage-init attribute. Text/x-magento-init script tag can also be used to validate Magento standards. It tells Magento to check the form inputs before submission. Proper validation helps ensure that the form data meets the necessary standards.

2. What are the common validation techniques in Magento 2?

Common validation techniques in Magento 2 include:

  • Required fields (required-entry)

  • Email validation (validate-email)

  • Numeric validation (validate-digits).

The rules make sure that all submissions provided by user are properly correct. Using these techniques helps keep your data accurate and reliable.

3. Are there Magento open-source themes that utilize form validation?

Many Magento open-source themes incorporate jQuery validation methods and styles. These enhance user input processes and improve form functionality for commerce frontend development.

4. How does a user handle custom validation in Magento 2?

To handle custom validation, create a JavaScript mixin. Add it for the mage/validation module and use $.validator.addMethod to define the rule. It allows for customized validation based on specific needs. Custom validation ensures that unique business requirements are met effectively.

5. Why is form validation important in Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source?

Form validation in Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source ensures properly formatted data. It helps avoid errors by providing immediate feedback on correctness. The process is important for maintaining high data quality in the ecommerce platform.

6. Can a user use UI components for form validation in Magento 2?

A user can use UI components to add validation rules in Magento 2. The approach simplifies the process and ensures consistency across different forms. Using UI components makes it easier to manage and apply validation rules.

7. How can I validate fields like field-1 or field-4 in Magento 2?

To validate your form inputs, assign specific validation rules through class names. For example, use required-entry to make a field mandatory for ecommerce.

8. What CSS classes are used for form validation in Magento 2?

Users need to add CSS classes like the required-entry for mandatory fields and validate-email for email fields. Adding the right CSS class for the rule to apply the form is validated correctly. Proper CSS class usage helps highlight errors. It guides users to correct their inputs.



Magento 2 form validation checks that all form data is accurate before submission. The process improves data integrity and user experience on the site. It ensures accurate data, prevents fraud, and improves the checkout process. Magento 2 form validation can:

  • Increase sales by making forms easy to use

  • Block bots and spammers from your forms

  • Keep your data neat and accurate for orders

  • Save you time and hassle dealing with bad data

Explore managed Magento hosting to improve data format within form validation in e-commerce.

Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar
Technical Writer

Nikita is a skilled content writer who simplifies complex ideas for the Magento audience. She excels at creating SEO-friendly articles and informative blog posts about Magento. She consistently delivers clear, engaging, and audience-focused content.

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