Magento 2 Customer Attributes: Steps to Configure

Magento 2 Customer Attributes: Steps to Configure

Wondering how to gain insights into your customer’s preferences and behaviors? Magento 2 Customer Attributes empower businesses to gather customer data. It enhances their profiles beyond basic details, such as name and address.

This tutorial will cover the steps to gain insights on customers in Magento 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how Magento 2 customer attributes improve understanding of customers.

  • Explore why customizing customer data is important for targeted marketing.

  • Discover step-by-step instructions to create custom attributes.

  • Explore different Magento extensions and plugins to personalize user experiences.

  • Gain insights into troubleshooting tips to boost sales.

What are Magento 2 Customer Attributes?

Magento 2 Customer Attributes are customizable fields. It stores additional information about customers.

Magento 2 customer attributes enable merchants to create a more personalized shopping experience. According to Epsilon, 80% of shoppers buy when brands offer personalized experiences.

Also, 85% of consumers said personalized homepage offers influenced their purchase decisions. Magento 2 supports various input types for these attributes. It ensures flexibility in the data collection of customer accounts.

Importance of Customer Attributes for Different Stakeholders

1. Marketers

  • Marketers can utilize customer attributes for better segmentation, personalization, and targeted campaigns. It improves conversion rates and customer experience.

  • For example, a sports equipment retailer might segment customers by:

    1. Preferred sports

    2. Skill level

    3. Frequency of purchases

    4. Average order value

    5. Geographic location

  • With these segments, marketers can:

    1. Create personalized landing pages. They show relevant products and content. It is based on a customer's interests and skill levels.

    2. Store owners make email campaigns that promote local sporting events. It offers loyalty rewards or discounts used to each customer's purchasing habits.

  • It goes beyond targeting demographics and creates a variety of customer attributes. As a result, customers are more likely to find value in marketing communications. It leads to more engagement.

2. Customer Service

  • Customer service teams use customer information to understand preferences and resolve issues. It includes tracking orders and suggesting products based on past purchases. It not only fixes problems but also makes shopping better for the customers.

  • For example, Netflix provides details on what customers watch and their subscriptions. It helps to solve problems. They speed up the solving of issues, such as billing or account problems.

  • It helps give personalized advice and fix technical problems. This ensures that customers enjoy their viewing.

  • Using customer attributes help service teams in many industries. It lets them give fast, smart help and build better relationships. It predicts what customers want and grows businesses.

3. Business Owners

  • Business owners utilize customer attributes to drive strategic decisions. It is based on detailed insights into customer preferences and behaviors. This empowers them to meet customer needs and expectations.

  • For example, Spotify is a subscription-based service. It analyzes users' listening habits to make personalized playlists and recommend new music. This enhances users' satisfaction and keeps them satisfied.

  • Retail giants like Amazon use your customer purchase history. They use browsing behavior to suggest products and make shopping faster. It also improves customer engagement through targeted promotions and recommendations.

  • Businesses in different sectors use customer attributes. They use them to tailor their offerings and improve customer experiences. It drives growth and trust among customers.

4. Developers

  • Developers play an important role in utilizing customer attributes within Magento. It enhances:

    1. Functionality

    2. Generates detailed reports

    3. Integrates smoothly with third-party systems.

  • Attributes are structured to make sure that customer data is easy to obtain and handle. For example, by combining customer data with a CRM system.

  • Developers can create one platform and bring together customer interactions and preferences. It makes customer management simpler and improves all business operations.

  • Developers can also use attributes to customize user experiences. They can optimize workflows using data-driven strategies and improve system performance. It also supports business growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Benefits of Magento 2 Customer Attributes

1. Understanding Customer Data

  • Customer attributes are instrumental in enhancing customer experiences through their offerings. It lets merchants gather valuable insights into consumer behavior.

  • For example, a beauty subscription box service like Birchbox uses customer attributes. These include skincare and hair type, as well as color preferences. They use these details to curate personalized boxes each month.

  • Birchbox ensures that subscribers get products that match their needs and preferences. It boosts satisfaction and encourages subscription renewal.

  • Personalizing customer experiences through Magento can done:

    1. Product Recommendations: Magento gathers data on what customers like. It includes:

      • Their browsing history

      • Past purchases

    2. Using smart algorithms, it suggests products that match each customer's interests. For example, if someone buys outdoor gear. Magento might suggest camping equipment or hiking boots.

    3. Customized Homepage: Using customer details, Magento can change how the homepage looks. For instance, a person into electronics might see new gadgets featured. While someone into fashion might see trendy clothes and accessories.

    4. Email Campaigns: By grouping customers on their details, businesses can send them emails. For example, shoppers are interested in eco-friendly products. They might get emails about sustainable goods or green initiatives.

  • The approach boosts customer loyalty. It enables them to refine their products and marketing well. Store owners use them to deliver personalized experiences that resonate with customers. It drives engagement and long-term success.

2. Gather Specific Customer Details

Magento 2 interface for inputting detailed customer information

  • Businesses can collect important customer information. It includes purchase history and demographic data through customer attributes. Customer attribute fields to collect and analyze customer information to help store owners.

  • Businesses can:

    1. Find cross-selling and upselling opportunities. For example, a customer often buys running shoes. They might want running clothes or fitness trackers.

    2. Store owners can predict future purchases of their customers. They can analyze past buying patterns and let them anticipate the need to restock or upgrade.

    3. The extension develops models for customer lifetime value. The data helps businesses find their most valuable customers. It lets them utilize retention strategies accordingly.

    4. Gathering customer details improves inventory management. Merchants understand what customers like and how often they buy. This lets businesses optimize stock levels and avoid overstocking or stockouts.

  • For instance, an electronics retailer might use purchase history data to:

    1. Recommend compatible with Magento 2 accessories for previously purchased devices.

    2. Offer timely upgrades when new models of their favorite products are released.

    3. Provide personalized warranty or service options based on a customer's usage patterns.

  • Businesses can create a more smooth and personalized shopping experience. It increases customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

3. Targeted Marketing with Customer Grouping

Setup for using customer attributes in targeted marketing within Magento 2

  • Businesses can use customer attributes to segment their customer base. They can utilize marketing to specific preferences and behaviors.

  • For example, an online bookstore using customer details to target their marketing.

  • The store collects information on what genres, authors, and how often customers read. They group customers into categories like "Mystery Lovers," "Sci-Fi Fans," and "Regular Readers." For Mystery Lovers:

    1. Send emails about new mystery books

    2. Give special discounts on mystery book sets

    3. Recommend "Top 10 Mystery Picks" based on their likes

    4. Invite them to online book clubs or Q&A with mystery authors

  • By understanding these preferences, businesses can increase engagement and conversion rates. Customers receive offers that match their tastes and shopping habits.

  • The marketing approach makes customers happier and saves money. It does this by focusing on campaigns likely to give higher returns.

  • In the end, grouping customers by similar attributes helps businesses. It allows them to send better marketing. This helps build better customer relationships and drive business growth in competitive markets.

4. Flexible Management of Additional Fields

Management of additional customer fields in Magento 2

  • Magento 2 offers businesses a great deal of flexibility. It allows them to add extra fields to the registration page.

  • The flexibility is a significant help for industries such as automotive parts retail. They can improve customer interaction by adding features. Industries can add customer attribute reviews and product ratings to their product pages.

  • For instance, a wine shop might ask customers to fill out fields about their favorite wine types. The flavors they enjoy, and how much they spend. The information helps the store to suggest special wine deals.

  • The management does this by encouraging customer feedback. It also supports informed purchasing decisions. Potential buyers can assess product quality and reliability through peer reviews.

  • Businesses can utilize Magento 2's capabilities to customize and manage these extra fields. It will build trust and boost sales. It allows businesses to:

    1. Collect industry-specific details important for their market. For instance, a furniture store might ask about room sizes or style preferences.

    2. Improve product suggestions by learning specific preferences. A bookstore could ask about favorite genres, authors, or how often someone reads.

    3. Make customer service better by having useful info on hand. For example, a tech company might gather details on a customer's devices or tech skills.

    4. Fine-tune marketing by using custom fields to create customer groups for focused campaigns.

5. Enhanced Functionality with Extensions

  • Magento 2 extensions are important to expand an e-commerce store. The advanced features include:

    1. Strong reporting tools

    2. Smooth integration with CRM systems.

  • For instance, If a top customer did not buy anything in 3 months. The CRM can send a special email with a personalized offer. It can be based on what they have bought before. This helps keep customers interested before they stop buying.

  • Integrating a CRM with Magento 2 can improve how businesses manage:

    1. 360-degree Customer View: The integration lets businesses see all customer interactions. It includes:

      • Purchase history

      • Support tickets

      • Emails

      • Social media interactions.

    2. Predictive Analytics: The CRM can predict future customer actions for more sales.

    3. Automated Workflows: Using customer details and actions, the CRM can automatically do things. For example, if a top customer hasn't bought anything in 3 months, it can send a special email to bring them back.

    4. Empowering Sales Teams: When a customer asks for help, the sales team can see their whole profile. This helps them give more informed and personal help.

  • By using this integration, businesses can improve their customer relationship strategies. It will help build stronger connections and track customer behavior in real time.

  • The extension enables proactive engagement and targeted promotions. Magento 2's extension ecosystem empowers businesses. It helps them to optimize their operations and improve customer engagement.

6 Steps to Install Magento 2 Customer Attributes

Step 1: Access Attribute Label Properties

Accessing and editing attribute label properties in Magento 2

Step 2: Set Up Attribute Properties

Setting attribute properties in Magento 2

  • Fill in attribute information like the default customer attributes label and attribute code.

  • Choose the input type.

  • Select a customer input/output filter.

Step 3: Configure Attribute on the Order Grid

Setting up customer attributes on the Magento 2 order grid

  • Decide if the attribute should appear in the customer grid.

  • Set the filter and search options.

  • Choose if the attribute can be used in customer segments.

Step 4: Adjust Storefront Properties

Setting up customer attributes on the Magento 2 order grid

  • Enable showing on the storefront.

  • Set display order.

  • Choose which forms to use more customer attributes in.

Step 5: Add Labels for Store Views

Adjusting storefront properties related to customer attributes in Magento 2

  • In the manage label/options tab.

  • Add labels for each store view.

Step 6: Save Your Work for Attribute Usage

  • Click the save attribute button.

Top 5 Customer Attributes Extensions and Plugins in Magento 2

Extension Name Key Features Compatibility Price
Amasty Customer Attributes It adds advanced features for administrative management and front-end customization. The custom fields are used for the extra customer registration page. Magento Open Source and Commerce $129
Mageplaza Customer Attributes for Magento 2 It adds attribute fields on the registration form, account editing, and admin grid. Magento 2 Open Source and Commerce $149
Aheadworks Customer Attributes for Magento 2 It creates and manages additional attributes across customer sections. Magento Commerce and Open Source $110
BSS Commerce Magento Customer Attributes It customizes fields for Magento 2 registration, account editing, and admin grid. Magento 2 Open Source and Commerce $59
Webkul Magento 2 Custom Attribute Marketplace Add-on It adds extra fields on the registration page and account edit forms. Magento Open Source and Commerce $149

Troubleshooting Tips to Manage Attributes on Magento 2

Troubleshooting Tips Details
Check Attribute Configuration It ensures that attributes, such as text fields or dropdowns, are set up correctly. Incorrect settings can prevent attributes from being displayed. It includes validation rules and specifies where they appear.
Flush Magento Cache After changing attributes, clear the cache in Magento. It ensures that new settings show customer attributes on the store's front side. Old or cached data might cause issues with how things appear.
Review System Logs Magento keeps logs that can help with any problems. Users can look for errors or notes linked to attributes. All these messages might show issues with how things are set.
Check Theme Compatibility Different Magento themes can show and add custom attributes in different ways. Make sure the theme can show these attributes on customer forms or edit pages. Problems here might prevent attributes from showing correctly.
Verify Magento Version Compatibility Check if the Magento version works with the attribute tools or plugins. Older tools might not work with newer Magento updates. It can lead to problems or things not working as planned.
Check Third-Party Extensions Turn off other tools one by one to find out if they cause issues with attributes. Tools that do not work together can create issues. Finding which tool makes the issues can help fix things on Magento 2.


1. How do you create customer attributes in Magento 2?

Navigate to the admin panel and go to Stores > Attributes > Customer. Click on Add New Attribute. Fill in details like attribute code and label. Select the input type. Set validation rules and choose where to display customer attributes.

2. Can Magento 2 add customer attributes to be displayed on the order grid?

Customer attribute fields can be configured to display on the order grid. It enables store owners to view relevant unlimited customer details. It is a powerful feature in Magento enterprise. Magento 2 customer attributes extension allows the order management interface. Users can facilitate better order processing and customer relationship management.

3. How do Magento open source extensions handle parent attributes and attribute relationships?

Magento allows for the creation of parent attributes and attribute relations. It is useful for customer organizing and displaying related customer data. For instance, parent attributes can group related attributes like personal details or preferences. Whereas, attribute relations define dependencies between attributes based on customer interactions or choices.

4. How do Magento 2 customer address attributes help in managing customer accounts?

Customer Attributes Pro helps store owners edit and view default fields. It includes adding attributes like loyalty program status or specific preferences. It is important for personalized customer service and effective customer account edit management.

5. What are some key features in Magento 2 Customer Attributes Extension?

Customer attributes extension for Magento 2 enterprise users includes powerful features like:

  • Advanced attribute management across various customer touchpoints.

  • Smooth integration with CRM systems for unified customer data management.

  • Support for displaying additional attribute fields at the various templates.

  • Ensuring enhanced customization and scalability.

6. What are some examples of useful new customer attributes in Magento?

Useful new customer attributes in Magento include fields for preferred product categories. It includes membership status, loyalty program participation, and marketing preferences.

7. Why would I use custom customer attributes in Magento 2 extensions?

Custom customer attributes in Magento are used to gather specific information. It can be relevant to your business. The details include customer attributes and methods of communication.

8. What should I consider before installing a third-party extension on Magento 2?

Before installing any extension, consider checking its compatibility with your Magento version. Read the reviews and ensure it meets your site's security and performance standards.

9. What types of attributes can I manage in Magento?

In Magento, you can manage attributes of various types. It includes product attributes and category attributes. Each of them serves different purposes in customization and data collection.



Magento 2 Customer Attributes enhance customer profiles by storing additional information. The customization enables businesses to offer personalized shopping experiences. Here is its overall importance:

  • Marketers Benefit: Improved segmentation and personalized campaigns boost conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

  • Customer Service Teams: Use attributes to enhance support and resolve customer issues.

  • Business Owners' Strategic Decisions: Utilize customer data for informed strategic decisions.

  • Developers' Role: Important in integrating and optimizing customer attributes within Magento.

Explore managed Magento Hosting to enhance the customization of customer attributes on ecommerce.

Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar
Technical Writer

Nikita is a skilled content writer who simplifies complex ideas for the Magento audience. She excels at creating SEO-friendly articles and informative blog posts about Magento. She consistently delivers clear, engaging, and audience-focused content.

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