How to Install and Manage Magento 2 Composer Usage?

How to Install and Manage Magento 2 Composer Usage?

Struggling to install Magento 2 and manage dependencies effortlessly? Magento 2 composer usage simplifies the process of installing, updating, & managing extensions & dependencies.

This tutorial will cover key commands & practical tips for Magento 2 composer usage.

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Key Takeaways

  • Steps to set up your Magento store, troubleshoot issues, and manage libraries effectively.
  • Benefits of simplifying dependency management to ensure compatibility and easy updates.
  • Insights into how composer simplifies managing your Magento 2 store.
  • Advanced techniques to ensure efficient dependency management and installation.
  • Practical applications that automate the installation & updates of libraries for your Magento store.
  • Tips to ensure compatibility between libraries.

What are Composer Install Commands in Magento 2?

Composer install commands help manage PHP dependencies efficiently.

In Magento 2, Composer simplifies the handling of packages and dependencies. It automates the installation, updates, and management of these components. Thus, it ensures a smooth development workflow.

The system effectively uses Composer to manage components and product editions. It reduces manual intervention and errors. Developers can define the libraries required for their projects. Composer enables precise control over dependencies, which saves time & ensures compatibility and scalability.

Why Does Installing Magento Using Composer Matter?

1. Scalability Benefits

i. Flexible Architecture

  • Easy integration of new features
  • Efficient module updates
  • Quick adaptation to business needs

ii. Impact on Development Workflow

  • Automated dependency management
  • Faster module installations
  • Enhanced version compatibility

2. Security Enhancement

i. Automated Updates

  • Instant security patch deployment
  • Vulnerability fixes without manual intervention
  • Controlled update processes

ii. Package Verification

  • Authenticated package sources
  • Integrity checks on all installations
  • Protected development environment

3. Cost and Time Efficiency

i. Resource Optimization

  • Reduced development hours
  • Lower maintenance cost
  • Faster deployment cycles

ii. Error Prevention

  • Fewer compatibility issues
  • Reduced downtime
  • Minimized debugging needs

4. Performance Advantages for Long-term Benefits

i. Optimized Loading

  • Better resource management
  • Improved caching
  • Reduced server load

ii. Future-proofing

  • Easier upgrades
  • Better compatibility
  • Simplified maintenance

Understanding Composer File and Packaging Extensions in Magento Websites

1. composer.json

The composer.json file defines sensitive information like the following:

  • Package name
  • Version
  • Dependencies

It is placed in the root directory of each module. It adheres to Composer's generic schema with specific Magento requirements, such as:

  • Name: Use the format <vendor-name>/module-<module-name> in lowercase letters. Separate words in <module-name> with dashes.
  • Type: Set as magento2-module for all modules.
  • Autoload: Specifies necessary data for loading components.

2. Metapackages

Metapackages combine multiple packages into a cohesive extension. These .zip files contain only a composer.json file. They are used as root packages for extensions with more than one package.

3. Packaging and Publishing Extensions

i. Create a Package: Compress your module into a .zip file, excluding unnecessary directories. Use dashes to separate words in the filename, avoiding whitespaces.

ii. Distribute via Repositories: Magento supports GitHub or third-party URLs. It retrieves any valid package from these repositories.

4. GitHub and Packagist

To host extensions on GitHub or Packagist:

i. Set Up Git: Install and configure Git on your system. ii. Create a Git Repository: Navigate to your module directory (with composer.json in the root). Then, initialize it as a Git repository. iii. Push to GitHub: Once the module is uploaded to GitHub, you can:

  • Directly reference it in Composer.

  • Submit it to Packagist:

    • Create a Packagist account.
    • Submit your GitHub repository link under "Submit Package".

5. Private Repositories

  • Use tools like Satis or Toran to package repositories.
  • Submit or register your package in the private repository.
  • Add the repository to your composer.json.
  • Reference your private packages using the require field.

Advanced Benefits of Using Composer to Install Magento 2

1. Simplified Updates

With Composer, updating necessary components of Magento 2 becomes easy. You can effortlessly pull in the latest versions of Magento and its dependencies. It ensures your installation stays secure and up to date.

Composer also maintains a dependency graph. It includes all modules and extensions in your project. If a new version of Magento or an extension is released, Composer can perform the update based on your existing setup. This automation ensures that your store remains current without manual intervention.

2. Reusing Third-Party Libraries

Composer provides developers with existing PHP libraries and tools. It eliminates the need to duplicate code within Magento installations. Libraries available on Packagist, the PHP package repository, can be included & kept updated.

Composer uses a local cache instead of duplicating library code. It significantly reduces disk usage across multiple projects. Composer's autoloader handles class loading efficiently, preventing naming conflicts between different libraries. You can specify version constraints (e.g., "^2.0"). It allows you to get compatible updates while avoiding breaking changes automatically.

This process reduces storage requirements and simplifies updates. It makes Magento 2 management more efficient and cost-effective.

3. Resolving Compatibility Issues

Magento 2's Composer-based architecture simplifies managing dependencies and extensions. It also ensures compatibility by managing library versions. Multiple developers can work with Magento on the same project using different libraries.

This process prevents conflicts, which are often referred to as "dependency hell." Developers can focus on writing business logic instead of resolving compatibility issues.

4. Adherence to PHP-FIG Standards

Composer ensures Magento 2 aligns with PHP-FIG (PHP Framework Interoperability Group) guidelines. It promotes best practices across PHP frameworks and components. Standards like "PSR-0", "PSR-1", "PSR-2", "PSR-3", and "PSR-4" make the Magento codebase easy to understand.

This compliance facilitates smooth integration and sharing of components across projects. It enhances the flexibility and scalability of Magento 2 development.

8 Types of Composer.json Packages in a Magento Server

1. Root composer.json Package

The root composer.json package includes the primary composer.json file. This file declares dependencies on third-party components. It also acts as a template for other composer.json files. Here is a breakdown:

  • Location: composer.json
  • Naming Convention: magento/magento2ce
  • Type: project
  • Location: composer.json
  • Naming Convention: magento/magento2ce
  • Type: project

2. CE Project composer.json Package

The CE Project composer.json package represents the Magento Community Edition (CE) project. It declares dependencies on the class autoloader and the Magento product. The package also includes themes, modules, and third-party components.

  • Location: composer.json

  • Naming Convention: magento/project-community-edition

  • Type: project

  • CE Product composer.json Package

    • Defines dependencies for Magento CE products, including themes, modules, and third-party components.
    • Location: composer.json
    • Naming Convention: magento/project-community-edition
    • Type: metapackage

3. Base composer.json Package

The Base composer.json package represents the Magento CE base package. It includes sensitive files & directories and introduces a require section to list dependencies.

  • Location: composer.json
  • Naming Convention: magento/magento2-base
  • Type: magento2-component

4. Module Packages

Module packages define the fully qualified name of a module with a “vendor prefix”.

  • Location: app/code/Magento/<Module>/composer.json
  • Naming Conventions: magento/module-catalog-inventory, magento/module-checkout
  • Type: magento2-module

5. Theme Packages

Theme packages are associated with specific areas, such as the frontend or backend.

  • Location: app/design/<area>/Magento/<theme>/composer.json
  • Naming Conventions: magento/theme-frontend-blank, magento/theme-adminhtml-backend
  • Type: magento2-theme

6. Language Packs

Language packs require a lowercase language identifier for localization.

  • Location:app/i18n/magento/<language>/composer.json
  • Naming Conventions: magento/language-en_us, magento/language-de_de
  • Type: magento2-language

7. Magento Framework/Libraries

  • Contains the magento/framework package for internal libraries.
  • Location: lib/internal/Magento/Framework/composer.json
  • Naming Convention: magento/framework
  • Type: magento2-library

8. Magento Connect Package Types

  • Magento2-module: Includes source files and a top-level composer.json
  • Metapackage: Acts as a placeholder, grouping collections of packages
  • Magento2-theme: Designed for theme packages
  • Magento2-language: Contains .csv files for content translation.

Naming Conventions in Magento 2 Root Directory and Composer

Composer package names in Magento follow a specific format to ensure consistency & compatibility. Below is a breakdown of the key syntax format requirements used by Magento:

i. General Format



  • All letters in the package name must be lowercase.
  • For multiple-word package names, words must be separated by a dash (-). The method should follow the naming conventions specified in the Composer guidelines.

ii. Magento-Specific Format


Key Requirements:

  • type-prefix: Represents the component type in Magento (e.g., module, theme, language).
  • suffix: Identifies the specific component within its type.

Note: This standardized naming format ensures clear identification and organization of Magento-specific components. Components outside specific categories can be generalized under the Magento component.

If a component doesn’t align with a specific category, it can be generalized under the Magento component. Magento 2 organizes directories & files using the type identifiers associated with each component. The system organizes components according to Magento's directory structure.

CLI Commands for Magento Components in Composer Packages

Command Category Command Syntax Purpose Prerequisites
Installation Commands - bin/magento setup:install
- bin/magento setup:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:uninstall
- Performs fresh Magento installation
- Updates modules and database schema
- Removes Magento installation
- Composer installation complete
- Deployment configuration
- Existing installation
Maintenance Commands - bin/magento maintenance:enable
- bin/magento maintenance:disable
- Activates maintenance mode
- Deactivates maintenance mode
- Active installation
- Deactivate installation
Module Management - bin/magento module:enable
- bin/magento module:disable
- Activates specific modules
- Deactivates specific modules

- Valid module name
- Existing module
Database Commands - bin/magento setup:db-schema:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:db-data:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:db:status
- Updates database structure
- Updates database content
- Checks database synchronization
Deployment configuration
Configuration Commands - bin/magento setup:config:set
- bin/magento setup:store-config:set
- Manages deployment settings
- Configures store settings
- None
- Deployment configuration
User Management bin/magento admin:user:create Creates admin accounts in Magento User module enabled
Help Commands - bin/magento list
- bin/magento help <command>
- Shows all available commands
- Provides command details

Key Advantages of Magento 2 Installation via Composer

1. Advanced Architecture Benefits

i. Component-Based Structure

  • Modular development becomes easy
  • Clean separation of concerns
  • Easier maintenance and updates

ii. Version Control Excellence

  • Semantic versioning ensures stability
  • Clear upgrade paths
  • Conflict-free package management

2. Development Efficiency Boosters

i. Third-party Integration

  • Efficient integration of external libraries
  • No need to bundle code with Magento 2 core
  • Reduced codebase bloat

ii. Standards Compliance

  • Full PHP-FIG standards compatibility
  • Enhanced code interoperability
  • Better development practices
  • Easy integration with other frameworks and projects
  • Standardized code structure for reduced learning curve for new team members
  • Development tools (e.g., linters, IDEs, etc.) for improved development workflow

3. Production Environment Advantages

i. Deployment Benefits

  • Fast production deployments
  • Consistent environments across teams
  • Reduced deployment errors

ii. Maintenance Perks

  • Easy updates and rollbacks
  • Simplified extension management
  • Better security through controlled dependencies

4. Performance Optimization

i. Flexible dependency management

  • Automatic third-party library management
  • Perfect version compatibility
  • Manual dependency tracking prevention

ii. Resource Management

  • Optimized autoloading
  • Efficient class loading
  • Reduced server load

Composer Installation Requirements for Running a Magento Store

1. Verify Server Specifications

magento 2 composer verifying server specifications for compatibility

Magento 2’s performance depends heavily on meeting the required server specifications. Below is a breakdown of the necessary components:

i. Operating System

  • Supported: Linux distributions (RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS)
  • Not Supported: macOS or Windows
a. Composer Installation Using the Installer
  1. Download the Composer-Setup.exe file.
  2. Run the setup, and it will automatically:
  • Install the latest version of Composer.
  • Configure the system PATH. It allows you to call Composer from any directory in the command line.
b. Manual Installation of Composer on Windows
  1. Navigate to a directory already included in your PATH.
  2. Follow the Composer Download Instructions to get composer.phar.
  3. In the same directory as composer.phar, run this command to create composer.bat:

C:\bin>echo @php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*>composer.bat

Note: If the directory isn’t in your PATH, manually add it to the environment variable settings.

  1. Open a new terminal and run:

composer -V

Note: You should see a version confirmation like this:

Composer version 1.0.0 2016-01-10 20:34:53

  1. To make Composer available globally, move the composer.phar file:

mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

ii. Hardware

  • Minimum 2GB RAM (recommended for upgrades)
  • Systems with less than "2GB" should create a swap file to prevent issues during upgrades

iii. Web Server

NGINX 1.x or Apache 2.4

iv. Database

MySQL 5.6 & 5.7, Percona 5.7, MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4, MariaDB 10.0–10.2

v. PHP

  • Versions: ~7.3, ~7.4, or ~8.1
  • Extensions: ctype, mbstring, hash, curl, JSON, etc

vi. Mail Server

MTA or SMTP server

vii. Security

  • Valid HTTPS certificate (self-signed certificates are not supported)
  • TLS 1.2 or higher for and PayPal

viii. Browsers

  • Latest Chrome, Edge, and Firefox on all OS
  • Safari on iOS 12+ and macOS, and Chrome on Android 4+

ix. Magento 2.4+ Specific Requirements

  • Elasticsearch 7.6+ for search functionality
  • RabbitMQ 3.8 for messaging queues

2. Use the Right Technologies

To ensure optimal performance, the hosting server must meet the following technical requirements:

i. PHP Framework

Magento uses PHP as its foundation, supporting PHP version 8.1 in its current release.

Note: Composer is required to manage the codebase and integrated programs. Magento follows the PSR-0, -1, -2, and -3 standards and recommends PSR-4 for better coding practices.

ii. Frontend Technologies

CSS3, HTML5, RequireJS, KnockoutJS, and JQuery.

iii. Caching Mechanisms

Efficient caching solutions like Varnish, Redis, object cache, & database cache enhance speed & performance.

These technologies ensure Magento 2’s scalability and compatibility with modern requirements.

3. Obtain Authentication Credentials

To download Magento, access Adobe Commerce first. Then, set up Composer from It requires creating authentication keys tied to your account. Follow these steps:

i. Log in to Commerce Marketplace

  • Register if you don’t have an account.
  • Once logged in, click your account name and navigate to "My Profile".

ii. Generate Access Keys

  • In the "Marketplace" tab, select "Access Keys" and click "Create New Access Key".
  • Provide a name for the keys and confirm by clicking "OK".

iii. Copy the Keys

The system generates private and public keys. Copy these to your clipboard for future use.

Note: These keys and your MAGEID allow access to Adobe Commerce packages. After this configuration, proceed with the Magento 2 setup.

Common Arguments for Magento 2 Installation Using Composer

Argument Short Form Description Use Case
--help -h Displays command help documentation Perfect for learning new command syntax
--quiet -q Suppresses all output Ideal for automated scripts
--no-interaction -n Skips interactive questions Useful for automated deployments
--verbose=1 -v Shows basic output Standard development usage
--verbose=2 -vv Displays detailed information Debugging moderate issues
--verbose=3 -vvv Provides maximum debug output Advanced troubleshooting
--version -V Shows the current version Version verification
--ansi N/A Forces colored output Improves readability in supported terminals
--no-ansi N/A Disables colored output Better for log files

5 Steps to Install Magento 2 Using Composer

Step 1: Install Composer

Composer can be installed through the command line or by downloading the installer.

Approach 1: Command Line Installation

  1. Download the composer using the following command:

curl -sS | php

  1. Move the installer to a directory in your $PATH using the below command:

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

  1. Verify the installation using the command given below:

composer --version

Approach 2: Download Installation

  1. Visit the Composer website and download the installer for your operating system.
  2. Move the downloaded file to a folder in your $PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin).
  3. Rename the file by removing the .phar extension:

mv composer.phar composer

  1. Check the composer version:

composer --version

Step 2: Access the System as the File Owner

  1. Navigate to the installation directory (e.g., public_html or var/www/html/magento2).
  2. Switch to the Magento file system owner using:

su <Magento file system owner> -s /bin/bash -c <command>

  1. Add the Magento root directory to the system PATH for easier command execution:

export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin

Step 3: Download Magento Software

Download Magento 2 using Composer by running one of the following commands:

i. For Magento Open Source

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition <install-directory-name>

ii. For Adobe Commerce (Enterprise)

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition <install-directory-name>


  • To install Magento in the current folder (e.g., public_html), add a dot (.) at the end of the command.
  • Use your Public Key and Private Key from the Magento Marketplace for authentication.

Step 4: Set Proper Permissions for Your Magento Installation

Ensure the correct permissions for your Magento 2 store using:

i. Files

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

ii. Directories

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

iii. Specific folders

chmod -Rf 777 var pub/static pub/media chmod 777 ./app/etc chmod -Rf 775 bin

Step 5: Create a Database and Complete Installation

  1. Create a database for Magento.
  2. Once installed, you’ll see:

[SUCCESS]: Magento installation complete. [SUCCESS]: Magento Admin URI: /admin_im53pc

  1. Access your Magento 2 admin panel using the provided URI.
  2. Now, run the readiness check to finalize the process and launch your Magento store.
  3. Verify it on the Magento 2 frontend and backend.

Advanced Techniques for Installing Magento 2 via Composer

Technique Implementation Best Practice
Custom Package Development Create custom packages using composer.json and registration.php files. Follow Magento's packaging guidelines for optimal compatibility.
Memory Management Use php -d memory_limit=-1 composer command for resource-intensive operations. Create a swap file if facing persistent memory issues.
Version Control Implement semantic versioning for package management. Set up regular composer updates and cache clearing for stability.
Troubleshooting Use -vvv flag for verbose output during installation. Monitor composer diagnostic results for potential issues.
Environment Setup Configure environment variables and database connections properly. Document all configuration settings for team consistency.
Dependency Management Use composer update --with-dependencies for complete updates. Conduct regular checks for package compatibility.
Cache Optimization Implement composer clear-cache for fresh installations. Maintain a clean cache for better performance.
Security Measures Verify package sources and authentication credentials. Use private repositories for sensitive modules.
Performance Tuning Optimize autoloading and class loading configurations. Monitor server resources and adjust as needed.
Version Compatibility Ensure the correct composer version for the Magento 2 version. Use composer self-update --1 for older Magento versions.

How to Use the Composer to Manage Minor Releases, Quality Patches, & Security Patches?

1. Minor Releases

Minor releases include new features, quality improvements, and security updates. You can use Composer to specify and download a minor release. For instance, to download the Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 metapackage, use the following command:

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition=2.4.6 <install-directory-name>

2. Quality Patches

Quality patches focus on functional & security fixes, though they may include backward-compatible features. To apply a quality patch, use Composer.

For example, to download the Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 metapackage, use the command given below:

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition=2.4.6 <install-directory-name>

3. Security Patches

magento 2 composer applying security patches for enhanced protection

Security patches address security vulnerabilities only. These patches follow the naming convention 2.4.6-px. They make upgrades faster and more efficient. To download a specific security patch, such as Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p1, use the below command:

composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition=2.4.6-p1 <install-directory-name>

How to Install Magento 2 Extensions Using Run Composer Update?

1. Pre-Installation Steps

Before installing any module, enable maintenance mode and back up your store using:

bin/magento maintenance:enable

2. Module Installation from Magento Marketplace

i. Add the extension package to your composer.json file using the following command:

composer require vendor/package

ii. To install a specific version, use the command below:

composer require Vendor/Module_Name:^1.25

Note: Enter your Marketplace access keys when prompted.

iii. Register the extension using the command given below:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

iv. Clear the cache using bin/magento cache:clean. v. If using Production Mode, deploy static content and compile the following:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US en_GB php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Note: Modules installed via Composer are downloaded into the vendor folder. Magento uses for modules purchased from the Magento Marketplace.

3. Third-Party Module Installation

i For third-party modules, add the vendor repository to your composer.json. ii. Configure the vendor repository using the following command:

composer config repositories.swissuplabs composer

iii. Follow the same steps as for Marketplace modules:

composer require vendor/package bin/magento setup:upgrade

iv. For Production Mode, run the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US en_GB php bin/magento setup:di:compile

4. Update Magento 2 Modules with Composer

i. Update all modules and dependencies using the following:

composer update

ii. Update a specific module using the following:

composer update vendor/module-name

iii. Update metapackages using:

composer update vendor/module-name --with-dependencies

iv. Update multiple modules using:

composer update vendor/module-name1 vendor/module-name2

v. Update all modules from a specific vendor using the following:

composer update vendor/*

To update modules with specific versions, follow the steps below:

vi. Change the version in composer.json and run the following commands:

composer require "vendor/module-name:^x.x.x"

vii. After updating, execute these commands:

bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento cache:clean

viii. For Production Mode, run the commands given below:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US en_GB php bin/magento setup:di:compile

How to Remove Modules from the Magento Stack with Composer?

To uninstall a module, use:

composer remove vendor/package

For instance, to remove a particular module, run:

composer remove Vendor/Module_Name bin/magento cache:clean

Best Practices for Using the Magento 2 Composer Usage to Manage Dependencies

Practice Category Implementation Strategy Security Impact Performance Benefits
Dependency Updates Conduct regular composer update checks and version control monitoring. - Prevents vulnerability exploits
- Ensures security patches
Optimizes system performance and reduces conflicts
Version Management Use semantic versioning and avoid static version numbers. - Prevents unexpected security issues
- Controls update scope
Maintains stable performance and Reduces compatibility issues
Environment Control Implement staging testing and use composer install --prefer-dist. - Isolates security risks
- Protects production environment
Speeds up deployment and resource utilization
Cache Optimization Store composer cache between builds and se autoloader optimization. - Secures package sources
- Validates dependencies
Improves load times and enhances efficiency
Extension Management Remove unused extensions and monitor conflicts. - Reduces attack surface
- Minimizes vulnerability exposure
Simplifies operations and improves system stability
Authentication Secure key management and verified package sources. - Prevents unauthorized access
- Ensures trusted sources
Maintains consistent performance and reduces downtime
Backup Strategy Set up regular composer.lock backups and version control integration. - Enables quick recovery
- Maintains security history
Minimizes deployment issues and ensures stability
Patch Management Apply security patches promptly and use composer patches. - Addresses known vulnerabilities
- Maintains security standards
Optimizes code base and improves functionality
Autoloader Configuration Implement classmap-authoritative and use APCu cache. - Protects code exposure
- Secures class loading
Accelerates class loading and reduces server load
Deployment Process Configure artifact-based deployment and reduce external dependencies. - Secures deployment pipeline
- Isolates security concerns
Speeds up deployment and improves reliability

3 Steps to Run Magento 2 CE and Deploy it with Composer

  1. To deploy Magento 2 CE using Composer, execute the following commands:

git clone ./magento2 composer install

  1. To update your Magento 2 project to the latest version, run the following:

git pull composer install

  1. If you need to deploy Magento 2 CE to the website root, the commands depend on your working directory. For instance, e.g., /var/www/

i. If you are inside the deploying directory:

cd /var/www/ composer create-project "magento/project-community-edition"

ii. If you are outside the deploying directory:

composer create-project "magento/project-community-edition" /var/www/

Common Composer Issues When Using a Component-Based Architecture for Installing PHP Applications

Issue Type Problem Description Solution Prevention Tips
Memory Issues PHP memory limit exhausted during installation Use the php -d memory_limit=-1 composer install command. Configure higher memory limits in php.ini.
PHP Version Conflicts Incompatible PHP version with Composer Use composer self-update --1 for Magento 2.4 and earlier. Check version compatibility before installation.
Dependency Resolution Missing mbstring extension Install using sudo apt install php-mbstring. Verify all required PHP extensions beforehand.
Cache Problems Corrupted Composer cache Run composer clear-cache followed by composer update. Regular cache clearing during development
Permission Issues Access denied during the installation Adjust file permissions and ownership. Set proper file system permissions initially.
Component Conflicts Package dependency conflicts Use composer update --with-dependencies. Maintain consistent version requirements.
Autoloader Issues Missing autoload files Remove the vendor directory and run composer install. Keep composer.json and composer.lock in sync.
Platform Requirements Incorrect platform checks Avoid using --ignore-platform-reqs. Specify correct platform requirements in composer.json.

How to Clone and Package Modules Using Composer in Magento Commerce?

Cloning the Magento 2 repository is a must if you plan to contribute to its codebase. You can choose between:

  • Master Branch: A more stable version, which can be cloned using the optional [-b master] argument.
  • Develop Branch: The latest branch, cloned by default.

Composer packages in Magento 2 facilitate the distribution, installation, and upgrading of modules. To package a module:

  1. Create a composer.json file to include all necessary module details.
  2. Use Magento Connect to package and publish your module.

Practical Applications of Installing Magento 2 With Composer

Application Type Implementation Method Benefits Best Practices
Module Installation composer require vendor/module-name Automated dependency resolution, version control, and easy updates Implement regular cache clearing.
- Verify module compatibility.
Theme Management composer require <vendor>/<name>:<version> Consistent theme deployment, simplified updates, and better version tracking - Test in the development environment first.
- Maintain proper file permissions.
Extension Integration composer require package_name:version Efficient third-party integration, reduced conflicts, and automated updates - Configure repositories correctly.
- Follow version compatibility guidelines.
Custom Package Development composer.json configuration with registration.php Modular development, easy distribution, and better maintenance - Follow Magento packaging standards.
- Implement proper version control.
Updates and Maintenance composer update vendor/package-name Controlled updates, dependency management, and security patches - Conduct regular updates.
- Monitor compatibility.
- Backup before updates.
Database Management bin/magento setup:upgrade Schema updates, data consistency, and smooth migrations - Set up regular backups.
- Test migrations in development first.


1. Does Magento 2.4 require specific configurations during installation?

Magento 2.4 requires Elasticsearch for its search functionality. It also supports PHP 7.4 and 8.1.

2. What are the advantages of using Composer for Magento 2?

Composer makes dependency management faster and more efficient. It simplifies updating Magento components and extensions.

3. Can I install a specific version of Magento 2?

Yes, you can use Composer to download a specific version of Magento. Then, you can add the desired version to your command.

4. How do I install the ‘mbstring’ package for Magento 2?

You can install the ‘mbstring’ package using the sudo apt-get install php-mbstring command. This package is required for installing Magento.

5. What is the difference between Composer 1.x and Composer 2.0?

Composer 2.0 is faster and more memory-efficient than Composer 1.x. It provides better performance for large projects like Magento.

6. Can I use Magento 2.4 and earlier versions with Composer?

Yes, Composer supports Magento 2.4 and earlier versions. If necessary, you can use the Magento 2 Installation Guide to set up older versions.

7. What are the best ways to install Magento 2?

Magento 2 requires a compatible PHP and server environment. To install, download the Magento 2 software first. Go to the official Composer website. Then, download the composer installation file and save it.



Magento 2 composer usage automates the handling of libraries. It allows developers and store owners to:

  • Ensure smooth integration, enabling users to handle updates and installations efficiently.
  • Manage Magento 2 extensions and libraries.
  • Enhance their store’s performance.
  • Use chmod -R 755 magento2 for proper permissions.
  • Reduce manual errors during installation.
  • Simplify the Magento 2 installation process.

Consider managed Magento hosting to simplify managing dependencies with composer usage.

Dikshya Shaw
Dikshya Shaw
Technical Writer

Dikshya leverages her content marketing and writing proficiency to deliver fresh, insightful content. Her meticulous research ensures industry expertise and emerging trends within the Magento landscape.

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