Setting Magento 2 Advanced Product Options: A 8-Step Guide

Setting Magento 2 Advanced Product Options: A 8-Step Guide

Looking to maximize your ecommerce potential? Magento 2 Advanced Product Options can transform your store. This powerful extension enhances your product pages. It allows customizable options for each product, boosting user experience and sales.

In this tutorial, we will cover the benefits and features of advanced product options. We’ll also provide expert tips to streamline your store’s product management efficiently.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover how Advanced Product Magento Options can transform your store.

  • Explore top extensions to enhance your store’s product customization options.

  • Learn to create templates for simplified product management.

  • Unlock advanced pricing strategies to optimize profit margins.

  • Master best practices for a seamless shopping experience.

  • Elevate your Magento store's potential with expert recommendations.

What is a Magento 2 Advanced Product Options Suite?

“Magento 2 Advanced Product Options Suite is a comprehensive extension package. It is designed to enhance your Magento store's functionality.”

It allows you to add detailed custom options to your products, enriching the shopping experience. With this suite, you can use custom option templates and dynamic options to configure products more efficiently. These features let customers select from various customizable options. These selections adjust the product price accordingly.

The extension simplifies managing multiple Magento product types. It also supports the creation of dependent custom options. This means the choice of one option can influence the availability or style of another. This feature is essential for stores with items that have interrelated features. The suite integrates seamlessly with Magento 2 or your existing setup. The extension does not disrupt default Magento functionality.

Top 5 Magento 2 Advanced Product Options Extensions

1. MageWorx Advanced Product Options Suite ($299)

Interface of MageWorx Advanced Product Options Suite showing extensive customization capabilities

  • MageWorx Advanced Product Options Suite offers a comprehensive toolkit for creating custom options. It includes templates, color swatches, and advanced pricing. Enhances product management with intuitive features for admin workflows.

  • Allows unlimited custom options and values for products, enhancing flexibility. Uses advanced pricing, such as tiered and per-character rates. Such helps cater to complex pricing strategies.

  • Supports visual customizations with color and image swatches, enhancing product appeal. Provides option dependencies for a personalized and intuitive shopping experience.

2. Amasty Custom Options Templates ($199-$799)

Dashboard of Amasty Custom Options Templates with conditional logic settings

  • Amasty’s Custom Options Templates extension features conditional logic. It displays options based on other selections or attributes, ensuring dynamic presentations. The design is responsive, making custom options smooth across all devices.

  • Supports complex pricing strategies with tiered and special pricing. Simplifies managing custom options with templates that apply to multiple products, improving efficiency.

  • Offers a user-friendly admin panel for easy setup and maintenance. Enhances product customization. Also consists of additional fields for personalization, like file uploads and date pickers.

3. Aitoc Custom Product Designer for Magento 2 ($249-$387)

Aitoc Custom Product Designer tool on Magento 2 with design options

  • Aitoc’s Magento 2 Custom Product Designer offers an advanced Web-to-Print solution that allows customers to personalize products. Lets customers add unique designs directly on the Magento 2 storefront. Supports adding text in multiple fonts, clip arts, and custom images.

  • Enables customizing different product sides with numerous design areas. Provides an intuitive interface for easy product personalization.

  • Allows setting special prices for customized items. Gives merchants the ability to increase margins on personalized products. Generates print-ready design files in SVG format for easy fulfillment.

  • Offers merchants additional sales opportunities. Increases customer loyalty by meeting personalization needs. Provides market insights into popular customization options.

4. Mageplaza Product Attachments ($149-$399)

Mageplaza Product Attachments extension showing file upload options

  • Mageplaza’s Product Attachments extension enables file attachments to products, like user guides and certificates, offering additional resources. Sets limits on file types and sizes to ensure security and server performance.

  • Attaches files to order emails and PDF invoices, improving the postpurchase experience. Allows setting access restrictions for attachments based on customer groups or store views.

  • Features a clean admin interface for easy management of attachments. Supports custom icons for file types and caters to a global audience with multilanguage and multistore support.

5. Ulmod Product Product Page Extension Bundle ($59-$699+)

Overview of Ulmod Product Page Extension features for Magento 2

  • Ulmod’s Product Product Page Extension Bundle offers diverse extensions. One of its features is live product preview. It updates with customer customizations, providing an engaging experience. Compatible with various product types, including configurable and bundled products.

  • Allows detailed customizations such as text, colors, and images, offering significant flexibility. Supports option-specific pricing for precise control over product costs.

  • Features a mobile-friendly user interface for easy customization across devices. Enables complex product configurations with option dependencies and custom templates for broader applications.

How to Create Magento 2 Option Templates?

1. Install a Magento 2 custom options extension

  • Use a reliable Magento 2 extension for custom option templates, like the Advanced Product Options Suite. It simplifies the process of creating and managing custom options.

  • These extensions overcome the limitations of default Magento functionality. The default function requires manually adding options to each product individually.

2. Access the custom options template management page

Navigating to the configuration settings in Magento 2 admin panel

  • Navigate to the extension's configuration settings. It is normally located under Stores > Settings > Configuration in the Magento admin panel.

  • Locate the "Manage Option Templates" or similar page to view existing templates and create new ones.

3. Create a new custom options template

Creating a new option template in Magento 2's advanced product options suite

  • Click the "Add New Option Template" button to start creating a template from scratch.

Input field for setting a descriptive title for a new Magento 2 option template

  • Enter a descriptive title for the template to identify it later when assigning it to products easily.

4. Add custom options to the template

Adding custom options to a template in Magento 2's product settings

  • Click the "Add Option" button to add a new custom option to the template.

  • Specify the option title, input type (text field, dropdown, radio buttons, etc.), and whether it's a required option.

  • Set the option values, such as different choices for a dropdown or price adjustments for each option value.

  • Repeat this process to add multiple custom options to the template as needed.

5. Configure advanced template settings

Setting up pricing rules for product options in Magento 2

  • Set up pricing rules for options, such as fixed prices or percentage-based prices.

Configuring SKU policies for Magento 2 custom product options

  • Define SKU policies for how custom options affect the product SKU.
  • Establish dependencies between options. It allows controlling when certain options are displayed based on other selections.

6. Assign templates to products

  • Open the product edit page for a product you want to assign the template to.

Display of custom options applied to a Magento 2 product

  • Locate the "Custom Options" or "Customizable Options" section and choose the desired template from the list.
  • Save the product, and the custom options from the template will be automatically applied.

7. Mass assign templates to multiple products

  • Use the extension's mass action functionality. It allows assigning templates to multiple products simultaneously.

Selecting products for applying custom option templates in Magento 2

  • Select the desired products from the product grid and choose the "Assign Custom Options Template" action.

Assigning a custom options template to multiple products in Magento 2

  • Pick the template you want to apply. Confirm the action to update all selected products at once.

8. Test and refine the custom options

  • View the products on the front end to ensure the custom options appear as intended.

Finalizing the setup of a custom options template in Magento 2

  • Test different combinations of options to verify pricing, dependencies, and overall functionality.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the template or individual product options based on your testing.

Advanced Pricing for Magento 2 Product Options

Implementing advanced pricing for custom options in Magento 2 requires the use of an extension or custom development. Advanced Product Options Suite extensions enable store owners to:

  • Set absolute, percentage, and tier prices for custom options.

  • Create custom option templates for easy management across multiple products.

  • Define option inventory and stock settings.

  • Display option prices and stock status on product pages.

Pricing Feature Description Example
Absolute Prices

Set a fixed price for a custom option, regardless of the product's base price. This replaces the product's price with the option's price.

Final Price = Option Absolute Price

Product price: $100
Option 1 (absolute): $50
Final price: $50
Percentage Pricing

Define a custom option's price as a percentage of the product's base price. The final price is calculated by applying the percentage to the base price.

Final Price = Product Base Price + (Product Base Price × Option Percentage)

Product price: $100
Option 2 (percentage): 10%
Final price: $110
Tier Pricing

Offer discounted prices for custom options based on the quantity purchased. The more units bought, the lower the price per unit.

Final Price = Product Base Price + (Option Tier Price × Quantity)

Option 3:
15 units: $10 each
610 units: $8 each
11+ units: $6 each

These pricing features provide Magento 2 store owners with flexibility. They are able to create diverse and targeted pricing strategies for their customizable products. By utilizing absolute, percentage, and tier pricing for custom options, merchants can:

  • Offer competitive prices for product variants.

  • Encourage customers to purchase higher quantities with volume discounts.

  • Create attractive product bundles or kits with reduced prices.

  • Optimize profit margins for each product configuration.

Benefit Description
Increased Sales Offering custom options with appealing prices can lead to higher sales volumes and average order values.
Improved Customer Satisfaction Providing a variety of pricing options allows customers to find the best value for their specific needs and budget.
Better Inventory Management Tier pricing encourages customers to purchase larger quantities. It helps clear out inventory more efficiently.
Enhanced Profit Margins By strategically setting absolute prices and percentages, merchants can optimize their profit margins. It can be done for each product variant.

Best Practices for Implementing Advanced Product Options

1. Plan your product customization strategy

  • Identify products that would benefit most from custom options. These are products that customers frequently personalize.

  • Determine the types of options required for each product. It involves text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, or swatches.

  • Group similar options into templates for consistent management across multiple products.

  • Consider using an advanced product options extension. It helps enhance functionality and streamline management.

2. Keep the user experience in mind

  • Ensure that custom options are clearly labeled and straightforward on the product page. Utilize descriptive titles and concise explanations.

  • Organize options logically. Incorporate visual elements like swatches or images to aid selection.

  • Provide real-time price updates as options are selected. It establishes an impact on the product price.

  • Ensure a responsive design for mobile users, with touch-friendly option inputs.

3. Balance flexibility and complexity

  • Provide a variety of customization options without overwhelming customers.

  • Implement option dependencies. Display or hide choices based on previous selections.

  • Establish pricing rules for options. Set fixed prices, percentage-based prices, or tier prices.

  • Limit the number of required options to reduce purchase barriers.

4. Test and iterate

  • Conduct thorough tests on the custom options. It helps verify correct functionality and display.

  • Ensure option prices are accurate and that the final product price updates dynamically.

  • Monitor customer interactions and gather feedback for improvements.

  • Continuously update your options based on performance data and user feedback. Experiment with different types and layouts to maximize conversions.


1. What are Magento 2 Advanced Product Options?

Magento 2 Advanced Product Options are customizable features. They allow the addition of custom fields, templates, and hidden options to product listings. This enhances flexibility and personalization.

2. How can I add product option templates in Magento 2?

To add product option templates in Magento 2, utilize extensions. These extensions are designed specifically for this purpose. They enable seamless integration of customizable fields and options into your product pages.

3. Can I set custom fields for products in Magento 2?

Yes, Magento 2 allows setting custom fields for products. This is done through extensions tailored for custom product options. It enables merchants to enhance product listings with personalized attributes.

4. What is a configurable product in Magento 2?

A configurable product in Magento 2 offers multiple variations. These variations can include size, color, or material. It allows customers to select their preferred options from a predefined set.

5. Are there extensions available for Magento 2 to manage product options?

Yes, there are extensions designed specifically for managing product options in Magento 2. They offer features like unlimited options, stock management, and customization capabilities. This provides a seamless shopping experience.

6. How can I calculate product prices based on custom values in Magento 2?

Utilize Magento 2 extensions that support dynamic pricing. This pricing is based on custom options entered by customers. It ensures accurate pricing calculations for personalized products. This enhances customer satisfaction and sales.



Ready to elevate your ecommerce business? Improve your store's potential with Magento 2 Advanced Product Options. Here’s a quick rundown of the main points.

  1. Magento 2 Advanced Product Options can transform your ecommerce. Enhance your product pages with customizable options for customers.

  2. Top extensions include MageWorx, Amasty, Aitoc, Mageplaza, and Ulmod. Each offers unique features to improve product customization.

  3. Create option templates to simplify product management. Assign templates to multiple products for efficient updates.

  4. Offer advanced pricing strategies like absolute, percentage, and tier. Optimize profit margins and encourage higher quantity purchases.

  5. Implement best practices for a seamless shopping experience. Plan your strategy, prioritize UX, and test extensively.

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Sayan Chakraborty
Sayan Chakraborty
Technical Writer

Sayan is a seasoned technical writer with over 4 years of expertise in SDLCs and Magento. His proficiency lies in simplifying complex Magento hosting concepts in clear, concise words.

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