4 Steps to Install Grunt Magento 2

4 Steps to Install Grunt Magento 2

Ready to streamline your theme development? Grunt Magento 2 automates repetitive frontend tasks and optimizes your workflow.

In this tutorial, we will explore the installation steps and common commands for Grunt.

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Key Takeaways

  • Grunt helps automate frontend tasks.

  • Common Grunt rules are used to manage themes and static assets.

  • Benefits of using Grunt include improving efficiency and optimizing assets.

  • Follow step-by-step instructions to set up custom themes with Grunt.

  • Several prerequisites are required to run Grunt effectively.

What is Grunt Magento 2?

Grunt is a contemporary JavaScript task runner used in Magento 2 for automating various frontend development tasks.

Grunt helps developers streamline their workflow by automating repetitive tasks like:

  • Compiling LESS files

  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript

  • Reloading browsers during development

Grunt helps maintain and optimize front-end assets. It ensures that themes are compiled efficiently. It comes with pre-configured grunt tasks for compiling less and static files. It allows developers to create custom themes or modules.

Grunt enables developers to automate the process of deploying static assets and optimizing frontend performance. It makes the development process faster and more efficient.

How Do I Install and Configure Grunt in Magento 2?

Step 1: Install Node.js

Install a stable version of Node.js on your system. It helps run Grunt and its dependencies.

Step 2: Install Grunt CLI

Install the Grunt CLI tool globally by running the following:

npm install \-g grunt-cli

Step 3: Install Node.js dependencies

Navigate to your Magento 2 installation directory. Install the required Node.js dependencies, including Grunt**.**

Use the following commands:

cd \<your\_Magento\_instance\_directory\>

npm install

npm update

Step 4: Add a theme to the Grunt configuration

Add your custom theme to the Grunt configuration file.

Open the dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js file and add your theme under module.exports:

module.exports \= {


\<theme\>: {

area: 'frontend',

name: '\<Vendor\>/\<theme\>',

locale: '\<language\>',

files: \[

'\<path\_to\_file1\>', //path to root source file



dsl: 'less'




<theme>: Your theme’s code should match the theme directory name.

<language>: specified in the ‘code_subtag’ format, for example, en_US. Only one locale can be specified here. To debug the theme with another locale, create one more theme declaration, having specified another value for language.

<path_to_file>: the path to the root source file, relative to the directory app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme/>/web. You need to specify all the theme's root files. If your theme inherits from a certain theme and does not contain its root source files, specify the root source files of the parent theme.

Common Grunt Commands Used in Magento Development

Common Grunt Commands Used in Magento Development

1. grunt clean

  • It removes generated CSS and Java files related to your theme in the pub/static and var directories.

  • It is useful for clearing out old files before deploying new ones.

2. grunt exec

  • Executes specific tasks, such as compiling files for a specific theme.

  • You can run commands like grunt exec:<theme-name> to generate static files for a particular theme.

3. grunt less

  • It compiles all the LESS files into CSS. It is done using the symlinks in this location.

  • It is used when you need to convert LESS stylesheets into CSS for the Magento frontend.

4. grunt watch

  • It is used to start the grunt tool. It helps track the changes done in the main files, like .less and re-compiles them into CSS files.

  • Once a change is detected, Grunt automatically re-compiles the necessary files, making development faster.

5. grunt refresh

  • Cleans and re-compiles static files, similar to a combination of the grunt clean and grunt exec commands.

  • It ensures that all static assets are up-to-date.

6. grunt styles

  • Compiles and deploys CSS files for themes.

  • It is particularly useful when updating or adding custom styles to your ecommerce store.

Benefits of Using Grunt for Frontend Development?

1. Automated Task Management

  • Grunt helps in automating various repetitive frontend tasks such as:

    1. Compiling files for LESS into CSS

    2. Minifying Java

    3. Optimizing images

  • The automation reduces the amount of manual intervention required. It ensures that assets like stylesheets and scripts are always up-to-date and optimized for performance.

  • Automating these routine tasks helps developers allocate more time and energy to complex development work.

  • It includes adding new features or improving the user experience.

2. Improved Efficiency

  • With Grunt, developers no longer need to manually:

    1. Compile assets

    2. Minify code

    3. Clear cache files

  • Grunt does this automatically through predefined tasks. It makes the development process much faster and more streamlined.

  • For example, a single command can trigger Grunt to:

    1. Clear old static assets

    2. Compile new ones

    3. Optimize them

  • It significantly reduces the development time. It also minimizes the chances of human error during the compilation process.

3. Custom Theme Development

Custom Theme Development

  • Magento 2 allows the creation of custom themes. Grunt simplifies this process by managing the compilation of LESS to CSS for specific themes.

  • Developers can use commands like grunt exec:<theme-name> to compile files for a particular theme.

  • It helps maintain the theme’s consistency and performance without manual intervention.

  • For complex theme customizations, Grunt automates the re-building of stylesheets and Java files whenever changes are made. It speeds up the development process.

4. Live File Watching

  • One of the most powerful features of Grunt is the watch mode.

  • The grunt watch command monitors changes in frontend files such as:

    1. LESS

    2. CSS

    3. Java

  • Whenever a change is made, Grunt automatically compiles the necessary files. It refreshes the browser to reflect these changes in real time.

  • It eliminates the need to recompile or refresh the page after every minor change manually. It makes frontend development more efficient and reduces the development cycle time.

5. Optimized Asset Management

  • Grunt optimizes static assets such as CSS and Java files. It is by minifying and combining them.

  • It leads to faster page load times as smaller, optimized files are served to the user.

  • It helps ecommerce stores by improving page speed and overall site performance.

  • It directly influences user experience and SEO rankings. Optimized assets also reduce server load and bandwidth usage. It makes your store more scalable.

6. Integration with Magento

Integration with Magento

  • It comes with native support for Grunt. Developers don’t have to go through the hassle of configuring Grunt from scratch.

  • It integrates smoothly with theme development workflow and static asset management system.

  • The predefined Grunt tasks can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of your project, providing flexibility.

  • The integration reduces the learning curve for developers who are already familiar with Magento. It allows them to start using Grunt efficiently with minimal setup.

What Are the Prerequisites for Using Grunt?

1. Node.js and npm

Node.js and npm

  • Grunt relies on Node.js and its package manager, npm (Node Package Manager), for task automation.

  • You'll need to have these installed on your machine:

    1. Node.js: It provides the runtime environment to execute Java code on the server side. It helps run Grunt.

    2. npm: Manages the installation of Grunt and other Java libraries required for frontend tasks.

To check if Node.js and npm are installed, run the following commands in your terminal:

node \-v
npm \-v

If they are not installed, download and install them from the official Node.js website.

2. Grunt CLI

Grunt CLI

  • Grunt's Command Line Interface (CLI) must be installed globally on your machine.

  • The CLI allows you to run commands and automate tasks.

To install the CLI globally, run:

npm install \-g grunt-cli

It ensures you can use the grunt command from anywhere in your terminal.

3. Magento 2 Installed

  • It should also be properly set up on your local development environment or server.

  • Grunt works with the Magento file structure; you should have a fully installed Magento instance.

4. Package.json File

  • Magento has a predefined package.json file located in the root directory.

  • The file contains all the Grunt-related dependencies needed for Magento development. It includes LESS compilers and minification tools.

  • Ensure that the package.json file is present in your installation.

  • If it is missing, you may need to download a fresh Magento 2 installation or check your project setup.

5. Install Node.js Dependencies

  • Once you confirm that your package.json file is in place, you need to install the required Node.js dependencies.

Run the following in your root directory:

npm install

It installs the necessary modules for Grunt, including LESS compilers and CSS minifiers. It also installs other tools required to automate front-end tasks.

6. Magento Developer Mode

  • Grunt works best in developer mode because it avoids built-in static file caching.

  • It allows Grunt to regenerate static files quickly after every change.

  • You can switch to developer mode using the following:

bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

7. Theme Configuration for Grunt

  • If you are using a custom theme, you must configure Grunt for that theme.

  • It is done by editing the dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js file. It is where you specify the:

    1. Name of your theme

    2. Its area (frontend or admin)

    3. Files to be compiled

Example configuration:

module.exports \= {

"my\_custom\_theme": {

"area": "frontend",

"name": "Vendor/theme",

"locale": "en\_US",

"files": \[








8. Correct File Permissions

  • Ensure that the file and folder permissions are correctly set for the pub/static and var directories.

  • Grunt generates static files in these directories, so they must be writable.

You can set permissions using:

find var pub/static generated \-type d \-exec chmod 775 {} \\;

find var pub/static generated \-type f \-exec chmod 664 {} \\;

9. Grunt Plugins

Grunt Plugins

  • Grunt uses various plugins to perform specific tasks.

  • Magento already includes the necessary plugins for its tasks. You can also install additional Grunt plugins if needed for custom tasks.

To install a plugin, run:

npm install \<plugin-name\> \--save-dev


1. How do I run Grunt in the command prompt?

Navigate to your Magento installation directory. Use the command grunt <task-name> to execute tasks like compiling LESS or deploying static files. Ensure you have Grunt CLI and Node.js installed.

2. How do I add my theme to the Grunt configuration in Magento 2?

Edit the dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js file. Specify your theme’s area, name, locale, and files in the configuration. The setup enables Grunt to compile and deploy theme assets efficiently.

3. Can I use a custom configuration file for Grunt in Magento 2?

You can use a custom configuration file for Grunt to create or modify your Grunt tasks. It allows you to tailor the automation process for specific needs. It enhances your development in Magento 2 with more flexibility.

4. What are some of the built-in Grunt tasks for Magento 2 theming?

Magento 2 includes several built-in Grunt tasks like grunt clean, grunt exec, and grunt less. These tasks help automate Magento 2 theming by managing static assets. It also compiles LESS to CSS and optimizes frontend performance.



Grunt Magento 2 helps streamline the workflow by managing static assets like CSS, Java, and files for LESS. The tutorial uncovers the several benefits of Grunt, including:

  • Grunt automates tasks like compiling files for LESS and minifying CSS/JS.

  • It improves efficiency by managing static assets without manual intervention.

  • Grunt simplifies custom theme development and static file deployment.

  • It optimizes front-end performance through live file watching and asset management.

Ready to streamline your development with Grunt? Boost your store’s performance even further with managed Magento hosting.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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