5 Steps to Configure Magento 2 Semantic Search

5 Steps to Configure Magento 2 Semantic Search

Want your customers to find products quickly on your site? Magento semantic search ensures this through Artificial Intelligence and NLP. Semantic search delivers precise search results. This tutorial covers the setup, features, and benefits of Magento Semantic Search.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to configure Magento semantic search to improve search accuracy.

  • Discover how natural language queries make searches intuitive.

  • See how precise results encourage customers to explore more products.

  • Find out how machine learning interprets detailed and fragmented searches.

  • Learn how streamlined search processes improve store performance.

What is Magento 2 Semantic Search?

What is Magento Semantic Search

Magento 2 Semantic Search uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve product searches.

Semantic search extension interprets search queries' meanings, understanding related terms and contexts. It delivers more accurate search results, making the search process user-friendly. Customers can use natural language, making it easier to find products. The extension refines search results based on attributes like price, brand, size, and color.

When customers type short phrases or complex sentences, Magento 2 Semantic Search identifies the search intent. It ensures accurate or relevant results. This capability enhances the overall customer experience. It reduces search friction and encourages product exploration. The extension's intelligent search powered by NLP and machine learning helps customers find what they need efficiently.

Why Use Magento 2 Semantic Search?

1. Improves Search Accuracy

Magento Semantic Search to Improve Search Accuracy

Magento 2 Semantic Search enhances search accuracy by interpreting the meaning of queries. It uses NLP algorithms to understand context and related terms. It ensures customers get precise results even with vague queries. As a result, users spend less time sifting through irrelevant results. This accuracy makes the shopping experience smoother and more enjoyable.

2. Enhances User Experience

The extension makes searching more intuitive. Natural language searches are easier for users to understand. It leads to a better overall customer experience. Users can search as they speak, making it more relatable and accessible. This ease of use can increase customer loyalty and repeat visits.

3. Increases Engagement

Magento 2 Semantic Search encourages users to explore more products. Accurate results reduce frustration. This increased engagement can lead to higher conversion rates. When customers find what they need quickly, they are more likely to continue browsing. This extended interaction can result in discovering additional products.

4. Handles Complex Queries

Handling Complex Queries for Magento Semantic Search

The extension can interpret complex and fragmented queries. It uses machine learning to understand the intent behind these searches. It results in accurate and relevant results. Customers can search using detailed descriptions or specific needs and still find what they are looking for. This capability addresses a wider range of customer queries.

5. Reduces Search Friction

By providing precise results, Magento 2 Semantic Search reduces search friction. Users can find products quickly and easily. This efficiency enhances user satisfaction. Fewer search frustrations mean a more pleasant shopping experience. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend the Magento store.

6. Boosts Conversion Rates

Boosting Conversions through Magento Semantic Search

Accurate and relevant search results increase the likelihood of purchases. Magento 2 Semantic Search helps convert searches into sales. It boosts the store's conversion rates. Customers feel confident that they are finding the right products. This confidence translates into higher sales and revenue.

7. Increases Store Efficiency

Using Magento 2 Semantic Search makes the store more efficient. It streamlines the search process for customers. This efficiency can lead to better overall store performance. Store managers can focus on other aspects of the business with fewer customer complaints about search issues. This improvement contributes to overall operational excellence.

8. Supports Multilingual Searches

Magento 2 Semantic Search supports searches in multiple languages. This feature is essential for global stores. It ensures non-English speaking customers also get accurate search results. This inclusivity broadens the store's customer base. It enhances the store's accessibility and appeal to diverse markets.

9. Adapts to User Behavior

The extension learns from user behavior over time. Machine learning algorithms adapt to frequent search patterns. This adaptability ensures the search engine continually improves. It becomes more efficient at delivering relevant results. This ongoing improvement keeps the store's search functionality cutting-edge.

5 Steps to Configure Magento Semantic Search

Configuring Magento Semantic Search

Step 1: Install the Module

  • Complete the installation process for the Magento Semantic Search module.

Step 2: Access Configuration

  • Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> AI Configuration.

  • Alternatively, go to AI Configuration -> General Configuration.

Step 3: General Settings

  • Enter ChromaDB Endpoint: Input the ChromaDB Endpoint.

    • Note: ChromaDB is used as a vector database.
  • Enter LLM Server Endpoint: Input the LLM Server Endpoint.

Step 4: AI Search Settings

  • Set Number of Results: Define the number of product search results to display after a query.

  • Set Distance Value: Define the distance value for search results accuracy.

    • Note: The distance value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 10. A value of 1 represents high accuracy.

Step 5: Save Configuration

  • Click on Save Config to save all the settings.

Features of Magento 2 Semantic Search

Feature Description
Natural Language Search Users search for products using natural language queries. It makes the search process more intuitive. Customers can enter queries as they speak. It enhances user satisfaction by providing familiar search interactions.
Attribute-Based Search Filter search results by attributes like price, brand, size, and color. It allows precise product filtering. Users can quickly find products that meet their specific criteria. This feature improves the overall shopping experience by saving time.
Powerful NLP Search Integrates NLP technology for natural language interactions with the search bar. It understands the context of user queries. It leads to more accurate search results. The system can recognize synonyms and related terms.
Machine Learning Search Utilizes machine learning algorithms to enhance search functionality. It learns from user behavior over time. This continuous improvement ensures increasingly accurate results. The search engine adapts to new search trends and patterns.
Smart Search Solution Optimizes the search experience for users on Magento e-commerce platforms. It simplifies the product discovery process. Users find what they need faster. This feature can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention.
AI-Powered Search Aims to deliver more accurate or relevant search results using advanced AI technology. It reduces irrelevant search results. Customers receive highly relevant product suggestions. This technology can increase conversion rates by matching users with the right products.
Voice Search Capability Allows users to search using voice commands. This feature enhances accessibility. It caters to users who prefer voice-over-text input. Voice search can improve the shopping experience for mobile users.
Real-Time Search Suggestions Provides real-time suggestions as users type. It speeds up the search process. Users can see popular or related search terms instantly. It reduces the time spent on searching and improves user engagement.
Synonym Recognition Recognizes synonyms and related terms in queries. It ensures broader search results. Users get relevant results even with different wordings. It enhances the search experience by understanding diverse query expressions.

Use Cases & Benefits of Magento Semantic Search Results

Use Case Benefit
E-commerce Product Search Improve search accuracy and help customers find products quickly. Semantic search understands the context of user queries, ensuring precise results. It leads to a more efficient shopping experience. Customers can find exactly what they are looking for without sifting through irrelevant items.
Customer Experience Enhance user satisfaction by providing relevant and precise results. Customers appreciate accurate search results, which makes their shopping journey smoother. This improved experience can lead to higher customer retention and loyalty. Positive experiences encourage repeat visits and word-of-mouth referrals.
Product Discovery Encourage exploration of new products through accurate search results. Semantic search helps users discover items they might not have found otherwise. It leads to increased engagement with the store's inventory. As a result, customers are more likely to make additional purchases.
Complex Query Handling Handle complex and fragmented queries effectively using NLP and AI. Semantic search can interpret detailed and nuanced queries. This capability ensures users get relevant results even with unconventional search terms. It enhances the user experience by understanding and responding to diverse search inputs.
Voice Search Support voice commands to improve accessibility and ease of use. Users can interact with the search function hands-free. Voice search is particularly useful for mobile users and those with disabilities. It enhances the overall accessibility of the e-commerce platform.
Real-Time Suggestions Provide instant search suggestions to speed up the search process. As users type, they receive immediate suggestions. This feature reduces the time spent on searching and helps users refine their queries. Real-time suggestions improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the search experience.
Attribute-Based Filtering Allow detailed filtering based on attributes like price, brand, and size. Users can narrow down search results to match their specific needs. This precision helps in finding the exact product faster. Attribute-based filtering enhances the shopping experience by providing tailored search results.
Multilingual Support Cater to a global audience by supporting searches in multiple languages. This feature ensures that non-English speaking users also get accurate results. It broadens the store's reach and makes it more inclusive. Multilingual support enhances the store's appeal to diverse markets.
Enhanced Mobile Experience Optimize mobile searches with voice and real-time suggestions for better engagement. Mobile users can benefit from a streamlined search process. Semantic search ensures that even on smaller screens, users get accurate results. It improves user satisfaction and encourages mobile shopping.


1. What is Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension?

Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve product searches. It interprets search queries to understand context and related terms. It ensures accurate and relevant search results. Customers can find products using natural language.

2. How does the search extension handle complex queries?

The search extension uses NLP and machine learning to understand complex queries. It interprets the intent behind search queries. It ensures users get precise results even with detailed or fragmented phrases. It enhances the overall site search and user experience.

3. Can users sort search results with Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension?

Yes, the Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension allows users to sort search results. They can sort based on attributes like price, brand, size, and color. It helps in finding the desired products quickly. Sorting enhances the site search efficiency.

4. How does the extension improve site search accuracy?

The Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension enhances site search accuracy by using AI and NLP. It understands the context of search queries. It leads to more precise and relevant results. Accurate search results improve the shopping experience.

5. What benefits does Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension offer?

The Magento 2 Semantic Search Extension improves site search by delivering accurate results. It handles complex queries and supports natural language. Users can sort results based on various attributes. This extension enhances user satisfaction and engagement.



Magento Semantic Search optimizes your store's search functionality. This blog covers several key benefits of using it:

  • Improves Search Accuracy: Provides precise results for better shopping experiences.

  • Enhances User Experience: Makes searching intuitive and user-friendly.

  • Handles Complex Queries: Effectively interprets detailed and fragmented queries.

  • Increases Engagement: Encourages users to explore more products.

  • Supports Multilingual Searches: Caters to a global audience with multiple language support.

Consider managed Magento hosting to add semantic search features for your store.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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