7 Steps To Configure Magento 2 File Upload

7 Steps To Configure Magento 2 File Upload

Ever wondered how to streamline file management in your online store? Magento 2 File Upload allows efficient management and configuration of file uploads. Master these capabilities with seven straightforward steps to enhance your site's functionality.

This tutorial will guide you through configuring Magento 2 File Upload. Follow these simple, step-by-step instructions to ensure seamless integration into your system.

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Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Magento 2 File Upload

  • Features Magento 2 File Upload

  • Method to upload the file in Magento 2 store configuration

  • Advanced Magento 2 File Upload Techniques

Understanding Magento 2 File Upload

Magento 2, a popular e-commerce platform, offers strong file upload capabilities. It manages product attachments effectively. It handles customer uploads smoothly. It also facilitates admin-side document handling. There are two different ways in which files can be uploaded in Magento:

1. File Upload in Magento 2 Backend

File Upload in Magento 2 Backend

The Magento 2 backend provides a file upload control for administrators. This control allows uploading various file types. These include

  • PDF

  • CSV

  • JPG

  • PNG

The system configuration in the backend model for file upload can be customized. It allows setting file size limits. It also permits specifying allowed extensions.

2. File Upload in Frontend

For front-end file uploads, Magento 2 offers flexibility. Magento developers can add custom file upload fields to forms, such as the "Contact Us" page. This functionality allows customers to upload files as needed.

Developers can modify the frontend template files to include file input fields. For example, in the contact form template (contact_index_index.phtml), you can add:

\<input type="file" name="attachment" id="attachment" /\>

Then, in the controller handling the form submission (e.g., ContactPostController.php), you would process the file:

$uploader \= $this-\>\_objectManager-\>create('Magento\\MediaStorage\\Model\\File\\Uploader', \['fileId' \=\> 'attachment'\]);

$uploader-\>setAllowedExtensions(\['jpg', 'pdf', 'doc'\]);


$result \= $uploader-\>save($this-\>\_mediaDirectory-\>getAbsolutePath('contact\_attachments'));

It allows customers to attach files to their inquiries. It enhances communication between customers and the store. Furthermore, it reduces the need for back-and-forth emails.

Key Features Of Magento 2 File Upload

Feature Description
Upload Control File upload control in Magento 2 admin and frontend interfaces
Multiple File Types Support for PDF, ZIP, XLS, JPEG, and other image formats
File Extensions Management Ability to set and manage allowed file extensions
Directory Structure Specific upload directory structure for organized storage
File Size Limits Option to set upload size restrictions
Product Attachments Extension for adding files to product information
Custom File Upload Capability to create custom file upload functionalities
File Naming Management of unique file names to prevent conflicts
Grid View Interface for managing uploaded files in the admin panel
Multiple File Upload Simultaneous upload of multiple files
File Validation Checks for allowed extensions and file validation
Filesystem Integration Use of Magento 2 filesystem for file management
Backend Model Customizable default backend model for file uploads
Upload Directory Configuration Option to set and modify upload_dir
Plugin Support Ability to create plugins to extend upload functionality
Icon Display Representation of uploaded files with icon images
Adobe Commerce Compatibility Compatible with Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source

How To Upload The File in Magento 2 Store Configuration

Step 1: Create system.xml file

  1. Navigate to app/code/[Namespace]/[Module]/etc/adminhtml/

  2. Create a new file named system.xml.

  3. Add the following code to define the upload field:

\<section id="custom\_section" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="301" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="0"\>

\<label\>Custom Upload\</label\>

    \<group id="custom\_group" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"\>

   \<label\>File Upload Settings\</label\>

   \<field id="custom\_file\_upload" translate="label" type="Magento\\Config\\Block\\System\\Config\\Form\\Field\\File" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"\>

   \<label\>Upload File\</label\>


   \<upload\_dir config="system" scope\_info="1"\>custom\_uploads\</upload\_dir\>




Step 2: Configure Upload Settings

  1. Set the upload directory using the <upload_dir> tag.

  2. Define allowed file formats and extensions.

Step 3: Create a Custom Backend Model (Optional)

  1. Create a new PHP file in [Namespace]/[Module]/Model/Config/Backend/

  2. Name it CustomFileType.php.

  3. Add the following code:

namespace \[Namespace\]\\\[Module\]\\Model\\Config\\Backend;

class CustomFileType extends \\Magento\\Config\\Model\\Config\\Backend\\File  
    public function getAllowedExtensions() {  
        return \['pdf', 'csv', 'xls'\];  

Step 4: Update system.xml (if using custom backend model)

Replace the backend_model line with: \<backend\_model\>\[Namespace\]\[Module\]\\Model\\Config\\Backend\\CustomFileType\</backend\_model\>

Step 5: Implement File Upload Functionality

  1. Use Magento\Framework\File\Uploader class for file handling.

  2. Implement validation for file types and sizes.

Step 6: Manage Uploaded Files

  1. Create methods to store file information.

  2. Implement functionality to retrieve and display uploaded files.

Step 7: Test the Upload Feature

  1. Clear Magento cache.

  2. Navigate to the admin panel.

  3. Locate your custom upload field.

  4. Test uploading various file formats.

Advanced Magento 2 File Upload Techniques

Programmatically Uploading Files in Magento 2

Advanced Magento 2 File Upload Techniques: Programmatically Uploading Files

1. Using PHP to Upload Files:

  • Employ Magento\Framework\Filesystem and Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\UploaderFactory classes.

  • Create an uploader instance to handle file uploads.

  • Specify the upload directory using Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList.

  • Set allowed file extensions and maximum file size.

  • Execute the upload process and manage the uploaded file.

2. Handling File Upload Errors:

  • Implement try-catch blocks to capture and handle exceptions.

  • Check for common errors such as file size limits and invalid file types.

  • Provide clear error messages to users when upload fails.

  • Log errors for administrative review and troubleshooting.

Securing File Uploads in Magento 2

1. Validating File Types:

Advanced Magento 2 File Upload Techniques: Validating File Types

  • Use Magento's built-in file validation mechanisms.

  • Create a custom function to check allowed extensions.

  • Implement MIME-type validation for enhanced security.

  • Use the Magento 2 product attachments extension for additional validation features.

2. Preventing Unauthorized File Access:

Advanced Magento 2 File Upload Techniques: Preventing Unauthorized File Access

  • Store uploaded files in a non-public directory.

  • Implement access controls to restrict file visibility.

  • Use Magento's permission system to manage file access.

  • Create a custom controller to serve files securely.


1. What are the first steps to configure a file upload control in Magento 2?

To start configuring a file upload control in Magento 2, you need to create a new module. Then, set up the basic structure. It includes making the registration.php file. You also need to make the module.xml file. It will lay the groundwork for further configuration.

2. How do I create the system.xml file for file upload control in Magento 2?

The system.xml file is created in the etc/adminhtml folder of your module. This file defines the configuration fields that will appear in the Magento 2 admin panel. You will need to specify the input types, such as text or file upload.

3. What code is necessary to permit you to upload files in Magento 2?

To permit file uploads, you need to use two essential classes. These are the Magento\Framework\FileSystem and Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\UploaderFactory classes. The FileSystem class helps manage file storage locations. The UploaderFactory class assists in handling the file upload process.

4. How can I upload multiple files using Magento 2 extensions?

To upload multiple files, you can customize your module to handle numerous file inputs. You will need to modify the system.xml and create a custom form that supports various file input fields.

5. How do I integrate file upload controls with the Magento 2 admin panel?

Integrating file upload controls with the Magento 2 admin panel involves several steps. First, you need to create an appropriate UI component. Then, you must link this component to your system.xml configuration. It allows administrators to upload and manage files directly from the admin panel.

6. What kind of files can I upload using the default Magento setup?

The default Magento setup allows you to upload image files, PDFs, and other document types. However, you can customize the allowed file types by modifying the uploader configuration.

7. Is it possible to use one extension license for multiple Magento 2 installations?

Typically, Magento 2 extensions are licensed per installation. If you need to use one extension license across multiple installations, be cautious. You should check the extension's terms of service. If the terms are unclear, contact their support service. Ask for clarification about multi-installation usage.



File uploads in Magento 2 emphasize flexibility and robust functionality. It applies to both backend and frontend file management. Here's a concise wrap-up of essential steps and features for optimizing file uploads. These ensure your e-commerce platform remains robust and user-friendly:

  • Backend and Frontend Upload Controls: Seamlessly manage file uploads through the Magento 2 backend for administrators. Customize frontend forms for enhanced user interaction.

  • Comprehensive Feature Set: Support for multiple file types. Extension management capabilities.

  • Customizable File Management: Develop custom file upload functionalities. Manage unique filenames.

  • File Management and Testing: Implement methods to manage uploaded files. Create systems to store file information.

Explore managed Magento hosting solutions to enhance your performance with Magento file uploads.

Andrea Oriane
Andrea Oriane
Technical Writer

Andrea specializes in creating informative content for Magento. With extensive e-commerce knowledge and understanding of Magento functionalities, she crafts articles for a wide range of audience.

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