SM Market Magento 2 Theme: Benefits and Customizations

SM Market Magento 2 Theme: Benefits and Customizations

Are you searching for a Magento 2 theme to boost your online store? The SM Market Magento 2 theme is packed with features and customization options. These help you create a unique online presence that increases sales.

This article covers the features, customization options and comparison with other popular premium themes.

Key Takeaways

  • SM Market is a fully responsive Magento 2 theme suitable for a wide range of online stores.

  • The theme offers over 39 pre-designed homepage layouts, including mobile-specific designs.

  • SM Market is compatible with the latest Magento versions, from 1.9.x to 2.4.x

  • The theme supports various extensions and modules for enhanced functionality and customization.

  • SM Market offers a fast loading speed, SEO optimization, and regular updates to ensure optimal performance.

What is SM Market Magento 2 Theme?

Overview of SM Market Magento 2 Theme features and benefits for online stores

SM Market Magento theme is a premium Magento 2 theme designed for e-commerce websites. It offers a responsive layout that adapts to various devices.

SM Market theme's responsive design ensures optimal viewing across devices. It automatically adjusts content layout, image sizes, and navigation menus. This adaptability improves user experience and can lead to higher conversion rates. Customers can easily browse and purchase on any device.

The theme is suitable for multi-category stores that sell products like fashion, accessories, digital items, furniture, and more. The theme's versatility for various product types stems from its flexible product display options. It also offers customizable category pages.

For example, it might provide different gallery layouts for fashion items versus digital products. It allows store owners to showcase their products effectively. The theme uses the Bootstrap framework and is optimized for performance. Utilizing Bootstrap provides several advantages:

  • Consistent design across different browsers

  • Grid system for easy layout creation

  • Built-in responsive features

  • Extensive documentation and community support

It offers multiple pre-designed layouts for different store types. Offering multiple layouts saves time for store owners and ensures professional design. These layouts are likely tailored for specific industries. They feature appropriate color schemes, typography, and product presentation styles. Users can customize the theme using CSS and JS files.

Key Features and Benefits Of SM Market Magento 2 Theme

1. Responsive Design

Responsive design features of SM Market Magento 2 Theme for various devices

  • The SM Market Magento 2 Theme is known for its responsive design. It likely employs techniques like:

    1. Fluid grids: The layout uses percentage-based widths rather than fixed pixels, allowing content to flex and adapt to different screen sizes.

    2. Flexible images: Images are likely set to scale within their containing elements, preventing overflow on smaller screens.

    3. Media queries: CSS breakpoints are used to apply different styles at various screen widths, enabling more dramatic layout changes for mobile devices.

  • Your online store looks great on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It ensures a good experience for your customers, regardless of the device they use. Such accessibility can lead to more sales.

  • The store also features a touch-friendly design. It uses lazy load images for faster loading.

  • It is compatible with many browsers. It makes sure your store is easy to use for a wide range of customers.

2. Customizable Homepage

Over 39 pre-designed homepage demos available in SM Market Magento 2 Theme

The theme offers multiple homepage layouts. Users can configure these layouts to suit their store's needs. This flexibility allows for creating unique storefront designs. This feature is necessary for several reasons:

  • Brand Identity: Users can configure layouts to align with their brand identity. This includes the placement of

    1. Logos

    2. Color schemes

    3. Overall visual hierarchy

  • Product Focus: Different layouts allow for varying emphasis on product categories. For example, a fashion store might prioritize a large hero image slider, while an electronics store might opt for a grid layout showcasing multiple product categories.

  • Seasonal Adaptability: Store owners can easily switch layouts for seasonal promotions or special events without overhauling the entire site structure.

  • User Experience Optimization: By A/B testing different layouts, stores can identify which designs lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Each layout is designed to be responsive, ensuring a consistent experience across devices.

3. Mega Menu

Mega menu feature of SM Market Magento 2 Theme for enhanced navigation

The powerful mega menu in the SM Market theme is a significant feature, especially for stores with large product catalogs:

  • Hierarchical Organization: It allows for multi-level category organization, helping customers navigate complex product structures easily.

  • Visual Enhancement: The mega menu can include images or icons for categories, making navigation more intuitive and visually appealing.

  • Promotional Integration: Store owners can incorporate promotional banners or featured products within the menu, increasing visibility for key items or offers.

  • Custom Content: Beyond product categories, the mega menu can include custom HTML content, allowing for the addition of things like store locators or brand information.

  • Dynamic Loading: For stores with extensive catalogs, the menu can be set to load content dynamically, improving overall site performance.

  • Mobile Optimization: The mega menu is designed to collapse into a mobile-friendly format on smaller screens, maintaining usability across devices.

4. Ajax Cart and Layered Navigation

Ajax cart and layered navigation features in SM Market Magento 2 Theme for a smoother shopping experience

The SM Market Magento 2 Theme uses Ajax to make shopping smoother and more fun for customers. The Ajax cart lets customers add products without refreshing the page. The Ajax wishlist lets them save products for later without leaving the page.

Layered navigation makes it easier for customers to find what they're looking for. With this feature, customers can filter products by price, color, size, or brand. It makes shopping faster and more satisfying, which can lead to more sales.

5. Integration with Extensions

Integration of SM Market Magento 2 Theme with popular extensions for enhanced functionality

The theme works well with popular Magento extensions. It includes features like

  • SM Shopby

  • SM Listing

  • Reward points modules

SM Market Theme Compatibility with Magento Versions

Magento Version Compatibility Key Features Considerations
Magento 2.3.0+ Fully compatible - Optimized theme performance
- Enhanced security features
- Advanced Magento 2 functionalities
- Full support for latest Magento extensions
- Improved mobile responsiveness
- Recommended latest Magento version for new stores
- Regular theme updates available
- Best performance and feature set
Magento 2.0-2.2 Compatible with adjustments - Core theme functionalities
- Basic Magento 2 features support
- Customizable store design
- Integration with essential extensions
- May require theme updates for full functionality
- Some advanced features might be limited
- Consider upgrading Magento for optimal performance
Magento 1.9.x Compatible - Legacy version support
- Basic responsive design
- Essential e-commerce functionalities
- Compatible with Magento 1.9.x extensions
- Limited access to newer features
- Reduced long-term support
- Potential security concerns with older Magento versions
- Migration to Magento 2 recommended for future-proofing

Customization Options for Ecommerce Magento Store Design

SM Market has 23+ pre-designed homepage layouts. Each layout has its own style and lets you customize it. It means you can pick a layout that fits your brand and shows off your products well. These layouts are professional and save time and effort.

SM Market also has many ways to customize other parts of the store. These include:

  • Multiple header and footer styles for a unique look

  • Unlimited color options to match your brand

  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop page builder for editing CMS pages

  • Pre-designed product page templates to showcase products well

1. Layout Configuration

Customizable homepage layouts of SM Market Magento 2 Theme for unique storefront designs

  • Multiple pre-designed homepage layouts such as grid, masonry, and slider-focused.

  • Customizable product page layouts with options for image placement and description formats.

  • Adjustable category page designs with list, grid, and hybrid views.

  • Flexible checkout process layout with one-step and multi-step options.

  • Ability to create and save custom layout templates for different store sections.

2. Color Scheme

  • Customizable color palette with unlimited color options.

  • Advanced color picker for precise brand color matching.

  • Option to create separate color themes for different store sections, such as categories and sale items.

  • Gradient and pattern background options for headers and promotional areas.

  • Seasonal color scheme presets for quick store makeovers.

3. Typography

  • Changeable font styles and sizes with access to Google Fonts library.

  • Support for custom font upload and integration.

  • Text color and formatting options, including line height, letter spacing, and font weight.

  • Ability to set different typography styles for headings, body text, and product descriptions.

  • Responsive font sizing for optimal readability across devices.

4. Header and Footer

Customizable header and footer options in SM Market Magento 2 Theme for a unique look

  • Multiple header layout options, including sticky headers and transparent overlays.

  • Customizable footer content with multi-column layout options.

  • Integration of newsletter signup, social media links, and payment method icons.

  • Option to add custom widgets and HTML content in header and footer areas.

  • Ability to create different header/footer designs for specific pages or categories.

5. Navigation

  • Highly configurable mega menu with support for images, videos, and custom HTML.

  • Customizable category structure with nested subcategories and dynamic item counts.

  • Option to add featured products or promotions within navigation menus.

  • Ability to create custom navigation menus for different user roles or store views.

  • Integration of search functionality within navigation for improved user experience.

6. Product Display

Versatile product display options in SM Market Magento 2 Theme for different product types

  • Multiple product grid layouts, including masonry and carousel options.

  • Customizable product detail page with configurable tabs and information blocks.

  • Advanced quick view feature with options for size selection and instant purchase.

  • Zoom and 360-degree view options for product images.

  • Ability to display related products upsells, and cross-sells with custom layout.

7. Static Blocks

  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy placement of promotional blocks and banners.

  • Customizable content blocks with support for rich media and animations.

  • Ability to schedule static blocks for time-sensitive promotions.

  • Integration with dynamic content sources for personalized user experiences.

  • Option to create reusable block templates for consistent store-wide design.

8. CSS and JavaScript Customization

  • Full access to theme CSS files for advanced style modifications.

  • Custom CSS editor in the admin panel for quick style tweaks.

  • JavaScript customization options for enhanced interactivity and features.

  • LESS/SASS support for efficient CSS management.

  • Built-in developer tools for testing and applying custom code.

Case Studies: Successful Stores Using SM Market Magento 2 Theme

1. Trunc

Case study of Trunc using SM Market Magento 2 Theme to increase online sales

Trunc experienced a huge increase in online sales during the pandemic using the SM Market theme. This success can be attributed to several factors:

  • User-Friendly Design: The theme's intuitive layout and navigation likely reduced bounce rates and improved customer retention.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: With more people shopping on mobile devices during lockdowns, the theme's responsive design may have captured a wider audience.

  • Fast Loading Times: The theme's optimized performance could have improved search engine rankings and user experience. This is done through,

    1. Minimized and concatenated CSS and JavaScript files to reduce HTTP requests.

    2. Lazy loading of images, especially for category and search results pages.

    3. Efficient use of Magento's built-in caching mechanisms.

    4. Optimized database queries for faster product catalog loading.

  • Customization Options: Trunc may have tailored the theme to match their brand, creating a unique and memorable shopping experience.

2. My Mall B2C Marketplace

Case study of My Mall using SM Market Magento 2 Theme for large-scale operations

My Mall's monthly revenue demonstrates the SM Market theme's effectiveness for large-scale operations:

  • Multi-Vendor Support: The theme's ability to handle multiple vendors likely allowed My Mall to expand its product offerings.

  • Scalable Architecture: As sales increased, the theme's robust framework ensured stable performance.

  • Advanced Search and Filtering: These features could have improved product discoverability, leading to higher conversion rates.

  • Integrated Analytics: Built-in reporting tools helped My Mall make data-driven decisions to optimize sales.

3. Good Market

Case study of Good Market using SM Market Magento 2 Theme for complex marketplaces

Good Market's success highlights the SM Market theme's capabilities for complex marketplaces:

  • Extension Compatibility: Integration with popular extensions likely enabled Good Market to add advanced features without compromising stability.

  • Efficient Vendor Management: The theme's admin tools may have streamlined the onboarding and management of numerous vendors.

  • Customizable Product Pages: Flexible product display options could have allowed vendors to showcase their items effectively.

  • Robust Category Structure: The theme's advanced categorization features helped organize a vast product catalog for easy navigation.

SM Market Magento 2 Theme vs Other Premium Magento Themes

Feature SM Market Magento 2 Theme Other Premium Magento Themes
Compatibility Supports Magento 2.3.0+ and 1.9.x. It ensures flexibility for various store setups. Often limited to specific Magento versions. It restricts upgrade options.
Store Types Versatile for multi-category, fashion, digital, furniture, cosmetics, and more. It is suitable for stores with multiple branches. It can be specialized for specific industries. It limits cross-sector adaptability.
Customization Highly customizable with accessible theme files. Offers admin options. Supports custom CSS/JS. Customization level varies. Some may offer limited options. Others may require developer intervention.
Performance Optimized for speed and efficiency. Receives regular performance updates. Performance optimization varies. Some may require additional optimization efforts.
Extensions Compatible with proprietary extensions like SM Filter Products. Works with many third-party modules. Extension compatibility varies. This limits functionality expansion options.
Updates Receives regular updates. Maintains compatibility with the latest Magento versions. Adheres to current security standards. Update frequency and comprehensiveness vary. It can affect long-term viability.
Mobile Responsiveness Offers fully responsive design. Includes dedicated mobile layouts. Features touch-optimized elements. Responsiveness may vary in quality. The extent of mobile-specific optimizations can differ.
Installation Provides quickstart installation. Compatible with platforms like Cloudways for easy setup. The installation process varies. Some may require more technical expertise.
Support Offers a dedicated support system. Provides comprehensive documentation. Includes access to community resources. Support quality and availability vary. It can affect issue resolution time.


1. What are the benefits of using the SM Market Magento 2 Theme?

The SM Market Magento 2 Theme is a premium and optimized Magento theme designed for ecommerce stores. It is responsive and lightweight. The theme is customizable and suitable for various types of online stores. These include fashion, accessories, digital, hi-tech, and more.

2. Can the SM Market Magento 2 Theme be customized?

Yes, the SM Market theme for Magento is fully customizable. It allows you to personalize your online market store to fit your brand and preferences.

3. Is the SM Market Magento 2 Theme compatible with Magento 1.9?

Yes, the SM Market theme is designed to work seamlessly with Magento 2 and Magento 1.9 store versions. It provides versatility for store owners.

4. What makes the SM Market Magento 2 Theme stand out from other Magento themes?

The SM Market theme is recognized as a top Magento theme. It offers a responsive design, premium features, and optimized performance. This theme is ideal for ecommerce businesses.

5. Does the SM Market Magento 2 Theme support add-to-cart and add-to-compare functionalities?

Yes, the SM Market theme supports essential ecommerce features. These include add to cart and add to compare options. These features make it easier for customers to shop on your site.

6. Can the SM Market Magento 2 Theme be used for a variety of product types?

Yes, the SM Market theme is suitable for a wide range of products. These include fashion items, clothing, accessories, watches, electronics, and more. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for online stores.

7. Is the SM Market Magento 2 Theme optimized for performance?

Yes, the SM Market theme is a premium, responsive Magento theme. It is optimized for speed and efficiency. It ensures a smooth shopping experience for your customers.



The SM Market Magento 2 theme has a responsive design, a powerful admin panel, and many customization options. It makes it perfect for businesses of all sizes and types. This article covered the following aspects:

  • SM Market is compatible with popular Magento extensions and modules. It enhances store management with additional features.

  • The theme's comprehensive feature set boosts organic traffic and enhances conversions and sales.

  • For online store owners seeking a dependable and high-performing Magento 2 theme, SM Market is a robust option.

  • Choosing SM Market ensures a competitive edge in the eCommerce sector. It offers customers an outstanding shopping experience and sets your store up for success.

Explore managed Magento hosting options to improve performance with SM market theme.

Andrea Oriane
Andrea Oriane
Technical Writer

Andrea specializes in creating informative content for Magento. With extensive e-commerce knowledge and understanding of Magento functionalities, she crafts articles for a wide range of audience.

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