Top Web Hosting Services For Secure Ecommerce Hosting Plans

Top Web Hosting Services For Secure Ecommerce Hosting Plans

Are you looking to secure your ecommerce website and enhance your business operations? Secure ecommerce hosting helps protect sensitive customer information.

This article will guide you through choosing the best ecommerce hosting services for your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Key features to choosing the right hosting plan and provider.
  • Different hosting options to find the best fit for your ecommerce business.
  • Hosting providers that offer enhanced security, reliability, and scalability.
  • Checklist with security guidelines for various hosting options and services.
  • Comparison of different hosting plans, prices, and features.
  • Tips to keep your new ecommerce site safe and successful with regular maintenance and vigilance.

What Is Secure Website Hosting?

Secure ecommerce web hosting protects your ecommerce website and customers' sensitive data.

A secure hosting platform keeps hackers and cybercriminals away. Thus, it helps you focus on growing your business. Without it, your Magento store is vulnerable to:

  • Data breaches that expose customer information.
  • Malware infections that bring your store to a screeching halt.
  • Slow loading times that frustrate shoppers and hurt your SEO.

Secure ecommerce hosting is a good option because it:

  • Encrypts all the data flowing between your website and your customers.
  • Protects against malware, viruses, and other nasty cyber threats.
  • Ensures your site is always up and running smoothly.

Secure Ecommerce Web Hosting Benefits

1. SSL Certificates

ssl certificates in secure ecommerce hosting protect sensitive customer data through encrypted connections

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are fundamental to secure ecommerce hosting. They establish an encrypted connection between a user's browser and your website's server. It ensures that sensitive data like credit card information and personal details are transmitted securely.

The importance of SSL goes beyond mere data encryption. It's a trust signal that customers actively look for when shopping online. The padlock icon and "https" in the address bar are visual cues. They reassure visitors about your site's security. This trust can significantly impact conversion rates and customer loyalty.

While creating your ecommerce websites, you may include free SSL certificates. However, it's essential to understand the different types available:

  • Domain Validated (DV) SSL: Basic level, quick to obtain. It is suitable for small websites.
  • Organization Validated (OV) SSL: Moderate validation. It shows company details. Also, it is good for ecommerce and medium-sized businesses.
  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL: Highest level of validation. It displays the company name in the green address bar. It is especially ideal for large hosting companies and financial institutions.

EV SSL certificates, while more expensive, provide the highest level of trust. It is recommended for severe ecommerce operations to handle sensitive customer data.

2. Firewalls

Firewalls act as a barrier between your ecommerce platform and potential threats. They monitor & control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. For hosting an ecommerce, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is particularly essential.

A WAF operates at the application layer. It provides specialized protection against common web-based attacks. Examples include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and file inclusion exploits. It can identify and block malicious traffic patterns before they reach your server.

When choosing a hosting provider, look for those offering built-in WAF protection. The best solutions allow for the customization of firewall rules. It addresses your specific security needs and traffic patterns. This might include:

  • IP blocking or allowing
  • Geo-blocking to restrict traffic from high-risk countries
  • Rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks
  • Custom rules for your specific application

3. Automated Backups

automated backups in ecommerce hosting ensure data recovery and protection against system failures

Regular, automated backups are an essential component of the best e-commerce hosting. It allows you to quickly restore your site in case of data loss, security breaches, or system failures.

Best practices for ecommerce backups include:

  • Daily incremental backups and weekly full backups
  • Off-site storage to protect against physical disasters
  • Encryption of backup data to prevent unauthorized access
  • Regular testing of restore processes to ensure data integrity

Many hosting needs fulfill your backup services. However, always verify the scope and frequency of your host's backup services. Also, consider implementing additional backup solutions for valuable data.

4. Malware Scanning and Removal

Malware can severely impact the performance, security, and reputation of ecommerce plans. Regular malware scanning detects and removes threats before they can cause significant damage.

Advanced malware scanning solutions offer:

  • Real-time monitoring for immediate threat detection
  • Automated removal of identified malware
  • File integrity monitoring to detect unauthorized changes
  • Vulnerability assessments to identify potential security weaknesses

Look for the best web hosting providers. They offer integrated malware scanning and removal services. They provide options for on-demand scans and automatic quarantine of suspicious files.

5. DDoS Protection

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can overwhelm your hosting management. It makes it unavailable to legitimate customers. Enhanced DDoS protection is vital for maintaining site availability. It happens especially during high-traffic periods like sales events.

Adequate DDoS protection involves:

  • Traffic analysis to distinguish between legitimate and malicious requests
  • Scalable infrastructure to absorb large volumes of traffic
  • Real-time mitigation to filter out attack traffic
  • Traffic rerouting to scrubbing centers during large-scale attacks

When evaluating products and services online, inquire about the DDoS mitigation capabilities. It includes the scale of attacks they can handle and their response times.

6. PCI Compliance Support

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance handles credit card information. It involves a designed set of security standards. It ensures that all companies accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information. Also, it helps maintain a secure environment.

Key aspects of PCI compliance include:

  • Maintaining a secure network
  • Protecting cardholder data
  • Maintaining a vulnerability management program
  • Implementing strong access control measures
  • Regularly monitoring and testing networks
  • Maintaining an information security policy

Make sure that the hosting provider is PCI compliant. Also, consider tools to help you meet and maintain compliance standards.

7. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your login process. It requires a second form of identification beyond just a password. It reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if passwords are compromised. Effective 2FA implementation for hosting servers should:

  • Cover all admin and user accounts
  • Offer multiple 2FA options (e.g., SMS, email, authenticator apps)
  • Implement adaptive authentication based on risk factors
  • Provide clear user education on 2FA setup and usage

8. Secure File Transfer

secure file transfer (SFTP) in ecommerce hosting encrypts data during routine site management

SFTP ensures that all file transfers are made between your local system. It also makes sure the hosting packages are encrypted. It protects sensitive data during routine site management tasks.

Key benefits of SFTP include:

  • Encryption of both commands and data in transit
  • Strong authentication to prevent unauthorized access
  • Integrity checking to ensure files aren't tampered with during transfer
  • Compatibility with various security key and password systems

Ensure your e-commerce web hosting supports SFTP and provides clear documentation.

Secure Ecommerce Hosting Services Checklist

Security Measure Key Points
Use HTTPS and SSL Certificates for Secure Hosting - Encrypt all data between your website and your customers' browsers via HTTPS scan.
- Verify your website's identity and establish secure connections with SSL certificates.
- Look for ecommerce hosts that offer free SSL certificates.
- Ensure your SSL certificate is installed correctly and up-to-date.
Ensure PCI Compliance for Secure Payment Processing - Choose an ecommerce host that is Magento PCI compliant.
- Use PCI-compliant payment gateways and processors.
- Regularly scan your site for PCI DSS vulnerabilities and address any issues.
Implement Secure User Authentication and Access Control - Use strong, unique passwords for all user accounts.
- Use two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security.
- Limit access to sensitive data and admin functions based on Magento user roles.
- Regularly review and update user permissions to maintain tight access control.
Keep Your Ecommerce Platform and Plugins Updated - Regularly update your ecommerce platform, themes, and plugins.
- Enable automatic updates whenever possible.
- Monitor for new security patches and apply them promptly.
Enable Web Application Firewall (WAF) Protection - A WAF filters out malicious traffic before it reaches your ecommerce site.
- Look for a Magento host that includes WAF protection.
- Configure your WAF rules to block common attack vectors.
- Monitor your WAF logs for signs of suspicious activity.
Perform regular security audits and penetration testing
- Identify and fix vulnerabilities with regular security audits.
- Simulate real-world attacks to stress-test your defenses through penetration testing.
- Hire a qualified security professional to conduct thorough audits and pen tests.
- Address any security weaknesses uncovered during testing.
Implement Secure Backup and Disaster Recovery Processes - Protect your ecommerce site data in case of a breach or outage with regular backups.
- Choose a provider that offers automatic, secure backups.
- Test your Magento backups regularly to ensure they can be restored quickly.
- Have a disaster recovery plan in place to minimize downtime and data loss.

How To Choose A Secure Ecommerce Host Expert?

choosing a secure ecommerce hosting expert to ensure protection and performance for online stores

1. Ensure Fast Loading Times to Retain Customers

Research shows that visitors expect a website to load within a few seconds. If it takes too long, they will quickly move to a competitor's site. A Shared Hosting plan supports fast load times paired with proper page optimization. It helps ensure your site loads quickly. Each second of reduced load time significantly boosts traffic and conversions. A reliable ecommerce website hosting should handle high traffic volumes. Be prepared for traffic spikes that could otherwise slow down your website.

2. Prioritize Security to Build Customer Trust

Security is essential for building trust in your business. Any ecommerce hosting refers to implementing proper security measures. It is not just for collecting payment information but for protecting all customer data. Browsers like Chrome highlight security issues, marking non-encrypted websites as "Not Secure". It can drive potential customers away. Ensuring your site is secured with HTTPS encryption will foster customer confidence.

3. Minimize Downtime to Protect Business Revenue

When your website is down, customers can’t make purchases or engage with your platform. It leads to lost revenue. Even short periods of downtime can drive customers to shop elsewhere. Some web hosting services perform scheduled maintenance. As a result, they can temporarily take your site offline. Choose a host that schedules maintenance during low-traffic hours and only as necessary. Frequent downtime can hurt your business. Hence, you should monitor how often maintenance is planned and whether it’s actually benefiting your site. Providing notifications about upcoming downtime can help manage customer expectations and reduce frustration.

Comparison Of Leading Ecommerce Platforms For Secure Ecommerce Hosting Solutions

Provider Key Security Features Pricing Pros Cons
MGT Commerce - Free SSL certificates
- PCI DSS compliant
- Dedicated firewalls
- DDoS protection
- Automated backups
Starting at 149€/mo - Magento expertise
- Optimized stack for performance
- 24/7 support
- 0.3 Seconds page load time
Focused mainly on Magento hosting
Hostinger - Free SSL certificate
- Cloudflare DDoS protection
- Daily backups
Starting at $2.99/mo - Budget-friendly
- Easy to use
- 99.9% uptime guarantee
- Limited customer support
- No malware scanning
SiteGround - Free SSL
- Daily backups
- Web application firewall
- AI anti-bot system
Starting at $4.99/mo - Excellent performance
- Top-notch support
- Proactive security monitoring

- Higher renewal rates
- Limited storage on starter plans
Cloudways - Free SSL
- Dedicated firewalls
- Two-factor authentication
- Automatic backups
Starting at $10/mo - Choice of cloud hosting providers
- Optimized for speed
- 24/7 real-time monitoring
- Not beginner-friendly
- No email hosting
- No domain registration
Kinsta - Free SSL
- Automatic backups
- DDoS detection
- Malware scanning
Starting at $30/mo - Google Cloud infrastructure
- Blazing-fast performance
- Expert WordPress support
- Pricer than competitors
- No email hosting
- No phone support
WPEngine - Free SSL
- Daily backups
- Proprietary security
- Threat detection and blocking
Starting at $25/mo - Optimized for WordPress hosting
- Enterprise-grade security
- Exceptional support
- Expensive for small sites
- Limited control panel
- No email hosting
InMotion Hosting - Free SSL
- DDoS protection
- Malware protection
- Automated backups
Starting at $5.99/mo - A good option for hosting ecommerce websites
- Enhanced ecommerce features
- 90-day money-back guarantee
- Higher pricing for advanced plans
- Limited server locations
Shopify - SSL encryption
- PCI DSS compliance
- Fraud analysis
- Two-factor authentication
- Dedicated security team
Not provided - Excellent performance
- High scalability
- 24/7 support
- User-friendly interface
- Large app ecosystem
- Transaction fees for external payment gateways
- Limited customization on lower plans
- Can be expensive for larger stores
BigCommerce - SSL certificates
- PCI compliance
- DDoS protection
- Fraud detection
- Regular security updates
Not provided - Excellent performance
- High scalability
- 24/7 support
- No transaction fees
- Built-in SEO features
- Steeper learning curve
- Annual sales limits on plans
- Limited free themes
PrestaShop - SSL support
- PCI DSS compliance
- Regular security patches
- Customizable security settings
Not provided - Good performance
- Moderate scalability
- Community support
- Highly customizable
- Free to download
- Self-hosted (requires technical knowledge)
- Limited built-in features
- Paid add-ons can increase costs
- No official customer support

Essential Features To Consider In Best Ecommerce Hosting Providers

1. High Performance

high-performance ecommerce hosting with enhanced security features ensures fast loading times and uptime

A reliable and fast web host is essential. Your website’s load time should be under three seconds. To ensure consistent speed and uptime, avoid shared hosting. It can slow down your site and cause frequent downtime. Many hosting providers claim to offer the best performance, but not all deliver. Ensure your host provides performance monitoring & uptime alerts to detect any issues quickly.

2. Bandwidth and File Storage

Medium-sized ecommerce websites require substantial storage and bandwidth. It handles high-quality images and increases traffic. As your store grows, so will your storage needs. Choose a web hosting plan that offers ample space without extra fees for overages.

3. Auto-Scaling

Traffic to shopping carts can spike unpredictably, especially during peak times like holidays. A good hosting provider offers auto-scaling. It automatically adjusts your resources during traffic surges. It ensures that your site remains fast & functional during high-demand periods, preventing downtime.

4. Full Security

full security features, including firewalls, DDoS protection, and PCI compliance in secure ecommerce hosting

Running an ecommerce business requires security due to the sensitive data they handle. For example, credit card information and personal details. If your site isn’t secure, it becomes a target for hackers. Choose a free domain that stays current with security updates & offers protection measures. Examples include SSL certificates and malware scanning. These services safeguard your business and customers.

5. Developer-Friendly Environment

For developers, having access to advanced server options is a must. However, not all managed hosting allows this. This is because they fear inexperienced users might accidentally crash their sites. It's best to choose a hosting that offers flexibility for experienced developers. It maintains security and stability for the site.

Pricing And Plans For Secure Ecommerce Server Hosting

Plan Level Price Range Features Best For
Entry level $3 - $30/month - Free SSL certificates - Daily backups - Basic DDoS protection - Limited traffic/storage Small online stores or startups
Mid-Range $30 - $100/month - Advanced firewalls - Malware scanning/removal - Improved DDoS protection - PCI compliance assistance - More resources Growing businesses with moderate traffic
Enterprise Level $100 - $1000+/month - Dedicated firewalls - 24/7 security monitoring - Advanced threat detection - Custom security configs - Scalable resources High-traffic, large-scale online stores
VPS Hosting $20 - $100/month - Dedicated virtual resources - Better performance and security - More control and customization Medium-sized businesses or growing online stores
Dedicated Hosting $100 - $500+/month - Full server resources - Highest level of performance and security - Complete control and customization Large enterprises or high-traffic ecommerce sites
Managed Ecommerce Hosting $30 - $250+/month - Specialized ecommerce features - Optimized for popular platforms (eg, Magento, WooCommerce) - Managed security and updates Businesses focused on ecommerce growth and scalability

Best Practices for Secure Ecommerce Hosting

1. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for Speed and Security

CDNs distribute your website content across a global network of servers. It:

  • Boosts your site's loading speed and performance.
  • Provide an extra layer of security against DDoS attacks.

Look for an ecommerce host that includes CDN integration.

2. Implement Secure Backup and Disaster Recovery Processes

Regular backups are essential for starting an ecommerce store. Consider the following:

  • Automate secure backups to run daily or weekly.
  • Store backups in multiple secure locations, including off-site.
  • Test your backups regularly to ensure they can be quickly restored.
  • Have a disaster recovery plan ready to minimize downtime and data loss.

Test the hosting service before making a long-term commitment.

3. Train Employees on Ecommerce Security Best Practices

Human error is a significant cause of security breaches. Consider the following practices:

  • Train all employees on strong password practices and how to spot phishing attempts.
  • Limit access to sensitive data and admin functions based on job roles.
  • Regularly review and update user permissions as roles change.
  • Establish transparent Magento security practices, policies, and consequences for violations.

Seek out scalable hosting plans that can grow alongside your business.

4. Monitor for Suspicious Activity and Security Incidents

monitoring for suspicious activity in secure ecommerce hosting helps detect threats and protect customer data

Consider hiring a managed security service to monitor 24/7. It can:

  • Proactively monitor your online business for signs of suspicious activity.
  • Set up alerts for failed login attempts, sudden traffic spikes, etc.
  • Use Magento security tools to scan for malware and unauthorized file changes.
  • Have an incident response plan to investigate and mitigate threats quickly.

Ensure your hosting can handle your store's load.

5. Keep Your Extensions and Plugins Updated

Outdated software is a common target for hackers and data thieves. It can:

  • Always keep your Magento extensions and plugins updated to the latest versions.
  • Enable automatic updates whenever possible
  • Regularly scan for and remove any unused or vulnerable plugins.
  • Test updates on a staging site before applying to your live store. For example, Magento staging environment.

Assess your current needs and future growth projections.

6. Choose the Right Pricing for Ecommerce Hosting Plans

Consider your traffic volume and bandwidth requirements. It can:

  • Evaluate the number of products you'll be selling.
  • Consider the storage space needed for your inventory management and media files.
  • Decide between shared & dedicated hosting based on your performance needs and budget constraints.
  • Assess the level of managed services and support to ensure it meets your technical needs.
  • Prioritize Magento security features when selecting a hosting plan.
  • Consider the total cost of ownership. Examples include add-ons, renewals, and upgrade costs over time.
  • Take advantage of free trials or money-back guarantees.

Choose a plan that will accommodate your business as it expands.


1. How do I choose between a VPS hosting plan and other types of hosting for my ecommerce website?

A VPS hosting plan offers more control and resources than shared hosting. This makes it suitable for growing e-commerce sites. However, if you're starting, shared hosting might be enough. For larger stores, dedicated hosting provides maximum resources. Consider factors like your technical expertise, budget, and expected traffic when selecting the type of hosting. Some website hosting for ecommerce providers offer integrated website builders. It can be helpful if you want an all-in-one solution for creating and hosting your online store.

2. Is there a difference between the best ecommerce web hosting & managed WordPress hosting?

Yes, there are differences. The best ecommerce web hosting is specifically optimized for online stores. It often includes features like one-click installations for popular ecommerce platforms. Managed WordPress hosting, on the other hand, focuses on WordPress-specific optimizations and management. It can be great if you're using WooCommerce. Some providers even provide options for free ecommerce software installations. When choosing, consider your platform preference and the level of management you need.

3. How can switching between different hosting providers help improve your ecommerce business?

Switching between different hosting providers can improve your ecommerce performance. Each provider offers unique features and specializations. Some excel in speed optimization. However, others focus on security or scalability. As your business grows, you might need a provider with more ecommerce expertise. For instance, a host with experience in high-traffic management. This way, you could boost your site's performance during sales peaks. However, it's essential to weigh the potential benefits against the challenges of migration. Always research thoroughly and consider seeking advice from ecommerce hosting experts.

4. What is a popular open-source ecommerce plugin for WordPress hosting plans?

Many hosting comes with optimizations for popular open-source ecommerce plugins for WordPress. For example, WooCommerce. To ensure the best performance, these plans often feature pre-configured server settings. They also provide one-click installations and automatic updates for these plugins. Some hosts offer specialized WordPress and WooCommerce hosting plans. Hosting plans include enhanced security measures, dedicated support for ecommerce issues, and performance optimizations. When choosing a host, look for plans that mention support for your ecommerce plugin. Also, ensure guaranteed compatibility and optimal performance.

5. How do different types of hosting compare for ecommerce, and what extras should I look for?

Different types of hosting are useful for ecommerce to suit different business needs. Shared hosting is budget-friendly for startups. However, VPS offers more resources for growing stores. Dedicated hosting provides maximum performance and security for large ecommerce sites. Cloud hosting offers scalability for stores with fluctuating traffic. When choosing, look beyond just the hosting type. Many top providers consider the best in the business to provide valuable extras. For example, some include a free domain for the first year. It can save you money when starting out. Other perks include enhanced security features, ecommerce-specific optimizations, or 24/7 specialized support. Always compare these extras alongside the core hosting features. Find the best overall package for your ecommerce needs.



Secure Ecommerce Hosting protects your online store while safeguarding customer data. It helps:

  • Enhance your site's performance and security.
  • Ensure that your ecommerce platform runs smoothly.
  • Safeguard sensitive information like customer details and payment data.
  • Ensure a smooth customer experience and website performance.
  • Cater to various business sizes and needs.

Choose a secure Magento hosting plan that offers enhanced security features like free SSL certificates, DDoS protection, and regular backups.

Dikshya Shaw
Dikshya Shaw
Technical Writer

Dikshya leverages her content marketing and writing proficiency to deliver fresh, insightful content. Her meticulous research ensures industry expertise and emerging trends within the Magento landscape.

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