Recover Sales With Magento Abandoned Cart Email Extension

Recover Sales With Magento Abandoned Cart Email Extension

Are you losing potential sales to cart abandonment? With the Magento abandoned cart email, you can recover lost sales by sending automated, personalized emails to remind customers of their abandoned shopping carts.

This article will cover how to set up and optimize abandoned cart emails in Magento 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Benefits of setting up Magento abandoned cart emails with essential components.
  • Key features and tips on optimizing email campaigns to recover more carts.
  • Effective strategies to ensure your emails are engaging and lead to higher recovery rates.
  • Set up and optimize your email campaigns with top extensions.
  • Automate follow-up messages to customers who leave items in their shopping cart without completing checkout.
  • Send targeted reminders to encourage purchase completion.
  • Future trends and real-life examples of successful abandoned cart campaigns.

Key Components Of Effective Adobe Commerce Abandoned Cart Emails

1. Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

attention-grabbing subject lines for Magento abandoned cart emails

Your subject line is the gateway to engagement. It needs to be compelling enough to stand out in a crowded inbox. You can consider the following best practices:

  • Personalize with the customer's name.
  • Mention specific abandoned products.
  • Create a sense of urgency.
  • Keep it concise ("40-50" characters).

For example, "John, complete your order for [Product] - Limited time offer!".

2. Personalized Content

personalized content in Magento abandoned cart email to engage customers

Personalization goes beyond just using a customer's name. It's about crafting a message that resonates with the individual. You can consider the following key elements:

  • Address the customer by "name".
  • Include images and details of abandoned products.
  • Provide personalized product recommendations based on browsing history.
  • Tailor the message tone to match customer segments.

For example:

  • Use AI algorithms to suggest items based on the customer's browsing & purchase history.
  • Analyze when each customer is most likely to open emails and send them accordingly.
  • Adjust the writing style based on customer demographics and previous interactions.
  • Use visuals that resonate with the customer's preferences or location.

3. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

clear call-to-action in Magento abandoned cart email campaigns

Your CTA should be unmistakable and compelling. It acts as the bridge between interest and action. You can consider the following CTA best practices:

  • Use action-oriented language (“Complete Your Purchase”).
  • Make the button large and visually distinct.
  • Place the CTA prominently, often repeating it in the email.
  • Ensure the CTA links directly to the abandoned cart.
  • Try different CTA text, colors, and placements to find what works best for your audience.
  • Use phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or countdown timers to create a sense of immediacy.
  • Clearly state the benefit of clicking, e.g., "Resume Your Purchase and Save 15%".

4. Incentives

Offering incentives can tip the scales in favor of a purchase. However, it's essential to use them strategically. You can consider the following effective incentive strategies:

5. Social Proof

Social proof builds trust and reduces purchase anxiety. You can incorporate social proof through:

  • Product reviews and ratings
  • User-generated content (photos, testimonials)
  • Purchase counters ("100+ people bought this in the last 24 hours")
  • Trust badges and security seals

For instance:

  • Instead of generic stars, show a relevant review that addresses common concerns about the abandoned product.
  • Use dynamic content to show how many people are viewing or have purchased the item recently.
  • If applicable, include testimonials from industry experts or social media influencers.

6. Sense of Urgency

creating a sense of urgency in Magento cart recovery emails

Creating urgency can prompt immediate action. It can reduce the chance of customers forgetting about their cart. Urgency tactics include:

7. Mobile Optimization

holiday offer email with AirPods and eyeshadow palette for Magento abandoned cart recovery

With 50-60% of email opens occurring on mobile devices, optimization is non-negotiable. The mobile optimization checklist includes the following:

  • Responsive design that adapts to screen size
  • Large, touch-friendly buttons
  • Concise content optimized for small screens
  • Fast-loading images and minimal use of large files

8. Branding Consistency

consistent branding in Magento abandoned cart email design

Consistent branding reinforces trust and brand recognition. You can consider the following branding elements to maintain:

  • Logo placement and size
  • Color scheme aligned with website
  • Consistent font choices
  • Tone of voice that matches the brand's personality

9. Easy Unsubscribe Option

While counterintuitive, an easy unsubscribe option is legally required and builds trust. You can consider the following unsubscribe best practices:

  • Clear, one-click unsubscribe link in the footer
  • Option to adjust email preferences instead of full unsubscribe
  • A confirmation page with the option to resubscribe or provide feedback

10. Testing and Analytics

testing and analytics tools for Magento abandoned cart email performance

Continuous improvement is key to maximizing the effectiveness of your abandoned cart emails. You can consider the following key metrics to track:

Personalization Email Marketing Strategies For Magento Recovered Carts

Technique Description Impact
Dynamic Product Images Show images of items left in the cart Visually reminds customers what they're missing out on.
Customer Name Usage Address recipient by first name Creates a personal connection and increases open rates.
Behavioral Triggers Send emails based on specific actions Improves the relevance and timing of messages.
Purchase History Recommend products based on past purchases Increases cross-sell and upsell opportunities.
Cart Value Personalization Tailor offers based on cart total Optimizes discounts and improves conversion rates.
Browsing History Include recently viewed items Expands potential for recovering more than just cart items.
Segmentation Group customers by demographics or behavior Allows for more targeted and relevant messaging.
Dynamic Content Blocks Change email content based on user data Increases engagement with personalized sections.
Personalized Subject Lines Include product names or offer details Boosts open rates with specific, relevant info.
Time-Based Personalization Send emails at optimal times for each user Improves chances of email being seen and acted upon.

Top 6 Abandoned Cart Email Extensions For Magento 2

1. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extension by Aheadworks

Magento 2 abandoned cart email extension by Aheadworks highlighting customizable features

Aheadworks Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extension helps create and schedule automated, personalized emails to re-engage customers who've left items in their shopping carts. It helps boost conversions and reclaim potentially lost sales.


  • Customize flexible messages using text and variables.
  • Preview email content and send test emails.
  • Schedule automatic abandoned cart emails.
  • Archive and review sent emails.
  • Integrate with Automatic Related Products.
  • Compatible with Open Source 2.4.6 - 2.4.7 and Commerce 2.4.6 - 2.4.7.


  • Open Source Edition- $110.00
  • Commerce Edition- $220.00

2. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Extension by Magetrend

Magento 2 abandoned cart extension by Magetrend with automated email options

Magetrend Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Extension automatically sends abandoned cart emails to visitors and customers. It sends follow-up emails to customers with unpaid orders. It also displays a notification bar with a message across the top of the page.


  • Customize the extension using various filters. Examples include customer type, store, and cart items to target specific audiences.
  • Collect and store customer email addresses through newsletter subscriptions, registrations, account sign-ins, or during checkout for future use.
  • Schedule multiple emails at different times for better effectiveness in recovering abandoned carts.
  • Include discount codes in emails using Magento's default "Cart price rules" feature.
  • No need for additional cart or checkout modifications.
  • Send recovery links via email.
  • Allow customers to restore their carts even after session expiration.
  • Track and manage all abandoned carts and order follow-up emails.
  • Provide visibility into your store's background activities.
  • Pre-loaded sample data simplifies setup, enabling faster recovery of abandoned carts.
  • Automatically cancel follow-up emails.
  • If items go out of stock, a new order is created, or a recovery link is clicked.


  • With Installation service- $123.00
  • Without Installation service- $74.00

3. Abandoned Cart Template Module for Magento 2 by Templates Master

mobile-optimized abandoned cart emails by Templates Master with holiday offers for increased engagement

Templates Master Abandoned Cart Template Module for Magento 2 comes with "3" pre-written emails and customizable rules in the Magento backend. It offers a flexible and efficient solution for cart recovery. It also allows you to track the process through the history grid and refine your strategy for success.


  • Automates sending of abandoned cart recovery emails to customers who leave items in their cart.
  • Provides pre-built email templates to streamline the email creation process.
  • Allows customization of email content to match your store’s branding and tone.
  • Supports multi-store environments, ensuring emails are sent based on store-specific configurations.
  • Offers schedule management, enabling flexible timing for email reminders.
  • Integrates with discount codes and cart price rules.
  • Provides incentives for customers to complete their purchases.
  • Tracks performance through detailed reports and analytics on abandoned carts and recovered sales.
  • Supports GDPR compliance with options for customer consent before sending emails.
  • Easy installation and setup with sample data included for quick activation.



4. Magento Abandoned Cart Recovery Extension by Magenest

Magento abandoned cart recovery extension by Magenest with features overview

Magenest Magento Abandoned Cart Recovery Extension increases sales by automatically sending reminders. It is used to convert abandoned carts into completed orders.


  • Create unlimited campaigns with flexible rules.
  • Run a “Test Campaign” for each rule.
  • Integrates with Mandrill & Nexmo.
  • Automatically generate coupons for emails and SMS.
  • Integrates with Google Analytics for campaign tracking.
  • Manage blacklists and unsubscribers.
  • Access reports generated from cron jobs.


  • Open-Source (Community) Edition + 9-Month Support + Installation- $220.00
  • Commerce (Enterprise/Cloud) Edition + 12-Month Support + Installation- $439.00

5. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Template by MageDelight

Magento dashboard by MageDelight displaying abandoned cart email details and applied coupons

MageDelight Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Template helps lower abandoned cart rates and boost sales. You can send custom emails with discount coupons. It reminds customers of their abandoned carts.


  • Ability to send abandoned cart emails to guest users.
  • Unlimited customizable email templates
  • Unlimited abandoned cart rules
  • Track the history of abandoned cart customers.
  • Trigger emails with scheduled timing.
  • Include discount codes to enhance click-through rates.
  • Product filter added in Admin Email Queue
  • Advanced cart reports with XML export functionality


  • Magento Open Source Edition + Installation- $178.00
  • Adobe Commerce Edition + Installation- $308.00
  • Adobe Commerce Cloud Edition + Installation- $408.00

6. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Reports Module by Amasty

Magento 2 abandoned cart email extension by Amasty with pricing and features

Amasty Extension Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Reports Module boosts completed orders and recovers lost revenue. It automatically sends engaging reminders. Encourage shoppers to finalize their purchases with discount coupons.


  • Recover abandoned carts with just a few steps.
  • Customize email templates to tailor campaigns.
  • Analyze campaign performance with detailed reporting.
  • Schedule the timing of email dispatch.
  • Utilize the built-in discount coupon generator.
  • Automatically add UTM tags for enhanced tracking.
  • Default compatibility with Hyva.


  • Community Edition- $149.00
  • Enterprise Edition- $449.00
  • Magento Cloud Edition- $749.00

Timing, Frequency, And Incentives In Cart Abandonment Emails

Aspect Best Practices Why It Works
First Email Timing "1 hour" after abandonment Catches customers while the intent is fresh.
Follow-up Email Timing "24 hours" and "48 hours" after Keeps your brand top of mind without being pushy.
Email Frequency "3-email series" over 3 days Balances persistence with respect to customer inboxes.
Offer in First Email Reminder, no discount Recovers customers who forgot.
Offer in Second Email Small incentive (e.g., free shipping) Overcomes minor objections.
Offer in Third Email Larger discount (e.g., "10-15%" off) Last chance to convert, worth the investment.
Offer Types Percentage discounts, free shipping, and bundle deals Variety appeals to different customer motivations.
Offer Placement Prominent, near call-to-action Makes the value proposition clear and actionable.

Best Practices For Crafting Compelling Abandoned Cart Emails For Magento 2

Practice Description Why It Works
Timing is everything Send the first email within "24 hours" and follow up every "2-3 days". - Capitalizes on recency effect.
- Maintains engagement without overwhelming the customer.
Get Personal Use customer names and abandoned products. - Increases relevance and emotional connection.
- Boosts open rates and conversions.
Offer Smart Incentives Include a cart price rule or coupon. - Provides tangible value.
- Overcomes price objections and encourages immediate action.
Use FOMO Highlight limited stock or time-sensitive offers. - Triggers loss aversion psychology.
- Accelerates decision-making process.
Keep It Mobile-Friendly Optimize for all devices. - Ensures seamless user experience across platforms.
- Improves click-through rates.
Clear call to action Make the "Return to Cart" button prominent. - Reduces friction in the customer journey.
- Guides users directly to the conversion point.
Show Related Products Suggest items based on cart contents. - Leverages cross-selling opportunities.
- Increases average order value.
Address Objections Tackle common reasons for abandonment. - Proactively resolves customer concerns.
- Removes barriers to purchase completion.
Use Social Proof Include reviews or bestseller tags. - Builds trust and credibility.
- Reduces purchase anxiety through third-party validation.
Test and Optimize A/B test subject lines and content. - Allows data-driven refinement of strategy.
- Improves ROI over time.

Methods To Set Up Abandoned Cart Emails In Magento Extension

1. Create A Number of Abandoned Cart Emails with Triggered Campaigns

Create a series of triggered campaigns. Navigate to Automation > Triggered Campaign Content > Add New. It opens the creation wizard, where you'll need to:

  • Select a template
  • Enter your campaign name
  • Add campaign details

Using the EasyEditor, a drag-and-drop tool, you can easily customize your campaign. Add an abandoned cart block from the Building Blocks sidebar.

2. Set Up Your Abandoned Cart Program

setting up a new campaign for Magento abandoned cart recovery with custom conditions

Once the campaign is ready, the next step is setting up your abandoned cart program. It allows you to determine when contacts are added to your campaign. Configure a decision node. Exclude customers who either buy the items or remove them from their cart. Navigate to Automation > My programs > New program to build your automated email campaign.

For example, you could:

  1. Create a start node with "No scheduled enrollment".
  2. Add a decision node to ensure only Magento abandoned carts receive the email.
  3. Complete the program with a start leading to a decision, ending with a campaign.

You can also make the program more advanced by adding delay nodes after the campaign. It schedules a second email. Experts recommend sending three emails in a series for maximum effectiveness.

3. Test Your Magento Abandoned Cart Setup

Magento dashboard displaying abandoned cart email details and applied coupons

You can add exclusion rules under the 'Marketing' tab. Or, create a decision node that only proceeds with the program if your test email address is detected.

Case Studies Of Successful Magento Abandoned Cart Campaigns

Company Industry Magento Abandoned Cart Email Strategy Results
Althea Korean Beauty E-commerce Multiple return options in the email Increase in cart recovery
Obeezi Nigerian Online Shopping Mall Exclusive discount code via email chain Boost in conversions
ControllerModzAU Custom Gaming Controllers Customer reviews in emails Uplift in click-through rates
Milled Sustainable Home Furniture Highlighting unique selling points Improvement in recovery rate
Life Pharmacy UAE based Online Pharmacy Easy cart editing via email Increase in recovered sales

Future Trends In Magento Predefined Abandoned Cart Emails Efficiency

Trend Description Impact on Magento Abandoned Cart Emails
AI-powered Personalization Machine learning algorithms predict the best offers and timing Hyper-targeted emails with higher conversion rates
Interactive Email Content Embedded cart recovery and checkout within emails Reduced friction, increased recovery rates
Behavior-Triggered Emails Automated emails based on specific user actions More relevant and timely abandoned cart reminders
Cross-channel retargeting Integrating email with social media and SMS Omnichannel approach to cart recovery
Voice-Activated Shopping Email content optimized for voice assistants New ways to re-engage customers through voice
Augmented Reality (AR) AR product previews in abandoned cart emails Enhanced product visualization, boosting engagement
Privacy-First Strategies Adapting to stricter data protection laws More creative, consent-based abandoned cart campaigns
Gamification Elements Adding interactive games or challenges to emails Increased engagement and fun factor in recovery emails
Sustainability Focus Highlighting eco-friendly aspects of products/shipping Appealing to environmentally conscious consumers
Real-time inventory updates Dynamic content showing current stock levels Creating urgency and encouraging quick action


1. Can the Magento abandoned cart extension send different email types or push notifications?

Yes, the extension comes with options for email sending. You can set up different email templates that will be sent at various intervals. Some extensions also offer push notifications to reach customers through multiple channels.

2. How does Magento track abandoned carts and know which email was clicked?

When a customer adds products to a shopping cart but doesn't complete the purchase, Magento marks the cart as abandoned. The system records the customer's IP address and cart contents. When an email is sent and clicked, Magento tracks this interaction. This data helps store owners understand customer behavior and email effectiveness.

3. How can I use insights from abandoned cart data to improve my email strategy?

Analyzing the valuable insights on your cart abandonment rate and abandoned cart emails. If you notice a lot of abandoned carts, use this information to build an effective email campaign. Study which emails perform best and why. Use these learnings to make your abandoned cart emails more engaging and persuasive. It increases your recovery rate.

4. How do I ensure my abandoned cart emails are effective for all customers?

To bring customers back, choose the abandoned cart strategy that fits your audience. Don't treat every abandoned cart the same way. Make sure your emails are personalized and relevant to each customer's shopping behavior. Tailor the content, timing, and offers to increase the chances of recovery. Regularly review and adjust your approach based on performance data.

5. Can Adobe Commerce developers customize the default Magento abandoned cart emails?

Yes, Adobe Commerce developers can enhance the default Magento abandoned cart functionality. They can create custom email templates and integrate with advanced email marketing apps. They can also add features beyond the standard options. If you need help, consult the support email listed in your Magento admin panel. Or, reach out to experienced developers for tailored solutions.

6. Do I need a customer account to send effective cart abandonment emails?

While having a customer account helps, you can still send emails to customers when a cart is abandoned without one. Effective cart abandonment strategies work for both registered and guest users. If an email is provided during checkout, you can send reminders. However, having a customer account allows for more personalized follow-ups. It also helps offer better tracking of shopping behavior over time.

7. What features does a basic Magento abandoned cart extension offer?

A good Magento abandoned cart extension offers various tools. They are used to recover customers who have failed to complete their purchases. These generally include customizable email rules. It allows you to set when and how often reminders are sent. The software can be used to segment customers, personalize messages, & even offer incentives. Some extensions also provide analytics. They help to track the success of your abandoned cart email campaigns.



Magento abandoned cart email increases conversion rates by encouraging customers to return and complete their purchases. It helps store owners:

  • Automate abandoned cart reminders and recover lost revenue.
  • Customize email templates and track conversion rates.
  • Reduce cart abandonment rates and boost your bottom line.
  • Ensure a seamless experience for your customers.
  • Send reminders to customers who leave items in their cart without buying.

Consider Magento hosting plans to optimize your e-commerce business with cart recovery efforts.

Dikshya Shaw
Dikshya Shaw
Technical Writer

Dikshya leverages her content marketing and writing proficiency to deliver fresh, insightful content. Her meticulous research ensures industry expertise and emerging trends within the Magento landscape.

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