N98 Magento 2: Features & Best Practices for Developers

N98 Magento 2: Features & Best Practices for Developers

Are you tired of executing repetitive Magento 2 development tasks? N98 Magento 2, or n98-magerun2, is a powerful command-line interface tool.

In this article, we will explain this CLI tool's features and best practices.

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Key Takeaways

  • Optimize Magento 2 tasks using n98-magerun2 CLI.
  • Manage caches, backups, and databases with simple commands.
  • Automate code generation for faster development workflows.
  • Check system compatibility and configuration settings.
  • Improve efficiency with shortcuts and automation tools.

What is n98-magerun2 for Magento 2?

Definition of N98 Magento 2

N98-magerun2 is a command-line interface tool designed for Magento development. It is a sharp tool for developers, sysadmins, and DevOps professionals. It optimizes everyday development tasks and automates complex operations.

The tool provides a set of well-tested commands that reduce development time. It works well with:

  1. Works with PHP versions 7.4 through 8.3
  2. Compatible with Magento version 2.4.x, Open Source and Commerce editions
  3. Runs on various Linux distributions, Ubuntu, and macOS
  4. Limited Windows support for specific commands

Key Features of N98-magerun2 for Magento 2

1. Command Line Management

Command line management feature of N98 Magento 2

  • N98-magerun excels in cache management operations. The tool provides instant cache-cleaning capabilities with a single command. Developers can enable or disable specific cache types as needed.
  • Flush cache storage. The tool allows a quick listing of all available cache types. This control over caching helps maintain performance during development and production.
  • Manage each cache type. It includes:
    1. Configuration cache
    2. Layout cache
    3. Block HTML cache
    4. Collections cache.
  • Developers can view the status of each cache type. The tool provides transparent feedback on cache operations. This helps in troubleshooting cache-related issues.
  • Create backups with a single command. Optimize and secure restoration processes. The tool supports full and partial database backups. Developers can schedule regular backups through automation.
  • N98-magerun2 can create stripped database dumps. These dumps exclude sensitive customer and order information. This feature is essential for development environments. It ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

2. Admin Features

  • Creating new admin users takes one command. Deleting outdated accounts is straightforward. The tool handles password resets and modifications. Developers can toggle user account statuses. A user listing feature shows all admin accounts at a glance.
  • Admins can change user roles. Permission assignments become more efficient. The tool maintains security protocols during all user operations. Handle RBAC through simple commands.
  • Developers can enable or disable maintenance mode. Configure custom maintenance pages. The tool provides status checks for maintenance mode. Scheduled maintenance becomes more manageable.
  • System information is available through simple commands. The tool displays detailed server configurations. Resource usage statistics are accessible. Check performance metrics in real time. Environmental variables are visible.
  • The tool handles module enabling and disabling. Manage module dependencies. Version control integration works. Automate module updates.

3. Development Tools

  • N98-magerun2 excels in automated code generation. The tool creates standardized code structures. Developers save hours by avoiding repetitive coding tasks. Code quality remains consistent across configs and projects. The generation process follows Magento 2’s best practices.
  • Developers can generate complete module structures with one command. The generated code follows Magento 2’s architectural guidelines. Module registration and configuration files are structured.
  • DI configuration generation becomes effortless with n98-magerun2. The tool creates dependency injection configurations. Handle complex class relationships. Configuration files maintain proper syntax and structure.
  • Proxy class generation is precise. Create factory classes following Magento 2 standards. The tool handles interface usage. Generated code includes proper namespacing. Documentation blocks are in generated files.
  • Manage different Magento store configurations. Optimize compilation processes for many stores. Resource allocation remains efficient across tenants. The tool maintains proper separation between tenant configurations.

Most Used N98 Magerun Magento 2 Commands

Category Command Description
Cache Management cache:clean cache:disable cache:enable cache:flush - Cleans Magento caches - Disables Magento caches - Enables Magento caches - Flushes cache storage
Database db:dump db:import db:query db:create - Creates database backup - Imports database backup - Executes SQL queries - Creates configured database
Admin Users admin:user:list admin:user:create admin:user:change-password admin:user:delete - Lists all admin users - Creates a new user - Changes password - Deletes user
System sys:cron:run sys:cron:history sys:maintenance sys:info - Runs specified cronjob - Shows the cronjob execution history - Manages maintenance mode - Displays system information
Development setup:di:compile setup:di:compile-multi-tenant generation:flush - Generates DI configuration - Compiles for multiple tenants - Flushes generated code
Customer customer:create customer:delete - Creates a new customer - Deletes customer records

Handling Database Operations with Magento N98-Magerun

1. Database Backup

DAtabase backup feature of N98 Magento 2

  • Developers can use the command to create a backup of the Adobe Commerce database. This command allows you to export the entire database into a plain SQL file. You can execute n98-magerun2.phar db:dump var/projectName\\\_date.sql
  • The above command is to generate a backup file named projectName\\\_date.sql. You can create a compressed backup by adding the \\--compression="gzip" option. It results in a smaller file size.
  • The --strip option allows you to specify tables to omit from the dump. If you want to exclude customer data, you can use a command like:
    n98-magerun2.phar db:dump \\--strip="sales\\\_order customer\\\_entity
  • This feature is handy when working with sensitive data or large datasets.

2. Database Restoration

Database restoration feature of N98 Magento 2

  • Restoring a database backup is simple with n98-magerun2. You can use the command to import a previously created SQL file. For example, executing: n98-magerun2.phar db:import var/projectName-2022-10-25.sql
  • It will restore the database file. If you have a compressed backup file, you can import it by specifying the compression type.
  • The tool also offers options for conditional importing. Using the \--only-if-empty flag ensures the import is only if the database is empty. This prevents accidental overwrites of existing data. Developers can drop it to drop existing tables before importing new data. It ensures a clean slate for the restoration process.

3. Direct Database Queries

  • N98-magerun2 also provides functionality for executing raw SQL queries. Using the db:query command, developers can run any SQL statement they need. n98-magerun2.phar db:query "SELECT \\\* FROM cms\\\_page"
  • The above command retrieves all records from the cms\_page table. This feature is invaluable for developers who need to perform quick checks. It is without accessing the database.

4. Database Information and Status

  • To gain insights, n98-magerun2 offers commands like db:info and db:status. The db:info command provides essential details about your database connection settings.
  • It includes host information and user credentials. Meanwhile, db:status gives an overview of server status information. It is close to your current Magento database setup.

Best Practices Using the Magento N98-Magerun

1. Use Command Shortcuts

  • Familiarize yourself with the most used commands. N98-magerun2 offers a variety of shortcuts that optimize tasks, such as
    1. Cache management
    2. Database operations
    3. User management.
  • Commands like cache:clean, db:dump, and admin:user:create can save you time and effort. Using these shortcuts will make your workflow more efficient.

2. Automate Routine Tasks

  • Take advantage of n98-magerun2’s ability to automate repetitive tasks. For instance, you can create scripts that use commands to back up databases or clear caches.
  • Automated scripts can include error-checking mechanisms. The tool provides clear error messages. Failed operations can trigger notifications. Recovery procedures use scripts.
  • Regular database backups become effortless through automation. You can schedule daily or weekly backup scripts. The tool provides some handy compressed backup formats. Name backup files with timestamps.

3. Use the Strip Options for Database Dumps

  • When working with production databases, use the –strip option. It can dump databases to exclude sensitive customer information and logs.
  • The command db:dump \--strip="@development" allows you to create a clean database dump. It is suitable for development environments without sensitive information.

4. Leverage Configuration Management

  • N98-magerun2 allows you to manage configuration settings. Use commands like config:store:get\*\* and \*\*config:store:set. These commands can retrieve and update configuration values from the command line. This is useful for managing settings across different environments.
  • Use the sys:check command after installation to verify your system’s health. it checks for missing PHP extensions, file permissions, and other configurations.


1. What is the n98-magerun2 tool used for?

The n98-magerun2 tool is a powerful CLI utility for Magento 2 development. It helps optimize tasks like managing cache, database, users, and configurations.

2. How do I check Magento version compatibility with n98-magerun2?

To check Magento version compatibility, use the command -v|vv|vvv. Add more verbose levels (e.g., vvv) for detailed output about the Magento environment. Most commands, like phar file, are extendable.

3. Can I use n98-magerun2 CLI to manage store config settings?

Yes, n98-magerun2 CLI allows you to retrieve and update store config values. It is from the command line. This tool for Magento 2 makes it easier to manage settings across environments.

4. How can Magento developers use n98-magerun2 to handle Magento installations?

For many Magento installations, ensure it detects the Magento root. It helps you work with the correct project directory for commands.

5. Where can I download and install the latest version of the n98-magerun2 tool?

The latest version of this tool is available from its official GitHub repository. Follow the installation steps to ensure compatibility with your environment.



The N98 Magento 2 command line interface uses commands that help optimize operations. In this article, we explain the best practices for the N98-magerun CLI for Magento 2. Here is a quick recap:

  • N98-magerun2 optimizes Magento 2 development tasks.
  • Supports cache, database, and user management commands.
  • Works with PHP 7.4–8.3 and Magento 2.4.x.
  • Automates code generation and module configuration setup.
  • Offers shortcuts for backups, queries, and configurations.

Choose managed Magento hosting with N98 CLI commands to scale and improve performance

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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