Configuring Minicart Addons in Magento 2: Steps & Features

Configuring Minicart Addons in Magento 2: Steps & Features

Are you looking to elevate your store's shopping experience? Minicart addons in Magento 2 are powerful tools that extend the functionality of the default mini cart via an extension.

In this article, we will explain how to configure the mini cart extension settings.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to configure and enhance the default Magento mini cart.
  • Discover features like coupon codes, quantity buttons, and detailed order summaries.
  • Learn how to improve customer experience with easy cart edits and visual confirmations.
  • Find how to increase sales with personalized product recommendations in the mini cart.
  • Understand best practices for performance, security, and mobile optimization.

Features of Magento 2 Mini Cart Extensions

1. Show additional information

show additional information of Minicart Addons in Magento 2

Minicart addons feature enhances transparency and helps customers make informed decisions. The mini cart can display the following:

  • A detailed order summary
  • Breakdown of shipping costs based on selected method
  • Applicable taxes
  • Any discounts or promotional offers applied
  • Estimated delivery dates
  • Gift wrapping charges, if applicable

It gives customers a better idea of their total costs.

2. Allow coupon codes

Allow coupon codes on Minicart Addons in Magento 2

Integrating coupon code functionality directly in the mini cart can:

  • Provide a clearly visible field to enter coupon codes
  • Offer real-time validation of entered codes
  • Instantly display the updated total after applying the discount
  • Show error messages for invalid codes
  • Allow easy removal of applied coupons

3. Quantity increment buttons

You can add (+) and (-) buttons to change product quantities in the mini cart easily. These buttons improve user experience by:

  • Allowing quick adjustments without manual input
  • Preventing typing errors in quantity fields
  • Dynamically updating the cart total as quantities change
  • Potentially setting minimum and maximum quantity limits
  • Disabling the - button when the quantity reaches one

It is especially useful for mobile users where typing can be elaborate.

4. Edit cart at checkout

Edit cart at checkout with Minicart Addons in Magento 2

Enable the ability to edit the cart contents like changing quantities on the checkout page itself. It can reduce cart abandonment by:

  • Enabling quantity adjustments without leaving checkout
  • Providing a summary of changes made
  • Automatically updating totals, shipping costs, and taxes
  • Offering an option to save changes or cancel edits

5. Suggest related products

Suggest related products using Minicart Addons in Magento 2

Boost sales by strategically recommending relevant items in the mini cart:

  • Display personalized product recommendations based on cart contents.
  • Showcase bestselling items from categories the customer has shown interest in.
  • Highlight complementary products or accessories that pair well with cart items.
  • Feature items that are frequently bought together to encourage additional purchases.
  • Offer enticing bundle deals or package discounts.

Steps to Configure Minicart in Magento 2

  1. Log in to your Magento Admin Panel.

  2. Head to Stores > Configuration > Mini cart extension > General. Configuring the Minicart Addons in Magento 2

  3. Select Yes to enable the extension.

  4. Choose a Position on your page for the popup effect.

  5. Select Yes to auto-open the cart and show the coupon box and information.

  6. Select Yes to make the mini cart fixed on the screen.

  7. Clear the cache and view the mini shopping cart on the front end.

Top 4 Magento 2 Minicart Extensions

Extension Key Features
Mageplaza Quick Cart - Hover-over or slide-in popup effect
- Auto-open mini cart option
- Show/hide coupon codes
- Display the full total or only subtotal
- Fixed mini cart on the scroll
- Quantity increment buttons
- Customizable header and subtotal colors
Weltpixel Quick Cart Checkout - Cart summary review without leaving the page
- Optimized for fast checkout
- Responsive design
- Customizable mini cart
- Compatible with Magento 2
Anowave Mini Cart Recommended Products - Displays recommended/related products in mini cart
- Can show random, predefined, or related products
- Supports "sticky" products that always appear
- Customizable template
- Non-obtrusive positioning
FME Mini Cart - Displays order summary in a popup
- Auto-scroll to cart button
- Recommends related products
- Cart icon hovers on every page
- Allows editing cart items at checkout
- Improves UX of default mini cart

Best Practices for Magento 2 Minicart Addon Extension

1. Enhance Accessibility

  • Implement keyboard navigation: Add keyboard shortcuts for common actions. Use arrow keys for selecting items within the cart.

  • Provide clear focus indicators: Use high-contrast focus styles that are easily visible. Ensure focus indicators are consistent throughout the mini cart.

  • Use sufficient color contrast for text and background elements

  • Include descriptive alt text: Provide concise, meaningful alt text for product images. Use empty alt attributes for decorative images.

2. User Experience Enhancements

  • Ajax-Based Updates: Use Ajax to add or remove products from the cart without refreshing the entire page. It makes the process smoother and faster.

  • Visual Confirmation: Show a clear message or animation when an item is added to the cart. It is to inform the user their action was successful.

  • Mini Cart Preview: Display product images, prices, and quantities in a small cart preview. It is so users can easily see what's in their cart.

  • Easy Edits in Mini Cart: Allow users to change quantities or remove items directly from the mini cart without going to a separate page.

  • Continue Shopping Option: Provide a button or link that encourages users to keep browsing after adding an item to the cart.

3. Mini Cart Customization Options

Customization options for Minicart Addons in Magento 2

  • Adjustable Display: Let store admins decide how many items show in the mini cart before a scrollbar appears.

  • Custom Design: Allow customization of the mini cart's appearance to match the store's overall theme and style.

  • Add Custom Buttons or Links: Provide options to add buttons or links in the mini cart for additional functionality or promotions.

  • Flexible Product Info Display: Allow store owners to choose what additional product information (like SKU or attributes) is shown in the mini cart.

4. Integration with Other Features

  • Cross-Sell and Upsell: Show product recommendations in the mini cart to encourage additional purchases.

  • Coupon Code Integration: Allow users to apply discount codes directly in the mini cart for convenience.

  • Shipping Cost Estimates: Display estimated shipping costs or inform users how much more they need to spend to get free shipping.

  • Loyalty Points: Show available loyalty points or rewards in the mini cart if your store offers them.

5. Optimize Caching Strategies

  • Implement fragment caching: Fragment caching allows you to cache specific parts of the mini cart independently. This is useful for the mini cart because it contains both static and dynamic elements.

  • Leverage browser caching: Browser caching can improve load times for returning visitors by storing static assets locally in the user's browser.

  • Implement cache invalidation strategies to ensure fresh content when needed.


1. How can I enhance the functionality of the default Magento mini cart?

You can enhance the functionality of the default Magento mini cart by using extensions. These offer features like Ajax-based updates, quantity increment buttons, and coupon code integration.

2. What benefits does an enhanced mini cart provide for Magento 2 online stores?

An enhanced mini cart provides several benefits for Magento 2 online stores. It includes real-time updates, better product visibility, and convenient options for applying coupon codes. These features help increase conversion rates by making the shopping experience smoother.

3. How does a mini cart extension for Magento improve the checkout process?

A mini cart extension for Magento improves the checkout process by allowing customers to view and edit their cart directly from the mini cart. It reduces the need to navigate to the cart page, making the checkout step quicker.

4. What security measures should be taken when using a mini cart extension in Magento 2?

Ensure the mini cart extension uses Magento's built-in security features, validates user inputs, and is regularly updated. These measures help maintain the integrity and security of your online store.

5. How can I configure the mini cart extension to display necessary information in Magento 2?

Go to the admin panel and navigate to Stores > Configuration > Mini cart extension > General. Here, you can enable the extension, set the display options, and choose to show detailed order summaries.



The minicart addons in Magento 2 help customers easily access and edit the products in the shopping cart. In this article, we explained the configuration and best practices for the Magento 2 extension. Here is a quick recap:

  • It enhances customer experience by displaying detailed order summaries and shipping costs.

  • The extension increases conversion rates with convenient coupon code integration in the mini cart.

  • It improves user experience with quantity increment buttons for easy adjustments.

  • Mini carts reduce cart abandonment by allowing cart edits at checkout.

  • It boosts sales through personalized product recommendations and upselling in the mini cart.

Explore the managed Magento hosting options with minicart addons to grow your online store.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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