Magento SSO: Protocols and Identity Providers

Magento SSO: Protocols and Identity Providers

Want to enhance your Magento site's security and user experience? Magento SSO allows users to log into multiple applications with a single set of credentials.

In this article, we will explore the protocols and identity providers of Magento single sign-on.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how Single Sign-On (SSO) works with Magento.

  • Discover how Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Adaptive Authentication improve security.

  • Find out about passwordless authentication, customizable login pages, and single logout (SLO).

  • Understand the key protocols like OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and SAML.

  • Discover top identity providers like Okta, Auth0, and Azure Active Directory.

What is Magento SSO?

What is Magento SSO

Magento Single Sign-On is a feature that allows users to log into multiple applications. They can log in with a single set of credentials.

It eliminates the need to log in separately to each system. The users can access multiple services after just one authentication. It helps:

Magento single sign-on enables smooth access between Magento 2 and other platforms. These include:

Advanced Features of Magento SSO

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA enhances security. It requires users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing their accounts. It could be a combination of:

  • Something you know: Such as a password or PIN.

  • Something you have: Like a smartphone or hardware token. It generates a one-time password (OTP).

  • Something you are: Biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition.

2. Federated Identity Management

Federated Identity Management

  • It allows users to maintain a single digital identity across multiple systems or domains. The feature is particularly useful for businesses that operate with multiple partners or subsidiaries.

  • It enables users to access resources across different organizations. It eliminates the need to log in separately for each one.

3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

  • RBAC helps administrators manage user permissions. They assign roles based on job functions.

  • Each role has specific permissions attached to it. It ensures users can only access the information and functions they need.

  • The feature minimizes the risk of unauthorized access. It also simplifies the management of user permissions.

4. Centralized User Management

  • It provides a single interface to manage all user identities and permissions.

  • The feature streamlines administrative tasks such as:

  1. Adding or removing users

  2. Resetting passwords

  3. Updating permissions

  • It helps improve efficiency and reduce the risk of errors.

5. Customizable Login Pages

Customizable Login Pages

  • Businesses can customize their login pages to reflect their brand identity. It helps them create a consistent user experience.

  • Customizable elements can include the:

  1. Company logo

  2. Color schemes

  3. Personalized messages

  • The feature makes the login process feel more integrated with the overall brand.

6. Single Logout (SLO)

  • Single Logout (SLO) ensures that when a user logs out from one application. They are automatically logged out from all connected applications.

  • The feature helps maintain session security and prevents unauthorized access. It is if a user forgets to log out from one system.

7. Adaptive Authentication

Adaptive authentication dynamically adjusts the level of authentication required. It is based on various factors such as:

If a user logs in from an unfamiliar location, they might be prompted for additional verification. It provides a balance between security and user convenience.

8. Mobile SSO

  • Mobile SSO extends single sign on capabilities to mobile applications. It allows users to authenticate once and gain access to both web and mobile applications.

  • The feature ensures a consistent and secure user experience across all devices.

9. Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless authentication eliminates the need for traditional passwords. These are often a weak point in security. It uses alternative methods such as:

  • Biometrics: Fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans.

  • Magic Links: Links sent to the user’s email that automatically log them in when clicked.

  • One-Time Passwords (OTPs): Temporary codes sent to the user’s phone or email that must be entered to log in.

Protocols to Implement Magento Single Sign On

1. OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework. It allows third-party applications to obtain limited access to user accounts. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account. The third-party applications are then authorized to access the user account.

  • Authorization Code Flow: Used by server-side applications.

  • Implicit Flow: Used by browser-based applications.

  • Client Credentials Flow: Used for machine-to-machine communication.

  • Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow: Used when the user trusts the client application.

2. OpenID Connect (OIDC)

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

OpenID Connect is an identity layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. It allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user. It is based on the authentication performed by an authorization server. The protocol obtains basic profile information about the user.

  • ID Tokens: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is used to convey user identity.

  • Scopes: Specify the level of access requested, including profile and email.

  • Claims: Provide specific pieces of information about the user, such as name and email.

3. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

SAML is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties. These are exchanged between an identity provider and a service provider.

  • SAML Assertions: XML-based statements that convey the user's identity.

  • SAML Bindings: Determine how SAML messages are transported. These include HTTP POST and HTTP Redirect.

  • SAML Profiles: Define the combination of assertions, protocols, and bindings used.

4. Kerberos


Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It uses secret-key cryptography to provide strong authentication for client-server applications.

  • Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT): Obtained by the client upon initial authentication.

  • Service Tickets: Granted by the Kerberos server for accessing specific services.

5. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

LDAP is a protocol. It is used to access and maintain distributed directory information services over an IP network. It can be used for authentication and authorization purposes.

  • Directory Information Tree (DIT): Hierarchical structure of entries in the directory.

  • LDAP Bind Operation: Authenticates clients to the directory server.

6. JSON Web Token (JWT)

JSON Web Token (JWT)

JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. It is often used in OAuth and OpenID Connect.

  • Header: Contains the algorithm used to sign the token.

  • Payload: Contains the claims or user information.

  • Signature: Verifies the token’s integrity and authenticity.

7. Central Authentication Service (CAS)

Central Authentication Service (CAS)

CAS is a single sign-on protocol for the web. Its purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications. They need to provide their credentials, such as user ID and password, only once.

  • TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket): Created by the CAS server after the initial authentication.

  • ST (Service Ticket): Provided to the client to gain access to specific services.

Identity Providers of Magento Single Sign On

Providers Description
1. Okta Okta is a comprehensive identity management service. It supports SSO, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and lifecycle management. It integrates smoothly with Magento and offers powerful security features.
2. Auth0 Auth0 provides a flexible and scalable identity platform. It supports various authentication protocols, including OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML. It offers extensive customization options and a wide range of integrations.
3. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Azure AD is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service. It supports SSO and MFA. It integrates well with other Microsoft services and third-party applications, including Magento.
4. OneLogin OneLogin is an identity and access management provider. It offers SSO, MFA, and user provisioning. It supports a variety of authentication protocols and provides smooth integration with Magento.
5. Keycloak Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution. It provides SSO, social login, and federated identity services. It supports protocols like OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML. It is a flexible choice for Magento integration.
6. IBM Security Verify IBM Security Verify offers cloud-based identity management services. These include SSO and MFA. It supports multiple authentication protocols. It integrates well with enterprise applications, including Magento.


1. What is attribute mapping in Magento SSO?

Attribute mapping involves linking user attributes to the Magento user profile. It ensures that user data, such as names and email addresses, is accurately synchronized across systems. Proper attribute mapping streamlines user management and enhances the user experience.

2. How can admins manage Magento SSO settings?

Admins can manage Magento SSO settings through the Magento Admin panel. It is where they can configure authentication protocols, attribute mapping, and user permissions. It simplifies the integration process and ensures secure access control.

3. What role does an IdP play in Magento SSO?

An Identity Provider (IdP) in Magento SSO is responsible for authenticating users. It also provides identity information to Magento. The IdP handles the login process and passes user credentials securely to Magento.

4. How does Magento SSO benefit Magento users?

It provides a smooth login experience across multiple applications with a single set of credentials. It reduces the need for multiple logins and enhances security. Magento users enjoy improved convenience and efficiency. This is especially true in managed Magento hosting environments.



Magento SSO enhances security, improves user experience, and simplifies user management. The article outlines several points, including:

  • Features like MFA, adaptive authentication, and passwordless authentication enhance security.

  • Centralized user management and RBAC simplify user permissions and administrative tasks.

  • Customizable login pages and SLO ensure a consistent, secure user experience.

  • Supports OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML, and more for secure and flexible authentication.

Pair Magento SSO with managed Magento hosting to simpl

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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