10 Best Magento Reward Point Extensions: Configuration Steps

10 Best Magento Reward Point Extensions: Configuration Steps

Want to boost customer loyalty for your e-store? A Magento reward points extension can help you. You can reward customers for purchases and engagement. Store owners can create an incentive for them to keep coming back. This article covers the top 10 Magento reward point extensions. Learn about their features, benefits, and configuration for maximum impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover how Magento reward point extensions boost customer loyalty.

  • Learn how to increase your store's average order value with reward points.

  • Find out how reward points can reduce cart abandonment and drive repeat purchases.

  • Explore the best Magento reward points extensions and their features.

  • Get step-by-step configuration guidance for setting up reward points.

Why Use Magento Reward Points Extension?

1. Boost Customer Loyalty

A reward points extension encourages customers to keep buying from your store. They earn points on their purchases which they can redeem later. It creates a positive feedback loop that drives repeat business. Customers feel valued and appreciated when they are rewarded for their loyalty. It leads to higher customer retention and lifetime value.

2. Increase Average Order Value

Reward points can motivate customers to spend more per order. They may add extra items to their cart to reach a point threshold. You can also set up bonus points for higher-order values. It encourages customers to increase their basket size. Higher average order values lead to increased revenue for your business. The extension pays for itself through this boost in Magento sales.

3. Encourage Repeat Purchases

Points that can be redeemed on future orders give customers a reason to come back. They want to make use of their earned points. It leads to more frequent repeat purchases. Customers are less likely to buy from competitors when they have points to use in your store. Reward points foster a habit of returning to your business for ongoing needs. It maximizes customer lifetime value.

4. Reduce Cart Abandonment

The opportunity to earn reward points can give hesitant buyers a reason to complete their purchase. They want to earn points. You can display how many points they'll earn throughout the checkout process. It motivates them to go through with the purchase. It can be the deciding factor that stops them from abandoning their cart. Lower cart abandonment means more sales and revenue.

5. Gather Valuable Customer Data

Reward point extensions allow you to track customer behavior and preferences. You can see how customers earn and redeem points. It gives insight into their purchase habits and favorite products. You can use this data to personalize your marketing and rewards. Targeted offers lead to higher conversion rates. Understanding your customers allows you to serve them better and build stronger relationships.

6. Enhance Brand Loyalty

Rewarding customers with points makes them feel special and appreciated. It builds an emotional connection to your brand. Customers who feel valued are more likely to choose your business over competitors. They'll also be more likely to recommend you to others. Strong brand loyalty gives you an edge in crowded markets. It allows you to retain customers even when faced with cheaper alternatives.

7. Low-Cost Marketing Tool

Reward points are an affordable way to incentivize purchases and engagement. You do not have to pay for advertising to bring back past customers. The points you award are offset by the extra sales they generate. It's a low-cost, high-impact marketing strategy. You can adjust your rewards over time to optimize their effectiveness. It allows you to get the best return on investment.

10 Magento Reward Point Extensions

1. Reward Points for Magento 2 by Amasty

Amasty Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Reward Points for Magento 2 by Amasty
Features Flexible rewards system with customizable point settings and rounding rules
• Personalize rewards based on membership tier, product quantity, etc.
• Manage points manually and connect with customers via admin comments
• Control Magento email notifications and configure custom email templates
Analytics tool for making data-driven decisions
• Reward program tab in customer accounts
Benefits Amasty's extension provides an effective loyalty program.
It is easy to customize to your business needs.
The flexible point settings and personalization options allow you to create highly targeted rewards.
You can engage customers through email notifications.
Provide them with a dedicated rewards section in their accounts.
The analytics help you optimize your program over time.
Price Magento Open Source: $299/first year then $185/year
Magento Commerce: $599/first year then $365/year

2. Magento 2 Reward Points by BSSCommerce

BSSCommerce Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points by BSSCommerce
Features • Complete loyalty program with flexible reward rules
• Reward points for orders, registration, reviews, etc.
• Set points expiration to encourage usage
• Refund customers in points
Email notifications for point updates and expiry
• Customizable point icon
• Set max/min points per order
• Supports API
Benefits BSSCommerce offers a comprehensive extension.
Implement a full-fledged rewards program.
Incentivize various customer actions and set expiration rules.
Refund in points to drive more sales.
Automated email alerts keep customers engaged.
The API support allows integration with other systems.
Build enduring customer loyalty.
Price $199

3. Magento 2 Reward Points Extension by Mageplaza

MagePlaza Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points Extension by Mageplaza
Features Reward points for purchases, custom behaviors & social sharing
• Unlimited earning and spending rules
• Customizable point labels
Track program via advanced report
• Points as payment method
API support
Benefits Mageplaza provides an automated points system.
It rewards customers for a variety of actions.
Define earning/spending rules and custom point labels.
Create a loyalty program that perfectly represents your brand.
Points can be used as a payment method, increasing engagement.
Advanced reporting and API support allow performance tracking.
Integrate with other tools.
Price Magento Open Source:
Standard: $99/first year
Professional: $199/first year
Ultimate: $299/first year

Magento Commerce:
Standard: $299/first year
Professional: $399/first year
Ultimate: $499/first year

4. Magento 2 Reward Points Extension by Magenest

MageNest Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points Extension by Magenest
Features Behavior-based rules for point earning
• Control expiration, max points, exchange rate, etc.
• Point management tool to track customer spending
Referral system to reward customer and friend
• Pre-designed landing page templates explaining policies
Benefits Magenest allows you to define how customers earn points based on behaviors.
You have complete control over the loyalty program settings.
The point management tool provides valuable customer insights.
Optimize your rewards using this data.
The referral system and informative landing pages attract new customers.
Simultaneously strengthen the loyalty of existing ones.
Price Magento Open Source: $159
Magento Commerce: $299

5. Reward Points for Magento 2 Extension by Aheadworks

Aheadworks Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Reward Points for Magento 2 Extension by Aheadworks
Features • Set up multiple point earning/spending rules
Reward points for specific products or categories
Configurable rules for different customer groups
• View and edit points balance from admin
• Set points expiration time
• B2B integration - reward company accounts
One-step checkout integration
Benefits Aheadworks offers great flexibility when creating targeting rewards programs.
Define multiple-point rules based on products, categories, and customer groups.
Points expiration encourages customers to return to your store.
The extension integrates with B2B features to reward company accounts.
Provides a user-friendly one-step checkout process.
Insightful reports allow you to monitor and analyze point usage.
Optimize your loyalty strategy.
Price Magento Open Source: $271 license fee + $155.99/year
**Magento Commerce: $

543 license fee + $319.99/year** |

6. Magento 2 Reward Points Referral and Loyalty Program by Mirasvit

Mirasvit Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Reward Points & Referrals by Mirasvit
Features Magento reward points system with earning/spending rules
• Customer tier program to incentivize more purchases
Referral program - reward referrer and referred
• Bonus points for complementary/bundle products to boost cross-selling
• Manually adjust points
Loyalty program dashboard for customers
• Powerful analytics and reporting
• API support for third-party integrations
Benefits Mirasvit combines rewards and referrals into a single powerful extension.
Tiered rewards encourage higher spending.
The referral program helps acquire new customers cost-effectively.
Promoting bonus points drives cross-selling.
Customers can easily track their points via the loyalty dashboard.
Rich analytics help you gain actionable insights.
API support allows integration with other marketing tools for maximum impact.
Price Magento Open Source: $219
Magento Commerce: $418

7. Magento 2 Reward Program (Loyalty) Points by Webkul

Webkul Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points by Webkul
Features Manage reward rules from admin panel
• View customer points dashboard and spending
• Easy for customers to track points via account and emails
• Notify about points expiration
• Integrate points at checkout
Benefits Webkul's extension guides customers through their journey.
Encourages them to earn rewards for actions like registration, newsletter signup, reviews, and purchases.
Easily manage reward rules from the backend.
Customers can conveniently track their points.
Expiration notifications create a sense of urgency.
Points integration at checkout promotes higher sales.
Price Magento Open Source: $89
Magento Commerce: $179

8. Reward Points extension for Magento 2 by Mageworx

MageWorx Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Reward Points for Magento 2 by Mageworx
Features • Variety of conditions to trigger rewards
• Personalized earning/spending rules
• In-app and email notifications to customers
• Manage points and balances from admin
Up-to-date reporting
• Display reward info on any page/section
Benefits Mageworx offers extensive options for creating a highly targeted loyalty program.
Define rewards based on various conditions.
Personalize point rules for different segments.
Customers stay engaged with dynamic notifications.
Notifications across inbox, email, and onsite displays.
The admin panel provides complete control and up-to-date reporting.
Strategic info display boosts awareness and encourages participation.
Price Magento Open Source: $199
Magento Commerce: $398

9. Magento 2 Reward Points Pro by Mageworld

MageWorld Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points by Mageworld
Features • Multiple ways to set reward rules
• Track and manage customer points from backend
• Customize point label and icon
• Points for referring products
• Set expiration and max points per account
• Import points from other systems
Benefits Mageworld simplifies loyalty program management.
It has an automatic reward points system.
Define numerous ways for customers to earn rewards.
The extension enables a referral feature to reach new customers.
Backend point tracking, custom labels, expiration settings, and points import provide flexibility.
Fine-tune your loyalty program.
However, it lacks an in-app notification feature.
Price Magento Open Source: $149
Magento Commerce: $298

10. Magento 2 Reward System Extension by Magetop

Magetop Magento Reward Point Extension

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magento 2 Reward Points Extension by Magetop
Features • Give points for purchases and actions
Referral program included
• Member-based point earning
API for integration with other systems
• Manage point transactions from backend
Benefits Magetop's reasonably priced extension lets you reward customers for purchases and behaviors.
Referrals help expand your customer base.
Tier rewards by membership levels to incentivize loyalty.
API support allows integration with third-party tools.
Enables omnichannel engagement.
Easily manage all point transactions from your Magento backend.
Price Magento Open Source: $99
Magento Commerce: $149

Steps to Configure Magento Reward Point Extension

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Reward Points in your Magento backend.

Configuration of Magento Reward Point Extension

  1. Set Enable Reward Points to 'Yes'. It will activate the extension.

Enabling Magento Reward Point Extension

Points Earning and Spending Calculation

  1. Set Point Spending Rate. It defines how many points equal 1 unit of your store's currency. For example, set 1 point to be $1.

  2. Specify the Points Rounding Rule. It determines how rounding is applied when the reward value exceeds the cart subtotal. It applies to all reward points, both for products and shipping. Rounding is applied separately to points used for product cost and shipping. The results are then summed in the totals.

  3. Set the Birthday Offset. It specifies when a birthday bonus is available. Use a negative number for days before the birthday. Use 0 for the birthday itself. Use a positive number for days after the birthday.

  4. Choose the Points Earning Calculation method. Select Before Tax if points should be calculated based on the order amount excluding taxes. Select After Taxes if the order amount including taxes should be used.

Note: Always refer to the specific instructions provided by your chosen Magento reward point extension. Configuration steps may vary slightly between different Magento extensions.

Magento Reward Points Use Cases & Benefits

Use Cases Benefits
Rewarding Customer Loyalty Encourage customers to keep buying from your store by offering points for purchases.
Customers feel valued and appreciated when they are rewarded for their loyalty.
This leads to higher customer retention and lifetime value.
Reward points create a positive feedback loop that drives repeat business.
Increasing Average Order Value Motivate customers to spend more per order by setting points thresholds or bonus points for higher order values.
Customers may add extra items to their Magento cart to reach a points threshold.
Higher average order values lead to increased revenue for your business.
The reward points extension pays for itself through this boost in sales.
Encouraging Repeat Purchases Give customers a reason to come back by offering points that can be redeemed on future orders.
Customers are less likely to buy from competitors when they have points to use on your store.
Reward points foster a habit of returning to your business for ongoing needs.
This maximizes customer lifetime value.
Reducing Cart Abandonment Provide hesitant buyers a reason to complete their purchase by offering them the opportunity to earn reward points.
Display how many points they'll earn throughout the checkout process to motivate them to go through with the purchase.
The possibility of earning points can be the deciding factor that stops them from abandoning their cart.
Lower cart abandonment means more sales and revenue.
Gathering Valuable Customer Data Track customer behavior and preferences by seeing how customers earn and redeem points.
Gain insight into their purchase habits and favorite products.
Use this data to personalize your marketing and rewards.
Targeted offers lead to higher conversion rates.
Understanding your customers allows you to serve them better and build stronger relationships.
Enhancing Brand Loyalty Make customers feel special and appreciated by rewarding them with points.
Build an emotional connection to your brand.
Customers who feel valued are more likely to choose your business over competitors and recommend you to others.
Strong brand loyalty gives you an edge in crowded markets and helps you retain customers even when faced with cheaper alternatives.
Low-Cost Marketing Tool Incentivize purchases and engagement with an affordable reward points system.
Save on advertising costs to bring back past customers.
The extra sales generated by reward points offset the cost of awarding them.
Reward points are a low-cost, high-impact marketing strategy.
Adjust your rewards over time to optimize their effectiveness and get the best return on investment.


1. How do I configure the Magento rewards program module?

To configure the points module, go to Stores > Configuration > Reward Points. Enable the extension and

set the points earning and spending rate. Adjust the points rounding rule and birthday offset. Refer to the specific module's instructions for detailed steps.

2. What is an active product subscription or support subscription?

An active product subscription or support subscription ensures you get the latest updates and technical support for your Magento 2 loyalty program. It keeps your module compatible with Magento updates. Maintain it for optimal performance and new features.

3. How can I reward your customers for registration?

You can reward your customers with points for actions like registration. Set points for registration in the Magento 2 loyalty program settings. This encourages new sign-ups and fosters early loyalty. Adjust points based on your business goals.

4. What are the benefits of a loyalty program for Magento 2?

A loyalty program for Magento 2 boosts customer retention and engagement. With dedicated Magento hosting, your customers are rewarded for their purchases, increasing their lifetime value. Use points to incentivize repeat purchases. It helps build a base of loyal customers.

5. How do I track the number of points amount given to customers?

Track the number of points amount in your Magento 2 loyalty settings. The points module allows you to view and manage points transactions. Monitor how customers earn and spend points. Use this data to optimize your loyalty program.

6. How do I add Magento 2 loyalty points to the customer?

To add Magento 2 loyalty points to the customer, go to Customers > All Customers in your admin panel. Select the customer and open their details page. In the Reward Points section, manually adjust the points. Save changes to update their balance.



A Magento reward points extension enhances customer loyalty. It increases the average order value and drives repeat purchases. When choosing an extension, consider:

  • Flexibility in earning and spending rules

  • Customization options

  • Integration with marketing tools

  • Effective reporting

  • Ease of use

Consider managed Magento hosting to integrate the reward points extension easily.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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