Magento Core Web Vitals: Types and Best Practices

Magento Core Web Vitals: Types and Best Practices

Want to enhance your Magento site’s loading speed and performance? Magento core web vitals can transform your online store’s user experience and boost your rankings.

In this article, we will explore the types and tips related to Magento web vitals.

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Key Takeaways

  • Learn what web vitals are and why they matter for your ecommerce store.

  • Gain insights into the three essential metrics: LCP, FID, and CLS.

  • See how web vitals influence your Magento positions and visibility.

  • Explore the best tools to assess and monitor web vitals for your store.

  • Get actionable strategies to improve loading speed and visual stability.

What are the Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals is a set of specific metrics defined by Google that assess and quantify the user experience on a website.

vitals focus on three main aspects of user interaction:

  • Loading performance (Largest Contentful Paint - LCP)

  • Interactivity (First Input Delay - FID)

  • Visual stability (Cumulative Layout Shift - CLS)

These metrics are integral to Google's Page Experience signals. It influences search rankings.

Improving web vitals can lead to better user satisfaction and potentially higher search engine rankings.

Types of Magento 2 Core Web Vital

Types of Magento 2 Core Web Vital

1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

  • LCP measures loading performance. It records the render time of the largest visible content element within the viewport. These include:

    1. Image

    2. Video

    3. Text block

  • LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of the page starting to load.

  • A faster LCP ensures that users see meaningful content quickly. It reduces the perceived load time and improves user satisfaction.

2. First Input Delay (FID)

  • FID measures interactivity. It quantifies the time from when a user first interacts with a page, like clicking a button or link, to the time when the browser can respond to that interaction.

  • FID should be less than 100 milliseconds.

  • Low FID ensures that the page is responsive to user interactions. It enhances the overall user experience by minimizing delays.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

  • CLS measures visual stability. CLS assesses how much the page layout shifts during its entire lifespan, particularly during loading.

  • CLS should be less than 0.1.

  • A low CLS score means that content remains stable as it loads. It helps prevent unexpected movements that can lead to accidental clicks or a frustrating user experience.

How Do Core Web Vitals Impact Magento SEO Rankings?

1. Direct Influence on Google’s Ranking Algorithm

Direct Influence on Google’s Ranking Algorithm

  • Websites that meet or exceed the web vitals thresholds are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • It helps eCommerce sites where visibility directly correlates with sales.

  • In highly competitive niches, even slight improvements in web vitals can distinguish a Magento store from its rivals.

  • It helps secure better positions in search results and attract more clicks.

2. Enhanced User Experience Leading to Better Engagement Metrics

  • The likelihood of users abandoning the site prematurely is reduced by:

    1. Faster loading times (LCP)

    2. Responsive interactions (FID)

    3. Stable layouts (CLS)

  • Users are more likely to stay longer on a site that:

    1. Loads quickly

    2. Responds promptly

    3. Maintains a stable layout

  • It provides more opportunities for engagement and conversion.

  • A pleasant user experience encourages users to complete desired actions, such as:

    1. Making purchases

    2. Signing up for newsletters

    3. Exploring more products

3. Boosted Organic Traffic and Visibility

  • Higher positions in SERPs typically result in more clicks and visits.

  • For Magento stores, it means a broader audience reach without the additional cost of paid advertising.

  • Consistently good web vitals ensure that a Magento site maintains its favorable rankings over time. It also provides long-term SEO benefits.

4. Reduced Page Abandonment and Cart Abandonment

Reduced Page Abandonment and Cart Abandonment

  • Slow-loading pages are a leading cause of cart abandonment.

  • By optimizing LCP, Magento stores can ensure that product pages load swiftly. It encourages users to proceed to checkout.

  • A low FID ensures that users can interact with the site without delays. It helps reduce frustration that might otherwise lead to abandoning the shopping process.

  • A low CLS ensures that the page layout remains stable. It prevents accidental clicks on unintended elements. It can disrupt the shopping flow and lead to abandonment.

5. Enhanced Brand Reputation and Trust

  • Users associate fast and stable websites with professionalism and reliability.

  • The perception can enhance the brand reputation of an ecommerce store.

  • Positive user experiences foster customer loyalty. It leads to repeat visits and sustained revenue growth.

6. Better Crawling and Indexing

Better Crawling and Indexing

  • Faster and more efficient websites allow bots to crawl and index more pages. It is within their allocated crawl budget.

  • For large ecommerce stores with extensive product catalogs, this ensures comprehensive indexing and visibility.

  • By reducing server response times and performance optimization, ecommerce stores can make better use of their crawl budget. It ensures that important pages are indexed promptly.

7. Alignment with Future SEO Trends

  • Magento stores that prioritize web vitals are better positioned to adapt to future algorithm updates. These may further emphasize user experience metrics.

  • Early adoption and optimization of web vitals can position ecommerce stores as industry leaders in SEO performance.

Tools Used to Measure Magento 2 Core Web Vitals

Tool Description Features Usage
1. Google PageSpeed Insights It analyzes the content of a web page and provides suggestions to make it faster. Measures all three core web vitals: LCP, FID, and CLS. Provides both lab (simulated) and field (real user) data. Enter your Magento store’s URL to receive a detailed performance report. Use the recommendations to optimize images and minimize render-blocking resources.
2. Google Search Console A comprehensive tool for monitoring and maintaining your site’s presence in Google Search results. It offers core web vitals reports based on real-world Chrome user data. Identifies specific pages with issues in LCP, FID, and CLS. Verify your ecommerce store with Search Console. Navigate to the “Core Web Vitals” section to monitor performance and prioritize pages that need speed optimization.
3. Google Lighthouse An open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. Audits performance, accessibility, and SEO. Provides detailed web vitals metrics and actionable recommendations. Run Lighthouse directly from Chrome DevTools by right-clicking on your store page. Then select “Inspect” > “Lighthouse”. Alternatively, use the Lighthouse CLI for automated testing.
4. WebPageTest A powerful tool for testing website performance from different locations and browsers. Provides detailed web vitals metrics. Allows for advanced configurations like scripting and capturing video of the loading process. Enter your ecommerce store’s URL. Then, select test locations and browsers and initiate the test. Analyze the results to identify performance bottlenecks specific to your Magento setup.
5. GTmetrix Combines Google Lighthouse and WebPageTest metrics to provide comprehensive performance insights. Offers core web vitals scores along with other performance metrics. Provides actionable recommendations for improvement. Input your ecommerce store URL to receive a detailed performance report. Utilize the recommendations to optimize your Magento store’s speed and user experience.
6. Pingdom A website monitoring service that offers performance analysis. Measures page size and requests. Provides insights into core web vitals indirectly through performance metrics. Test your ecommerce store’s performance from various global locations. Use the data to enhance server response times and resource-loading strategies.

Tips to Improve Magento 2 Core Web Vitals

Tips Explanation
1. Optimize Images Convert images to modern formats like WebP for better compression without quality loss. Utilize tools or Magento extensions (e.g., TinyPNG) to reduce image file sizes. Implement responsive image techniques using srcset. It helps serve appropriate image sizes based on the device.
2. Enable Efficient Caching Leverage Magento’s built-in full-page caching to store and serve static versions of pages quickly. Configure server settings to enable browser caching for static resources like CSS and Javascript files
3. Minimize Render-Blocking Resources Use Magento’s bundling and minification settings to reduce file sizes and the number of requests. Implement asynchronous or deferred loading for Java files. It helps prevent them from blocking the rendering of the main content.
4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integrate a CDN (e.g., Cloudflare, Fastly) with your Magento store. It helps deliver content from servers closest to your users. It reduces latency and improves load times.
5. Optimize JavaScript Execution Limit the amount of Java Script loaded on your pages. Remove or disable unnecessary scripts and extensions. Break down large Java bundles into smaller, more manageable chunks. These load only when needed.
6. Implement Asynchronous Loading Apply async or defer attributes to non-critical Java files to prevent them from blocking user interactions.
7. Use Efficient Magento Themes Choose Magento themes that are optimized for performance. It is done with minimal JavaScript and CSS overhead. If using a custom theme, ensure it follows best practices for performance. It includes minimizing DOM complexity and avoiding excessive JavaScript.
8. Leverage Magento’s Built-In Performance Features Enable Magento’s JavaScript merging and minification to reduce the number of requests and file sizes. Use Varnish as a caching mechanism to serve cached pages swiftly. It helps reduce server processing time.
9. Set Size Attributes for Media Specify explicit width and height attributes for images, videos, and other media elements. It helps reserve space and prevent shifts as they load.
10. Reserve Space for Dynamic Content Allocate fixed space for advertisements, banners, and other dynamic elements. It helps avoid unexpected movements when they load. Ensure that elements loaded lazily (e.g., images, iframes) have reserved space or placeholders. It helps maintain layout stability.
11. Improve Fonts Use font-display: swap in your CSS to ensure text remains visible during font loading. It helps prevent invisible text or layout shifts. Reduce the number of font families and weights to minimize the impact of font loading on layout stability.
12. Avoid Inserting Content Above Existing Content Ensure that JavaScript does not inject new content above existing elements unless space is reserved in advance. Prefer CSS animations over JavaScript for smoother and more predictable transitions that don’t cause layout shifts.


1. How long does it take to see improvements after optimizing Magento web vitals?

The time it takes to see improvements depends on the changes made. Significant improvements in loading speed and customer experience can be seen within a few weeks.

2. How can I improve web vitals optimization for my store?

You can improve web vitals optimization by optimizing images and reducing Java Script. The vitals can also be improved by enabling caching and using a CDN to speed up loading times.

3. Can Google Page Speed Insights help enhance your store?

Google PageSpeed Insights provides detailed reports and suggestions. It helps you enhance your store for better performance and user experience.

4. What steps can I take to enhance Magento 2 store performance?

To optimize Magento 2 store performance, focus on minimizing render-blocking resources and optimizing images. You can also use efficient themes to improve loading and interactivity.



Magento core web vitals metrics influence positions and can improve user satisfaction and engagement. The article uncovers several features of the web vitals, including:

  • Measures loading performance; should be within 2.5 seconds.

  • Assesses interactivity; must be less than 100 milliseconds.

  • Evaluate visual stability; aim for a score below 0.1.

  • Tools like Google Page Speed Insights and GTmetrix can help improve web vitals.

Looking to enhance your store's performance and position with core web vitals? Optimize it with managed Magento hosting.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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