What is Magento Admin Panel: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Magento Admin Panel: A Comprehensive Guide

Magento Admin Panel, also known as Magento 2 backend is an interface for store owners to access store data and manage daily operations. It includes updating products, processing orders, launching marketing campaigns, and creating posts.

Admin users have praised the significant improvements in the Magento 2 Admin Panel compared to its predecessor in Magento 1.x. The enhanced design, color scheme, and layout contribute to a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

This guide will provide an in-depth overview of the Admin Panel in Magento 2. We will explore its components and benefits for store owners.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the functions and benefits of the Magento 2 Admin Panel for store owners.
  • Learn how to navigate and manage admin panel components. It includes Sales, Catalog, Customers, Marketing, Content, Reports, Stores, and System Tabs.
  • Discover how to handle existing orders, refunds, and payments like PayPal and Braintree.
  • Gain insights on managing product reviews, promotions, and customer management.
  • Explore how to set up and manage multiple websites. Set up stores and store views in Magento 2.

Overview of Magento Admin Panel

1. Magento Admin Dashboard and Lifetime Sales Average Order

The Magento Admin Dashboard is the default startup page when you log into your admin area.

It offers a snapshot of overall sales for each selected store view. It includes data on total lifetime sales and average order amount. The previous orders section lists recent orders. You get details of the customer's name, number of items, and order value.

Quick reports at the center of the workspace display information on bestseller and most viewed products. You can see new and regular customers, and reviews.

Enable charts to visualize your data, showing trends in the number of orders for a chosen period.

Magento Admin Dashboard displaying Lifetime Sales and Average Order

2. Sales Tab, Print Shipping Labels, and Orders Invoices Shipments

The Sales Tab in Magento 2 helps you manage all order processing steps on your website.

The order grid provides essential information on orders, invoices, shipments, and credit memos.

Bulk actions can be applied to orders, such as creating PDF shipments and print shipping labels. You can change order status, add comments, or send emails to customers.

Magento Sales Tab with options for managing invoices, shipments, and printing shipping labels

3. Catalog Tab and Customer Groups

The Catalog Tab in the Admin Panel enables you to effortlessly update your categories, products, and customer groups.

You can manage all items on your online store, add new items, and import bulk products. It lets you mass-delete unnecessary products, change product status, and update product attributes.

In the product details page, you can easily set the product's price and discounted price. It lets you configure its attributes, add related products, and more.

Magento Catalog Tab showcasing product management and customer groups

4. Customers Tab and Manage Product

The Customers Tab provides options to manage all customers registered on your online store.

You can create new customers, import/export customer lists, or assign customers to specific customer groups. The customer grid lists general information such as name, email, customer group, addresses, etc.

The customer details page displays more information and allows you to edit data. You can create orders, and reset passwords on behalf of your customers.

Magento Customers Tab for managing customer information and products

5. Marketing Tab, Catalog and Price Rules

The Marketing Tab in the Admin Panel offers a range of marketing tools. You can create unlimited promotional rules. It applies discounts when certain conditions are met, such as catalog and shopping cart price rules.

You can also set up regular email communications with your clients and subscribers. It lets you carry out email marketing campaigns. You can manage SEO elements such as in demand search terms, URL rewrites, and XML sitemaps.

Magento Marketing Tab illustrating catalog and shopping cart price rules for promotions

6. Content Tab and Magento Store View

As a Content Management System (CMS), content is an indispensable component of Magento 2.

You can add, edit, or delete CMS pages, static blocks, and widgets with ease under the Content Tab.

Storefront themes, design headers, and footers can also be configured. It allows you to create a unique store view for your customers.

Magento Content Tab showcasing store view creation and management

7. Reports Tab and Reporting Functionality

The Reports Tab in Magento 2 offers eight different report types covering almost all your online store operations.

It includes search terms, abandoned carts, and newsletter problems. These reports allow you to evaluate your marketing efforts and manage customer feedback. You can track sales performance and monitor inventory levels.

Magento Reports Tab providing multiple report types for analyzing store performance

8. Stores Tab and Set Up Redirects for Changed URLs

Magento admin supports the creation of multiple websites and stores on one instance.

The Stores Tab allows you to configure settings for each store view. It includes company information, domain, language, currency, and more.

You can also create unlimited websites, multi-stores, or store views and customize settings per store view.

Setting up redirects for changed URLs ensures a smooth browsing experience for your customers and avoids broken links.

Magento Stores Tab displaying settings for URL redirects and multiple store views

9. System Tab and Billing Agreements

In the System Tab, you can set up or adjust settings for such data transfer, backup, cache, and billing agreements.

You can bulk import products, customers, tax rates, etc., and export data to CSV files. It lets you manage user accounts, system updates, and security settings.

Magento System Tab illustrating settings for billing agreements and data management

10. Find Partners & Extensions Tab

The Find Partners & Extensions Tab redirects you to the official Magento Marketplace.

You can find a wide range of platinum Magento partners and third-party extensions to enhance your store's functions.

Magento Find Partners & Extensions Tab linking to the official Magento Marketplace


1. How do I access the Magento admin panel?

To access the Magento admin panel, enter the admin URL in your web browser, which is typically in the format "yourdomain.com/admin." Then, enter the store admin username and password to log in.

2. Can I add multiple admin users in the Magento admin panel?

Yes, you can add multiple admins in the Magento admin panel. Navigate to the System Tab, click on Permissions, and then select All Users.

Here, you can add new admin users, set their roles, and manage existing users.

3. What should I do if I get locked out of the Magento 2 admin panel?

If you are locked out of the Magento 2 admin panel, you can unlock your account by resetting your password. Otherwise contact another admin user to unlock your account from the backend.

4. How can I create and manage product categories in the Magento admin panel?

To create and manage product categories in the Magento admin panel, go to the Catalog Tab and click on Categories.

From here, you can add root categories and subcategories, Update images and descriptions, and configure SEO elements for each category.

5. How do I set up promotional rules and discounts in the Magento admin panel?

You can set up promotional rules and discounts in the Magento admin panel by navigating to the Marketing Tab. Click on Catalog Price Rules or Cart Price Rules. Here, you can create new rules and define discount codes for your promotions.

6. How do I customize the design and layout of my Magento store from the admin panel?

To customize the design and layout of your Magento store, go to the Content Tab and click on Design.

Here, you can configure storefront themes and design header/footer elements. It lets you schedule automatic theme changes.

7. How can I track customer activity and generate reports in the Magento admin panel?

You can track customer activity and generate reports in the Reports Tab. This section offers various report types. It includes sales, customer, product, and marketing reports, to help you analyze and optimize your store's performance.

8. How can I manage existing orders in the Magento admin panel?

In the Magento admin panel, you can manage orders by navigating to the Sales Tab and clicking on Orders.

This will take you to the order grid, where you can view and update the status of orders. You can add comments or send emails to customers.

9. How do I handle refunds, coupons, and payment settlements in Magento?

You can manage refunds, coupons, and payment method such as PayPal and Braintree in the Sales section of the Magento admin panel.

For refunds, go to the Credit Memos section, and for coupons, navigate to the Marketing Tab and click on Cart Price Rules or Catalog Price Rules.

Payment settlements can be found in the Transactions section under the Sales Tab.

10. Where can I access sales report in the Magento admin panel?

Sales report can be accessed in the Reports Tab of the Magento admin. In this tab, you'll find detailed statistics of orders, invoiced orders, taxes, shipping costs, refunds, coupons, PayPal, and Braintree settlements.

11. How do I manage product reviews in Magento?

Product reviews can be managed in the Marketing Tab of the admin panel. Under the User Content section, click on Reviews. Here, you can approve or disapprove, edit, or delete each review left by customers.


Magento admin panel is significantly improved with the new version, making it more user-friendly.

The smarter design, accessible components from the left sidebar, and enhanced features make managing your online store a breeze.

You can optimize your eCommerce business and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

For more information on Magento, check out the Magento news page.

Nikita S.
Nikita S.
Lead Technical Writer

As a lead technical writer, Nikita S. is experienced in crafting well-researched articles that simplify complex information and promote technical communication. She has expertise in cloud computing and holds a specialization in SEO and digital marketing.

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