Magento Accessibility Plugin: Benefits and Challenges

Magento Accessibility Plugin: Benefits and Challenges

Want to make your Magento website compliant with ADA and WCAG standards? Magento accessibility plugin boosts SEO and promotes legal compliance.

In this article, we will explore the key features, pros, and cons of the Magento Accessibility Plugin.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand what the Magento Accessibility Plugin is and its importance.

  • Learn how the plugin helps your website comply with WCAG and ADA compliance.

  • Discover key features like keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and color contrast adjustments.

  • Explore the benefits of using the plugin, including improved user experience, legal compliance, and SEO advantages.

  • Identify potential drawbacks such as initial setup costs and maintenance requirements.

What is the Magento Accessibility Plugin?

The Magento Accessibility Plugin is a tool designed to enhance the accessibility of Magento-based websites.

Magento Accessibility Plugin ensures compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). It also makes Magento-based websites compliant with ADA and Section 508 standards.

The plugin integration enables Magento store owners to create a more inclusive shopping experience for users with disabilities. It helps improve usability and accessibility.

It not only helps in reaching a broader audience. It also ensures legal compliance with accessibility standards. It promotes better customer satisfaction and engagement for all users.

Key Features of Magento Accessibility Plugin

1. Keyboard Navigation

Key Features: Keyboard Navigation

  • The feature ensures that all interactive elements on the website can be accessed and operated using a keyboard alone. These include:
  1. Links

  2. Buttons

  3. Forms

  • It provides:
  1. Focus Indicators: Clearly visible outlines or borders around interactive elements.

  2. Logical Tab Order: Elements are navigated in a logical sequence.

  3. Skip to Content Links: Allows users to bypass repetitive navigation links and jump directly to the main content.

  • It allows users who cannot use a mouse to navigate through the website efficiently.

2. Screen Reader Compatibility

Key Features: Screen Reader Compatibility

The plugin ensures that the website content is compatible with screen readers. Visually impaired users use these to read the content of the page aloud. These include:

  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) Landmarks and Roles: Assign roles like banner, navigation, main, and content info to sections of the page. It helps screen readers identify and navigate the structure.

  • Dynamic Content Updates: Ensures that screen readers announce changes in content (e.g., Ajax updates).

  • Descriptive Labels: Ensures buttons, links, and other interactive elements have descriptive text to explain their purpose.

3. Color Contrast Adjustments

Key Features: Color Contrast Adjustments

The feature allows users to adjust the color contrast of the website’s text and background to meet their needs.

  • High Contrast Mode: It is beneficial for users with visual impairments and ensures that text is easily readable against its background.

  • Customizable Color Schemes: Users can select from a range of color schemes to find one that best suits their needs.

  • Ensures WCAG Compliance: Guarantees that the contrast ratio between text and background meets the WCAG standards.

4. Text Resizing Options

Key Features: Text Resizing Options

  • Users can increase or decrease the size of the text on the website. It is done without losing content or functionality.

  • It ensures that increasing the text size does not break the layout or cause text to overflow outside of its container. The feature also saves text size preferences for returning users.

  • It is essential for users with low vision or other visual impairments. It makes the text more readable and the website more accessible.

5. Image Alt Text Support

Key Features: Image Alt Text Support

  • The accessibility widget ensures that all images on the website have descriptive alternative text. Alt text is useful for screen readers, as it describes the image content to users who cannot see the images.

  • It uses AI to generate descriptive alt text for images that do not have it. The feature allows administrators to add or edit alt text for images through the Magento backend.

  • It also checks for missing alt text and prompts the user to add it.

6. Form Labeling

Key Features: Form Labeling

  • Proper labeling of form fields is required for accessibility.

  • The plugin ensures that all form fields have a visible label that describes the purpose of their corresponding input fields.

  • It uses HTML for attributes to link labels with their corresponding input fields. The plugin provides clear and accessible error messages that screen readers announce.

  • It helps screen reader users understand what information is required in each field.

7. Accessible Navigation Menus

Key Features: Accessible Navigation Menus

Navigation menus are structured to be accessible. The plugin ensures that all links are accessible. It includes:

  • Keyboard Accessible Menus: Ensures menus can be navigated using a keyboard or a screen reader with clear focus states.

  • Proper Submenus: Submenus are accessible and expandable using keyboard commands.

  • ARIA Attributes: Uses ARIA attributes to indicate expandable items, the state of menus, and navigation structure.

Common Compatibility Issues and Solutions of Magento Accessibility Plugin

1. JavaScript Conflicts

Compatibility Issues and Solutions: JavaScript Conflicts

JavaScript conflicts occur when scripts from different plugins interfere with each other. It leads to malfunctions or errors.


  • Ensure that the JavaScript libraries and frameworks used by different plugins are compatible. Use namespaced JavaScript to avoid conflicts.

  • Test the plugin in a staging environment to identify and resolve conflicts before going live.

2. CSS Overlaps

Compatibility Issues and Solutions: CSS Overlaps

CSS overlaps happen when the styles from different plugins interfere with each other. It affects the layout and design of the plugin.


  • Use specific CSS selectors to prevent styles from conflicting. Test the plugins together to identify any styling issues and adjust the CSS as needed.

  • Consider using custom CSS to override conflicting styles.

3. Performance Impact

Compatibility Issues and Solutions: Performance Impact

Adding multiple plugins can impact site performance. It leads to slower load times and a degraded user experience.


  • Monitor site performance after installing new plugins using performance tools. Optimize the code and minimize the use of heavy scripts.

  • Use caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve performance.

4. Version Incompatibility

Compatibility Issues and Solutions: Version Incompatibility

The plugin may not be compatible with older or newer versions of other extensions or the Magento core.


  • Keep all plugins and the Magento core updated to their latest versions.

  • Check the compatibility notes in the plugin documentation.

5. Layout Issues

Compatibility Issues and Solutions: Layout Issues

The plugin might cause unexpected changes in the layout. Especially if it adds new elements to the page.


  • Review and adjust the layout settings in the Magento admin panel. Use custom CSS to fix any layout issues caused.

  • Test the site layout thoroughly after installing the plugin.

Legal Requirements of Magento Accessibility Plugin

1. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law in the United States. It prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life. The law also includes online spaces, including e-commerce sites.

Key Requirements:

  • Equal Access: Online stores must ensure that their websites are accessible to people with disabilities. It provides equal access to goods and services.

  • Effective Communication: Websites should be designed to communicate effectively with users who have disabilities. It includes those who use assistive technologies such as screen readers.

  • Auxiliary Aids and Services: Businesses must provide auxiliary aids and services, such as:

  1. Accessible PDFs

  2. Alternative text for images

  3. Video captions

It helps ensure effective communication.

2. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of international standards. These are developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.

The latest version, WCAG 2.1, outlines specific criteria. The websites must meet them to be considered accessible.

Key Requirements:

  • Text Alternatives: Provide text alternatives for non-text content, such as images and videos. It ensures they can be interpreted by screen readers.

  • Time-Based Media: Offer captions and audio descriptions for video content. It ensures that users with hearing or vision impairments can access the information.

  • Adaptable Content: Create content that can be presented in different ways without losing information or structure. These include using semantic HTML.

  • Distinguishable Content: Make it easier for users to see and hear content. It includes separating foreground from background.

  • Keyboard Accessibility: Ensure that all website functions can be performed using a keyboard.

  • Navigation: Provide clear and consistent navigation options to help users find and understand content.

  • Input Assistance: Help users avoid and correct mistakes by providing:

  1. Clear labels

  2. Instructions

  3. Error messages

Pros of Magento Accessibility Plugin

1. Improved User Experience

  • The inclusive design makes the website accessible to a wider audience. It also includes the elderly and people with disabilities.

  • Features like keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility improve the overall usability for all users.

  • Improves customer retention by providing a better shopping experience for all users.

2. Legal Compliance

  • ADA and WCAG compliance helps ensure the website meets legal requirements. It reduces the risk of lawsuits and fines.

  • Global standards assist in complying with international accessibility laws and regulations. It helps enhance global reach.

3. SEO Benefits

  • Accessible websites often rank higher on search engines. It is because they are easier for search bots to crawl.

  • The plugin ensures that content is well-structured and labeled. It helps improve the overall search engine optimization.

4. Brand Reputation

  • A positive public image demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity.

  • The extension builds trust and loyalty among customers who value accessibility and inclusivity.

5. Future-Proofing

  • The plugin ensures that the website is ready for future updates in accessibility standards.

  • It helps e-commerce businesses stay ahead of competitors who may not prioritize accessibility.

Cons of Magento Accessibility Plugin

1. Initial Setup Cost

  • There may be initial costs associated with purchasing and implementing the plugin.

  • The setup process can be time-consuming, especially for complex websites.

2. Maintenance

  • It requires regular updates and maintenance to ensure continued compliance with evolving standards.

  • It may require technical expertise to manage and update the plugin.

3. Performance Impact

  • Adding additional features and scripts can impact website performance. It potentially slows down load times.

  • Ensuring compatibility with other plugins and custom code can be challenging.

4. Design Limitations

  • Achieving accessibility may require changes that affect the visual design of the website.

  • The plugin may have limitations in terms of customization to fit specific design needs.

5. User Training

  • Administrators and content creators may need training to use the web accessibility features.

  • Ongoing content management practices must align with accessibility standards. It may require diligence and consistency.

6. Initial Testing

  • Initial setup requires thorough testing to ensure all aspects of the website are accessible.

  • Gathering and implementing user feedback can be a lengthy process.


1. Does the Magento Accessibility Plugin offer a free trial?

Many providers offer a free trial for the Magento Accessibility Plugin. This allows you to test its features and assess its impact on your website's accessibility before committing to a purchase.

2. How does the Magento Accessibility Plugin support assistive technologies?

The plugin ensures compatibility with assistive technologies such as screen readers. It provides features like ARIA landmarks and roles. It also enhances keyboard navigation and offers text resizing options. The plugin makes your site accessible to users who rely on these technologies.

3. How does the Magento Accessibility Plugin help in creating an accessibility statement?

The Magento Accessibility Plugin assists in creating a comprehensive accessibility statement. It ensures that your website meets all necessary accessibility standards. These include ADA, WCAG 2.2, and Section 508.

4. Is the Magento Accessibility Plugin compatible with Magento version 2.2?

The Magento Accessibility Plugin is compatible with Magento version 2.2. It integrates with this version, providing essential features like screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and color contrast adjustments. It helps enhance your website's accessibility.



The Magento Accessibility Plugin makes your Magento website accessible to all users. The article outlines several points, including:

  • The plugin enhances usability by incorporating features like keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility.

  • Helps your website meet ADA and WCAG standards, reducing the risk of legal issues.

  • Improves search engine ranking by making the website easier for search bots to crawl.

  • Initial setup costs, regular maintenance, and design limitations are some challenges to consider.

Want to make your site inclusive and compliant with the Magento Accessibility Plugin? Consider managed Magento hosting to support all your accessibility needs.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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