What is Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool?

What is Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool?

Want to keep your Magento store updated and secure? The Magento 2 upgrade compatibility tool can help. It checks site's features, extensions, and customizations for compatibility with latest Magento version. This article covers what the Magento 2 UCT is, key commands, and best practices.

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Key Takeaways

  • Learn what it is and how it helps streamline your Magento upgrades.

  • Get to know essential commands for using the tool effectively.

  • Follow tips to ensure a smooth and successful upgrade process.

  • Find out how the tool checks your site's features, extensions, and customizations.

  • See how maintaining compatibility supports your store's performance and security.

What Is Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool?

What is Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

The Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool is designed to streamline updating your Magento platform. It ensures your Magento website stays compatible with the latest features and security updates.

This tool examines your site's current features, third-party extensions, and customizations. It identifies any potential conflicts with the newest Magento version. Using this tool helps maintain a secure and efficient online store.

Working of Upgrade Compatibility Tools

1. Analyzes custom code:

  • The tool examines your custom code before an upgrade. This analysis helps identify areas that may need adjustments to ensure compatibility.

  • It scans the codebase thoroughly, detecting deprecated functions. This process ensures that your custom code will work with the new Magento version.

2. Highlights parts of the code needing updates:

  • It marks specific sections of the code that require updates. This highlighting helps developers focus on necessary changes.

  • By pinpointing these areas, it streamlines the debugging process. Developers can quickly address issues, ensuring the code meets the latest standards.

3. Validates Magento PHP APIs and GraphQL:

Validating Magento PHP APIs and GraphQL for Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

  • The tool checks the compatibility of Magento PHP APIs and GraphQL. This validation ensures these components work seamlessly after the upgrade.

  • It verifies API endpoints and GraphQL queries against the new version. This step guarantees that all integrations remain functional.

4. Pinpoints issues early:

  • It identifies potential issues at an early stage. Early detection helps in addressing problems before they escalate.

  • Catching issues early prevents major disruptions. This proactive detection maintains the stability of the upgrade process.

5. Proactive approach saves time:

  • By analyzing and highlighting issues beforehand, the tool saves time during the upgrade process. This efficiency leads to faster transitions.

  • Developers can focus on implementation rather than troubleshooting. It accelerates the overall upgrade timeline.

6. Reduces risks during upgrades:

  • Identifying and fixing issues early reduces risks. This proactive method minimizes the chances of encountering problems post-upgrade.

  • It ensures a smoother transition with fewer disruptions. The reduced risk leads to higher confidence in the upgrade process.

7. Essential for seamless Magento version transitions:

  • The tool is crucial for smooth version upgrades. It ensures that all components are compatible, leading to a seamless transition.

  • By ensuring compatibility, it avoids post-upgrade conflicts. This smooth transition enhances the overall performance of the Magento store.

Why Use Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Reason Explanation
Newest Features Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool updates your store to access the latest features and improvements. It ensures you leverage the best tools available. It helps you stay competitive in the market. It also enhances the user experience on your site.
Platform Improvements Magento UCT ensures your store benefits from the latest platform enhancements. Magento regularly releases updates to improve performance and security. These enhancements can significantly impact your site's efficiency. Regular updates keep your platform robust and secure.
Compatibility Check It performs a compatibility check before upgrading to avoid post-upgrade issues. It helps identify conflicts with existing features and extensions. It saves time and reduces the risk of disruptions. Compatibility checks are crucial for a smooth transition to the new version.
Business Needs With UCT, you meet your business needs with the most recent Magento Commerce version. Upgrading allows you to utilize advanced features tailored for business growth. It ensures your store operates optimally. A well-functioning platform supports better business performance.
Careful Planning Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool helps plan your upgrade carefully to minimize risks and issues. Thorough planning helps allocate resources effectively. It prepares your team for any potential challenges. Proper planning is essential for a seamless upgrade process.
Funding Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool ensures you allocate appropriate funding for a smooth upgrade process. Upgrading can be resource-intensive. Ensuring you have the necessary budget helps avoid financial strain. Adequate funding supports a comprehensive upgrade strategy.
Command-Line Tool Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool uses the standalone CLI tool for comprehensive compatibility checks. This tool provides a detailed analysis of your site’s customizations. It identifies which parts of the code need updating. Using the CLI tool simplifies the upgrade process.
Site-Wide Analysis Tool Integration Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool connects with the Site-Wide Analysis Tool for thorough site assessment. This integration helps in a detailed evaluation of your store’s readiness for an upgrade. It provides insights into potential areas of improvement. Integration ensures no aspect is overlooked.
PHPStorm Plugin Setup Magento Upgrade Compatibility Tool utilizes the Magento PHP Storm plugin for a streamlined upgrade process. This plugin aids in coding and customization checks. It ensures your code meets the latest standards. Using the plugin simplifies development tasks during the upgrade.

List of Commands of Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Command Description
upgrade:check This command runs the Upgrade Compatibility Tool. It analyzes all installed modules. The tool checks for compatibility issues with the latest Magento version. It ensures your store is ready for the upgrade.
dbschema:diff This command displays the database schema differences between two specified Adobe Commerce versions. It helps identify changes needed for the upgrade. Use this to prepare your database for the new version. It ensures smooth database transitions.
core:code:changes This command compares your current Adobe Commerce installation with a clean vanilla installation. It highlights any differences in core code. Use this to spot customizations or changes made to the original code. It helps maintain consistency with the new version.
refactor This command automatically fixes a reduced set of issues. It helps streamline the upgrade process. Use this to address common compatibility problems quickly. It saves time by automating fixes.
graphql:compare This command allows you to introspect and compare two GraphQL endpoints. It checks for schema differences. Use this to ensure your GraphQL integrations remain intact. It helps maintain Magento API consistency during the upgrade.
list This command returns a list of all available commands for the Upgrade Compatibility Tool. Use this to see all the commands you can run. It helps you understand the tool's full capabilities. It ensures you utilize all available features.
help This command provides all available help options for the Upgrade Compatibility Tool. It can be run alone or with other commands. Use this to get detailed information on command usage. It helps you troubleshoot and understand command functionalities.

How to Avail & Use Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Availing Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

The Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool helps ensure your customizations are compatible with the latest Magento version. This tool, currently in its alpha version, is distributed as a composer package available from the Magento repository.

It is designed for Magento Commerce customers upgrading from version 2.0 to 2.3. A new edition of the tool is released with each new Magento Commerce edition. Once installed, it verifies your customizations against the targeted Magento version, specifically checking PHP APIs and GraphQL schema.

Steps to use the Magento 2 upgrade compatibility tool:

  1. Get the Upgrade Compatibility Tool from the Magento repository using Composer.

  2. Install it in your Magento Commerce instance by running the appropriate composer commands.

  3. Execute the tool on your existing Magento installation. This checks if your customizations are compatible with the targeted Magento version.

  4. Review the analysis to identify any compatibility issues with PHP APIs and GraphQL schema.

  5. Address any issues highlighted by the tool to ensure a smooth upgrade process.

  6. Proceed with the Magento upgrade, knowing your customizations are compatible.

  7. After the upgrade, run the tool again to verify everything works as expected.

Using this tool helps you maintain a secure and efficient online store during Magento upgrades.

Best Practices of Using Magento 2 Upgrade Compatibility Tool

Best Practice Description
Regular Updates Keep the Upgrade Compatibility Tool updated to the latest version. Regular updates ensure you get the most accurate results. The latest version includes the newest features and fixes. Staying updated helps avoid compatibility issues. This practice is essential for maintaining a smooth upgrade process.
Thorough Analysis Perform a comprehensive analysis of all customizations before upgrading. It helps identify potential conflicts early. By understanding all the changes needed, you can plan accordingly. A thorough analysis reduces the risk of encountering issues during the upgrade. It ensures a smoother transition to the new version.
Pre-Upgrade Check Always run the tool before upgrading to spot potential issues early. This step is key for preventing post-upgrade problems. Identifying conflicts beforehand allows for timely resolution. It helps maintain the stability of your Magento store. Pre-upgrade checks ensure a successful update.
Post-Upgrade Verification Use the tool after upgrading to ensure compatibility and functionality. It verifies that all customizations work with the new version. Post-upgrade checks help catch any missed issues. It ensures your store operates smoothly after the upgrade. This step is essential for maintaining performance and Magento security.
Detailed Review Carefully review the tool's output and logs to address all compatibility issues. Understanding the results helps in making informed decisions. Addressing each issue ensures a stable upgrade process. Detailed reviews prevent future problems. This practice is important for maintaining a well-functioning store.
Integration Testing Test integrations like third-party extensions for compatibility. Ensuring all extensions work with the new version is essential. It helps avoid functionality issues post-upgrade. Regular testing of integrations maintains overall store performance. It ensures a seamless user experience.
Backup Data Always backup your data before running the tool to prevent any data loss. Data backups provide a safety net in case something goes wrong. This practice protects your business information. It ensures you can restore your store to a previous state if needed. Data backups are essential for security and continuity.
Document Changes Document all changes made based on the tool’s recommendations. Keeping a record helps track modifications. This documentation aids in future upgrades. It provides a reference for troubleshooting. Documenting changes ensures consistency and clarity.
Consult Documentation Refer to the Magento documentation for any tool-related queries or updates. Magento's official resources provide valuable insights. Staying informed about updates and best practices is important. Consulting documentation helps resolve issues efficiently. It ensures you are using the tool effectively.


1. What is the UCT?

The UCT is the Upgrade Compatibility Tool for Adobe Commerce. It checks your customized instance for compatibility issues. It ensures your site is ready for an Adobe Commerce upgrade. This tool helps maintain a secure and efficient store.

2. How does the tool that checks modules work?

The tool that checks modules analyzes all installed modules in your Adobe Commerce customized instance. It identifies conflicts with the new Magento version. It ensures a smooth upgrade process. It helps keep your site running efficiently.

3. Can the UCT analyze a specific version by analyzing all modules?

Yes, the UCT can analyze a specific version by analyzing all modules. It checks your customized instance against a specific version of Adobe Commerce. It helps you identify potential issues early. It ensures compatibility with the targeted version.

4. How can I use the UCT for my Adobe Commerce instance?

Install the UCT in your Adobe Commerce instance using Composer. Run the tool to check your customized instance for compatibility. Review the results and fix any issues. It prepares your site for an upgrade.

5. Where can I find more information about the UCT?

You can find more information on Magento Stack Exchange. The community provides insights and solutions. Magento Stack Exchange is a valuable resource for troubleshooting. It, with dedicated Magento hosting, helps you use the UCT effectively.



The Magento 2 upgrade compatibility tool is essential for a smooth upgrade process. It keeps your site compatible and secure. Key benefits include:

  • Newest Features: It provides access to the latest Magento features.

  • Platform Improvements: It enhances performance and security.

  • Compatibility Check: It prevents post-upgrade issues.

  • Business Needs: It allows users to meet business requirements.

  • Thorough Analysis: It ensures a stable upgrade process.

Consider managed Magento hosting to accurately use the Magento 2 upgrade compatibility tool.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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