Magento 2 Translate Inline: Working and Use Cases

Magento 2 Translate Inline: Working and Use Cases

Want to make your Magento store multilingual effortlessly? Magento 2 translate inline allows you to translate text directly on your storefront or admin panel.

In this article, we will explore the working and use cases of the Magento 2 translate inline tool.

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Key Takeaways

  • Magento 2 translate inline simplifies content localization.

  • You can edit text directly on the front-end or back-end.

  • Discover step-by-step instructions for using Translate Inline effectively.

  • Identify common challenges and their solutions when using Translate Inline.

  • Real-world examples include brands like Zara, Amazon, and Sephora.

What Is Magento 2 Translate Inline?

Magento 2 translate Inline is a feature that allows you to edit text directly on the front-end or back-end of your Magento store.

Magento 2 inline translation feature is useful for making quick changes to translations. It also helps modify default text without accessing language files or templates. The feature is often used to:

  • Adjust language-specific terms

  • Correct typos in translations

  • Update default text to suit your store's tone or branding better

The translate inline tool is typically used during the development and testing phases. It can slow down the site if left enabled on live environments.

How Magento 2 Translate Inline Works?

1. Visit Your Storefront

  • After enabling translate inline in the Magento admin panel. You should open your Magento storefront in a web browser.

  • You should ensure you are logged in with an admin account. The feature is only accessible to authorized users.

2. Identify Editable Text

Identify Editable Text

  • Magento highlights all translatable text elements on the page. It is possible once the Magento 2 translation tool is active.

  • These elements will typically appear with a dotted box or visual marker. It helps them easily see what can be edited.

  • Common areas include:

    1. Button labels

    2. Page titles or headers

    3. System messages or notifications

    4. Footer links and text

3. Edit Text

  • A pop-up editor window will appear, displaying the current text. Then click on the highlighted text.

  • In the pop-up editor:

    1. You will see the current text in one field and a blank space for the new text or translation.

    2. If your store supports multiple languages, ensure the appropriate language is selected for the change.

  • Enter the desired text or translation:

    1. For example, change "Proceed to Checkout" to "Continue to Payment."

    2. Keep the new text concise and aligned with the context.

  • Save your edits by clicking the Save button in the pop-up window.

4. Preview Changes

  • After saving, refresh the page to see the updated text. Ensure the new text integrates smoothly with the page layout and design.

  • Check the alignment, font size, and overall appearance of the text after the change.

5. Repeat for Other Elements

If you have multiple text elements to edit, repeat the process:

  • Navigate through different pages, such as product pages or contact forms.

  • Identify and click on the next translatable text element.

  • Edit, save, and preview changes as needed.

Best Practices for Using Translate Inline

1. Enable Translate Inline for Specific Scopes

  • Magento 2 allows for the ability to translate the Inline separately for the front store view and admin area. Activate it only where translation changes are required.

  • For example:

    1. Use frontend scope for customer-facing content. These include product descriptions or error messages.

    2. Use admin scope for backend settings or notifications visible to store administrators.

  • It limits the scope, minimizes unnecessary edits, and reduces performance impact.

2. Limit Use in Production Environments

  • Translate Inline can expose raw translation keys and other sensitive information in the source code.

  • Use it only in development or staging environments. Apply changes there, test thoroughly, and then deploy the updated files to production.

  • Using translate inline in live stores can create vulnerabilities. These also negatively affect site performance.

3. Disable Cache During Translation

  • Magento 2 caching can delay the visibility of your translation updates.

  • Temporarily disable caches like Full Page Cache and Block HTML Output while working with translate inline.

  • After completing the translations, re-enable caching to restore optimal performance. It ensures real-time updates during the translation process.

4. Focus on Exact Text Matches

  • When using translate inline, ensure the text you are translating matches exactly as it appears on the page.

  • Small variations in spacing or punctuation can lead to the translation not being applied.

  • Magento matches translations to text strings exactly, so it needs precision.

5. Backup Original Translations

Backup Original Translations

  • Before editing any translations, save the existing CSV translation files or phrases for reference.

  • It can be done by exporting current translations or creating a backup of your language pack.

  • If errors occur, you can quickly revert to the original translations without disrupting your store.

6. Verify Translations After Edits

  • After making changes with translate inline, test them thoroughly:

    1. Check different pages where the translated strings appear.

    2. Ensure translations render correctly on desktop and mobile views.

  • Verifying changes helps you catch:

    1. Formatting issues

    2. Conflicts

    3. Untranslated strings

7. Update Translation CSV Files

  • Once the Translate Inline changes are finalized, update the CSV translation files for your theme or module:

    1. Locate the correct CSV file in app/design/frontend/[Vendor]/[Theme]/i18n.

    2. Add or update the translated text strings.

    3. Deploy the updated files to ensure changes persist after updates or cache flushes.

  • Relying solely on the changes in the translate inline tool can result in the loss of translations. It is especially true during upgrades or cache resets.

8. Disable Translate Inline Post-Usage

  • After completing translations, disable the translate Inline feature. Leaving it enabled can expose sensitive information and affect performance.

  • Translate inline tool is resource-intensive. It should only be active during the translation process.

9. Check for Conflicts

  • Conflicts may occur if the same string is translated differently in multiple files or extensions.

  • After making changes, verify that the intended translation is applied consistently across your store.

  • Overlapping or conflicting translations can cause inconsistencies in the user experience.

10. Document Changes

Document Changes

  • Keep a record of:

    1. Text strings you translated.

    2. The pages or sections affected.

    3. Any specific changes made in CSV files or through Translate Inline.

  • Share this documentation with your team for future reference.

  • Proper documentation simplifies maintenance. It also reduces the effort required during updates or migrations.

Common Challenges and Solutions of Magento 2 Translate Inline

Challenges Explanation Solution
1. Translate Inline Not Working The translate inline feature is enabled. Translation changes do not appear on the front end or in the admin area. Go to System > Cache Management and flush the Magento cache after enabling Translate Inline. Ensure that the translate inline is activated for the correct scope. Translate inline works best in developer mode. Temporarily disable Full Page Cache during translations. It helps avoid cached content overriding changes.
2. Untranslated Strings Some strings remain untranslated even after using Translate Inline. Translate inline only detects text that matches the exact string exactly. These include cases, spaces, and special characters. Some text may come from dynamic or JavaScript-generated content, which Translate Inline cannot capture. Use CSV translation files for such strings. Inspect the page source using developer tools to verify the exact text and context being used.
3. Translate Inline Exposing Sensitive Information While enabled, translate inline reveals raw translation keys and other sensitive backend information to users. Only enable the translate inline tool in a staging or local development environment. It should not be applied on live sites. Turn off Translate Inline under Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Translate Inline. It should be done when translations are complete or after use.
4. Performance Issues Enabling translate inline slows down the site, especially in production environments. Use the tool only in development environments to avoid production usage. Re-enable caching and switch back to production mode after completing translations. Save translations to CSV files. It helps eliminate reliance on Translate Inline for live environments.
5. Translations Reverting After Cache Flush Changes made through translate inline disappear after clearing the cache. Save Changes to your theme’s or module’s CSV files (i18n/en_US.csv) with the translated strings. It helps make the changes permanent. Run the command to deploy static content to ensure updated translations are applied.
6. Conflicts Between Translation Sources Multiple translations exist for the same string, leading to inconsistent results. Check for duplicate or conflicting translations in CSV files for themes or language packs. Use the appropriate translation file for the intended scope and remove conflicting entries.
7. Translate Inline Icon Not Appearing The translate inline edit icon is missing from the front end or admin. Ensure the active theme is compatible with translate inline. Some custom themes may not display the icon. Verify file permissions. Incorrect file permissions can prevent the icons from loading. Use browser developer tools to check for JavaScript errors affecting icon display.

Real-Life Use Cases of Magento 2 Translate Inline

Use Cases Explanation Result
1. Zara Zara is a global fashion retailer expanding its online store to Japan. Zara uses Translate Inline to translate product descriptions and checkout buttons into Japanese. Japanese shoppers enjoy a smooth shopping experience in their native language. It helps boost conversions and engagement.
2. Amazon Amazon launches a localized Black Friday campaign for German customers. Translate inline is used to adapt banners and call-to-action buttons to German. The German site communicates deals effectively. It leads to higher sales during the seasonal rush.
3. Adidas Adidas tests its website's French and Spanish versions for upcoming campaigns in Europe. Developers use translate inline to verify translations for UI elements like "Add to Cart" and "Checkout." Adidas ensures translations are accurate and displayed correctly across devices. It helps avoid last-minute issues.
4. H&M H&M receives feedback from customers in Italy about incorrect translations in product categories. Store managers quickly fix these errors using translate inline. They don’t need a full deployment. Customers see immediate improvements. It helps enhance trust and reduce bounce rates.
5. Decathlon Decathlon’s warehouse team in Brazil needs the admin panel in Portuguese. Admins use translate inline to convert backend labels, like "Inventory" and "Shipping," to Portuguese. The team operates efficiently. It reduces miscommunication and processing errors.
6. Sephora Sephora launches its exclusive makeup line in South Korea. Translate inline quickly translates product descriptions and user reviews into Korean. The localized content attracts Korean customers. It helps ensure a successful product launch.
7. Best Buy Best Buy caters to English and French-speaking customers in Canada. Translate Inline ensures that product descriptions and support sections are accessible in both languages. Canadian customers easily navigate the site. It helps improve their shopping experience and loyalty.
8. eBay eBay aims to enhance support for its Spanish-speaking audience in the US. Translate Inline updates FAQs and help section text into Spanish. Spanish-speaking customers receive clear and relatable support. It helps reduce confusion and support tickets.


1. How do I enable inline translation in the Magento 2 store?

To enable inline translation in the Magento 2 store, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer. Enable and configure the inline translation mode. The new translation function helps if you want to translate Magento content and create a multi-language store.

2. How to enable Magento 2 Inline Translation?

Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer and enable the translate inline mode. It allows you to add translations and edit field labels for specific store views. Don’t forget to disable the translate inline tool after use.

3. Can Magento 2 Inline Translation support different languages?

Magento inline translation supports different store views for different languages. Use the store view-specific checkbox to edit translations for each view. It helps you sell literally everywhere with accurate translations.

4. What are the benefits of using the Magento 2 translation extension?

The Magento 2 translation extension allows you to import translations and configure features like locale settings. It simplifies creating content for different e-commerce audiences. It helps make long-term investments for global stores.



Magento 2 translate inline allows store owners to quickly edit text on the front-end or back-end without accessing language files. The article explores the usage of the translate inline tool, including:

  • Enable the feature for specific scopes like front-end or admin areas.

  • Use in development environments to avoid security risks and performance issues.

  • Backup and document translation changes to ensure consistency across updates.

  • Update CSV files to make edits permanent and prevent loss after cache resets.

Simplify your store's translation process using Magento 2 translate inline with ease. Choose managed Magento hosting for optimal performance and updates.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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