Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Guide for Ecommerce Stores

Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Guide for Ecommerce Stores

Are you tired of losing customers due to a lack of shipment visibility? Magento 2 shipment tracking helps enhance the customer experience and streamlines order fulfillment.

In this article, we will explain how to configure Magento shipment tracking and its best practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how Magento 2 shipment tracking boosts customer satisfaction.

  • Discover ways to reduce shipment errors and improve efficiency.

  • Understand the importance of real-time order tracking and inventory management.

  • Explore top Magento 2 order tracking extensions and their features.

  • Get insights into future trends in shipment tracking technology.

Why is Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Important for Stores?

1. Reduces Customer Enquires

Reduced custom enquiries in Magento 2 shipment tracking

  • With shipment tracking, it allows customers to track and see the status of their orders at any time. They'll know exactly when their package was shipped out and when to expect delivery. It is done using a tracking link once it is shipped.
  • This level of transparency keeps customers in the loop and reduces anxiety about their purchase arriving.
  • When customers can track their orders, they are less likely to contact your customer service.

2. Better inventory management

Better inventory management for Magento 2 shipment tracking

  • Shipment tracking in Magento 2 helps you keep a close eye on your Magento stock. As orders are processed and shipped, the system updates inventory levels.

  • This real-time tracking shows which products are selling quickly and which are moving slowly. You can use this information to make smart decisions about restocking your Magento 2 store. For fast-moving items, you'll know when to reorder to avoid stockouts.

  • For slow-moving items, you can adjust your purchasing or consider promotions to boost sales. This data also helps with long-term planning. It allows you to predict seasonal trends and adjust your inventory accordingly.

3. Reduced Shipment Errors

Reduced shipment errors with Magento 2 shipment tracking

  • With Magento 2's shipment tracking, errors become more visible and easier to catch. The system logs each step of the shipping process.

  • If a package is sent to the wrong address, you can often spot this early. This early detection helps you solve problems before they reach the customer.

  • Fixing errors early often costs less than dealing with returns or unhappy customers later. It also reduces the workload and improves customer service.

4. Data for Business Insights

Data for Magento 2 shipment tracking insights

  • Shipment tracking generates a wealth of data. This data can reveal important trends in your shipping operations. Certain carriers are consistently faster, and some routes have frequent delays.

  • This information helps you make informed decisions about your shipping strategy. You could choose to use different carriers for different regions based on performance. Or you might adjust your shipment status and estimates to be more accurate.

  • The data might also show that certain packaging methods result in fewer damaged items. All these insights can lead to more efficient and cost-effective shipping practices.

5. Better Marketing Opportunities

Better marketing options with Magento 2 shipment tracking

  • Tracking information provides touchpoints with your customers after they've made a purchase. Each update is a chance to engage with them.

  • For example, when sending a "Your package has shipped" email, you could include product care tips. If a Magento 2 order is delayed, you could send an apology with a discount code for their next purchase.

  • These messages keep your brand fresh in the customer's mind during the waiting period. It's also a chance to gather feedback about their shopping experience.

Top 4 Extensions for Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Extensions

Extension Name Unique Features Price
Landofcoder Free Magento 2 Order Tracking - Allows customers to track orders without login. They should enter only the order ID and email
- Shows full order details and shipping status
Free (Support package available for purchase)
WeltPixel Magento 2 Order Tracking - Integrates real-time tracking with major courier services
- User-friendly interface - Sends SMS notifications
Custom pricing
Plumrocket Magento 2 Order Status & Shipping Tracking Pro - Built-in integration with major shipping carriers
- Real-time tracking directly from the site
- Enhances post-purchase customer experience
Starts at $79
Mageants Shipping Tracker for Magento 2 - Tracks orders using order ID and email
- Redirects to shipping partners' pages
- Sends tracking portal link with order confirmation email

Troubleshooting Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Extension Issues

Issue Solution
Tracking information not displaying on the order tracking page - Ensure the tracking number has been added from the backend for the order shipment.
- Check that the extension is properly configured and compatible with the Magento 2 version.
Customers are unable to track their orders using their order ID and email address - Verify that the shipment tracking links are being included in the shipment email.
- Test that the order tracking page is accessible and functioning properly.
The real-time tracking status is not updating. - Confirm that the extension is correctly integrated with the shipping carrier's API.
- It is to fetch real-time tracking details. Check for any errors in the API connection or authentication.
SMS notifications for tracking updates not sending - Ensure the SMS notification extension is properly configured with valid API credentials.
- Verify that customer mobile numbers are correctly stored and associated with orders.
The tracking link in the shipment email is not working - Check that the correct tracking URL is being generated and included in the email template.
- Test the link directly to ensure it leads to the branded tracking page.
Admin unable to add tracking number for order shipment - Verify the admin has the necessary permissions to create a shipment and add tracking information.
- Check for any conflicts with other order management extensions.
Extension not compatible with current Magento 2 version - Confirm that the installed extension version is compatible with your Magento 2 platform.
- Check for any available updates or patches from the extension provider.
The tracking page does not display custom branding. - Ensure the extension's configuration settings for custom branding are properly set up.
- Check that the correct logo and brand colors are being used.
Tracking details not syncing between Magento and the shipping carrier - Verify the API integration between the extension and shipping carrier is set up correctly.
- Check for any synchronization errors or data mismatches.
Order tracking is unavailable for some shipping methods - Confirm that the extension supports tracking for the specific shipping methods used.
- Check the extension's documentation for any limitations or required configurations.

Future of Magento 2 Shipment Tracking Techniques

1. Artificial Intelligence Integration

  • Artificial Intelligence will become a central part of shipment tracking. It will analyze vast amounts of data from weather patterns, traffic conditions, and historical delivery data.

  • This analysis will lead to more precise delivery time predictions. AI can also identify potential issues in the shipping process before they occur.

  • For example, it might detect that a particular route often faces delays during certain times of the day. This foresight allows stores to adjust their shipping plans and keep customers informed proactively.

2. Drone Delivery Tracking

  • As drone deliveries become more widespread, tracking systems will need to adapt. Drones follow different paths than traditional vehicles. They often take more direct routes. Tracking systems will need to display these unique flight paths accurately.

  • They might offer 3D maps showing the drone's altitude and exact location. Some systems could even provide real-time video feeds of the delivery in progress. It would allow customers to watch their package approach their doorstep literally.

3. Integration with Smart Home Devices

  • Future tracking systems could connect with smart home devices. When a package is near, it could trigger a notification on a smart doorbell or automatically open a smart garage door.

  • This integration could also work with smart locks. It allows secure deliveries even when no one is home. These features make receiving packages more convenient and reduce the risk of theft.

4. Blockchain for Transparency

  • Blockchain technology could revolutionize how shipping information is recorded and shared. It creates an unalterable, decentralized record of each step in the shipping process. This immutable ledger increases trust and transparency.

  • It's particularly useful for high-value or sensitive items. It can prove the item's journey and handling conditions. Blockchain could also optimize customs processes for international shipments. It can do this by providing a verifiable chain of custody.

5. Personalized Tracking Experiences

  • Future tracking systems will likely offer more tailored experiences. They could learn from a customer's past interactions and preferences. For instance, if a customer often checks tracks late at night, the system might schedule updates for that time.

  • It could also remember preferred communication channels. Whether that's email, SMS, or push notifications. Some customers prefer detailed updates, while others just want to know when the package arrives. The system could adjust its information density accordingly.


1. How can I create a shipment in Magento 2 and get the shipment tracking number?

To create a shipment in Magento 2, navigate to the order view page in your Magento admin panel. Click on "Create Shipment" to create a new shipment and generate a tracking number. This tracking number allows customers to track their orders in real time. It enhances the overall online shopping experience.

2. How do I configure order and shipment tracking in the latest version of Magento 2?

To configure order and shipment tracking in the latest version, go to the shipping settings. Enable the tracking features and integrate them with your preferred carriers. It ensures customers can view order tracking extensions and get shipment tracking information easily.

3. What are the benefits of using a Magento 2 order tracking extension for my online store?

Use extensions from Adobe Commerce. It allows store owners to provide real-time order tracking info. It lets customers track their orders using their order ID and email address. It also reduces customer inquiries about shipment status.

4. How can I ensure my shipment tracking is accurate and up-to-date?

Integrate your Magento shipping tracking extension with your carriers' APIs. This real-time connection will fetch the latest tracking info. It allows you to customize the shipment tracking experience for your customers. Always verify the tracking number from the Magento backend and send tracking updates via email and SMS.

5. What should I do if my customers cannot track their orders using the order ID and email address?

Check the extension compatibility and configuration. Ensure the tracking info is correctly entered in the backend and that the order tracking is compatible with your Magento version. If issues persist, contact the support email listed for your extension provider.



The Magento 2 shipment tracking feature helps provide accurate order statuses for customers. In this article, we explained the importance, issues, and future of Magento shipment tracking. Here is a quick recap:

  • Magento 2 shipment tracking enhances customer experience by providing real-time order visibility.

  • It improves inventory management by updating stock levels automatically with each shipment.

  • Shipment tracking reduces errors and customer service inquiries by offering transparency and early issue detection.

  • It provides valuable business insights through data analysis, optimizing shipping strategies, and marketing opportunities.

  • Future advancements include AI integration, drone tracking, smart home device integration, and blockchain transparency.

Scale and grow your store using managed Magento hosting options and advanced shipment tracking methods.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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