Magento 2 Review Reminder Extensions: Setup Review Reminders

Magento 2 Review Reminder Extensions: Setup Review Reminders

Do you know automated review reminders boost your store's reviews and customer engagement? Magento 2 review reminder extensions enable you to send timely and personalized emails. They encourage customers to share their valuable feedback. This article covers the top 11 Magento 2 review reminder extensions, their features, benefits, and steps to configure them effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the top 11 Magento 2 review reminder extensions that automate customer feedback requests.

  • Learn how review reminders boost product reviews, customer engagement, and SEO rankings.

  • Explore the features and benefits of each extension to find the best fit for your store.

  • Understand the importance of customizing Magento email templates and setting reminder conditions.

  • Gain insights into configuring and tracking review reminders for optimal results.

What is Magento Review Reminder?

The Magento Review Reminder extension automatically emails customers after a specified number of days. It prompts them to share their shopping experience and reminds them to give feedback or review the product.

This feature activates from the backend settings. You can select groups to receive the review reminder emails. Store owners can configure email settings by entering the number of days and the maximum number of emails for a given order. You can also clear email logs, choose the email sender, and select the email template for the review reminder.

Magento Review Reminder extension helps improve customer engagement and gather valuable feedback. It enhances the overall customer experience and increases the number of product reviews. More reviews can improve SEO rankings and boost your store's credibility. The customization options make it easy to tailor the reminders to fit your store’s needs.

Why Use Magento Review Reminder?

1. Increase Product Reviews

Why Use Magento 2 Review Reminder

The Magento Review Reminder helps increase the number of product reviews. Automated emails prompt customers to leave feedback. More reviews build trust in your products. They also provide valuable insights into customer experiences. Enhanced reviews improve your store’s credibility and reputation. Reviews act as social proof influencing potential buyers.

2. Improve SEO Rankings

Product reviews positively impact SEO rankings. More reviews mean fresh user-generated content. Search engines favor this type of content. Higher rankings lead to more visibility in search results. Increased visibility attracts more potential customers. It also enhances your store’s online presence and authority.

3. Boost Customer Engagement

Automated reminders boost customer engagement by encouraging interaction with your store. Engaged customers are more likely to return and make repeat purchases. They also spread positive word-of-mouth, attracting new customers. It leads to a more active and loyal customer base. Engaged customers feel more connected to your brand.

4. Enhance Customer Experience

Review reminders enhance the customer experience by showing that you value their feedback. Satisfied customers feel appreciated and are more likely to leave positive reviews. It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to recommend your store to others. It also helps in building a strong relationship with your customers.

5. Save Time with Automation

Magento Review Reminder extension automates the review request process, saving store owners time. There is no need for manual follow-ups as the system handles it all. It allows you to focus on other important tasks. Automation ensures that reviews are consistently requested. It streamlines your operations and improves efficiency.

6. Gain Valuable Insights

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into customer preferences and experiences. They help you identify areas for improvement and guide product enhancements. Insights from reviews can lead to better products and services. Understanding customer needs can improve your business strategy. It helps in making informed decisions based on actual feedback.

7. Customize Email Reminders

The extension offers customizable email reminders that can be tailored to match your store's branding. You can choose templates, email senders, and schedules. Customization ensures a personalized approach, making emails more effective. It increases the likelihood of receiving reviews from customers. Personalized emails resonate better with recipients.

Top 11 Magento 2 Review Reminder Extensions

1. Sparsh Magento 2 Review Reminder Extension

Sparsh Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Sparsh Magento 2 Review Reminder Extension
Features - Send automated review reminders
- Schedule email reminders
- Customizable email templates
- Multi-store support
- Admin notifications
- Detailed analytics
Benefits Boosts customer engagement.
Increases product reviews.
Improves SEO rankings.
Enhances customer satisfaction.
Saves time with automation
Gains insights with analytics.
Price N/A

2. Meetanshi Magento 2 Review Reminder

Meetanshi Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Meetanshi Magento 2 Review Reminder
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Set reminder frequency
- Multi-store support
- Schedule emails
- Admin notifications
Benefits Enhances customer loyalty.
Increases review quantity.
Improves brand trust.
Boosts SEO performance.
Saves administrative time.
Monitors reminder effectiveness.
Price Starts at $49.00.

3. MageComp Magento 2 Review Reminder

MageComp Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link MageComp Magento 2 Review Reminder
Features - Email reminder scheduling
- Customizable emails
- Multi-store support
- Admin control panel
- Review reminders analytics
- Automated processes
Benefits Increases customer feedback.
Improves product visibility.
Enhances SEO.
Saves time with automation.
Gains valuable insights.
Strengthens customer relationships.
Price $49.00

4. Aheadworks Review Reminder Extension for Magento 2

AheadWorks Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Aheadworks Review Reminder Extension for Magento 2
Features - Customizable email templates
- Automatic reminders
- Multi-store support
- Schedule email dispatch
- Comprehensive analytics
- Admin notifications
Benefits Enhances customer interactions.
Increases the number of reviews.
Boosts SEO performance.
Saves time with automation.
Gets detailed insights.
Improves customer retention.
Price Starts at $84.00.

5. MageAnts Review Reminder for Magento 2

MageAnts Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link MageAnts Review Reminder for Magento 2
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Multi-store support
- Admin control
- Review analytics
- Schedule email reminders
Benefits Increases review counts.
Enhances customer engagement.
Improves search engine rankings.
Saves admin time.
Gains valuable insights.
Boosts customer loyalty.
Price Starts at $49.00.

6. Mageplaza Magento 2 Review Reminder

MagePlaza Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Mageplaza Magento 2 Review Reminder
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable email templates
- Multi-store support
- Schedule email reminders
- Analytics and reports
- Admin notifications
Benefits Increases product reviews
Enhances customer satisfaction
Improves Optimized SEM and boosted SERP rankings.
Saves time with automation.
Gains insights.
Strengthens customer relationships.
Price Starts at $79.00

7. BSS Commerce Magento 2 Review Reminder Extension

BSS Commerce Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link BSS Commerce Magento 2 Review Reminder Extension
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Multi-store support
- Email scheduling
- Analytics and reports
- Admin control
Benefits Increases review numbers.
Enhances customer interaction.
Better search engine performance.
Saves administrative time.
Gains useful insights.
Strengthens brand trust.
Price Starts at $79.00

8. Plumrocket Magento Advanced Reviews & Reminders

Plumrocket Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Plumrocket Magento Advanced Reviews & Reminders
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Multi-store support
- Schedule reminders
- Advanced analytics
- Admin notifications
Benefits Increases customer feedback.
Enhanced rankings in search engine ranking pages.
Improves customer loyalty.
Saves admin time.
Gets detailed reports.
Boosts product visibility.
Price Starts at $199.00

9. Magmodules Magento 2 Product Review Reminder

Magmodules Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Magmodules Magento 2 Product Review Reminder
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Multi-store support
- Email scheduling
- Analytics and reports
- Admin notifications
Benefits Increases customer reviews.
Optimized SEO ranking.
Enhances customer satisfaction.
Saves time with automation.
Gains valuable insights.
Strengthens brand trust.
Price Starts at €79.00.

10. Itoris Magento 2 Review Reminder

Itoris Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Itoris Magento 2 Review Reminder
Features - Automated review reminders
- Customizable email templates
- Multi-store support
- Email scheduling
- Analytics and reports
- Admin control
Benefits Increases product reviews.
Enhances positioning in different search engines.
Improves customer satisfaction.
Saves admin time.
Strengthens customer loyalty, engagement, and Magento UX.
Price N/A.

11. Webkul Magento2 Multi-Vendor Review Reminder

Webkul Magento 2 Review Reminder

Details Explanations
Extension Link Webkul Magento2 Multi-Vendor Review Reminder
Features - Automated email reminders
- Customizable templates
- Multi-store support
- Vendor-specific reminders
- Analytics and reports
- Admin notifications
Benefits Increases vendor reviews.
Increase search engine marketing and search engine optimization.
Enhances customer satisfaction.
Saves time with automation.
Gains valuable insights.
Strengthens vendor relationships.
Price $99.00

3 Steps to Configure Magento 2 Review Reminder

Step 1: Create a Rule

Creating Rule for Magento 2 Review Reminder

  • Compose the reminder message.

  • Define an email subject.

  • Decide when the reminder should be sent.

  • Preview the reminder email to ensure proper display.

Step 2: Set Conditions

Setting Conditions in Magento 2 Review Reminder

  • Choose the store view and customer group to receive the reminder.

  • Narrow down the audience using a shopping cart and product attribute conditions.

Step 3: Save the Rule

Saving Rule in Magento 2 Review Reminder

  • Click the save button.

  • Track scheduled and sent reminders in the mail log.

  • Enjoy the results.


1. How does the Magento Review Reminder module work?

The Magento Review Reminder module sends review reminder emails to customers automatically. It triggers based on specific order statuses. The system uses cron jobs to schedule and send these emails. It helps maintain consistent communication with customers.

2. Can I customize the review reminder emails?

Yes, you can customize the review reminder emails. The module allows you to choose email templates, subjects, and senders. You can tailor the messages to match your store's branding. It ensures a personalized approach for each shopper.

3. How can I track the performance of the review reminders?

The module includes a review reminder log. This log helps you monitor emails that have been sent and their statuses. You can track how many emails were opened and how many reviews were received. This data with dedicated Magento hosting helps you improve your conversion rate.

4. What are the benefits of using this product review module?

Using this product review module helps increase customer feedback and reviews. It improves your store's SEO and credibility. Automated reminders save time and enhance customer engagement. They also provide valuable insights into customer experiences.

5. How frequently does the module send review reminders?

The module allows you to set the frequency for sending review reminder emails. You can configure it to automatically send emails after a specific number of days. The system uses cron jobs to ensure timely delivery. It keeps your customers engaged without manual effort.



Magento 2 review reminder extensions help you increase product reviews, improve customer engagement, and boost your store's performance. By automating the review request process you can:

  • Save time and streamline your operations.

  • Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and experiences.

  • Enhance your store's SEO rankings and online visibility.

  • Build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  • Foster stronger relationships with your existing customers.

Consider a managed Magento hosting solution to integrate review reminders into Magento stores easily.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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