How Magento 2 Redis Config Raises Memory-Based Storage?

How Magento 2 Redis Config Raises Memory-Based Storage?

Does your Magento store handle heavy traffic well? Magento 2 Redis Config makes your caching and session management better. It raises your site speed and ability to grow by storing data in memory. This article shows how to use Redis to make your Magento 2 store faster.

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Key Takeaways

  • Redis raises performance by storing cache data in memory.

  • It lets you scale better, handling more traffic without hurting performance.

  • Data stays safe, so no information gets lost, even during server restarts.

  • Redis cleans up old cache on its own, keeping your system running well.

  • Cache tagging and session management make user experience better and cut server load.

What is Magento 2 Redis Config?

Magento 2 Redis improves performance using Redis as cache backend and session storage. Redis stores data in memory, which keeps it fast.

It beats old file storage in speed. Magento 2 uses Redis for cache, sessions, and full-page cache. It cuts the time to fetch data. Redis lets Magento handle big data amounts with ease. It speeds up your store’s response time.

To set up Redis in Magento 2, edit the env.php file. You set the Redis server’s IP and port for cache storage. Redis can also handle session storage, cutting database load. Redis supports compression to save space. It also keeps data safe, even during server restarts. Magento 2 Redis Config raises ability to grow for big or busy stores.

Role of Magento Redis Cache Config for Top Store Speed

Feature Explanation
In-memory Storage Redis stores all data in memory, so retrieval stays fast. It cuts disk access delays. It makes the store faster. It cuts response times. RAM storage works well for big catalogs.
Full-Page Cache (FPC) Redis stores whole pages in memory. It makes pages load faster. It cuts the need to remake pages. It cuts server load. FPC matters for busy stores.
Session Management Redis stores session data in memory. It makes things faster. Database sessions can slow things down. Redis gives fast access to sessions. It makes user interactions faster.
Ability to Grow Redis can scale up and out. It handles more data as the store grows. Adding Redis servers lets it handle more demand. It keeps performance up during busy times.
Cache Tagging Redis supports cache tags. It groups related cache entries. You can clear specific groups instead of all data. It keeps performance steady. It keeps only needed data updated.
Data Safety Redis offers data safety. It can save data to disk. It keeps things reliable. Data stays after a server restart. Redis offers RDB snapshots and AOF logs.
Automatic Cache Cleanup Redis cleans up cache on its own. It stops cache data from getting too big. It keeps performance top-notch. Old cache entries get removed. It keeps the system running well.
Compression Redis offers compression. It cuts memory use. Magento cache entries get compressed. It lets more data fit in memory. It makes load times faster and handles bigger datasets.
Multi-Server Support Redis works across many servers. It spreads data among servers. It makes speed and availability better. Data syncs across servers. It keeps performance fast during busy times.

How Magento 2 Redis Page Caching Makes Data Caching Better

Step 1: In-memory Data Storage

Redis stores data in memory. Data retrieval stays fast. No need to access slow disk storage. Faster responses make the site faster.

Step 2: Full-Page Caching

Redis stores whole pages in memory. Pages load faster. It cuts the need to remake pages. FPC lowers server load, especially during busy times.

Step 3: Good Session Management

Magento 2 Redis Config for Session Management

Redis stores session data in memory. It avoids slow database storage. Session responses get faster. User experience turns faster and smoother.

Step 4: Cache Tagging

Redis uses cache tags to group related cache. Only specific cache groups get cleared. It keeps needed data up-to-date. It saves time and memory.

Step 5: Automatic Cache Cleanup

Redis cleans up old cache entries on its own. No manual cleanup needed. It keeps the cache manageable. It keeps performance fast and memory use top-notch.

Step 6: Data Safety

Redis keeps Magento data persistence. Cached data stays after a server restart. Magento 2 stays fast and reliable. Redis recovers fast after restarts.

Step 7: Compression of Cache Data

Redis uses compression for cache data. It cuts memory use. More data fits in the same memory. It makes cache work better.

Step 8: Multi-Server Cache Sharing

Redis shares cache across many servers. Data stays available, no matter which server handles the request. It cuts delay and makes things work better.

Step 9: Ability to Grow for Growing Stores

Redis can scale up and out. You can add more Redis servers as your store grows. It keeps Magento 2 running well, even with more data and users.

Benefits of Using Redis for Magento 2 in Multi-Server Setups

1. Better Performance Across Servers

Better Performance via Magento 2 Redis Config

Redis raises performance in multi-server setups by storing all cache data in memory. It cuts the need to access slower disk storage. It makes response times better. Each server can access the same data. It leads to faster load times for customers. Redis also makes your Magento store more steady. All servers use the same cache, so data stays the same across the system. It cuts errors from old data. Customers always get accurate info fast.

2. Faster Data Access

Redis lets servers access data faster by storing cache in memory. Servers grab data much quicker than from disk storage. Data access time drops a lot with Redis. Without Redis, each server would need to remake the same data. That would slow things down. For busy stores with high traffic, Redis makes a big difference in site speed.

3. Ability to Grow for High Traffic

Redis scales well. It handles more traffic by letting you add more servers. Redis can scale up (by adding resources to current servers) and out (by adding more servers). It makes Redis great for growing Magento stores with more needs. Even during peak traffic, Redis keeps your store quick.

4. Lower Server Load

Redis cuts server load in multi-server setups. It stores cache data in one place, so servers don’t need to make it. All servers access the same data, stopping overload. It lowers the number of tasks needed. Redis makes the whole system’s performance better by cutting load on single servers.

5. Reliability and High Availability

Redis keeps things available by copying cache data across many servers. If one server fails, others keep serving customers. Redis supports data safety, saving cache data to disk. It keeps data recoverable after a restart. Redis keeps your store running well, even during hardware or server failures.

6. Better Load Balancing

Redis pairs well with load balancers to spread traffic across servers. It sends requests to the least busy server. All servers share the same cache, keeping things steady. Redis makes performance better by stopping one server from getting too busy. It cuts server strain by spreading the load.

7. Simpler Cache Management

Cache Management via Magento 2 Redis Config

Redis makes cache management easier in multi-server setups. All servers use the same cache, so updates stay simple. Using cache tags, Redis groups related cache entries. It lets you clear or update specific groups without touching others. It keeps your data current without hurting performance.

8. Better Resource Use

Redis uses resources better by cutting memory needs on each server. Instead of each server holding duplicate data, Redis stores it in one place in memory. It lets each server access the same cache data. It cuts total memory use across the system.

9. Better Security

Redis makes security better by storing sensitive data in memory, not on disk. It cuts the risk of data leaks from file system weaknesses. Redis supports encryption for data moving between servers, keeping sensitive info safe. By controlling cache access, Redis keeps only allowed servers able to access key data.

9 Ideas for Optimizing Magento 2 Redis Configuration for Scalability & Growth

1. Set Up Redis for Different Databases

Use different Redis databases for cache and sessions. Set them apart in your env.php file. It stops data overlap and makes performance better. Assign one database for cache and another for sessions. It keeps data organized and grows well.

2. Raise Redis Memory Limits

Set a bigger memory limit in your Redis config. Give Redis enough memory to handle more data. More memory lets Redis store more cache. Watch RAM use and change limits as needed. Proper memory helps Redis handle high traffic without slowdowns.

3. Turn On Redis Data Safety

Magento 2 Redis Config for Data Safety

Turn on data safety to save data after restarts. Use RDB snapshots or AOF logging for data safety. Set safety options in the Redis config. It stops data loss during server failures. Safety raises data recovery and reliability.

4. Use Redis Cluster for Outward Growth

Set up a Redis cluster to grow out. Spread data across many Redis nodes. Share the load among servers for better performance. Use sharding to split big datasets. A Redis cluster helps grow for high-traffic stores.

5. Set Good Cache Expiry Times

Set right cache expiry times for each cache group. Short expiry keeps data current and saves memory. Redis clears old cache on its own. Use cache tags to organize related cache data. It keeps memory use and performance good.

6. Check Redis Performance Often

Use redis-cli or tools to track performance. Watch CPU use and memory use. Check delay to stop slowdowns. Checking often catches growth issues early. Change settings based on Magento scaling data.

7. Compress Cache Data

Turn on compression for cache data. Use gzip or LZ4 to compress big entries. Compressing cuts memory use. Set compression levels for big data. It helps store more data with fewer resources.

8. Pair Redis with Load Balancers

Pair Redis with load balancers. Load balancers spread requests across many Redis nodes. It stops one node from getting too busy. Use sticky sessions to keep user data. It raises ability to grow and keeps uptime.

9. Limit Connection Timeouts

Set timeouts for Redis connections. Skip long timeouts to keep the store quick. Change connection retries for speed and reliability. Set a reasonable read timeout to avoid delays. Fine-tuning makes growth and interaction speed better.

Magento 2 Redis Cache vs. Other Caching Options

Feature Magento 2 Redis Memcached File System Cache Varnish
Storage Type In-memory (RAM-based). In-memory (RAM-based). Disk-based. In-memory (RAM-based, HTTP accelerator).
Speed Very fast. Data stays in memory. Very fast. Redis scales better and keeps data safe. Slower. Uses disk read/write. Very fast. Made to speed up HTTP responses.
Ability to Grow Scales well. Supports up and out growth. Scales but lacks data safety. No advanced features like Redis. Limited growth. File storage slows with high traffic. Scales well. Great for high-traffic sites.
Data Safety Supports safety with RDB snapshots and AOF logs. No safety by default. No safety. Data lost if server restarts. No safety. Only caches HTTP responses.
Cache Tags Supports cache tags. Lets you clear specific cache. No cache tags. No cache tags. Needs full cache clear by hand. Supports cache invalidation and surrogate keys. Like cache tags.
Compression Supports compression to cut memory use. No data compression. No compression. Supports gzip for HTTP responses.
Ease of Setup Simple to set up with Magento 2. Needs Redis server. Simple to set up. Not as good as Redis for big setups. Simple setup, but less good and slower. Needs setup for Magento. Best for frontend caching.
Multi-Server Support Supports multi-server setups. Great for big stores. Supports multi-server setups. Lacks advanced features like Redis. Not good for multi-server setups. Slower file handling. Great for multi-server setups. Handles high traffic well.
Use Case Great for big Magento stores with high traffic. Good for caching small data sets. Lacks data safety. Good for small to medium stores with limited traffic. Great for high-traffic stores. Speeds up HTTP responses.

9 Best Ways for Setting Up Magento 2 with Redis

1. Use Redis for Cache and Session Storage

Using Redis for both cache and session storage makes performance better. Redis stores data in memory, which speeds up access. It cuts database load. Setting Redis for both gives faster access to session data and cache. Update the env.php file to set Redis as the backend for cache and sessions. It raises performance and cuts strain on the database.

2. Turn On Data Safety

Turn on data safety in Redis to avoid losing data during restarts. Use RDB snapshots or AOF logs for data backup. It keeps data recoverable fast if something fails. Safety matters for big stores with key data. It also makes store reliability better and keeps data available after server failures.

3. Set Up Redis in Cluster Mode

Magento 2 Redis Config for Cluster Redis Setup

Set up Redis in cluster mode for outward growth. It lets data spread across many nodes. Growing makes sure your store can handle high traffic. Cluster mode also offers failover, so if one node fails, another takes over. It keeps uptime and performance better as your store grows.

4. Use Right Cache Expiry Times

Set cache expiry times based on your store’s needs. Short expiry keeps data current and clears memory. Set longer expiry for static data that doesn’t change often. Use cache tags to clear specific data, keeping the rest. Good cache management keeps your store running well and fast.

5. Check Redis Performance Often

Check Redis performance often with tools like redis-cli. Track CPU use, memory use, and cache hit rates. High memory use may show caching issues. Checking lets you find and fix performance problems fast. Regular checks keep Redis working well as your store grows.

6. Turn On Compression for Cache Data

Turn on compression to cut Redis memory use. Compress big cache entries to store more data in the same memory. Use gzip or LZ4 to compress cache. It makes memory use better and lets you handle more data. It also keeps your Redis setup able to grow and cost-effective.

7. Set Redis Connection Timeouts

Set right connection timeouts to stop slowdowns. Use read and write timeouts for fast responses. Set a retry policy for failed connections to avoid overload. Long timeouts can slow the system. Fine-tuning these settings makes performance and interactions better.

8. Use a Dedicated Redis Server

Use a dedicated Redis server for best performance. It stops resource fights with other services. A dedicated server makes sure Redis has enough CPU and memory for fast work. It also makes growing simpler as your store grows. A dedicated Redis server keeps your Magento store fast and running well.

9. Use Redis for Full-Page Caching

Set up Redis for Full-Page Caching (FPC). FPC stores whole pages in memory for quick access. It cuts backend load and speeds up page load times. It helps high-traffic stores. Redis FPC makes response times fast and user experience better.


1. What is Redis Cache in Magento?

Redis Cache in Magento stores data in memory for quick access. It makes store performance better by cutting database load. Magento can use Redis for default caching, page caching, and PHP session storage. It makes the store quicker and running well.

2. How do I set up Magento to use Redis for caching?

To set up Magento for Redis, set the server details in the env.php file. Set the database number to 0 for default and 1 for page caching. Turn on redis default and set the cache file location. You need this if you use Redis for caching.

3. What is the default value for the Redis database number?

The default value for Redis database number is 0. Redis uses 0 by default for cache work. You can change it by setting the database number in the env.php file. It helps handle different types of caches in Magento.

4. How do Redis page caching and default caching differ?

Redis page caching stores whole pages in memory, making pages load faster. Default caching in Redis stores smaller bits like blocks or Magento variables. Both types cut load times and make performance better. Redis page caching matters for high-traffic stores.

5. How do I set the database number in Magento's Redis setup?

To set the database number, edit the env.php file. Set the database number to 0 for default and 1 for page caching. It sets up Redis to store and handle cache well. You can also change the number based on your needs.

6. Can I use Redis without changing the default cache settings?

Yes, you can turn on Redis default caching without changing settings. It uses database number 0 by default. But, you may need to set more in the env.php file to make page cache or session storage better.

7. What are tags in files and why do they matter for Redis caching?

Tags in files group cache entries. Redis supports cache tagging to clear specific cache parts. It helps when updating only certain cache parts, like tags in files. It cuts the need for a full cache scan, making speed better.



Magento 2 Redis Config is a strong tool for speeding up your store. It makes caching, session management, and ability to grow better. Main benefits are:

  • Faster Data Access: Redis stores data in memory for quicker access.

  • Better Ability to Grow: Redis handles growing traffic with ease.

  • Better Performance: Central cache cuts server load.

  • Better Reliability: Redis keeps data safe with safety features.

  • Good Cache Management: Automatic cache cleanup keeps your system running well.

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Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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