A Complete Guide to Managing Magento 2 Price Scope Settings

A Complete Guide to Managing Magento 2 Price Scope Settings

Are you looking to optimize product pricing in Magento 2? Magento 2 Price Scope helps you manage and adjust pricing across different levels, such as global, website, and store views.

This article will cover the different strategies to manage the scope of Magento 2's price.

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Key Takeaways

  • Steps to configure Magento 2 price scope settings.
  • Types and comparison between various scope levels.
  • Advanced features for configuring multiple store views and customer groups.
  • Benefits of managing product pricing across different store views, websites, or customer groups.
  • Tips to enhance and optimize your Magento store performance.
  • Troubleshooting common issues when configuring pricing strategies in Magento.

What is the Impact of Setting the Price Scope under the Magento Product Price Section?

In Magento, pricing can be configured at different levels. It allows for flexibility depending on your business model. The base currency used for product pricing can be applied globally or at the website level.

By default, product prices are configured at the global level. It means the same price is applied universally throughout your store hierarchy. Businesses with multiple websites can choose to configure the base currency and product prices at the website level. It allows them to offer different pricing structures in various regions.

There are several factors affecting price at different scope levels, such as:

  • Shipping Costs: Products in different regions may incur varying distribution costs. It can affect their pricing.

  • Local Taxes and Regulations: Different tax rates & legal regulations in various regions might necessitate different pricing.

  • Currency Differences: In cases where the base currency is set differently for each website or store, the product price will adjust accordingly.

For example, a product sold in the U.S. might have a different price from the same product sold in Europe. It is due to factors like taxes, shipping costs, or currency exchange rates. Magento 2’s scope feature allows these variations to be managed at the appropriate level.

Magento 2 Web Store Price Scope vs Global Price Scope

Feature Global Price Scope Website Price Scope
Price Consistency Single price throughout the store hierarchy Different prices per website level
Currency Management Uses one base currency across all stores Flexible base currency per website
Product Pricing Control Centralized pricing management Independent pricing for each website
Market Adaptation Limited regional price adjustments Accommodates regional pricing strategies
Regional Demand Cannot adjust for local demand variations Flexible pricing based on regional demand patterns
Market Costs Fixed cost structure across all stores Adaptable to market-specific costs
Competition Response Limited ability to match local competitors Dynamic pricing adjustments per market
Distribution Management Standard distribution pricing Variable distribution expenses per region
Pricing Strategy One-size-fits-all approach Targeted pricing strategies per website
Brand Management Consistent brand pricing globally Flexible while maintaining brand integrity
Currency Flexibility Single base currency setup Multiple currency management options in Magento
Implementation Effort Simple setup and maintenance More complex but offers greater control
Shipping Integration Uniform shipping cost structure Customizable shipping costs per website
Price Rule Application Global catalog price rules Website-specific price rules
Customer Group Pricing Consistent across all stores Can vary by website
Inventory Management Centralized stock management Website-specific inventory tracking

What is the Scope of the Base Currency in Magento 2?

The base currency for product prices can be configured at the global or website level. When set at the global level, all stores within your Magento instance will use the same base currency. But, if you want to set different currencies for different websites, you can configure this at the website level. This flexibility is beneficial for businesses operating internationally.

If the base currency is set at the website level, the product pricing will differ based on the local currency of the website associated with each store.

For example, in a multisite installation, you may have one website serving the U.S. market and another serving the European market. If you set the base currency to "USD" for the U.S. website and "EUR" for the European website, each store under these websites will display product prices in the respective currencies.

This setup allows for pricing adjustments that account for local economic factors. For example:

It configures this while maintaining separate product pricing configurations for different markets.

Differences between Multisite Installation with the Base Price of Products & Default Display Currency

Feature Base Price Configuration Display Currency Setup
Base Currency Set by the store's base currency Can differ from the base currency
Price Display Prices in the backend based on the base currency Displayed prices depend on the customer's region or currency setup
Multi-Currency Support Prices internally converted based on exchange rates Customer-facing prices change based on the selected currency
Currency Control One base currency per website Multiple allowed currencies per store view in Magento
Transaction Processing Used for all payment processing Only for frontend display purposes
Price Calculation Original product price setting Calculated using base price × currency rate
Configuration Location Catalog > Price section Currency Setup > Currency Options
Update Frequency Requires manual price updates Can use automated currency rate updates
Store View Flexibility Limited to website scope Independent per-store view
Payment Processing Determines actual transaction amount Doesn't affect the final payment amount
Market Adaptation Sets baseline for all conversions Enables local market display
Cache Dependencies Requires full reindex Simple cache refresh needed
API Integration Used in all API transactions Frontend display only

Magento Price Scope Product Types

1. Global Scope

The global scope applies settings universally across all websites, stores, and store views. It means that the same price applies across all stores and store views within the Magento setup. Any configuration applied at this level impacts the entire system. If you configure a setting, it will be used across all your websites and stores. A few examples of configuring settings include:

  • Base currency
  • Default tax rate at the global level

A use case for global scope is when you need consistent settings for all aspects of your business, such as:

  • A unified tax configuration
  • A universal shipping method across all regions

2. Website Scope

The website scope restricts your settings to a specific website, including its:

  • Child stores
  • Store views

The website level is ideal for businesses that operate multiple websites targeting different regions or customer bases. It allows for region-specific pricing or market-driven pricing variations.

For instance, if you have a website for the U.S. and another for Europe, you can configure different:

  • Base currencies
  • Shipping methods
  • Promotional offers

The website scope allows for a more customized configuration. It does not affect other websites in your Magento setup.

While the website scope can have distinct settings, these settings will still apply to all stores and store views associated with the website.

3. Store Scope

The store scope limits configuration settings to a specific store. It makes these necessary changes along with its associated store views. This level is most useful when you need to apply settings unique to a particular store. It also allows you to propagate across all store views under that store.

For example, if you have different product assortments or pricing structures for specific stores, you can apply store-specific settings such as:

  • Product visibility
  • Shipping methods
  • Payment gateways

The store scope is especially beneficial for multi-store configurations in Magento. Here, each store serves a different market or customer segment. But it shares a common website-level configuration.

4. Store View Scope

store view scope in magento 2 for localized pricing strategies

The store view scope is the most granular level of configuration in Magento. It allows you to apply settings specific to individual store views. Store views are often used to accommodate different languages, currencies, or regional preferences. They are vital for businesses with an international reach.

For example, if you have a store targeting French-speaking customers and another for English speakers, the store view scope will help you set different:

  • Languages
  • Currency displays
  • Product details

A typical application of store view scope is setting languages for each store view. It ensures that customers see content in their preferred language. Similarly, product prices can be adjusted per store view. They help you reflect regional price variations. It is the most detailed level of configuration. It is usually used to create personalized experiences for different customer segments.

Multiple Store View Pricing Strategies & Currency Setups with Default Magento 2 Price Scope

Feature Default Magento 2 Capabilities Advanced Store View Strategy
Base Currency Setup A single base currency for transactions Currency configuration per store view
Price Scope Levels Global or website-level pricing Store view-specific pricing options
Currency Display Multiple display currencies allowed Automatic currency switching based on location
Payment Processing A single base currency for all transactions Store-specific payment currency handling
Customer Experience Standard currency display Localized currency presentation
Pricing Flexibility Limited to website level Full store view level control
Market Adaptation Basic regional pricing Advanced market-specific pricing
Regional Control Website-level price management Granular store view price control
Customer Targeting Basic customer group pricing in Magento Advanced demographic-based pricing
Website Configuration Standard price settings Custom price configurations per website
Store View Management Basic store view settings (region/currency) Enhanced store view price controls
Currency Conversion Automatic through WebserviceX Manual rate configuration options
Tax Calculations Based on the base currency Store view specific tax rules
Shipping Costs Global shipping rates Location-based shipping prices
Import/Export Basic price import functionality Advanced CSV import for store-specific prices
API Support Standard REST API in Magento Extended GraphQL support
Price Rounding Global rounding rules Store-specific price rounding
Promotional Pricing Website level promotions Store view-specific campaigns
Customer Group Pricing Global-level customer group prices (e.g., VIPs, Wholesalers) Store-specific group pricing
Special Pricing Website-level special prices Store view level promotions
Tier Pricing Global tier price structure Store-specific tier pricing

Advanced Price Scope Features with Magento 2 Base Currency Scope

1. Catalog Price Rules Integration

i. Dynamic Rule Application

Price rules in Magento operate at either the global or website level. It enables automated price adjustments across your store hierarchy.

ii. Conditional Pricing

Create sophisticated pricing logic based on the following:

2. Special Price Configuration

i. Time-Based Pricing

Schedule special prices with precise control over:

  • Start and end dates
  • Website-specific promotions
  • Currency-specific discounts

ii. Advanced Price Scheduling

Configure special prices through:

  • Bulk updates via CSV
  • API integrations
  • Real-time price synchronization with external systems
  • Complex pricing rules based on external data
  • Integration with ERP and PIM systems
  • Automated scheduling tools

3. Customer Group Pricing

i. Segmented Price Strategy

Define unique pricing structures for:

  • Wholesale buyers
  • VIP customers
  • Retail purchasers

ii. Multi-Currency Group Rates

Set different base currency rates per customer group while maintaining the following:

  • Consistent profit margins
  • Market-specific pricing
  • Volume-based discounts

4. Tier Price Management

i. Quantity-Based Pricing

Structure tier prices with:

  • Progressive discounts
  • Minimum purchase requirements
  • Group-specific thresholds

ii. Currency-Specific Tiers

Implement tier pricing in Magento that accounts for the following:

  • Local market conditions
  • Currency fluctuations
  • Regional buying power

5. Base Currency Integration

base currency integration for multisite pricing in magento 2

i. Multi-Store Currency Setup

Configure base currency settings for:

  • Different websites
  • Multiple store views
  • Various market regions

ii. Exchange Rate Management

Maintain pricing accuracy through:

  • Automated rate updates
  • Manual rate adjustments
  • Scheduled synchronization

Best Practices for Changing Magento 2 Price Scope to Store View

Aspect Best Practice Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Configuration Setup Use dedicated extensions for store-view pricing. Attempting manual code modifications without expertise
Base Currency Configure unique base currency per store view Using single currency across all store views.
Price Management Set different prices for each store view independently. Applying global changes without considering local markets
Customer Groups Configure separate pricing for different customer segments. Using the same tier prices across all store views
Store Hierarchy Maintain a clear store view structure. Mixing website and store view level configurations
Cache Management Refresh cache after price scope changes. Forgetting to clear cache after configuration
Product Pricing Consider regional factors for each store view. Ignoring shipping costs and local demand
Currency Display Set appropriate display currency per store view. Mismatching base and display currencies
API Integration Implement proper API support for price updates. Overlooking automated price management
Multi-Store Setup Create distinct pricing strategies per market. Using identical pricing across all regions
Import/Export Use CSV for bulk price updates per store view. Manual price updates for multiple store views in Magento
Special Pricing Configure store-specific promotional prices. Global special prices without local consideration
Price Monitoring Regularly track price changes across views. Inconsistent price checks leading to discrepancies
Currency Updates Scheduled currency rate synchronization. Neglecting exchange rate maintenance
Hierarchy Control Implement a systematic price structure maintenance system. Unclear pricing authority between store levels

Benefits of Setting Price Scope in your Magento 2 Store

1. Market-Specific Pricing Control

i. Regional Price Optimization

Price scope enables you to adjust product prices based on the following:

  • Regional demand
  • Shipping costs
  • Market conditions
  • Dynamic pricing based on local competitor analysis
  • Regional operating costs and profit margins
  • Seasonal pricing variations specific to each market

You can maintain competitive pricing across different locations while preserving profit margins.

ii. Currency Management

Configure base currency settings for each website level. It can help reduce cart abandonment and increase conversion rates in your store. You can also ensure customers see prices in their preferred currency by:

  • Handling complex tax calculations across multiple jurisdictions
  • Managing exchange rate fluctuations automatically
  • Maintaining profit margins despite currency value changes

2. Enhanced Customer Segmentation

customer segmentation with magento 2 price scope settings

i. Targeted Group Pricing

Implement specialized pricing strategies for different customer segments in Magento, such as:

  • Wholesale buyers receive bulk discounts
  • VIP customers get exclusive rates
  • New customers see introductory prices

Create targeted promotional strategies for specific demographics & enable volume-based pricing tiers per region. You can also facilitate B2B and B2C pricing on the same platform.

ii. Dynamic Price Rules

Create sophisticated pricing logic that automatically adjusts based on the following:

  • Customer behavior patterns
  • Shopping cart conditions
  • Seasonal variations

3. Operational Efficiency with Market Expansion Capabilities

i. Centralized Control

Manage prices either globally or at the website level. It simplifies your pricing strategy across multiple store views. This centralization reduces administrative overhead and pricing errors. You can enable scheduled pricing changes for different time zones. It allows you to simplify bulk price updates across multiple stores.

ii. Automated Management

Leverage advanced features for:

  • Bulk price updates
  • Scheduled price changes
  • API-driven price modifications

iii. Multi-Store Management

Price scope facilitates expansion into new markets by allowing:

  • Location-specific pricing strategies
  • Regional cost factor adjustments
  • Market-specific promotional pricing

Common Issues & Solutions with Default Store Catalog Price Scope in Magento 2 Extensions

Issue Impact Solution
Cache and Index Issues Price changes not reflecting Reindex catalog price in Magento using the CLI command and clear cache.
Attribute Scope Conflicts Price rules not applying correctly Verify attribute configuration for promo rule conditions.
Store View Configuration Inconsistent pricing across views Configure price scope settings per store view requirements.
Currency Setup Problems Incorrect price display Set proper base currency and display currency configurations.
Extension Conflicts Price rules not working Disable conflicting third-party modules temporarily.
Cron Job Failures Automated price updates not running Ensure cron jobs are properly configured and running.
Multiple Website Pricing Inconsistent global prices Set appropriate website-level price scope.
Customer Group Pricing Wrong prices for specific groups Verify customer group configurations and price rules.
Special Price Issues Special prices not applying Check special price date ranges and configurations.
Base Currency Conflicts Currency conversion problems Configure base currency scope correctly per website.
Price Import/Export Bulk price updates failing Use the correct CSV format for store-view-specific pricing.
Rule Priority Conflicts Overlapping price rules Set proper rule priorities to avoid conflicts.
Regional Pricing Incorrect local market prices Configure website-specific pricing strategies.
Tier Price Problems Tier pricing not working Verify tier price settings per store view.
Indexer Updates Outdated price information Schedule regular indexer updates.

How to Configure Price Scope in Magento 2?

By default, product prices are set globally across your Magento instance. This means that if you have multiple stores (websites), the same price will be displayed for all of them.

If you want to set different prices for each website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog.
  2. Under Price, change the 'Catalog Price Scope' to "Website".

setting catalog price scope to website level in magento 2

Note: This change allows you to configure different prices for each website.

Next, to configure different currencies for each website, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the General > Currency Setup > Currency Options.
  2. Switch the store and set the 'Default Display Currency' for each website.

configuring default display currency for store views in magento 2

Note: Changing the price scope to "Website" allows you to adjust pricing at the website level. But, it does not allow you to set different prices per store view.

To display prices in different currencies on the front end, follow the steps given below:

  1. Configure multi-currency support.
  2. Set up an automatic currency switcher in Magento.


1. How does installation with the base currency affect pricing in Magento 2?

Magento 2 allows you to set the base currency during installation. It affects how product prices are displayed across multiple websites. The base currency impacts product pricing. It ensures consistency throughout the store hierarchy and helps with easier currency management.

2. Can products be available at different prices in Magento?

Yes, products can be available at different prices based on store view or website scope. The product price depends on multiple factors like customer group, location, & specific settings. You can configure the price scope in Magento. It allows you to display different prices depending on the store view or customer segment.

3. What is the cost of bringing the product into the store play in Magento 2?

Bringing a product into your store determines its availability and price configuration. In Magento, once a product is added, its price is defined by the catalog price scope. Go to the Product Edit page. Then, configure different pricing strategies for different store views or customer groups.

4. How does Magento affect the price scope of products?

The price of a product in Magento can be affected by various factors. These include the catalog price scope, customer group, tier pricing, and promotional discounts. Product prices are consistent. They depend on the store view and currency settings. It allows flexibility for different prices across websites and store views.

5. What is the catalog price scope in Magento 2?

The catalog price scope is the configuration that determines where the product price applies. It allows you to set one price globally or at a website/store level. The scope on the upper left of the configuration page helps define how product prices appear across different store views or websites.

6. How does the default display currency impact pricing in Magento 2?

The default display currency affects how product prices are shown to customers. Magento pricing enables you to set the default display currency for each store view. Currency and default display currency settings can be configured per store. It affects how product prices are presented to customers from different regions.

7. How do store view and customer group settings impact product pricing in Magento?

Store view & customer group settings allow you to set different prices for products. Prices can be adjusted based on the customer’s location or group. It provides a personalized and flexible shopping experience. Offering one price for general customers or different pricing for special groups.



The Magento 2 Price Scope feature is beneficial for businesses with multiple stores or a diverse customer base. It allows store owners to:

  • Manage product prices effectively across different customer groups and store views.
  • Offer different prices for the same product based on specific requirements.
  • Operate multiple stores or have a diverse customer base.
  • Apply different prices for different products depending on store-level requirements.
  • Customize pricing to suit different business needs, whether for varying product prices/promotions.

Manage product pricing scope at different levels of your store with Magento hosting services.

Dikshya Shaw
Dikshya Shaw
Technical Writer

Dikshya leverages her content marketing and writing proficiency to deliver fresh, insightful content. Her meticulous research ensures industry expertise and emerging trends within the Magento landscape.

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