Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension: Features & Benefits

Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension: Features & Benefits

Are customers struggling to find products on your site? A Magento 2 navigation menu extension enhances the navigation capabilities for Magento stores.

In this article, we will explain the features and benefits of these Magento 2 extensions.

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Key Features

  • Magento navigation menu extensions elevate your store's browsing experience.
  • Mega menus showcase more products and categories at once.
  • Custom layouts create unique, brand-aligned navigation menus.
  • Dynamic management keeps large catalogs up-to-date automatically.
  • Personalized menus adapt to individual user preferences and behavior.

What is a Navigation Menu in Magento 2?

A navigation menu in Magento is a way for customers to browse and find products on any website. These menus are typically structured hierarchically. They consist of multiple levels of Magento categories and subcategories.

The top level, called Level 2, appears as the main menu bar across the top of the page. When users hover over or click on a top-level category, it reveals lower-level categories. These lower levels (Level 3 and Level 4) provide more specific product groupings.

The main components of a menu include:

  1. Top-level categories: These are the main product categories displayed across the top of the page.
  2. Dropdown menus: Expand when hovering over top-level categories to show subcategories.
  3. Mega menus: Dropdown menus that can display columns of subcategories, featured products, images, etc.
  4. Search bar: Often integrated into or near the navigation menu for easy product searching.
  5. Custom links: Additional links to important pages like "Sale," "New Arrivals," etc.
  6. User account/login link: Typically positioned in the top right of the navigation area.
  7. Shopping cart icon: Usually located near the top right for easy access.
  8. Language/currency selectors: For international stores, often integrated into the top navigation area.

Key Features of the Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension

1. Mega Menu Functionality

Mega menu feature in Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension

  • One of the most prominent features of Magento navigation menu extensions is the mega menu capability. This feature allows store owners to create multi-column dropdown menus. These can display a large number of categories, subcategories, and even product listings.

  • Mega menus provide a comprehensive overview of your store's offerings. It enables customers to quickly find what they're looking for without having to click through multiple pages.

  • One of the key advantages of this functionality is its ability to showcase more items simultaneously. It is particularly beneficial for stores with large product catalogs or category structures.

2. Customizable Layouts

  • Customizable layouts provide store owners with the flexibility to create branded navigation experiences. This feature allows for extensive modification of the custom menu appearance and structure.

  • One of the primary aspects of customizable Magento layouts is the ability to adjust column widths and heights. This flexibility enables store owners to create balanced and visually appealing menus. It allows for emphasis on specific categories or products by allocating more space to them.

  • Store owners can modify menu types and background colors to match their brand palette. They can also add background images to create visually striking menus. This level of customization helps in creating a cohesive look that aligns with the overall store design. It also includes having a responsive mobile menu.

3. Dynamic Category Management

  • Category management optimizes the process of managing and updating menus. It is mainly for stores with large or frequently changing product catalogs.

  • One of the key aspects of dynamic category management is automatic menu updates. When changes are made to the product catalog, the menu automatically reflects these changes. It eliminates the need for manual updates, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

  • Store owners can set specific conditions for when and how categories appear in the menu. These conditions can be based on various factors such as Magento customer groups, time of day, or even customer behavior.

  • Scheduling functionality adds another layer of flexibility to category management. It allows store owners to plan by scheduling menu items to appear or disappear at specific times. It is beneficial for seasonal promotions or time-sensitive product launches.

4. Personalization and Context Awareness

personalization feature in Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension

  • Customer Group Targeting is a key aspect of personalization. It allows store owners to display different menu items based on customer segments. For example, wholesale customers might see different categories than Magento retail customers. It ensures that each user group considers the most relevant options for their needs.

  • Geolocation adaptation adjusts menu content based on the user's physical location. It can be beneficial for international stores. They can display region-specific products or promotions on the menu.

  • Behavioral targeting is the most sophisticated. It customizes menu items based on a user's browsing and purchase history. If a customer frequently browses a particular category, it might be given more prominence in their menu.

  • Some advanced extensions offer real-time personalization. It means that the navigation menu can be adapted during a single browsing session. It responds to the user's actions and interests as they explore the store.

Top 3 Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extensions

Extension Name Key Features Price
Amasty Mega Menu Pro - Responsive mega menus and flyout menus
- Customizable transitions, fonts, and backgrounds
- Widgets and shortcodes for enhanced functionality
- Real-time previews
- Compatible with Magento Page Builder
- WCAG accessibility standards compliant
Community: $199 first year (then $119.40/year)
Enterprise: $499 Enterprise Cloud: $799
MageDelight Menu Extension for Magento - Drag-and-drop builder with live previews
- Customizable colors, fonts, and menu items
- Varnish cache for faster performance
- Responsive design for all devices
- Incorporates CMS pages, blocks, categories, links, images, and videos
Community: $99 Enterprise: $199 Enterprise Cloud: $249
Landofcoder Mega Menu - Dynamic menus without coding
- Drag-and-drop builder
- Visually appealing menus for all devices
- Fast load times with cache support
- Animations for engaging elements
- Automatic backups for data security
- Compatible with REST API
Basic: $45 Pro: $199 Enterprise: $199

Magento 2 Navigation Menus vs. Mega Menus

Feature Standard Navigation Menu Mega Menu
Layout Simple dropdown Expanded panel with multiple columns
Content Display Limited to category links Can include categories, products, Magento images, videos, and custom content
Customization Basic Highly customizable (layout, colors, fonts, etc.)
Mobile Responsiveness Usually responsive by default Requires careful design for mobile optimization
User Experience Suitable for simple category structures Excellent for complex category structures and large product catalogs
Loading Speed Generally faster It may be slower if not optimized properly
SEO Impact Navigation menus follow standard SEO practices Potentially better for internal linking and content organization
Complexity They are simple to use and lack custom development options. Higher (may require extension or custom development)
Visual Appeal The appearance and functional features are essential. More visually engaging and interactive
Content Organization The content can only be hierarchical It can be both hierarchical and matrix-style
Product Showcasing Limited Can showcase featured products directly in the menu
Integration with Other Features Navigation menus offer basic integration features. Can integrate with search, Magento promotions, and other store features
Maintenance Easier to maintain It may require more frequent updates and maintenance
Implementation Cost Included in Magento 2 Often requires paid extensions or custom development

Best Practices for Using Navigation Menus in Magento 2

1. Implement Sticky Navigation

Use Sticky navigation in the Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension

  • Sticky navigation involves keeping the leading Magento 2 menu visible as users scroll down pages. This feature ensures that navigation options are always accessible, regardless of the user's position on the page.

  • The primary benefit of sticky navigation is improved usability. Users can access different sections of the store at any time without needing to scroll back to the top. It can significantly reduce friction in the browsing experience. It's beneficial for long pages or Magento infinite scroll layouts.

  • Implementing sticky navigation requires careful menu design. The sticky menu should be compact enough to take up only a little screen space. It often involves a simplified version of the main menu. This condensed version typically includes only the most essential navigation elements.

2. Use Breadcrumbs efficiently

  • Breadcrumbs show users their current location within a website's hierarchy. They typically appear as a horizontal list of links near the top of a page.

  • The primary purpose of breadcrumbs is to orient users. They provide a clear path from the homepage to the current page. It helps users understand where they are in relation to the overall site structure. It's beneficial for stores with deep category hierarchies.

  • Breadcrumbs offer easy navigation back to parent categories. Users can quickly jump to higher-level pages without using the browser's back button. It can significantly improve the browsing experience. It reduces the number of clicks needed to explore different sections of the store.

  • There are different types of breadcrumbs. Path-based breadcrumbs show the exact route taken to reach the current page. Magento Attribute-based breadcrumbs display the page's attributes or categories. Magento 2 typically uses a hybrid approach, showing both the path and relevant attributes.

3. Use dropdown menus judiciously

  • These menus allow for the organization of multiple product sections in a compact space. However, their use should be carefully considered to ensure optimal user experience.

  • Limiting menu levels to 2-3 levels deep is essential. It prevents users from becoming overwhelmed with too many choices. Deep nested menus can be confusing and difficult to navigate.

  • The first level typically shows the main categories. The second level displays subcategories. A third level, if used, should be reserved for particular product groups. Anything beyond this can lead to a cluttered and confusing navigation structure.

  • When designing these menus, consider the width and positioning. They should be wide enough to accommodate category names without truncation. Proper alignment with parent items is essential for a clean, organized look.

4. Consider Secondary Navigation

Consider secondary navigation in the Magento 2 Navigation Menu Extension

  • A secondary menu is typically used for non-product pages. It includes pages like "About Us," "Contact," "FAQ," and "Magento Shipping Information." Placing these links in a secondary menu keeps the primary navigation focused on product categories. It helps users distinguish between shopping-related and informational content.

  • The placement of the secondary menu is essential. It's often located in the header, above or below the primary navigation. Some stores opt for a "utility nav" positioned at the very top of the page. This location ensures visibility without competing with the main products.

  • Consider using icons in the secondary menu. Small, recognizable icons following the text can improve visual appeal and quick recognition. For example, an envelope icon for "Contact" or a question mark for "FAQ" can enhance usability.

5. Keep the Menu Layout Simple

  • This approach focuses on creating a better Magento UX that allows customers to find products quickly and easily.

  • Each category name should immediately convey what products it contains. Avoid jargon or clever wordplay that might confuse users. Instead, opt for straightforward, descriptive terms that your target audience will easily understand.

  • Short, punchy names are more accessible to scan and remember. Aim for one to three words per category name when possible. It helps users quickly identify where they need to go without having to read lengthy descriptions.

  • Consistency in naming conventions is essential. Use similar grammatical structures across all categories. If you use plural nouns (e.g., "Shoes," "Accessories"), maintain this pattern throughout your navigation.

  • Limiting top-level categories to 5-7 items is a widely recommended practice. This number is based on cognitive psychology research on human memory capacity. Too many options can overwhelm users and lead to decision paralysis.


1. What is a mega menu extension for Magento 2?

A Magento 2 mega menu extension enhances the default navigation capabilities. It does this by allowing store owners to create expanded, multi-column dropdown menus. It improves site navigation by displaying more categories and product listings in the top menu. It makes it easier for customers to find what they're looking for without clicking through multiple pages.

2. How can I customize the top navigation menu in Magento 2?

You can customize the top navigation menu in the Magento mega menu. It offers features like a drag and drop interface, custom menu styles, and the ability to add various elements. These allow you to create menus with different layouts, colors, and fonts. You can also add images or videos to make your menu more attractive and user-friendly.

3. What are the benefits of using a responsive Magento 2 mega menu?

A responsive Magento 2 mega menu ensures a seamless shopping experience across all devices. It automatically adjusts its layout and functionality to fit different screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. It improves user experience, reduces bounce rates, and can impact your store's conversion rates. It does this by providing better navigation on all devices. It also includes a hamburger menu for mobile views.

4. How does dynamic navigation in Magento 2 menu extensions work?

Dynamic navigation in Magento 2 menu extensions allows for automatic updates to the menu structure. It is based on changes in your product catalog or specific conditions you set. This feature can include scheduling menu items to appear or disappear at certain times. It displays different menu options based on customer groups or geolocation. It also personalizes the menu based on a user's browsing history.

5. Are Magento 2 mega menu extensions compatible with the Magento Marketplace?

Yes, many Magento 2 mega menu extensions are designed to be fully compatible with the Magento Marketplace. Look for ones that specifically mention compatibility with your Magento 2 version. It should also integrate features like Magento Page Builder. Some extensions are even compliant with WCAG accessibility standards. It ensures broad usability for your store.



The Magento 2 navigation menu extension is an effective add-on for stores with large catalogs and SKUs. In this article, we explain the benefits and best practices for using these extensions. Here is a quick recap:

  • Magento navigation menu extensions enhance default store browsing capabilities.
  • Mega menus display multiple categories and products simultaneously for navigation.
  • Customizable layouts allow for branded, unique experiences.
  • Dynamic category management optimizes updates for large product catalogs.
  • Personalization features tailor menus to individual user preferences and behaviors.

Scale your ecommerce store with managed Magento hosting and simple navigation menus for a better user experience.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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