How to Enable Magento 2 Google Ads Conversion Tracking for Stores

How to Enable Magento 2 Google Ads Conversion Tracking for Stores

Are you looking to optimize your Google Ads campaigns and amplify sales? Magento 2 Google Ads conversion tracking shows valuable actions taken by visitors who click on your ads. In this tutorial, we will explain how to integrate Google Ads with Magento for conversion tracking.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for your Magento 2 store.

  • Understand the features and benefits of Google Ads conversion tracking.

  • Discover the steps to integrate Google Tag with Magento.

  • Explore best practices like dynamic remarketing and smart shopping campaigns.

  • Optimize your ad campaigns for better performance and ROI.

What is Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

Definition of Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

Google Ads conversion tracking is a tool to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns by tracking specific actions. Users take these actions after clicking on an ad. It includes purchases, sign-ups, and form submissions.

A conversion tracking tag is added to the advertiser's website. When a user clicks an ad and then completes an action, Google Ads records a conversion.

Features of Google Ads Conversion Tracking

1. Cross-Device Conversion Tracking

Cross device tracking feature in Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  • Cross-device conversion tracking in Google Ads lets you track and attribute conversions across devices. If a user clicks on an ad on their smartphone but completes the purchase on their PC, the conversion is still tracked.

  • Google uses logged-in user data to connect the dots between different devices. It ensures that the conversion is attributed to the original ad click. It is regardless of the device used for the final action.

2. Flexible Conversion Windows

  • Flexible conversion windows allow advertisers to define how long after an ad click conversion is attributed. It can range from one day to up to 90 days.

  • This feature is needed for businesses with longer sales cycles. It ensures that conversions are tracked accurately over an extended period.

3. Different Attribution Models Available

  • Google Ads offers several attribution models to understand how your ads contribute to conversions. Attribution models are frameworks that determine how credit for conversions is assigned.

  • These are in reference to different touchpoints in a customer's journey. They help admins understand which ads, keywords, and campaigns are most effective in driving conversions. The types of models are:

  1. Last-click: Credits the last ad clicked.
  2. First-click: Credits the first ad clicked.
  3. Linear: Distributes credit equally across all clicks.
  4. Time Decay: This gives more credit to clicks that happened closer to the conversion.
  5. Position-based: Splits 40% credit between the first and last clicks.
  6. Data-driven: Distributes credit based on past data for this conversion action.

4. Ability to Assign Monetary Values to Conversions

  • Assigning monetary values to conversions helps measure the return on investment (ROI) of the ad spend.

  • Define a value for each conversion type, like a purchase or sign-up, directly within the conversion action set up in Google Ads.

Conversion Tracking for Specific Industries

Google Ads offers specific conversion tracking solutions for industries like automotive and real estate. The feature uses tools like Google Analytics 4 and Google Tags Manager to do this.

1. Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

GA4 features for Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  • Set up events to track when users schedule a test drive or visit a dealer's website. These events can be defined in GA4 and linked to your Google Ads account.

  • Use GA4’s enhanced measurement feature to track user interactions, such as form submissions or clicks. It could be on specific buttons related to scheduling test drives.

2. Google Tag Manager (GTM)

GTM features for Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  • For example, create custom tags in GTM to track specific actions like booking a test drive. Tags can be configured to fire when these actions occur, sending data back to Google Ads.

  • Use Google Tag Manager to ensure that all conversions are recorded and attributed correctly. You can customize these tags to include specific parameters like the type of vehicle or the location of the dealership.

Enable & Use Google Ads Conversion Tracking in Magento 2

Step 1: Create a Conversion Action On Google Ads

creating an action for Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  1. Go to Google Ads > Goals > New Conversion Action.
  2. Select Website, enter your domain, and click Scan.
  3. Click +Add conversion action manually.
  4. Set the Goal as Purchase from the menu and assign a value for the conversion.
  5. Click on Save and Continue.

Step 2: Configure Google Tag Setup

Configuring Google ad setup for Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  1. Click Set Up with a Google Tag Tab option.
  2. Copy the Gtag.js code.

Step 3: Integrate Google Tag with Magento 2 Store

Google tag integration for Magento 2 google ads conversion tracking

  1. Log in to the Magento Admin Panel.
  2. Go to Content > Design > Configuration.
  3. Navigate to Head Settings.
  4. Paste the gtag.js code into the Scripts and Style Sheets field.
  5. Verify and test from the Google Tag website by clicking Test Installation.

Benefits of Magento 2 Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Benefit Description
Accurate ROI Measurement Track the conversion value of each sale. It allows precise calculation of ROI for your Google Ads.
Improved Campaign Optimization Use conversion data to refine your ads, keywords, and bidding strategies. It maximizes the effectiveness of your Google Ads spend.
Enhanced Audience Targeting Leverage conversion insights to create more targeted audience segments. It improves ad relevance and performance.
Cross-Device Tracking Monitor conversions across multiple devices using the conversion ID. It provides a complete picture of the customer journey.
Performance Benchmarking Compare conversion rates and values across different campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. It is to identify top performers.
Smart Bidding Integration Use conversion data to power Google's Smart Bidding strategies. It automatically optimizes bids for better results.
Customizable Conversion Actions Define and track various conversion types, such as newsletter sign-ups or contact forms. It can be done using unique conversion labels.

Best Practices for Magento 2 Google Ads Conversion Tracking

1. Dynamic Remarketing

  • Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing can now be easily set up for Magento 2 stores. This feature allows you to show personalized ads to users who have previously interacted with your store.

  • It displays products they've viewed or added to your cart. It helps in re-engaging potential customers and increasing conversion rates.

2. Smart Shopping Campaigns

  • Google Ads offers Smart Shopping campaigns that can be integrated with Magento 2 stores. These campaigns use machine learning to optimize ad placement and bidding across Google's networks. It includes:
  1. Search
  2. Display
  3. YouTube
  4. Gmail.
  • They automatically show your products to the most relevant audiences.

3. Automated Bidding Strategies

  • Google Ads offers more automated bidding strategies that Magento 2 stores can leverage. These include target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) and target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding.

    • Target ROAS: It allows you to set a target return on ad spend that you want to achieve. Google's algorithm will automatically adjust bids to try to meet that target ROAS. It requires conversion tracking and conversion values to be set up properly in Magento 2. It works well for ecommerce stores that have a clear revenue value associated with conversions.

    • Target CPA bidding: It lets you set a target cost per acquisition/conversion. Google will automatically adjust bids to try to achieve that target CPA. It is good for lead generation or when you have a fixed value per conversion. It can also control costs while still driving conversions.

4. Segment your conversion data

  • Use Magento 2's built-in features or custom coding to pass additional data to Google Ads. It could be product categories or customer types. It allows for more granular analysis and optimization of your campaigns.
  • Admins can adjust bidding strategies and ad content based on performance across different segments.

  • Create more specific audience lists in Google Ads based on high-performing segments.

  • Use segmented data to inform A/B tests of ad copy, landing pages, and offers for different customer segments.

  • Invest more in campaigns and ad groups that drive conversions from valuable segments.


1. How do I set up Google Ads conversion tracking for my Magento store?

To set up Google Ads conversion tracking for your Magento store, log in to your Google Ads account. Create a conversion action, and get your conversion code. Then, log in to your Magento Admin Panel and add the conversion tag to your page.

2. What is a conversion tag and where do I add it in Magento?

A conversion tag is a small piece of HTML and JavaScript code used to track conversions in Google Ads. You add this tag to the success page of your Magento store by editing the footer section in your Magento Admin Panel.

3. How do I create a conversion action in Google Ads?

To create a conversion action in Google Ads, go to the "Conversions" section in your Google Ads account. Click on “+ Conversion”. Follow the prompts to define the action you want to track, such as a purchase or sign-up.

4. What is Google Tag Manager, and how can it help with conversion tracking?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tool that allows you to manage and deploy marketing tags without editing your website's code. By using GTM, you can easily set up Google Ads conversion tracking by creating a new tag. Enter your conversion ID and label, and set the trigger to your success page.

5. How can I verify if my Google Ads conversion tracking is working correctly?

You can verify if your Google Ads conversion tracking is working correctly by using the Google Tag Assistant extension. This tool helps you check if your tracking code is implemented properly and is sending the correct data.



The Magento 2 Google Ads conversion tracking is a smart way to assess and make decisions based on the KPIs of your business. In this tutorial we explained how to benefits and how to configure the Magento 2 extension. Here is a quick recap:

  • Google Ads conversion tracking measures actions like purchases, sign-ups, and form submissions.

  • Features include cross-device tracking, flexible conversion windows, and various attribution models.

  • Create a conversion action on Google Ads, configure Google Tag setup, and integrate the tag with your Magento 2 store.

  • Accurate ROI measurement, improved campaign optimization, and enhanced audience targeting are some benefits.

  • Use dynamic remarketing, smart shopping campaigns, and automated bidding strategies for the best results.

Explore managed Magento hosting plans to track your conversions and scale your ecommerce store.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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