A Guide to Smile Magento 2 ElasticSuite & Elasticsearch Integration

A Guide to Smile Magento 2 ElasticSuite & Elasticsearch Integration

Looking for a way to boost your Magento 2 store’s search performance? Magento 2 ElasticSuite enhances search functionalities and delivers accurate search query results.

This article will cover the features, benefits, & case studies of Magento 2 ElasticSuite.

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Key Takeaways

  • Steps to integrate with Magento 2, offering compatibility with various themes and modules.
  • Common issues highlighting key features and installation steps.
  • Configuration tips to improve your store’s performance.
  • Offer improved filtering options and advanced search capabilities.
  • Suitable for stores of all sizes, ensuring excellent performance under high traffic.
  • Include tools for boosting product visibility and arranging search results.
  • Ensure all modules are compatible to avoid conflicts.

Benefits Of Using ElasticSuite Magento 2 Extension

1. Improved Search Functionality

Elasticsearch helps you provide lightning-fast and highly relevant results. The autocomplete feature suggests products, categories, and popular searches as users type. It makes the search process smoother and more intuitive.

2. Enhanced User Experience

With Elastic Suite, you can get faster load times and an enhanced search bar. This combination ensures a seamless and enjoyable user experience. It leads to higher customer satisfaction and engagement.

3. Advanced Search Capabilities and Popular Search Terms

Advanced search in Magento 2 ElasticSuite

Advanced relevance configurations ensure that searches are highly relevant to the user's query. It includes support for synonyms, stop words, and typo corrections. Alternative spellings, attribute search weight, and specific booster rules enhance the search experience.

4. Enhanced Merchandising and Conversion Rates

Elastic Suite offers features like virtual categories, manual ranking, and dynamic filters. These tools allow you to create a personalized customer journey. You can display the best offers and products based on user behavior and search terms.

5. AI-Powered Product Recommendations and Conversions

AI product recommendations in Magento 2

ElasticSuite includes an AI-powered product recommendations engine that helps boost conversions. You can suggest relevant products based on user behavior and search history. It can help you increase the chances of a sale.

6. Enhanced Page Load Times and Cost-Effective Development

The partnership between ElasticSuite and Hyvä themes ensures significantly reduced page load times. Hyvä’s streamlined front-end, combined with fast search engine results, creates a seamless user experience. With easy-to-implement search solutions, it results in cost savings for merchants. It allows you to allocate resources, focusing on other aspects of your business.

7. Scalability and Flexibility

Both ElasticSuite and Hyvä are designed to handle large catalogs & complex ecommerce websites. It maintains optimal performance and search capabilities.

8. Personalized Customer Journey

With ElasticSuite, you can create a highly personalized customer journey. The module allows you to adapt your catalog to your customers' needs. It always displays the best offers and ensures a tailored shopping experience.

Case Studies Of Successful Magento Commerce ElasticSuite Implementation

Company Benefits Implementation Details
Boll & Branch - ElasticSuite's advanced search capabilities ensured that customers found relevant products quickly. For example, synonyms and spell correction.
- The autocomplete feature & personalized product recommendations led to an increase in conversions.
Integrated Magento with Elasticsearch 8 & OpenSearch 2 for fast & relevant search results.
Yves Rocher - ElasticSuite's compatibility with Hyvä Themes enhanced the user experience. It utilized range sliders, multiselect options, and virtual categories.
- The multifaceted autocomplete and advanced filters improved search relevance and user engagement.
Installed the compatibility module for Hyvä Themes to ensure full support for ElasticSuite features.
Lush - Allowed for easy management of a large product catalog. It used search landing pages and SEO-friendly URLs.
- Handled complex search queries and provided accurate results to improve search performance.
Utilized ElasticSuite to create special search landing pages for specific queries. It improved catalog management and search optimization.
The Body Shop - ElasticSuite's AI-powered product recommendations engine provided a personalized shopping experience based on customer behavior and search history.
- The smart and instant search bar feature increased customer engagement. It also used related search terms to increase conversions.
Configured the AI-powered recommendations engine to display relevant products. It enhanced their customer journey.

How Does Smile ElasticSuite For Magento 2 Work?

For online stores with a vast inventory, customers can find products quickly & efficiently. ElasticSuite allows you to categorize products effectively. It leverages user behavior data to suggest relevant items based on their browsing history.

When users begin typing in the search bar, the system provides autocomplete suggestions. It displays relevant products and refines their search results.

Consider the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > ElasticSuite > Elastic Suite for Retailer.

The 2 navigation mode options are as follows:

  • Drive Mode: The customer will only view the catalog of the selected retailer in the front office.
  • Retail Mode: By default, the customer will browse the entire web catalog.
  1. Enable or disable the option to display offers from all stores on the product page.
  2. Choose "Yes" to display all offers or "No" to limit the display.

Magento, ElasticSuite, Elasticsearch, And OpenSearch Version Compatibility

Magento Version ElasticSuite Latest Version Elasticsearch Version OpenSearch Version Actively Maintained
2.0.x ElasticSuite 2.1.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.1.0 2.x - No
2.1.x ElasticSuite 2.3.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.3.0 2.x & 5.x - No
2.2.x ElasticSuite 2.6.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.6.0 5.x & 6.x - No
< 2.3.2 ElasticSuite 2.8.4: composer require smile/elasticsuite 2.8.4 5.x & 6.x - No
< 2.3.5 ElasticSuite 2.8.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.8.0 5.x & 6.x - No
>= 2.3.5 ElasticSuite 2.9.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.9.0 6.x & 7.x - No
2.4.0 ElasticSuite 2.10.1: composer require smile/elasticsuite 2.10.1 6.x & 7.x - No
>= 2.4.1 && < 2.4.6 ElasticSuite 2.10.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.10.13 6.x & 7.x - Yes
>= 2.4.6 ElasticSuite >= 2.11.x: composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.11.0 7.x & 8.x 1.x & 2.x Yes

Latest Features Of Elastic Suite For Magento 2

1. Store Locator

Store locator feature in ElasticSuite

Manage your stores directly from Magento's back-office with pre-configured attributes. For example, Shop Address, GPS coordinates, and Opening Hours. Customers can navigate through them using a map on the front-office. Each store also has a dedicated 'Shop Detail Page' and an optional 'Contact Shop Page'. Customers can select their favorite store, which will be retained throughout their session.

2. Store Offers

Create specific offers for each product and store. It allows you to define pricing and availability for individual shops. Customers can filter products based on their selected store. You can view product availability across other locations on the Product Detail Page.

3. In-Store Delivery

Give users the option to choose a store as their delivery address during checkout. A Store Chooser pop-up will appear during the checkout process. It allows them to select their preferred store.

4. Virtual Categories

Create dynamic categories based on specific rules. For example, you can create a category for all discounted men’s products. The engine will automatically refresh the products in these categories. It will remove the need for manual updates. A preview of the category results is also available in the back office.

For example, a clothing retailer could create a "Summer Essentials" virtual category that automatically includes all products tagged as "summer," priced under "$50", and currently in stock.

5. Recommendations Engine

Product recommendations engine in ElasticSuite

Analyze customer behavior to generate personalized product recommendations. Examples include "Customers Also Bought", "Similar Products", and Cross-Selling options. They are based on their previous interactions on your website.

6. Search Optimizations

Improve search relevance through custom rules. For example, "Boost In-Stock Products" or "Boost New Products". A preview feature lets you see the effects of these optimizations before they go live.

7. Behavioral Optimizers

Enable rule creation based on customer behavior. For example, boosting top-selling or most-viewed products.

8. Categories Merchandising

A new merchandising panel within the back office allows for drag-and-drop product sorting within categories. It supports both standard and virtual Categories. It offers a direct preview of the product list. You can rearrange products via drag-and-drop to ensure "bestsellers" are prominently displayed.

9. Facet Management by Category

Customize layered navigation settings for each category, all from the 'Display Settings' panel. It includes filter positions, display modes, facet sizes, and sort orders.

10. Search Analytics

Provide a comprehensive Search Usage Dashboard. It offers metrics such as search counts, popular search terms, and conversion rates. It helps you track trends and optimize search performance.

For example, if analytics show that many users are searching for a "waterproof camera" but not making purchases, you might need to improve your product descriptions to highlight waterproof features. It will enable you to create a dedicated landing page for waterproof cameras. Or consider expanding your waterproof camera inventory.

11. Products, Categories & Attributes Autocomplete

Autocomplete feature in Magento 2 ElasticSuite

The autocomplete feature includes suggestions for products, categories, and attributes. It is fully extensible, allowing for the addition of custom content such as Shop Pages or CMS Pages.

12. Enhanced Thesaurus Management

ElasticSuite offers improved management of synonyms and expansions. It allows terms like "men" and "man" to be treated as interchangeable across all search queries. Expansions enable broader searches. For example, turning "sport" into "fitness", "gym", and "running" in relevant queries.

13. Multiple Select in Layered Navigation and Swatches

Allow customers to select multiple values of a filter criterion. Or multiple swatches at once for more flexible filtering.

14. Redirect on One Result

When a full-text search matches only one product, the module automatically redirects customers to the Product Page. The module also includes a built-in price slider for easy price-based filtering.

15. Approaching Search and Spellchecking

Detect spelling errors and autocorrect them. It reduces issues caused by typing mistakes.

16. Automatic Stopwords Detection

Automatically identify and manage stopwords like "and" or "the". It ensures they don’t interfere with search results.

Best Practices For Using Magento Elasticsearch Autocomplete Module

Category Best Practice Description
Optimize Search Results for SEO - Use Relevant Keywords
- Fast and Relevant Results
- Ensure search results pages are optimized with relevant keywords, synonyms, and advanced relevance configurations.
- Leverage Elasticsearch 8 and OpenSearch 2 for fast and relevant search results.
Leverage Advanced Relevance Configurations - Booster Rules and Synonyms
- Spell Correction
- Use booster rules & synonyms to enhance search relevance & handle typos or variations.
- Enable spell correction to handle misspelled search terms and provide accurate results.
Using Elasticsearch 8 and OpenSearch 2 - Stay updated with the Latest Versions
- Configure for Optimal Performance
- Ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Elasticsearch (8.*) and OpenSearch 2.
- Make sure always to stay updated with the new features and performance enhancements.
- Configure the Elasticsearch server, set the right server timeout, & test the connection.
Creating Rules Based on UI Components - Customize your Search Interface
- Attribute Filters
- Use UI components to customize the search interface. Examples include labels and the "All Results" link.
- Add attribute filters to allow customers to narrow down searches. Follow the criteria based on price, brand, and size.
User Experience Best Practices - Instant Autocomplete
- Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Interface
- Display Related Searches
- Ensure the search interface is responsive and mobile-friendly to boost conversions.
- Display related search terms and alternatives to provide a better user experience.
Custom Content and UI Components - Manage Custom Content efficiently
- Use Advanced Filters and Layers
- Manage folders and files for custom content to maintain a smooth user experience.
- Use multifaceted autocomplete to add layers of filters based on specific attributes. For example, price, color, or ratings.
Additional SEO Techniques - Optimize URLs
- Implement Schema Markup
- Create Backlinks
- Mobile Responsiveness
- Integrate Social Media
- Use SEO-friendly URLs for products and categories by enabling URL rewrites.
- Use schema markup (rich snippets) to display additional information in search results.
- Set up an XML sitemap and create backlinks to your site to improve indexing and visibility.
- Ensure a responsive design for mobile devices to improve user experience and SEO.
- Integrate social media on product pages to enhance user engagement and SEO.
ElasticSuite Specific Features - Auto Correct Search Suggestions
- Search Term Highlighting
- Google Sitelinks Search Box
- Advanced Layered Navigation
- Virtual Categories and Manual Ranking
- Use auto-correct search suggestions to handle misspelled search terms.
- Highlight search terms in autocomplete & search results pages for better user experience.
- Incorporate your search results into Google search results using Google Sitelinks Search Box.
- Use advanced layered navigation supported by Elasticsearch to filter products quickly.
- Use virtual categories and manual ranking to customize search results & category listings.

How To Optimize Your Store's Search with Magento 2 ElasticSuite?

1. Customizing Search Filters

Use advanced filters to include multiple criteria. For example, price range, brand, size, and more. It helps customers narrow down their searches quickly and efficiently.

Implement range sliders and multiselect options to make search results more granular. It enhances their shopping experience. For example, customers can select multiple brands or sizes in a single search.

2. Using Synonyms, Stop Words, and Advanced Relevance Configurations

Use synonyms and stop words to improve search relevance. This feature allows the search engine to understand variations of search terms. It also enables you to ignore common words like "the" or "and," providing more accurate results.

Configure advanced relevance settings. For example, alternative spellings, attribute search weight, and specific booster rules. These settings display the most relevant products first. It is even if the search query contains typos or variations.

3. Using Faceted Search and Attribute Option Search

Faceted search in Magento 2 ElasticSuite

Enable faceted search to allow customers to filter results based on various attributes. For example, category, brand, price, and more. This feature is particularly useful for large catalogs. Here, customers need to narrow down their options quickly.

Use attribute option search to let customers search for products based on specific attributes. For instance, searching for products by color, size, or material becomes much easier and more precise.

4. Enhancing Search Results Pages

Customize the search results page to display results in a way that makes sense for your store. Include multiselect attributes to make the results more relevant and user-friendly.

Ensure that autocomplete results are integrated seamlessly into the search results page. This feature suggests products, categories, and popular searches as users type. It makes the search process faster and more intuitive.

5. Using Custom Search Algorithms and Booster Rules

Create custom search algorithms to tailor the search results to your store's needs. It can include boosting certain products/categories based on business rules/customer behavior.

Use booster rules to prioritize certain products or categories in search results. For example, you can boost new products or best-sellers. It enables you to ensure they appear at the top of the search results.

Common Issues And Troubleshooting In Magento2 ElasticSuite

Issue Symptoms Solution
No Alive Nodes Found in Your Cluster Error indicating no alive nodes; cluster health is "yellow" or "red" - Check cluster health using curl -m1 localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty.
- Verify search engine configuration with php bin/magento config:show catalog/search/engine.
Missing Products or Old Product Information No products in categories, empty categories, or outdated product information - Check the catalog search indexer status using php bin/magento indexer:status.
- Run php bin/magento cron:run and php bin/magento indexer:reindex if necessary.
Elasticsearch Memory Issues Elasticsearch crashes with no memory errors due to tracking indices - Upgrade ElasticSuite to version 2.8.0 or higher to enable periodic cleaning of tracking indices.
- Configure the retention period in the admin panel under Stores > Configuration > Tracking > Global Configuration > Retention Delay.
Compatibility Issues and Memory Issues Conflicts with other modules like Multiple Wishlist - Check for compatibility issues and ensure all modules are updated.
- Install compatibility module for Hyvä Themes if necessary.
- If issues arise, update both modules and check for patches from the developers.
Search Results Not Displaying Correctly Search results not displaying properly - Re-index the data by running the command: php bin/magento indexer:reindex.
- Check indexing settings in Magento's back office.
Slow Search Results and Autocomplete Latency issues due to Magento call-stack and legacy implementation - Optimize the search query building process.
- Reduce latency by bypassing some of the Magento stack.
- May require custom development.
No Results or 404 Errors No products found in search results or 404 errors - Check Elasticsearch configuration and ensure proper setup.
- Run commands to verify the search engine and reindex if necessary: php bin/magento config:show catalog/search/engine and php bin/magento indexer:reindex.
Database Optimization Issues Performance bottlenecks due to indexing issues or inefficient database queries - Ensure MySQL database is optimized for performance.
- Regularly check for indexing issues and optimize database queries.
- Use entity manager efficiently and avoid complex queries.
Indexing Issues Indexing status shows "Processing" or "Reindex required" Run php bin/magento cron:run and php bin/magento indexer:reindex to update indexes.
Cron Job Management Issues Performance degradation due to improper cron job management - Set up and manage cron jobs to run indexing and other maintenance tasks at optimal times.
- Use commands like php bin/magento indexer:reindex.
High CPU Usage and JVM Memory Pressure High CPU usage and JVM memory pressure causing circuit breaker errors - Check for tasks that are stuck running for a long time using curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/tasks?detailed'.
- Optimize requests and queries to reduce load.
- Add more nodes if necessary to increase the available heap.
Red or Yellow Cluster Status Unassigned shards causing cluster status to be red or yellow - Diagnose unassigned shards and check cluster health using curl -X GET "localhost:9300/_cluster/health?pretty".
- Adjust shard allocation settings or allocation filters if necessary.
Rejected Requests Elasticsearch rejects requests with a "429 response code" - Check for a high volume of requests or other issues causing the cluster to reject requests.
- Optimize queries and use bulk APIs if necessary.
Task Queue Backlog Tasks are stuck running for a long time, causing a backlog - Identify and resolve tasks that are consistently at the top of the list.
- Optimize requests and queries to reduce the volume of tasks.
Mapping Explosion High count of mapping fields causing performance issues - Flatten data to make it Elasticsearch-friendly.
- Avoid using high-cardinality identifiers as JSON keys.
Hot Spotting Uneven resource utilization across nodes causing hot spotting Rebalance shards using the _cluster/reroute API to distribute resources evenly across nodes.


1. Is ElasticSuite available on GitHub as an open source project based on Magento EE?

Yes, ElasticSuite is an open-source project available on GitHub. You can track its progress through the latest commits and repository files navigation. It is based on Magento and supports both Community and Enterprise Editions. Developers can access the source code, contribute to the project, and adapt it to their specific needs.

2. How does ElasticSuite compare to other third-party search field plugins for Magento 2.1.x?

ElasticSuite supports various versions of Magento, including Magento 2.1.x and newer releases. Unlike some third-party search field plugins, it offers deeper integration with Magento's main features. It provides enhanced search capabilities beyond a standard search field replacement.

3. Do I need to install any extra add-ons from Smilelab when using ElasticSuite with Magento 2.1?

When using ElasticSuite with Magento 2.1, you don't need to install extra add-ons from Smilelab. The core ElasticSuite package includes all essential features. It supports customizations based on rules. It allows you to tailor search behavior and product rankings to your business needs.

4. How can stores using the latest Magento version integrate ElasticSuite?

Stores using the latest Magento version can integrate ElasticSuite through Composer/manual installation. This is mainly due to its ability to define advanced search and merchandising rules. This flexibility allows merchants to create tailored search experiences. It contributes to its recognition in the Magento ecosystem.

5. Can Magento 2 ElasticSuite integrate with other modules?

Yes, ElasticSuite integrates with other modules. However, check for compatibility issues to ensure smooth performance.

6. How does ElasticSuite improve search performance?

ElasticSuite improves search performance. It uses advanced algorithms to deliver more accurate and relevant search results. It also includes features like search filtering and layered navigation.



Magento 2 ElasticSuite extension integrates smoothly with your store, improving search accuracy. It helps:

  • Provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers with better search functionality.
  • Optimize search functionality, ensuring fast and accurate search results.
  • Offer layered navigation and customized filtering for better user experience.
  • Provide a better user experience so your customers can find products faster.
  • Improve search accuracy, navigation, and overall store performance.
  • Enhance your store’s search capabilities by offering customizable search term options.

Consider Magento hosting services to deliver advanced filtering options and new merchandising features with ElasticSuite.

Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar
Technical Writer

Nikita is a skilled content writer who simplifies complex ideas for the Magento audience. She excels at creating SEO-friendly articles and informative blog posts about Magento. She consistently delivers clear, engaging, and audience-focused content.

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