Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page: Configuration & Examples

Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page: Configuration & Examples

Want to use cross-selling to boost sales on your Magento store? With Magento 2 Display Cross Sell On Product Page, you optimize customer experience and sales. Cross-sells guide customers to complementary products that add value to their purchases. This tutorial covers how to configure cross-selling products, their benefits, and best practices.

Key Takeaways

  • What is Magento Cross Sell?

  • How Cross Sell Works on Product Page?

  • How to Add Cross Sell Products in Magento 2 Product Page.

  • How to Fix the Cross-Sell Products Not Showing up in Magento 2?

  • Best Practices of Cross-Selling on the Product Page in Magento 2.

What is Magento Cross Sell?

What is Magento 2 Cross Sell

Magento Cross-Sell suggests related products to customers during their shopping journey. It shows complementary items on the product page, in the shopping cart, or at checkout.

This feature helps customers find products that go well with their main purchase. Cross-sell items provide extra value or convenience. The goal is to offer helpful recommendations without overwhelming the customer.

In Magento, you set up cross-sells by linking certain products to others. These linked products appear as suggestions, encouraging more purchases. Cross-sells boost the average order value (AOV) and improve customer satisfaction. They often appear on the cart page before checkout. This technique helps businesses increase sales and create a better shopping experience.

How Cross Sell Works on Product Page?

Steps Explanation
1. Identify Complementary Products Find products that go well with the item the customer is viewing. These could be related items or upgrades. It makes the cross-selling feel natural. The goal is to help the customer, not overwhelm them. Choose carefully to boost engagement.
2. Display Relevant Recommendations Show these recommended products clearly on the product page. Use a visible section that grabs attention. Make it easy for customers to see. The items should feel like helpful suggestions. It improves their shopping experience.
3. Provide Short Descriptions Add short descriptions for each suggested product. Keep it brief, but explain why the item is useful. It increases the chance of interest. Use persuasive language. Focus on the benefits the customer will gain.
4. Highlight Value and Discounts Highlight any discounts or added value of buying the suggested item. Customers are more likely to buy if they see savings. It creates urgency. Show them how purchasing together saves money or adds extra benefits.
5. Make the Purchase Process Seamless Ensure customers can add the cross-sell product to their cart easily. Don’t make them leave the page. A one-click add option works best. The simpler the process, the more likely customers will buy.

How to Add Cross Sell Products in Magento 2 Product Page

Step 1: Install the Extension

Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page Extension Install

Begin by installing the Magento Extension. It allows the automatic display of related products. Follow the instructions provided by the developer to complete the installation.

Step 2: Configure a New Cross-Sell Rule

Configure Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page Rule

Open the Admin Panel in Magento 2. Navigate to Automatic Related Products and select Manage Rules. Add a new rule for the cross-sell block. This rule will determine where the block appears on the product page. Fill in the required fields. These include display location, active status, and customer group visibility.

Step 3: Set Display Conditions for Product Pages

Display Conditions for Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

In the Products to Meet Conditions section, set the conditions for displaying the cross-sell block. Use the available product attributes to create rules. If you want the block to appear on all product pages, leave the conditions blank.

Step 4: Configure Display Options for the Cross-Sell Block

In the Products to Show section, customize the appearance of the cross-sell block. Set the block's name and layout. Decide how many products will be shown.

Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page Display Block

Choose which product details to display, such as price and the Add to Cart button. Select the type of related products, including cross-selling products.

Block Setting for Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

Step 5: Save and Review

Click Save to apply your settings. Visit the storefront to check how the cross-sell block looks on the product page.

How to Fix the Cross-Sell Products Not Showing up in Magento 2?

1. Check Product Configuration

Go to Catalog > Inventory > Products in the Admin Panel. Ensure that cross-sell products are correctly linked to the main product.

2. Edit Product Details

Click Edit next to the product where you want to add the cross-sell. It will allow you to modify the product settings.

3. Expand Cross-Sell Section

Explan Cross Sell for Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

In the product settings, expand the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells sections. Make sure the cross-sell section is properly configured.

4. Add Cross-Sell Products

Cross Sell Product Addition for Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

Click on Add Cross-Sell Products and select the items you want to feature. Ensure the chosen products are suitable as cross-sell options.

5. Save Your Selections

After selecting the products, click Add Selected Products. Then, ensure you hit Save to confirm the changes.

6. Clear Cache

If the cross-sells still don’t appear, clear the Magento cache. It refreshes the system and ensures your updates are applied.

7. Check Storefront

Finally, go to the storefront to confirm if the cross-sell products are now visible on the product page.

How Cross-Sells Help Magento Ecommerce Businesses?

1. Helps Customers Make Informed Decisions

Make Informed Decision via Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

Cross-selling helps customers make smarter choices. It offers relevant product recommendations. This approach guides them toward the best purchases. It enhances their overall shopping experience. Customers feel more confident with informed decisions. It leads to better satisfaction with their purchase.

2. Enhances Customer Satisfaction

Cross-selling helps customers find solutions they didn't know they needed. It meets and often exceeds their expectations. Happy customers feel more confident in their purchases. It boosts their overall shopping experience. When customers get exactly what they need, they feel valued. It creates a positive impression of your brand.

3. Strengthens Customer Loyalty

Cross-selling creates a more engaging shopping experience. It shows customers that their needs are understood. This personal touch keeps them coming back. It fosters loyalty and trust in the brand. When customers return, your business gains consistent revenue. Loyalty also encourages positive word-of-mouth marketing.

4. Boosts Average Order Value (AOV)

Boost AOV via Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page

Cross-selling is an easy way to increase the average order value (AOV). It encourages customers to add complementary products to their cart. This results in higher sales. It's a simple strategy to maximize each transaction. With minimal effort, your revenue per transaction grows. It increases overall business profitability.

5. Improves Overall Sales Performance

Cross-selling boosts overall sales performance. It increases revenue without needing more customers. The strategy leverages existing traffic. It helps businesses achieve better sales metrics. Cross-selling offers consistent sales growth. It enhances your company’s bottom line over time.

Best Practices of Cross-Selling on the Product Page in Magento 2

Best Practice Explanation
Timing and Placement Consider the timing and placement of cross-sell blocks on the product page. Place them where they naturally align with the customer’s shopping flow. The right timing increases the chance of catching the customer’s attention. Proper placement ensures visibility without being intrusive.
Bundling Products Group related items together as a bundle, such as a smartphone and portable charger. Offer a bundle discount to make the purchase more appealing. Customers feel they are getting better value. Bundling increases convenience and sales.
Visual Attraction Use high-quality images and videos to make cross-sell products more appealing. This tactic is especially effective for fashion and home decor. Showcasing the product in use helps customers visualize the benefits. Examples include "Shop the Look" and "Shop the Interior."
Recommended Items Display recommended items based on what other customers purchased. Use phrases like "Customers who bought this also bought" to suggest complementary products. It helps customers discover useful add-ons. Amazon popularized this practice.
Offer Premium Add-Ons Suggest premium add-ons or services like warranties or in-home installation. This tactic works well with electronics and home appliances. Offering extra services adds value to the initial purchase. It encourages customers to invest more in their purchases.
Leverage Discounts Offer discounts on cross-selling items when purchased with the main product. It gives customers an incentive to buy more. A small discount can increase overall sales and improve customer satisfaction. It also builds brand loyalty by offering good deals.
Personalized Suggestions Use personalized recommendations based on customer behavior. Analyze previous purchases or browsing history to suggest items that match their preferences. Personalized cross-sells feel more relevant and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Ease of Purchase Ensure the cross-sell process is seamless. Customers should be able to add cross-sell items to their cart with one click. Avoid requiring them to leave the product page. The simpler the process, the higher the chance of a successful sale.

Examples of Cross-selling in eCommerce

Example Explanation
Cross-Selling on Product Page – Amazon Amazon uses cross-sell techniques like "Frequently Bought Together" and "Customers who bought this also bought." These grids suggest related products on the product page. They encourage customers to add complementary items to their cart.
Cross-Selling on Cart Page – Wayfair Wayfair shows suggested products on the cart page with a "You might also need" phrase. They recommend only a few items. Each has a different function. It keeps customers focused and provides helpful suggestions. An Add to Cart button simplifies the purchase.
Cross-Selling on Homepage – Glossier Glossier uses bundling on the homepage. They offer pre-packaged sets of 2-3 products. The bundle saves customers money. This tactic encourages them to switch from buying a single item to a bundle for better value.
Cross-Selling at Checkout – Apple Apple promotes cross-selling products during checkout. They suggest items like a phone case or headphones for an iPhone. These products appear as easy add-ons. They help increase the average order value. Customers can add them without leaving the checkout page.
Cross-Selling on Product Page – Best Buy Best Buy suggests related accessories on the product page. When buying a laptop, it shows options like a mouse, bag, or extended warranty. It makes the customer’s purchase feel complete. It also offers practical suggestions.
Cross-Selling on Cart Page – Sephora Sephora uses the cart page to suggest complementary beauty products. They recommend a few relevant items, like a matching lip liner for lipstick. It keeps customers engaged. It increases the likelihood of last-minute purchases.


1. What are Magento 2 cross-sell products?

Magento 2 cross-sell products are related items shown on the product page or shopping cart page. They complement the main product. The goal is to encourage customers to add more items to their carts. It increases the average order value.

2. How are up-sell products different from cross-sell products in Magento 2?

Up-sell products offer a better or higher-end version of the main item. Cross-sell products suggest items that go well with the product the customer is viewing. Both strategies increase sales but target different needs. Dedicated Magento hosting makes it easy to configure both options.

3. Why are cross-sell products not showing in Magento 2?

If cross-sell products are not showing, check the related products block settings. Ensure products are linked correctly in the Admin Panel. Clear the cache to refresh the storefront. It usually resolves the issue.

4. How do I add upsell products in Magento 2?

Go to Catalog > Products in the Admin Panel. Select the product and click Edit. Scroll to the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section. Add your upsell products and save the changes.

5. Where do cross-sell products appear on the shopping cart page in Magento 2?

In Magento 2, cross-sell products appear on the shopping cart page. They show up before checkout in Magento. It encourages customers to add more items to their cart. It helps boost additional sales.



With Magento 2 Display Cross Sell on Product Page, you can enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales. Key benefits are:

  • Boost Sales: Encourage customers to buy additional products.

  • Improve Customer Experience: Suggest relevant items that add value.

  • Increase Average Order Value: Generate more revenue per transaction.

  • Build Customer Loyalty: Offer helpful suggestions that keep customers coming back.

  • Simplify Checkout: Make adding extra items easy and seamless.

Consider managed Magento hosting to display cross-sells on the product page accurately.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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