Magento 2 Breadcrumbs: Key Features and Common Issues

Magento 2 Breadcrumbs: Key Features and Common Issues

Want to enhance your Magento store's navigation and SEO? Magento 2 breadcrumbs create a more structured and user-friendly path for increased satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

In this article, we will explore the key features and common issues of Magento 2 breadcrumbs.

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Key Takeaways

  • What are Magento 2 Breadcrumbs?

  • Implementation and Functionality of Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

  • 4 Key Features of Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

  • 6 Common Issues and Solutions with Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

  • Extensions to Advance Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

What are Magento 2 Breadcrumbs?

What are Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

“Magento 2 breadcrumbs enhance the navigation for a Magento website.”

They enhance the user experience by displaying a trail of links from the homepage to the current page. It is usually located at the top of a webpage.

They help users see their current location within the site’s hierarchy. It makes navigation more clear and intuitive. It also provides easy access to higher-level categories.

Breadcrumbs also offer SEO benefits by helping search engines understand site structure. It improves indexing and ranking.

Types of breadcrumbs in Magento 2 include location-based, attribute-based, and path-based. These all contribute to reduced bounce rates, frustration, and improved user satisfaction. It is by simplifying navigation and exploration of related categories and products.

Implementation and Functionality of Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

1. Dynamic Generation

  • Magento 2 breadcrumbs are designed to update dynamically in real-time. It updates according to the structure of your website and the user's navigation path.

  • The dynamic nature ensures that the breadcrumb trail is always accurate and up-to-date. It reflects the current location of the user within the site hierarchy. It provides a smooth navigation experience for users.

  • The users move through different categories and subcategories of your website**.** The breadcrumbs trail adjusts automatically to show the current page location.

2. Home Link

Home Link

  • The breadcrumb trail always begins with a link to the homepage.

  • It serves as a starting point, providing users with a quick way to return to the main page of the site.

  • The home link is a constant feature in the breadcrumb trail. It ensures that users always have a clear way to navigate back to the beginning of their journey. They don’t have to rely on the browser’s back button.

3. Category Links

Category Link

  • Intermediate links in the breadcrumb trail represent the various categories and subcategories the user has navigated through.

  • These links are clickable. They allow users to jump back to any previous category level quickly.

  • Clicking on any of these links will take the user back to that specific category. It facilitates easy navigation and exploration.

4. Current Page

  • The final part of the breadcrumb trail represents the current page the user is on. The link is typically not clickable.

  • It indicates that it is the end point of the navigation path.

  • It provides context to the user. It helps them understand exactly where they are within the site structure.

5. SEO Benefits

  • Search engines like Google use breadcrumbs to understand the structure and hierarchy of a website.

  • Breadcrumbs help search engines index your site more effectively. It potentially improves your site's ranking in search results.

  • The breadcrumb trail in the search results can also enhance the visibility and attractiveness of your listings.

  • It provides users with a clear understanding of the page's context within the site.

Key Features of Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

1. Contextual Awareness

Contextual Awareness

  • Breadcrumbs provide contextual awareness to users. It helps them understand the relationship between the current page and other pages within the site.

  • The context is especially valuable on large websites with complex structures. It helps users maintain a sense of orientation. It also reduces the likelihood of getting lost.

2. Improved Accessibility

Improved Accessibility

  • For users with disabilities, breadcrumbs can enhance website accessibility.

  • They offer an additional method of navigation. It can be especially useful for those relying on screen readers or other assistive technologies.

  • Clear and concise breadcrumb trails can make it easier for all users to navigate the site efficiently.

3. Customizable Appearance

  • Magento 2 allows for customization of breadcrumb appearance. It helps it match the design and branding of your website.

  • You can style breadcrumbs to fit seamlessly with your site’s layout. It ensures that they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

  • The customization can enhance the overall look and feel of your site. It also helps maintain usability.

Common Issues and Solutions with Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

1. Incorrect Breadcrumb Path

The breadcrumb path may not accurately reflect the user’s navigation. It might show incorrect categories or hierarchy.


  • Ensure products are correctly assigned to their respective categories in the Magento backend.

  • Refresh the URL rewrite rules to ensure breadcrumbs reflect the correct paths.

  • Clear Magento’s cache to update the breadcrumb paths.

2. Missing Breadcrumbs on Certain Pages

Missing Breadcrumbs on Certain Pages

Breadcrumbs may not appear on certain pages, such as CMS pages or custom layouts.


  • Ensure the breadcrumb block is included in the layout XML files for all relevant pages.

  • Verify that breadcrumbs are enabled in the settings for CMS pages.

  • For custom themes, make sure the breadcrumb block is properly integrated into the page templates.

3. Duplicate Breadcrumb Links

Breadcrumbs may show duplicate links. These might confuse users and search engines.


  • Ensure that the structure of categories and subcategories are uniquely defined without redundancy.

  • Verify the breadcrumb configuration settings in the Magento admin panel. It helps prevent duplicates.

  • If using extensions that modify breadcrumbs. You should ensure they are configured correctly and do not conflict with each other.

4. Breadcrumbs Not Updating After Changes

Breadcrumbs do not reflect recent changes made to categories or product assignments.


  • Run the reindexing process to update Magento’s data indexes.

  • Clear the cache to ensure the latest changes are reflected on the front end.

  • Ensure that the configuration settings for updating breadcrumbs are correctly configured.

5. SEO Issues with Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs may not be optimized for SEO. It includes missing out on potential benefits.


  • Implement schema markup for breadcrumbs. It helps improve how search engines understand and display them.

  • Ensure breadcrumb links use relevant keywords and anchor text to enhance SEO.

  • Maintain a consistent breadcrumb structure across the site to improve crawlability.

6. Styling and Display Issues

Styling and Display Issues

Breadcrumbs may not be styled correctly, affecting their visibility and usability.


  • Update the CSS to ensure breadcrumbs are styled appropriately to match the site’s design.

  • Ensure breadcrumbs are responsive and display correctly on all devices.

  • Choose appropriate fonts and colors to make breadcrumbs easily readable.

Extensions to Advance Magento 2 Breadcrumbs

1. Magento 2 Advanced Breadcrumbs Extension - Ulmod

Magento 2 Advanced Breadcrumbs Extension - Ulmod

Ulmod’s Magento 2 advanced breadcrumbs extension enhances the default Magento breadcrumbs by adding extra features. It supports breadcrumbs for:

  • CMS pages

  • Product pages

  • Category pages

  • Customer account pages

  • Checkout pages

It is easy to configure and improves SEO. It helps visitors and search engines better navigate through your site. It is compatible with Magento 2.0.x - 2.4.x.


  • Permanently add a category path to the breadcrumb for the product page.

  • Adds structured data markup to the product page.

  • Show breadcrumbs on compare product, wishlist index, and wishlist share pages.

  • Multiple websites, stores, and store views supported.


  • Magento Open-Source Edition: $79 (12 months)

  • Magento Commerce Edition: $158 (12 months)

2. Magento 2 Breadcrumbs Extension - MageComp

Magento 2 Breadcrumbs Extension - MageComp

MageComp’s Magento 2 Breadcrumbs extension helps improve the navigation experience and search engine optimization. It shows breadcrumbs on product pages and search engine result pages (SERP). The flexible and user-friendly configuration offers advanced customization options for breadcrumbs. It is compatible with Magento 2.0.x - 2.4.x.


  • Boost website navigation process.

  • Effortlessly move to the previous section or web page.

  • Structured data markup for breadcrumbs in search results.

  • Help search engines better navigate your website.

  • Compatible with Hyvä.


  • Magento Community Edition: $79 (12 months)
  • Magento Commerce Edition: $228 (12 months)

3. Advance Breadcrumbs - MageArray

Advance Breadcrumbs - MageArray

MageArray’s Magento 2 advanced breadcrumbs extension makes navigation easy for the user by showing subcategories in breadcrumbs. It provides enhanced breadcrumb navigation for your Magento store. It helps in creating structured navigation paths and improving user experience. It offers easy setup and configuration. It is compatible with Magento 2.3.x - 2.4.x.


  • Boost website navigation process.

  • Effortlessly move to the previous section or web page.

  • Structured data markup for breadcrumbs in search results.

  • Help search engines better navigate your website.

Price: $79 (12 months)


1. How can a frontend developer customize Magento 2 breadcrumbs?

A front-end developer can customize Magento 2 breadcrumbs. It is by editing the layout XML files and modifying the breadcrumb block. They can also apply custom CSS to style the breadcrumbs to match the website's design and branding.

2. How do I remove breadcrumbs from specific pages in Magento 2?

To remove breadcrumbs from specific pages in Magento 2, you need to edit the layout XML files for those pages. By removing or commenting out the breadcrumb block in the XML file. You can ensure breadcrumbs do not appear on those pages.

3. What are rich snippets, and how do breadcrumbs enhance them in Magento 2?

Rich snippets are enhanced search results. They provide additional information beyond the standard title and description. Magento 2 breadcrumbs can enhance rich snippets by providing clear navigation paths.

4. Can Magento 2 breadcrumbs be configured without developer assistance?

Magento 2 breadcrumbs can be configured without developer assistance through the admin panel. You can enable or disable breadcrumbs and customize their appearance. You can also manage their functionality using built-in settings and extensions.



Magento 2 breadcrumbs provide clear navigation, improve accessibility, and boost SEO. The article outlines several points, including:

  • Breadcrumbs update in real-time based on user navigation.

  • Breadcrumbs improve site indexing and ranking.

  • Solutions include correct product assignment and reindexing.

  • Advanced features from Ulmod, MageComp, and MageArray enhance breadcrumbs.

Ready to boost your site's navigation and SEO with advanced breadcrumbs? Discover the benefits of managed Magento hosting.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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