Magento 2 Adyen: Key Features and Integration Steps

Magento 2 Adyen: Key Features and Integration Steps

Want to offer a seamless checkout experience to your customers? Magento 2 Adyen integrates Magento with Adyen to offer smooth transactions and enhanced security.

In this tutorial, we will explore the benefits, advanced features, and steps for the integration of Magento 2 Adyen.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn about Magento 2 Adyen, a payment extension for Magento 2.

  • Explore how Adyen's integration enhances security and streamlines checkout.

  • Discover benefits like tokenization, global reach, and advanced reporting for merchants.

  • Understand the advanced features such as customizable payment pages, dynamic 3D Secure, and smart routing.

  • Find out about integration steps to ensure a smooth setup and operation.

What is Magento 2 Adyen?

What is Magento 2 Adyen

Magento 2 Adyen is a payment extension designed for the Magento 2 ecommerce platform.

Adyen is a global payment company that provides a wide range of payment solutions for businesses of all sizes.

The Magento 2 Adyen extension integrates Adyen's payment processing capabilities into Magento 2. The extension provides merchants with a secure and efficient way to process payments. It offers features such as:

The integration offers a streamlined checkout experience to their customers. It also provides them access to comprehensive reporting. These can use analytics tools to track their payment performance.

Benefits of Magento 2 Adyen

Benefits of Magento 2 Adyen

1. Wide Range of Payment Methods

Adyen allows merchants to accept various payment methods, including:

  • Credit cards

  • Debit cards

  • Digital wallets like PayPal and Apple Pay

  • Bank transfers

  • Alternative payment methods popular in specific regions.

The wide range of options helps merchants cater to diverse customer preferences. It also helps expand its customer base globally.

2. Smooth Integration

The Adyen plugin integrates into the Magento 2 platform. It provides merchants with a smooth setup process. It allows easy management of their payment flows from their Magento backend. The integration simplifies operations and reduces the need for manual intervention.

3. Enhanced Security

Adyen payment plugin prioritizes security and compliance with industry standards such as PCI DSS. Adyen's secure payment infrastructure helps merchants safeguard sensitive customer data and transactions. It helps reduce the risk of fraud and protects their brand reputation.

4. Optimized Checkout Experience

Adyen's payment solutions are designed to optimize customers' checkout experience. It includes features like:

  • One-click payments

  • Saved payment details

  • Dynamic 3D Secure authentication.

A smoother checkout process can lead to higher conversion rates. It also improves customer satisfaction.

5. Global Reach

Adyen enables merchants to accept payments in many currencies and languages. It facilitates international expansion and serves customers around the world. The global reach opens up new market opportunities. It also increases revenue potential for Magento merchants.

6. Advanced Reporting and Analytics

The Adyen extension provides merchants with comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. It allows them to gain valuable insights into their:

  • Payment performance

  • Transaction trends

  • Customer behavior.

These insights help merchants make data-driven decisions to optimize their payment strategies. It also helps them drive business growth.

7. Support for Recurring Payments

Adyen's tokenization capabilities enable merchants to store customer payment details for:

  • Recurring billing

  • Subscription services

  • Installment payments.

The functionality enhances convenience for customers. It also streamlines billing processes for merchants.

Advanced Features and Customizations of Magento 2 Adyen

Advanced Features and Customizations of Magento 2 Adyen

1. Customizable Payment Pages

Adyen allows merchants to customize the look and feel of their payment pages. It helps maintain brand consistency. It also provides a smooth checkout experience for customers. Merchants can personalize colors, fonts, and logos to match their website's design.

2. Dynamic 3D Secure

Adyen supports dynamic 3D Secure authentication. It enhances security during online transactions while minimizing friction for customers. Merchants can configure rules to trigger 3D Secure based on factors such as:

  • Transaction amount

  • Customer location

  • Risk score.

3. Smart Routing

Adyen's smart routing feature optimizes payment acceptance. It routes transactions through the most cost-effective and reliable payment methods and acquirers. The feature helps merchants reduce transaction costs and improve payment success rates.

4. Tokenization and Card Vault

Adyen's tokenization technology stores customer payment details. It generates unique tokens for the next transactions. The feature eliminates the need for merchants to handle sensitive card data. It reduces PCI compliance requirements and enhances security.

5. Multi-Currency Support

Adyen enables merchants to accept payments in many currencies. It converts transactions at competitive exchange rates. Merchants can configure pricing and display options based on the customer's preferred currency. The feature enhances the shopping experience for international customers.

6. Risk Management Tools

Adyen provides merchants with advanced risk management tools. These help mitigate fraud and cut chargebacks. Merchants can:

  • Set custom risk rules

  • Track transaction patterns in real-time

  • Extra security measures such as 3D Secure and device fingerprinting should be used.

7. Subscription and Recurring Billing

Adyen supports subscription-based business models and recurring billing. It allows merchants to offer products and services on a subscription basis. Merchants can:

  • Set up recurring payment schedules

  • Manage subscription plans

  • Automate billing processes.

8. API Access and Integration

Adyen offers powerful APIs and developer tools. These provide smooth integration with Magento 2 and other third-party systems. Merchants can leverage Adyen's APIs to:

  • Build custom payment solutions

  • Integrate with backend systems

  • Access detailed transaction data for reporting and analysis.

9. Mobile Optimization

Adyen's payment solutions are optimized for mobile devices. It helps merchants provide a smooth checkout experience across smartphones and tablets. Mobile-specific features such as Apple Pay and Google Pay integration also enhance convenience for mobile shoppers.

10. Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Adyen provides merchants with access to comprehensive reporting and analytics dashboards. These allow them to:

  • Track key payment metrics

  • Track transaction trends

  • Gain actionable insights into their business performance.

11. Webhooks Integration

Adyen's webhooks provide real-time notifications about payment events, such as:

  • Successful transactions

  • Failed payments

  • Chargebacks.

You can integrate webhook with Magento 2 to:

12. Custom Order Statuses

You can define custom order statuses in Magento 2. It helps reflect the status of transactions processed through Adyen. The customization enables you to track:

  • Payments

  • Refunds

  • Disputes.

You can track them within the Magento admin panel.

13. GitHub Repository

Magento 2 provides official GitHub repositories for Adyen integration modules. It can help you:

  • Access the latest code

  • Contribute to development

  • Stay updated on new releases and enhancements.

14. Developer Documentation

Adyen also offers developer documentation and Magento 2 developer resources. These provide detailed guidance on integrating Adyen with Magento 2. These resources provide comprehensive documentation and code samples. They also include best practices to help install advanced features and customizations.

Difference Between Traditional Payment Processors and Magento 2 Adyen

Feature Traditional Payment Processors Magento 2 Adyen
Scope and Integration They offer standalone services. These need separate integration efforts. It offers a comprehensive solution integrated into Magento 2.
Payment Methods They offer a limited selection. They often focus on major credit/debit cards. It offers a wide range of payment methods. These include cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, and regional methods. All these are available through a single integration.
Customization They offer very limited customization options for the payment page and checkout flow. It offers extensive customization options. These allow merchants to tailor the payment experience to their brand.
Features They offer basic features. These include transaction processing and basic fraud prevention. It offers advanced features. These include tokenization, dynamic 3D Secure authentication, smart routing, and subscription billing.
Security and Compliance Their compliance standards may vary. Merchants are generally responsible for ensuring PCI DSS compliance. It offers built-in security features. These include tokenization, PCI DSS compliance, and advanced fraud prevention tools.
Reporting and Analytics They come with very limited reporting capabilities. Merchants may need to rely on separate tools for reporting. It offers comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. These are integrated into the Magento 2 platform. They provide insights into payment performance and customer behavior.

Steps to Integrate Adyen with Magento 2

Setting Up Magento Admin

  1. Log in to the Magento Admin Panel.

  2. Under the admin panel. Navigate to Stores > Config > Sales > Payment Methods > Adyen > General Configurations.

Setting Up Adyen Dashboard

  1. Log in to the Adyen dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Developers > API credentials.

In the top right corner, click on Create New Credential.


1. Is Magento 2 Adyen integration compatible with Magento?

Magento 2 Adyen by Adobe Commerce is fully compatible with Magento. It provides a smooth integration solution for Magento 2. It integrates both with Magento Community and Magento Enterprise Edition.

2. Can Magento 2 Adyen generate invoices for transactions?

Magento 2 Adyen integration allows for the automatic generation of invoices. These are generated for all the transactions processed through the Adyen payment gateway. It ensures that your order management processes remain efficient and organized.

3. Does Magento 2 Adyen support various payment methods?

Magento 2 Adyen offers extensive support for many payment methods. These cater to diverse customer preferences and global markets. They support different payment methods, from credit cards to alternative payment methods.



Magento 2 Adyen is a payment extension tailored for Magento 2. It offers Adyen's payment processing capabilities. The tutorial also uncovers several other points, including:

  • Benefits of Magento 2 Adyen include tokenization for secure recurring payments.

  • Key features include customizable payment pages and dynamic 3D Secure authentication.

  • Compared to traditional payment processors, Magento 2 Adyen offers a more comprehensive solution.

  • Integration steps include setting up Magento Admin and configuring API credentials.

Want to leverage the smooth payments of Magento 2 Adyen integration? Ensure optimized performance and effortless setup with managed Magento hosting.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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