Magento 2 Add Image to Email Template: Steps and Best Practices

Magento 2 Add Image to Email Template: Steps and Best Practices

Ready to learn to add images to your Magento 2 email template? Adding images enhances visual appeal, brand recognition, and engagement.

In this tutorial, we will explore the importance and process of adding images to your Magento 2 email template.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the importance of adding images to Magento 2 email templates.

  • Learn best practices for optimizing image size and ensuring responsive design.

  • Get tips on adding descriptive alt text and maintaining brand consistency.

  • Discover the difference between attached and embedded images.

  • Step-by-step guide on how to add images to Magento 2 email templates.

Importance of Adding Images to Magento 2 Email Templates

Importance of Adding Images to Magento 2 Email Templates

1. Visual Appeal

Images make your emails more visually appealing. A well-designed email with attractive images can create a positive first impression. It can help capture the recipient's attention and encourage them to engage with the content.

2. Brand Recognition

Logo and other brand-related images help reinforce your brand identity. You should consistently use brand imagery across all communication channels, including email. It helps build brand recognition and trust among your customers.

3. Better Engagement

Emails with images tend to have higher engagement rates. Visual content can break up text and make the email easier to read. Engaging visuals can also drive clicks and conversions by making your CTA buttons more noticeable and appealing.

4. Product Showcase

Images showcase products effectively. High-quality images can highlight the features and benefits of your products. It makes them more attractive to potential buyers. It is particularly important for eCommerce businesses like Magento stores. Visual representation of products affects purchasing decisions.

5. Storytelling

Images can help tell a story or convey a message better than text. They can:

  • Evoke emotions

  • Create a narrative

  • Provide context to the content of your email.

The storytelling aspect can make your emails more memorable and impactful.

6. Improved Click-Through Rates

Emails with relevant images can have higher click-through rates compared to text-only emails. Visual content can guide the recipient's attention to specific parts of the email, such as:

7. Mobile Optimization

A significant number of users access emails on mobile devices. Images can enhance the mobile reading experience. Responsive images adapt to different screen sizes. It can make your emails more readable and visually appealing.

8. Enhanced Communication

Infographics, charts, and diagrams can simplify data and communicate complex information. It helps recipients understand key points at a glance. It is particularly useful for newsletters or promotional emails containing detailed template information.

9. Professionalism

Well-designed emails with professional images convey a sense of quality and attention to detail. These can enhance the perceived value of your brand and products. They make customers more likely to trust and engage with your business.

10. Compliance with Visual Trends

Staying current with design trends helps maintain relevance in the market. Including modern and appealing images in your emails ensures that your communications look up-to-date and in line with current visual standards.

Best Practices for Adding Images to Magento 2 Email Templates

Best Practices for Adding Images to Magento 2 Email Templates

1. Optimize Image Size

  • Compression: Use tools to compress images without losing quality. It helps reduce loading times.

  • Dimensions: Resize images to the exact dimensions needed for the email. It helps avoid large file sizes and ensures quick loading.

2. Responsive Design

  • Media Queries: Use CSS media queries to ensure images scale on different devices.

  • Flexible Images: Set images to a maximum width of 100%. It ensures they adapt to the screen size of the email client.

3. Alt Text

  • Descriptive Text: Provide descriptive alt text for all images. It improves accessibility and helps recipients understand the content if images don’t load.

  • Keywords: Include relevant keywords in the alt text. It enhances SEO and ensures the message is clear even without images.

4. Relevance and Quality

  • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images. It helps maintain professionalism and clarity.

  • Contextual Relevance: Ensure images are directly related to the email content. It adds value to the message being conveyed.

5. Brand Consistency

  • Brand Colors and Fonts: Use images that match your brand’s color scheme and visual identity.

  • Logo Placement: Include your logo to reinforce brand recognition and build trust.

6. Legal Considerations

  • Licensing: Ensure you have the appropriate licenses for all images used. It helps avoid any legal issues.

  • Copyright: Avoid using copyrighted images without permission. It prevents potential legal complications.

7. Loading Speed

  • Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images. It improves the initial loading speed of the email.

  • CDN: Use a CDN to serve images quickly from a server closest to the recipient.

8. Testing Across Email Clients

  • Email Previews: Test emails across various email clients, including Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. It ensures images are displayed correctly.

  • Litmus or Email on Acid: Use email testing tools like Litmus or Email on Acid. It helps you see how your emails look across different platforms and devices.

9. Call-to-Action Integration

  • Clickable Images: Make images clickable to direct recipients to landing pages and product pages.

  • CTA Buttons: Place CTA buttons near images. It draws attention and increases click-through rates.

10. Content Balance

  • Text-to-Image Ratio: Maintain a good balance between text and images. It ensures that your transactional email is not flagged as spam. A common recommendation is a 60:40 text-to-image ratio.

  • Readable Without Images: Ensure that the email content is understandable even if images don’t load. It uses alt text and clear, concise copy.

11. File Formats

  • Appropriate Formats: Use appropriate file formats for different types of images. JPEGs are good for photos. PNGs are better for graphics with transparency.

  • SVGs for Graphics: Consider using SVGs for logos and icons, as they are scalable and maintain quality at any size.

12. Dynamic Content

  • Personalization: Use dynamic content to personalize images. It is based on recipient data, such as location, purchase history, or preferences.

  • Dynamic Image Serving: Consider using dynamic image services. It helps edit custom image content based on the recipient’s device and preferences.

13. Image Hosting

  • Reliable Hosting: Host images on a reliable server. It ensures they load better.

  • Magento2 Media Library: Utilize Magento’s media directory to manage and organize your email images.

Difference Between Attached vs Added Image

Feature Added Images Attached Images
Definition Images are included directly within the HTML content of the email. Images are sent as separate files along with the email.
Display Images are displayed immediately when the email is opened. Images need to be downloaded or viewed separately.
Email Size It increases the email size significantly. It keeps the main email body relatively small.
Engagement Added image enhances initial visual appeal and user engagement. These may reduce immediate visual impact and user engagement.
Security No external links are needed. It is beneficial for security-conscious users. Recipients need to download attachments. It can be risky if not scanned properly.
Use Case It is best for newsletters and promotional emails. It is best for communication where immediate visual impact is essential. It is suitable for scenarios where the recipient needs to keep the images as files.

How To Add Image To Email Template In Magento 2

Step 1 - Log in to the Magento 2 admin panel using appropriate credentials.

Step 2 - Under the admin panel. Navigate to Marketing > Email Template.

How To Add Image To Email Template In Magento 2-Step 2

Step 3 - If you need to make a new email template, click Add New Template. Otherwise, find the desired template in the grid.

How To Add Image To Email Template In Magento 2-Step 3

Step 4 - In the email template, upload the images using the following code:

<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/email.jpg"}}" alt="" />

Where wysiwyg/email.jpg is your image URL path.

Step 5 - After adding images to the Magento email template, don’t forget to save the changes by clicking Save Template.


1. Can I include an image of the company logo in the order confirmation email?

Upload your logo image to the media library, copy the URL, and edit the Magento 2 new order confirmation template. Insert the logo img tag:<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/company-logo.jpg"}}" alt="Company Logo" /> Save and test the email.

2. What should I do if my image doesn't appear in the email template in Magento 2?

Check the image URL, file permissions, and template style and syntax. Flush the cache and send a test email. If the image still doesn’t appear, consult a Magento developer.

3. How can I customize Magento 2 email templates to include images?

Start by uploading the desired image to the media library, which can be found under Content > Media > Library. Once uploaded, copy the URL of the image. Next, navigate to Marketing > Email Templates in the admin panel. Then, select the email template you wish to edit or create a new one.



Adding images to Magento 2 email templates helps capture attention and improve click-through rates. The tutorial uncovers several other points, including:

  • The importance of adding images includes building brand identity and conveying messages through storytelling.

  • Best practices for adding images to Magento 2 email templates include optimizing image size.

  • Other best practices include ensuring responsive design and providing descriptive alt text.

  • The process involves uploading images to the template with specific HTML code.

Ready to enhance your email marketing strategy with stunning visuals? Explore managed Magento hosting solutions to optimize your store’s performance and boost engagement.

Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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