How to Set Up Managed Hosting for Magento?

How to Set Up Managed Hosting for Magento?

Setting up Managed Hosting for Magento ensures an optimal infrastructure and continuous expert support. This article explores how to use managed hosting to streamline Magento operations, enhances security, and boost performance.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand what managed hosting is for Magento and how it differs from regular and dedicated hosting.
  • Learn the step-by-step process of setting up Magento on Managed Hosting.
  • Discover best practices for managing Magento on Managed Hosting.
  • Explore advanced tips and tricks for maximizing Magento's potential on Managed Hosting.
  • Gain insights from case studies showcasing successful implementations of Managed Hosting for Magento.

What is Managed Hosting for Magento?

Managed Hosting for Magento

Managed Magento 2 hosting refers to a hosting service where the provider handles all technical aspects of hosting. These include:

  • Comprehensive support
  • Management of the Magento-based server infrastructure
  • Server setup
  • Optimization for Magento's resource requirements
  • Security monitoring
  • SSD storage
  • Regular backups and maintenance
  • Firewall
  • Troubleshooting

Magento Managed hosting benefits startups with enhanced speed, scalability, security, and reliability.

It allows companies to focus on running their online stores smoothly and efficiently without worrying about server management tasks.

This type of hosting environment is particularly beneficial for enterprises that lack the technical expertise or resources to manage their own servers and customers effectively.

How Do You Set Up Magento on Managed Hosting?

1. Choose a Managed Hosting Provider

There are a number of Magento hosting providers that provide managed hosting plans. You must research the features and benefits of each one of them. Select the one that would suit your online store's needs.

2. Register with the Provider

The next step is to register with the provider for the hosting plan you have selected according to your server requirements:

  • Bandwidth
  • Scalability
  • Budget

You must click on the "Sign Up" or "Get Started" button to initiate the registration process. You will typically be asked to provide your email address, create a password, and enter billing information.

3. Purchase a Plan

Purchase a Plan

After registering with the provider, select and buy the plan from the range that best fits your needs. You must always go for a plan with features like automatic updates, security monitoring, and technical customer support.

a. Domain Configuration: In this step, you must enter the domain name you'll be using for your Magento store. If you don't have a domain yet, you may have the option to register one through the hosting server.

b. Select additional services: Choose any additional hosting services or add-ons you may need, such as an SSL certificate, domain privacy protection, or website backup.

After the above two steps are done, review your final order summary, including the selected plan, pricing, and any add-ons.

Once you're satisfied with your selections and information, complete the process. It can be done by providing payment information, confirming your order, and finally making the payment. Now, you will receive login credentials or instructions on how to access your account dashboard.

4. Magento Installation

Magento Installation

Once the plan purchase is done, you can proceed with installing Magento. Your hosting provider may offer installation with single clicks or guide manual installation.

5. Configure the Magento Website

The next step after installing the Magento app is to create your website.

Go to the section or tab labeled Site & SSL in the control panel. Then look for options or buttons to create a new website. You may be prompted to enter details such as the website name, domain, and desired account credentials (username and password).

Enable SSL: Many managed hosting providers offer free SSL certificates to enhance website security against different attacks on databases.

Look for an option to enable SSL for your website, which encrypts data transmitted between your server and visitors' browsers through IP addresses.

Save your changes: After entering all necessary details and configurations, save your changes to create the new website on your host account.

6. Set Up Your Store

Set Up Your Store

Customize your Magento store settings, themes, and extensions to fit your website needs. In this step, you should install any necessary plugins or extensions to configure Magento for optimal performance and security.

7. Server Setup

Your Magento-managed hosting provider or developers will set up the server environment for you. It includes installing the necessary software:

  • Web server
  • Database server
  • PHP

Also, optimize the server configuration for Magento. You can utilize the control panel to effortlessly manage your site. It includes tasks like backup, restoration, and monitoring application usage.

8. Testing and Optimization

Test your Magento store thoroughly to ensure everything is working correctly. You must also optimize the speed and security features of your website. It provides the best possible experience for users.

9. Regular Maintenance and Monitoring

Regular Maintenance and Monitoring

Keep your Magento store up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Monitor your website's performance and security regularly, and address any issues promptly.

Best Practices for Managing Magento on Managed Hosting

1. Regular Updates

You must keep your Magento software and server operating system up to date. It enhances the stability and security features of your Magento store. Updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and performance enhancements.

2. Performance Optimization for Magento Stores

Caching mechanisms such as Varnish and Redis can be leveraged to cache both static and dynamic content. You must also optimize your database configurations, such as adjusting buffer pool size and query cache size. It improves the efficiency of the database and page load speed.

3. Security Measures and SSL Certification

Robust security measures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, malware scanning, and SSL encryption must be implemented. It protects sensitive customer data and prevents unauthorized access to your Magento store.

4. Monitoring and Alerts

Server monitoring technologies help track server performance, uptime guarantee, and resource usage. You must set up alerts for critical events such as high CPU usage, low disk space, or suspicious activities. It helps proactively address issues before they escalate and affect your store's performance.

5. Backup and Recovery

Backup and Recovery

You must regularly back up your Magento store files and database. It ensures that you can quickly restore your website in the event of data loss or a system failure. Such a comprehensive disaster recovery plan helps minimize downtime and ensure the continuity of agencies.

6. Scalability Planning

Future growth and resource upgrades must be planned accordingly to accommodate increased traffic and resource demands.

Your managed web hosting solutions should offer scalable solutions to easily upgrade your hosting resources as your Magento store grows.

Advanced Tips and Tricks for Magento on Managed Hosting

1. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration

A CDN must be integrated to distribute the static content of your website across multiple servers worldwide. This reduces latency, speeds up content delivery, and improves overall website performance and user experience.

2. Full Page Cache (FPC)

Full Page Cache

A robust FPC solution must be implemented to cache entire web pages. It includes dynamic content without generating it from scratch each time. This significantly reduces server load and improves page load times for returning visitors.

3. Server-Side Optimization

Server-Side Optimization

Fine-tune the server configurations:

  • Web server (Apache or NGINX) settings
  • PHP opcode cache (OPcache) configurations
  • MySQL database settings

It optimizes resource utilization and improves Magento server performance.

4. Optimized Code Deployment

Deployment tools like Git or Docker must be utilized for version control and automated deployment workflows. This ensures seamless code updates, rollback capabilities, and efficient collaboration among development teams. It minimizes downtime and errors during deployment.

5. Elasticsearch Integration

Elasticsearch, including fast and accurate searches of products, layered navigation, and search term suggestions, must be integrated. It advances the search functionality and improves search performance and user experience efficiently.

6. Performance Monitoring and Tuning

Use tools like New Relic or DataDog to continuously monitor website performance metrics, such as:

  • Page load times
  • Server response times
  • Resource utilization

Analyze performance bottlenecks and fine-tune configurations to optimize performance further.

7. Load Testing and Capacity Planning

Conduct regular load testing to simulate high-traffic scenarios. It also helps identify performance limitations and flexibility bottlenecks in your Magento infrastructure. Plan capacity upgrades or optimizations based on test results to handle peak traffic effectively.

8. Security Hardening

Implement advanced security measures such as:

  • Web application firewalls (WAFs)
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Server hardening techniques
  • Regular security audits

It helps protect against evolving security threats and vulnerabilities.


1. How does Managed Hosting differ from regular hosting for Magento?

Managed Hosting for Magento differs from regular hosting by providing comprehensive management and support services. This includes server optimization, security updates, performance tuning, and expert technical support.

2. Is Managed Hosting suitable for small businesses using Magento?

Managed Hosting for Magento is suitable for businesses of all sizes using Magento. The managed web hosting plans are also tailored to the needs of small businesses. It provides essential services like security, performance optimization, and technical support to help them succeed online.

3. Can I migrate my existing Magento store to Managed Hosting?

Most Managed Magento Hosting providers offer migration services to help you seamlessly transfer your existing Magento store to their platform. They typically handle the migration process, ensuring minimal downtime and a smooth transition.

4. Is customer support available with Managed Hosting for Magento?

Managed Hosting for Magento typically includes 24/7 chat and call support from experienced customer support teams. The support team can be reached via various channels like live chat, email, or phone for assistance with server-related issues or troubleshooting.

5. What pricing options are available for Managed Hosting for Magento?

Managed Hosting for Magento offers various cost plans to accommodate different business needs and budgets. Price may vary based on factors such as server resources, features, and level of support.


Managed Hosting for Magento is a comprehensive solution to optimize your servers resources and enhance speed and security. A responsive online store will lead to more traffic and sales. Checkout Magento hosting plans and services to upscale your ecommerce business.

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Ruby Agarwal
Ruby Agarwal
Technical Writer

Ruby is an experienced technical writer sharing well-researched Magento hosting insights. She likes to combine unique technical and marketing knowledge in her content.

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